This isn't over

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A deep stretch of his still sleepy body Loki blindly reached out an arm to pull Katherine close to him, but his hand met nothing but cold sheets. Cracking open one eye he saw that he was alone and in his own room. Sitting up he looked around and sure enough he and the pile of his clothes were on his bed. That little minx! At some point while he'd been sleeping she'd teleported him back to his room.

Flopping back down he tried and failed to be annoyed. It was hard to be after what had transpired between him and Katherine last night. Running his hands over his face to rub the sleep away Loki lay there for a while reminiscing. She truly was one of most stunning women he'd ever been around or lain with. Never knowing what she was thinking or what she was going to do was exciting, especially after the last several years of the same day repeating itself. He could say this for Katherine Blake; she'd never bore him.

Needing to get ready for the day Loki extracted himself from the warm sheets of his bed that faintly smelled like her. He was reluctant to wash Katherine's scent off of him but he very much doubted that she would appreciate someone commenting on it. Stepping into the shower set at the perfect temperature Loki thoroughly washed and rinsed himself.

Normally he would take his time scrubbing and exfoliating every inch of his skin before moving on to his hair, but he wanted to see Katherine. Even if he knew she wouldn't verbally talk to him he knew now that she was always listening out for his thoughts. He couldn't blame her for not wanting to announce to everyone that she'd slept with someone she viewed as an enemy. Besides, he wasn't one to kiss and tell.. unless it benefited him in some way. Telling anyone would most certainly not benefit him as it would most certainly put an end to any chance to lay with her again.

Drying off on his way to the walk-in closet he decided on wearing a suit today since Katherine had seemed to like it more than his Asgardian fashions. As he was buttoning up his shirt in front of the mirror he noticed several small marks on his neck and collar bone. Stepping closer to examine his reflection he was shocked and amused to see they were love bites.

Running his fingertips over his skin Loki smiled to himself. It wasn't every Midgardian who could leave any kind of mark on him or Thor. Their bodies were denser and stronger than the average human here on Midgard so for Katherine to have left a mark said something not only about her magic, but her strength as well.


It was as he was exiting the lift and entering the kitchen that he realized in his haste to see her that he'd forgotten to tame his drying hair. Without his pomade his curls would riot and if Thor was feeling any kind of extreme emotion his static would cause Loki's hair to stand on end. This morning he would risk it, as it was he was running late and he wanted to.. ah there she was.

Seated at the counter dressed in a short dark blue dress she sat with the little witchling, he could see she was apologizing for last night. At the sound of his footsteps she paused glancing in his direction and then continued speaking. As she did Loki watched as her chestnut colored tresses began to change color.

A familiar shade of blue bleed down from her crown to the ends of her hair until it was the exact shade of his Jotun form. Loki's breath caught at the sight. So this was to be her way of acknowledging what happened between them without actually saying anything. He couldn't find it in himself to be upset about the reminder of his true form because truly she was a wonder. She had seen his real self and found him beautiful instead of the monster he'd always hated.

"That's a really pretty color. What made you decide to switch it up?" Wanda asked, reaching out to glide her fingers through Katherine's hair. The slightly older woman shrugged as her eyes shifted to look at him showing Loki that she'd matched her irises to her hair as well.

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