7 Minutes In Heaven // Lashton

By 1D_HarryStyles_1D

161K 7.8K 5.2K

{Started: June 10, 2015} {Ended: December 12, 2015} "Who wants to play?" Ashton is a very dedicated party-goe... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
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Chapter 1

10.2K 289 625
By 1D_HarryStyles_1D

I'm really excited about this story, so chapters might be lengthier than my other ones! <3

This is what Ashton's aunt and Sierra look like. PLEASE don't hate on either of them! Especially Sierra. Thank you!

Ashton was walking down the hallway of the school with his soccer teammates, psyched that it was finally Friday tomorrow, which also meant that it was just that much closer to Ricky's party on Saturday night. Everyone, at least the cool kids, were looking forward to it. Ricky's parties were always wild and crazy. The last one he had was two months ago and his parents were called because his aunt and uncle had came over to check on him and they found drugs, drinking, crazy party games...let's just say that Ricky's parents didn't want to claim him as there own after discovering what was there.

"Rickaayyyyy!" Jack, one of Ash's teammates called out when Ricky started walking towards them.

"Hey, man!" Ricky said, giving Jack a bro hug.

"So is Saturday night going to be sick?!" Alec, another teammate, asked.

"Of course. When are my parties never not sick?" Ricky asked, chuckling at the idiotic question. "Hey, Ash...are you going to bring Sierra with? I can reserve the master bedroom for you two."

"I just might ask you to do that. I have to make sure she's going first and her parents or anything aren't holding her back for some lame reason," Ashton told him, rolling his eyes at his last sentence.

"Leave it to you to pick the rebel girl who has religious as fuck parents," Jack said.

"But she's hot as hell and not at all bad in the bedroom," Ashton said cheekily.

"She damn well better be if she's one of those girls where you have to date her and her parents," Seth, one of the more outspoken boys on the team.

"And if we go to Ricky's party, we're going to have a sick ass night filled with hot sex," Ashton said, acting all arrogant and cocky because he was with the hottest girl in school.

The truth was that Ashton has never slept with Sierra, despite what he told his jock friends and soccer team. She may be a typical preacher's daughter with the whole rebelling thing in some aspects, but when it came to sex, she had morals. Her and Ashton had talked about it before and she had told him she wanted to wait until she knew him better and wanted it to mean something, not just one night stands that meant nothing. He was okay with waiting because he genuinely liked Sierra and agreed with her thinking. Their friends had kept hounding Ashton if he had slept with her yet and she had given him permission to say that they had, just so they would get off his back. Not to mention that all of his teammates were beyond jealous of him.

"Speaking of hot sex, your girl is coming," Ricky said, wiggling his eyebrows.

Ashton followed his gaze and saw his model status girlfriend walking straight for him. He wrapped her in a hug and planted a deep kiss on her plump glossy lips. When they pulled away from each other, Sierra looked up at him, biting her bottom lip and smirking cheekily.

"Missed you too, babe," Ashton said, feeling like King Shit in front of his teammates. "What's up?"

"I want you to come with me to the park," she said, flirtatiously pulling at his olive green jacket.

He heard the guys snickering behind them, which was typical since they're immature teenage boys. He pressed a quick wet kiss to Sierra's lips again. "Okay."

Ashton bid his friends goodbye and listened to them make their sexual comments. He grabbed Sierra's hand and they walked out of the school together. People they passed were looking at them, some sweet and some jealous. Ashton loved when he saw the jealous ones because he just pulled her closer and walked with his head higher because Sierra was his trophy girl.

"Can we take my car?" Sierra asked when they got to the edge of the sidewalk. Ashton nodded and she led him to her Prius.

He got into the passenger side and it felt off to him. He was usually the one who was driving her places. It was his job as her boyfriend to take her places, so he felt a little weird having it switched around.

They got to the park, which wasn't that far from the school. She drove to the very back lot that was away from the playground equipment and parked in the very last space that was almost overtaken by the overgrown lilac bush. That's when Ashton knew what she wanted.

But he was wrong.

Sierra just sat in her seat, staring straight ahead with a straight face. She looked like something was bothering her. Ashton reached over, trying to grab her hand but she pulled away.

"Is everything okay?" Ash asked her, actually feeling worried about her. "You were fine just a few minutes ago."

"Um...no," she said quietly.

"What's wrong? Talk to me, babe," he told her reassuringly.

"I..." she started, but then tears started falling down her cheeks.

"Sierra, what happened? I'm worrying," Ashton warned, putting his hand on her knee, but she jerked it away.

"I...I think we should stop seeing each other," she said when she got a hold of herself.

"W-what? Why?" Ashton asked, his voice cracking.

She didn't say anything, she just continued staring down at her hands, silently crying. Ashton didn't know what to say or what had happened between them. She's been acting like she usually does all day, well, up until ten minutes ago. He wanted to know if it was something he said or something he did because he had thought they were happy. It's not like he didn't give her affection. He kissed her, held her hand, hugged her...any type of PDA, he would do every time he got a chance.

"It would just be better if we did," Sierra said quietly. "The spark is gone, Ashton."

Without another word, she started the car and backed out of the spot, quickly leaving the park and going back to school. Ashton wanted to ask her so many questions as to why, but he just couldn't get the words to form.


Luke left the computer lab, his laptop under his arm. The hallway was pretty much empty for only being around 3:05. He wasn't complaining. He hated when everyone acted like grazing cattle and clogged up the hallways, making it impossible for him to get out of this Hell hole.

Quickly, he twirled the lock on his locker, opening it and getting the notebooks for classes that he had homework in and put them in his backpack. As usual, he almost shut his locker without grabbing the keys from the coat hook underneath the bookshelf. Luke just got his license the week prior, so he wasn't used to having to grab keys from the hook.

When he grabbed the keys and turned to start walking out the door, he almost got plowed over by Ashton Irwin, the school's most notorious party animal.

"Watch it, asshole," Ashton snapped.

"I'm sorry for taking up the whole damn hallway," Luke muttered.

"Fuck you, nerd!" Ashton said, flipping him off.

Luke didn't think that he said it loud enough to hear him, but whatever. He was tempted to get in the last word, but refrained. He didn't need to waste his breath on Asshole Irwin.

As he walked out of the building, he felt himself start to relax. It had been a rather stressful day, as everyday this week has been, and he felt that a night filled with an Investigation Discovery splurge was necessary while he piddled around on his homework.


Luke pulled the clunker of a car that his brother let him use while he was in Melbourne or somewhere into the driveway behind his mum's SUV. Luke waited until the song that was playing was over and then turned off the ignition, humming the tune to himself as he got out and walked up to his house.

"Luke, sweetheart, is that you?" Liz, his mum, yelled, coming out of the kitchen. When she saw him, she got a smile on her face. "Hey, sweetie. You look tense."

"It's been a stressful day," Luke answered, putting his backpack on the floor next to the stairs. Liz glared at him, not approving of where he dropped his stuff, but didn't say anything.

"If it makes you feel better, I'm making your favorite," Liz told him.

Luke smile spread across his face, forgetting the day he had. He thought it was funny how Liz knew when he needed her homemade pizza. It always made him come out of a bad or stressed mood.

"How'd you know I needed that?" Luke chuckled.

"A mother knows, Lucas," Liz said, earning a eye roll from her youngest son. "Do you have a lot of homework?"

"Just some chemistry as usual," he answered her.

"Alright. I'll call you down when dinner's ready," she smiled as Luke started up the stairs to his room, picking his backpack off the floor.

He opened his door, the smell of Febreze wafting under his nose. He threw his backpack onto his bed and went over to his open laptop, logging on to check his email for any last minute video productions assignments. His phone vibrated in his pocket and he took it out, seeing that it was his friend Michael telling him to Skype.

Luke exhaled, not really wanting to talk to his best friend. He never demanded him to Skype with him unless if it was something important, like someone passed away or he had exciting news. Luke knew that his family was all pretty healthy and Michael was at school today, so nobody could have died. That means that something exciting happened. But that's Michael's definition of exciting. Unless they were going to meet a Youtuber or Criminal Minds cast member or a celebrity or go to a concert, Luke was most likely not going to be ecstatic at this news.

He clicked call on Michael's contact, the Skype ring not lasting that long until Michael's overly excited picture showed up on the screen. Luke instantly felt like the most negative person on the planet because he hadn't necessarily been a peach all day and the chance of him being peachy at Michael's news wasn't likely.

"Hemmo!" Michael squealed.

"What is so important that you had to demand I drop everything to Skype with you?" Luke asked, smirking.

"Oh, shut up. It's not like you were doing anything except getting your Netflix ready to watch Criminal Minds or whatever," Michael scoffed.

"I was actually going to watch the Investigation Discovery channel tonight and that's a problem because I don't know what the damn channel number is. They reorganized," Luke told him. "Anyway, what's up?"

"I would ask you if you had plans this weekend, but I know better than that, so I made plans for you," Michael started, making Luke quirk his eyebrow in curiosity. Maybe Luke would be excited about Michael's news for a change.

"What do you mean, Clifford? What are you getting at?" Luke asked, anxious to find out what he was going to be doing this weekend.

"On Saturday night, we're going to be going...are you ready for this?" Michael asked, purposely teasing Luke. He loved watching his best friend squirm.

"I'm waiting patiently! Speak, woman!" Luke demanded.

"One, I am most certainly a male. But we're going to be going to Ricky's party on Saturday night!" Michael said, all giddy and happy and excited.

"Ricky as in Ricky Dillon...?" Luke asked, hoping that Michael was somehow, some way, talking about the Youtuber and not Ricky Olson.

"I wish! Do you know how sick that would be to be partying with Connor, Troye, Kian, JC, Trevor...DUDE. That would be amazing!" Michael said, going of on his tangent. "But unfortunately, no. Ricky Olson. You know, the popular guy that throws the sick and crazy ass parties?"

"I'm not going," Luke said immediately.

"What? Why?" Michael asked, almost in disbelief that his best friend didn't want to spend his Saturday night at Ricky's first wild ass party since he got caught two months ago. But then he remembered that Luke wasn't much of a social butterfly.

"Because I don't like Ricky or Ricky's friends. How did you get invited anyway?" Luke asked. He's dealt with Ricky a few times, and he's been nice to him, but he just didn't like Ricky because when he's with his friends, he's a cocky and arrogant asshole.

"Today in study hall. I was trying to do my English paper, but got distracted like always, and he asked me to come. He said I could bring whoever I want, as long as it's not the police or a parent, so that means I'm bringing you," Michael explained.

"For one, I know my parents wouldn't be okay with that. And I don't even have a want or desire to go spend the night with a bunch of drunk and/or high teenagers that I have to see five days a week already," Luke told him, doing whatever he could to get out of it.

"Simple. Don't tell them. Just say that you're going to be staying at my house. And everyone's different when they're out of school. They're more...fun?" Michael begged. He wanted his friend to get out more and he wanted to have fun. It would be lame if he showed up alone.

"No," Luke answered.

"Please? Just consider it? I won't leave your side and we can leave when you want to," Michael said, negotiating.

Luke let out a deep breath and looked at his pleading face. "Fine. I'll consider it. But I'm not going to guarantee that I'll change my mind."


Ashton walked into his house, slamming the door behind him. He didn't even know why he was so mad about Sierra dumping him, he just was. Well, other than the fact that she didn't exactly tell him why. He was probably just mad because he was so used to people wanting to be around him, to people loving him. Now, someone that he still loved didn't want anything to do with him and that didn't feel right with him. It bothered him because he wanted to know what he could do to change her mind.

Unlike one would think, Ashton hasn't had many real relationships. Sure, he's been in relationships with a handful of girls, but when it comes to serious ones that he's fallen hard for, it has only been Sierra and two other girls. Unlike Sierra, he knew the reasons that they were breaking up. But each time, whether he was the heart breaker or not, he always ended up being angry. Sad and angry. That was the two common emotions he felt.

The blonde went to his room, not bothering to see if there was anyone else in the house. He didn't care. Ashton just wanted to be left alone to hate the world and wallow in his breakup.

Once he was in his room, he slammed the door shut so he nobody would barge in on him, or at least, he hoped. Nobody did really, but he just didn't want to deal with his family because they would be all 'poor baby' and all that sappy horse shit.

Ashton fell onto his unmade bed, his hands flying over his face as he let out a throaty groan of frustration. "Why are relationships so fucking complicated?!"

Suddenly, there was a knock on his door. He moaned, trying to say come in, but it just came out as if he was a dying goat. Ashton took his hands off his face and propped himself up onto his shoulders to see that his aunt Clare was there.

"Welcome home, Ashton," she said with a smile. "I thought someone had broke in, but then I realized that burglars usually don't want to be caught by the person that's home so they aren't going to slam doors. And then I heard what sounded like a wounded animal, so I knew that it had to be you. I'm guessing it was a tough day?"

Ashton just pulled his mouth into a straight line and nodded. His aunt was always understanding and tried her best to lighten his mood when he was having a shitty day, but today just wasn't working for him.

"Do you want to talk about it?" she asked, genuinely concerned for her nephew as she took a seat next to him on his bed.

Clare had always thought her and Ashton were close and she's seen him angry only a few rare times. He was always a positive and happy person, so he never got angry or saw the negative side of petty things.

"Sierra broke up with me," Ashton told her as he sat up.

Clare saw that Ashton's eyes welled up and a tear fell down his cheek. He's never been one to cry either. The only times Clare has ever seen the boy cry was when he broke his wrist when he was younger and when his parents had gotten a divorce. The tears told her that Ashton had true feelings for this girl.

"It's going to be okay, Ash. Is this the girl you were oogling over just last week?" Clare asked. Ashton nodded. "What happened?"

Ashton shrugged. "I don't even know. I was talking with my teammates after school and she came up and was acting flirty like usual but then she took me to the park where we usually make out and she just dumped me and wouldn't tell me why."

Clare hated seeing Ashton cry, especially when the reasoning was because he was heartbroken. It was like seeing a completely different person that wasn't her nephew. She didn't say anything, but just hugged him tightly and let the seventeen year old boy cry into her shoulder to let out his heartbreak and frustration.

Ashton never let anyone see him cry. He didn't cry often, but when he did or felt like he had to, he always made sure he was in private. If he were to cry in front of people, he felt judged and felt like a baby. But his aunt Clare never judged him when she saw him cry, which was rare. He felt comfortable wearing his heart on his sleeve when he was around her. He spent more time with her than he did his own mother. When it came to having these heart-to-heart talks anyway. Anne was always off with his younger siblings when they were at home or out with her friends or just spent time alone, writing or whatever she does when she's locked in her study.

"It's going to be okay, I can promise you that. Maybe she just needs a break from dating for a week or so. Maybe she just has a lot going on and needs to take a little time get everything straight and the only way she can do that is to break up with you," Clare told him, hoping that she was giving him good advice. She's never had to give someone other than Anne consolation after a breakup and that was years ago.

The two just sat on Ashton's bed for a solid twenty minutes, neither of them saying anything. All Ashton needed was a shoulder to cry on and his aunt's was exactly the person he wanted to know about it and see him at his most vulnerable.

"Does anyone else know about it?" Clare asked, breaking the silence.

"No. I'm going to have to text my friend Ricky and tell him that he's not going to have to...never mind," Ashton started, stopping himself from saying what he was about to say.

Clare just laughed. She knew all about Ricky's parties and such. She didn't really condone the fact that these underage teenagers got so drunk, but she knew Ashton didn't drink much, if any, and always found a safe way to leave the party.

"You can tell me, Ashton. I'm not your mother, so I'm not going to ground you," Clare reassured him.

"Well, Ricky is having a party at his place this weekend and he was going to cordon off and let us use the spare master bedroom for our first, um, time," Ashton told her, feeling slightly awkward talking about his sex life with Clare.

"And now you have to tell him that he can put the room back up for grabs, right?" Clare clarified, earning a nod from her nephew. She looked at him and could tell that there was something more on his mind. "You're afraid to tell him because she's the hottest girl in school that was all yours and now you lost her and you're afraid that he's going to make fun of you for it?"

Ashton shrugged. "Ricky's more of a blabber mouth. The whole school would know about it before first period tomorrow."

"I can see where you're coming from. Just remember, everyone will find out sooner or later," Clare warned.

"I know, I just don't want to get all the fake sympathy from the sluts who have been waiting for this because it's a chance they can get in my pants," Ashton said. Clare rubbed his back, feeling bad for the kid.

Clare could see that the majority of Ashton's friends were fake and just liked him because he was in a sport and that made him popular. They didn't really care about his personality or feelings like real friends should. She's tried to nonchalantly point it out to him, but like the good-hearted person Ashton is, he doesn't see bad in them until they've done something to hurt him.

"I don't condone lying to people, but maybe you should just tell him that she doesn't want to go because she has a family affair or something? That way you wouldn't have to be straight with him when you don't know if you can trust him or his reaction," Clare suggested.

"That's a good idea. Her parents are religious freaks and her dad's a preacher, so I can just use that as an excuse," Ashton told her with a sad, small smile.

"You're a strong boy, Ashton Irwin. Heartbreak makes you wiser," Clare told him. "And when you get down about it, remember that it was a blessing because God was saving you from the wrong one."

"Thanks, Clare," Ashton thanked.

"Anytime. You know I'm always here for my favorite nephew," Clare said, taking the boy into another hug. "I suppose I should make dinner so we don't starve to death."

"Where is everyone anyway?" Ashton asked.

"Lauren and Harry are both at a friend's house or something and Anne is out running errands. She said that she would be home by twelve, but that was five hours ago," Clare told him with a giggle. "So, it's just you and I tonight."

"Okay. I guess that's okay with me," Ashton said.

"You can do whatever you need to do with Ricky or whatever and I'll make us some dinner, okay?" Clare suggested.

"Alright," Ashton agreed. As Clare got up, he grabbed his aunt's arm. "Thank you."

"As I said, I'm always here," Clare smiled and left the room.

Ashton took a deep breath, not really looking forward to having to lie to one of his friends about something that was certainly making an impact on his mood and such, but he knew that it had to be done. He grabbed his phone from the head of the bed, scrolling through his contacts until he found Ricky's and then tapped the Facetime button. He wiped his eyes quickly and then positioned himself so it wasn't that noticeable that he had been crying. Just as he found the perfect angle, Ricky had answered the video call.

"Wassup, Ashy?!" Ricky greeted, all cheery as usual. "Did you talk to your sexy lady about Saturday?"

"Yeah. Her dad's not going to let her leave the house because he caught wind of the party from one of his interns at the church. Apparently, he's going to watch her like a hawk," Ashton lied, smoother than he thought it would've came out.

"So, does that mean that the master bedroom is back up for grabs?" Ricky asked.

"Yeah," Ashton exhaled, feeling tears prick his eyes. Before Ricky could say anything, he came up with an excuse to hang up before he would start crying. "My aunt is calling me for dinner, so I better go."

"Alright. Later, Irwin! And try to talk your babe into sneaking out. There's still hope!" Ricky said, with a smile on his face, so oblivious to the lie that Ashton had just told him.

After he ended the video chat with Ricky, he went to his text messages and brought up his conversation with Sierra, frowning at it when he saw that the last messages sent were 'I love you' with the kissing emoji. He started typing out a message, just to save both of them from being the talk of the school tomorrow. He knew that she'd probably keep quiet about it anyway, but he just wanted to make sure that she knew he wanted to keep it under the radar for a few days until he fully accepted the fact that he was now back into the single game.

Hey...can we keep the whole breakup thing a secret for a few days? I don't think either of us really want to be the Bradgelina and have all the attention on us.

She responded with a simple 'K', which she never did unless if she was upset. And whenever she was, it would always be Ashton who was there to make her happy and let her vent whatever she was upset about. It was usually stupid girl drama between her stuck up 'friends' that Ash really didn't care about, but he never told her that because it was obviously a big deal to her and he didn't like seeing her upset, so he would suck it up and let her rant. But now he couldn't do that because he was no longer her boyfriend. He was the reason she was upset and he couldn't try to make her smile because all he would be doing is bothering her and making her more upset.

That was the unfortunate part of having the heart that he had when it came to an ex.


So...that was extremely long! As I said, I have plans and I'm so excited for this story!

Just to answer any questions on what Ricky looks like, he looks exactly like Ricky Dillon, which is funny because the actual Ricky Dillon is still a Youtuber in this story, but that Ricky is blue haired Ricky while Ricky Olson is normal hair Ricky. Ya feel? :)

Any questions, comment and maybe I will answer them <3

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