Tell me what you would do

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May 5, 2012

The soft beeping of the heart monitor and all of the other machines hooked up to Mathew who was still unconscious had Katherine on edge. She didn't like being around this many people at one time, but for her brother she'd do anything even sit in a hospital full to bursting with people if it meant he was okay. Staring at his prone form, limp and pale as he recovered from his nearly twenty hour surgery, had her feeling on the verge of being out of control. Chewing on the corner of her right thumb nail as she nervously bounced her right knee she tried to breathe. Losing it in the middle of an already chaotic hospital in the aftermath of an alien attack would not only land her in cuffs, but more likely some basement in a government black site.

The whoosh of the sliding door alerted her to the fact someone had come inside, she refused to take her eyes off of her brother to see who. At first she thought it was a nurse, but a warm hand on her shoulder and the softly deep voice of Mathew's best friend Jordan had her flinching. "Has he woken up yet?" Shaking her head she subtly shifted forward to get him to stop touching her and make sure her hood was covering her unnatural colored hair.

As much as she wanted comfort she didn't want it from anyone, but the unconscious man in front of her. Glancing over her shoulder at the sight of many of the men who had been fighting to save the people of this city along side her brother who looked just as wrecked as she was had Katherine's deflating a little. She didn't have anything against Jordan or any of the other men who had become like brothers to Mathew in his time as a fireman. They were all nice enough and while totally freaked out by her powers never treated her too much like a freak. Especially when they learned of her healing abilities and the fact that she could cook and bake like Martha Stewart. It's amazing what a few good meals and incredible tasting desserts will do to someone's attitude towards you.

When her brother had told her what he wanted to do as a career she'd supported him even if she had been terrified for him. I mean who wouldn't be? The man would actively be running into burning buildings that could kill him! Still, the day he'd officially joined his firehouse Matty had been so happy that it was contagious having her smiling and laughing along with him as he packed a bag for his first shift. After she'd gone back up to their shared apartment from waving him off and wishing him good luck, she'd cried. They'd always looked out for each other, but he'd be on his own with strangers that she had to trust would have his back.

Things had gone well for the last four years for the most part, nothing more than a broken arm, some bruising and a little burn here or there. All things she could heal him from, but this? Grasping his unresponsive hand Katherine locked their fingers together stroking her thumb across the back of his hand. There was nothing she could do to fix his spine and believe her she tried. As soon as Jordan called her to the scene of where Mathew was trapped she'd teleported there before he'd even finished getting out the address.

Using her powers she'd lifted the metal beam that was crushing him and was next to him in the blink of an eye. Shaking hands hovering over his bloodied back as the screams of terrified New Yorkers ran past the building as aliens wreaked havoc on the city. Concentrating every ounce of her power, her essence, her soul into her hands that lay on her mangled brother Katherine did everything she could to heal him. The most it did was fix his punctured lung, mend his ribs, his pelvis and vertebrae of his spine that were crushed or broken, but the nerves.. Those stubborn little bastards refused to go back to the way they were supposed to.

Glancing briefly over at the other man who was still dressed in his dirt and blood covered uniform, his black curly hair a tangled mess in his brown eyes as he stared at his best friend she said, "The doctor said he should wake up at any time, but that was four hours and twenty-two minutes ago." Going back to chewing on her thumbnail, a soft sniffle is all she would allow herself to outwardly show how upset she was.

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