For mother's sake

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Closing the door to Katherine's bedroom he walked back down the hall to the elevator. Bucky's mind was still blown at the depth of her magic. Every time he thought he knew everything she was capable of something else popped up. She was simply amazing. Pressing the call button he stood patiently for the glass enclosed lift to arrive. He knew she was protective of her brother, but even after seeing whatever she did with Loki she was still worried about him. It kind of reminded him of his and Steve's relationship from before his best friend and him received the serum.

Stepping inside the elevator he pressed the button for the team's communal floor and watched the city fall below him as he went up. Wondering what she and Thor saw, Bucky was curious to know what exactly Loki went through to have them so worried. Who was Thanos and what was his endgame with the Tesseract. That stupid cube had been ruining his and Steve's life for seventy years and here it was popping back up. Nothing good could ever come from it. The ding of the elevator let him know he was on his requested floor making him turn around and see Mathew readying to leave.

"I'll head down with you." Stepping out of the way he made room for his wheelchair. The other man raised his eyebrows in surprise, but didn't say anything as he drove his chair inside.

Pressing the button for the garage they went down in comfortable silence. He didn't know what to say to the other man. They didn't talk much, hell he didn't talk much to anyone outside of Steve and Katherine. People still made him nervous, be it him worried he'd hurt them or they coming after him. Not that he thought Mathew Blake could or would ever hurt him, it was just a tad bit awkward when he'd been actively pursuing this man's sister for five months.

"My sister likes you." Mathew peaks up at Bucky with a grin when the doors opened to the garage. "She hasn't said anything to me, but I know her and how she is with people. She likes you. Don't screw it up or you'll lose your chance with her."

Walking alongside him to his car Bucky asked, "What can I do to not screw it up?"

"Well, Kat can be a bit of a handful at the best of times as I think you know." Him and Buck share a laugh knowing just how much of a handful Katherine can be. "She's gonna tell you she doesn't do relationships which to be fair she doesn't, not in the traditional sense."

Walking towards his car Bucky asked Mathew what that meant. Opening his car door he drove up into the driver's side and closed it, rolling down the window Matt said, "You gotta understand she doesn't like putting all of her faith in one person. She's been hurt badly in the past so she never sticks with just one person. I don't think she's the kind that could get all they needed from just one..anyway she's gonna test to see how much you can handle. If you fail her test she'll think she was right and she'll cut you out."

Starting up his car Mathew clarified. "Now I'm not saying deal with it if you want her. Just know your limits and don't let her push you around. Boss her back." Thanking him for the advice he stepped back to let the other man pull out and drive off.

Okay that was a lot. The time he came from you went with one girl when you went steady. What Mathew was saying was Katherine wasn't just a one man kind of woman. Was that what she meant by sharing? Could he do that, share her with someone else. Having a lot to think about he went on a walk. Letting himself get swept away into the crowd Bucky thought his options over.

On one hand he couldn't handle what she wanted and he learned to just be her friend. On the other he had her, but she wouldn't just be his. Would the pros outweigh the cons for either option?


June 13, 2015

Feeling refreshed and rested Katherine rolled onto her back and stretched as she pulled her phone out of her pocket. 7:00 AM the next day. Well damn, she had been more wiped than she thought. Sitting up she saw a tray of cold dinner on her bedside table. Must have been Natasha or Bucky. Needing a shower and a change of clothes she got out of bed and stripped as she made her way to the bathroom. She would need to take it easy today so as to not deplete herself so quickly. With that in mind Katherine took her time letting the hot water soak into her body as she washed.

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