Do you trust me?

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"Go on then, explain." Her sharp gaze cuts back and forth between Loki and Bucky waiting for either man to tell her why the Asgardian and the former assassin were suddenly all friendly. Loki could see that she knew because of course she did, but Katherine wanted them to sweat it out a bit to mess with them. See if they would lie to her or not.

Stammering Bucky took a few steps closer to her as if closing the distance would help him explain himself. "Well you see.. the thing is.." Turning to the other man he sold him out. "Loki?"

"Really Barnes?" Rolling his eyes, the god crossed his arms over his chest in exasperation at how much Bucky kowtowed to her fake anger. Turning back to Katherine he raised an eyebrow and lowered his tone in the way he knew that sent shivers down her spine. "She knows. Don't you, Kitten?"

A smirk tugs at the corners of her beautiful mouth as she shrugs. "And what exactly is it that I know, princeling?"

"You know very well that Bucky and I talked about how best to woo you. Also that we are attempting to get along so that you will see that the three of us will work. I must say he and I have several things in common and it really isn't very hard to like him. Barnes is quite skilled in his fighting abilities, particularly with a dagger which I am partial to myself." Bucky looked over at him with surprise on his face at the kind compliment.

"He isn't wrong. You are amazing with a blade. What? You are." Katherine smiles when she adds in her opinion.

You'd have thought she'd sprouted a second head by the way he looked at her. "I know, I mean- you complimented me. You've never said anything nice about me before."

"I can always take it back. And besides, good dick has been known to change a woman's mood, ask Mischief here." Biting her lip she winks flirtatiously up at him. He's always taken great pride in his prowess in the bedroom and loved to hear that his partners enjoyed themselves, but her little comment inflated his ego quite a bit.

Quick to smile, he frowns a little when he says, "No, of course not. I just- today hasn't gone how I thought it would and your mood swings are taking a toll on my nerves." Oh you sweet fool, no.

Her voice came out harsh and clipped. "What exactly is that supposed to mean?"

The built up dam of their months of flirting and fighting breaks because he goes off on Katherine in a way neither Loki or her had ever seen. "Yes, your mood swings. One minute you're flirting back with me, the next you're hexing me or you ignore my existence completely. I can't tell which Katherine I'm going to get until after I've already opened my mouth and either stuck my foot in it or you're actually receptive. Instead of talking to me you lash out and to be honest your angry girl routine is getting old. I'm tired of walking on eggshells hoping to win favor with you when all I get is slapped down. I want you, but I refuse to play these games with you anymore. You either want me or you don't. So what's it to be?"

Well, well that was quite the scene indeed.

Standing off to the side Loki looked back and forth between the two of them staring at each other. Bucky, chest heaving with emotion as Katherine simply stood still. Her beautiful face, a blank impassive mask that Loki couldn't read to tell how she was taking Barnes' outburst. While he had talked she had straightened up to her full height. While there wasn't much of it Katherine had a way of making herself seem a match for any man and right now every inch of her five foot four inches was standing at six feet or more. It was only at the last minute that he saw her reaction to Bucky's tirade.

They watched as she put back up the wall that she'd finally let down. Brick by brick she set the unyielding stone back in place. Her pearlescent skin took on the peaches and cream complexion that she emulated to blend in. Her hair bled from her silvery-white to a black so dark it had tones of violet and indigo to it. The last to change were her eyes. The gorgeous glowing whitish-blue fire he adored bled to the grey and sage green that, while pretty, wasn't really truly her. Loki and Bucky share a nervous glance at what she might do.

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