By writes_danica

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Consist of different pairs in their alternate universe. With some genres being romance or tragic. Some are al... More

On Past, Jealousy, and Alcohol
Deaths and Birthdays
The 7th of February
Queen Of My Heart
If Ever You're In My Arms Again
A Trip To Remember
She Used To Be Mine
A New Chapter
Someone Like You
Exchange of Hearts
Best Part
More Than Just The Two Of Us
Happily Ever After
To Love You More
Stuck With You
How Do I Say Goodbye
Rewrite The Stars
Midnight Rain Strangers
Wish Granted
Can't Help Falling In Love With You
From Here To Eternity

The Sound of Goodbye

39 0 0
By writes_danica


"You have to marry him, Camila."

It was a demand that tasted like bitter honey, a command that held the weight of generations and the sting of societal expectations.

Camila looked at her mother, searching for any hint of warmth or support in her eyes. But all she saw was the same steely determination that had been there since her childhood - the same determination that had led her mother to sacrifice her own dreams and desires for the sake of tradition and family honor.

"I don't want to, Mother!" Camila argued back. "I want to marry because of love not because of some fucking obligation shits!"

"Camila, language!" Camila's father quickly reprimanded her.

"How ironic, Father!" Camila rolled her eyes. "You're reprimanding my cursing but you want this arranged marriage shit to push through even if I don't want to"

"I understand that this is not what you want, my dear. But it's not just about us or our family. It's about preserving our culture and traditions." Camila's father let out a sigh, his expression softening.

"What culture? What traditions? All I see is a patriarchal system that oppresses women and forces them into loveless marriages for the sake of upholding some outdated beliefs." Camila scoffed, fist clenched at her sides, her nails digging into her palms as she tried to control her anger and frustration.

Her mother's eyes flashed with anger at Camila's words, but her father held up a hand to stop her from speaking.

"Camila, you may not see the value in our customs now, but one day you will. And when that day comes, you will thank us for arranging this marriage." He spoke in a tone that broke no argument.

Camila's voice trembled as she spoke.

"I can't marry Mr. Serrano, it's Vito Dela Cuesta who makes my heart race."

Camila's father's eyebrows shot up in disapproval, his eyes narrowing as he glared at her. Camila's own eyes rolled in annoyance as she met his stern gaze.

Camila could feel the weight of her family's disapproval and the pressure to conform to their old-fashioned views. It was a constant struggle, fighting for her own desires and independence in a rigid and judgmental society.

"Camila, don't you understand that the Dela Cuestas are our competitors and that they are very sketchy from the beginning." Camila's father said.

Camila stood her ground, her voice filled with determination.

"Father, I understand your concerns, but love knows no boundaries. Vito may be a Dela Cuesta, but he's not like the others. He's different."

Her father's face softened slightly, his eyes searching for any sign of deception in Camila's words. After a long moment of silence, he finally spoke.

"Camila, I want what's best for you. I want you to be happy, but you must understand that our family's reputation is at stake here. Marrying into the Dela Cuesta family could have serious consequences for us."

Camila took a deep breath and reached out to grasp her father's hand in hers.

"Father, I know the risks. But if we continue to live our lives based on fear and tradition alone, then we are denying ourselves the chance at true happiness and fulfillment."

Her father looked torn, his gaze shifting between his daughter and his wife. After what felt like an eternity, he sighed heavily, realizing that his daughter's words held a truth he couldn't ignore.

"Very well," Camila's father finally conceded. "If Vito Dela Cuesta truly makes your heart race and brings you happiness, then I will consider it. But promise me this, Camila," he said, his voice full of fatherly concern. "Promise me that you will be cautious and protect yourself from any harm they may bring."

Camila's heart swelled with gratitude as tears welled up in her eyes. She had expected a complete rejection, not this glimmer of hope from her father.

"Thank you, Father," she whispered, squeezing his hand gently. "I promise to be careful and to always prioritize my safety."

Her mother stood silently by their side, her face unreadable. And although she didn't utter a word, there was a flicker of acceptance in her eyes.

"You have my permission to continue seeing Vito," Camila's father stated, a gentle smile on his lips as he saw the happiness in his daughter's eyes.

But his tone turned serious as he added, "But if that man ever betrays or harms you in any way, Camila, know that I will not hesitate to take you away from him and arrange a marriage with Mr. Serrano."

"I understand, Father." Camila nodded, her confidence shining through as she replied firmly.

Deep down, Camila knew that Vito would never do anything to hurt her. She was determined to prove her parents wrong and show them the true depth of her love for Vito.

It had been several weeks since Camila's father had reluctantly given his blessing for her relationship with Vito Dela Cuesta. Although he had agreed to give them a chance, he still maintained a watchful eye and made it clear that he would not hesitate to intervene if things went sour.

Camila understood her father's concerns and promised to be cautious, but she couldn't help but feel frustrated at the constant reminder of their disapproval. She longed for their acceptance and support, but she knew it would take time.

One evening, Camila was out for dinner with Vito when her phone rang.

"Who is it?" Vito asked as Camila looks into her phone screen.

It was her father.

"It's Father." Camila answered and Vito nodded, signalling for her to take the call.

"Hello, Father?" Camila answered hesitantly, wondering why he was calling at this hour.

"Camila, I need you to come home immediately," her father's voice sounded urgent. "There's something we need to discuss."

Camila's heart began to race as she hung up the phone and turned to Vito.

"My father wants me to come home immediately," she said, her voice trembling with worry.

Vito frowned, sensing the tension in her tone. "Is everything okay?" Vito asked, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"I don't know," Camila replied, her mind racing with possibilities. "He just said there's something we need to discuss."

Camila's heart raced with worry as she quickly excused herself from the dinner and made her way home. She couldn't imagine what could be so urgent that her father would call her at such a late hour.

When she arrived, she found both her parents sitting at the dining table with serious expressions on their faces. Her father motioned for her to sit down before speaking.

"What's going on?" Camila asked, trying to remain calm despite the unease in her stomach.

Her father took a deep breath before speaking.

"Camila, I just received some unsettling news about Vito Dela Cuesta."

Camila felt panic rising within her as she waited for him to continue.

"I heard from one of our business partners that the Dela Cuestas have been involved in some shady deals and are currently under investigation by the authorities."

Her mother chimed in with a worried tone. "We can't risk our family's reputation by being associated with them. We must break off this relationship immediately."

Camila felt like someone had punched her in the gut. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. Had she been wrong about Vito all along? Was he really involved in illegal activities?

But then she remembered their conversations, his kind gestures, and the way he

looked at her with nothing but love and sincerity. Camila's mind raced, desperately trying to make sense of the situation.

"Father, Mother, I understand your concerns," Camila began, her voice steady despite the turmoil inside her. "But we cannot jump to conclusions based on rumors and speculation. Vito has never shown any signs of being involved in anything illegal."

Her father's expression hardened, his eyes narrowing as he stared at his daughter. "Camila, this is not a matter of jumping to conclusions. We have reliable sources informing us of the investigation. We cannot afford to jeopardize our family's reputation and business dealings."

Camila felt a mix of anger and disappointment rising within her. She had fought so hard for her independence and her right to choose her own path, only to be met with constant resistance and now this revelation about Vito.

"But what if these claims are false or exaggerated?" Camila persisted, desperation creeping into her voice. "What if Vito is being framed? We can't just abandon him without even hearing his side of the story."

Her mother, usually the calm and composed one, chimed in, her voice filled with concern. "Camila, we understand your loyalty to Vito, but we must consider the consequences. Our family's reputation has taken decades to build, and one wrong move could destroy everything."

Camila's heart sank as she realized the gravity of the situation. She had always been a fighter, never backing down from a challenge, but this time it felt different. The weight of her family's legacy pressed heavily upon her shoulders.

Her father sighed, his tone softening just slightly. "Darling, we didn't come to this decision lightly. We've consulted with our lawyers and trusted advisors. It pains us to think that Vito might be involved in something criminal, but we cannot afford to take any risks."

Tears welled up in Camila's eyes as she looked into her parents' faces.

"Aside from that, I also received a call, today." Camila's father said, his voice stern.

Camila shook her head, afraid of what was coming next.

"It was Mr. Serrano," her father stated gravely. "He informed me that Vito Dela Cuesta has been seen with another woman."

Camila's heart dropped as she tried to process the information. Vito wouldn't do something like this...would he?

"Are you sure it's true?" Camila asked, trying to keep the panic out of her voice.

Her mother spoke up, "We don't know for certain, but we have our sources."

"And even if it isn't true," her father added, "the mere fact that there are rumors about Vito being unfaithful is enough to raise concerns."

Camila felt tears prick at her eyes as she defended Vito, "But you can't just believe rumors! You have to trust me and my judgment."

Her father looked at her with sadness in his eyes, "Camila, I want to trust you. But as your parents, it is our duty to protect you and make sure that you are not being taken advantage of by someone who may not have your best interest at heart."

"I understand that," Camila said through gritted teeth. "But I love Vito and I know he loves me too. I refuse to believe these allegations without proof."

Her mother placed a hand on hers and said softly, "We just want what's best for you, Camila. Please don't shut us out."

Camila took a deep breath, trying to compose herself as she looked into her mother's eyes. She knew her parents were only trying to protect her, but she couldn't ignore the love she felt for Vito. The connection they shared ran deep, and she couldn't simply abandon him based on rumors and hearsay.

"I appreciate your concern, Mother," Camila said, her voice steady despite the turmoil in her heart. "But I can't turn my back on Vito without giving him a chance to explain. If these allegations are true, then I will accept the consequences. But until then, I need to trust my own judgment."

Her father's face hardened with disappointment, but Camila held her ground. She knew that following her heart meant taking risks and making difficult choices. And if there was even a slight chance that Vito was innocent, she owed it to their love to find out the truth.

"I understand your worry about our family's reputation," Camila continued, her words measured and deliberate. "But my happiness and my future should not be sacrificed for the sake of appearances. I believe in Vito, and I believe in our love."

Her mother's eyes softened with a mixture of understanding and concern. "Camila, we only want what's best for you. We don't want to see you hurt or entangled in something that could tarnish your name."

Camila nodded, grateful for their concern, but resolute in her decision. "I know you both have my best interests at heart, but I have to follow my own path. I need to confront Vito and hear his side of the story. Only then can I make an informed decision."

Her father sighed deeply, his disappointment palpable in the room. "Camila, we raised you to be smart and discerning. Please don't let your judgment be clouded by emotions."

"I won't, Father," Camila affirmed, her conviction unwavering. "I will approach

this situation with caution and thoughtfulness. I will seek the truth and make my decisions based on that."

Her parents exchanged weary glances before her mother spoke, her voice tinged with concern. "Camila, we understand that emotions can cloud judgment, but we cannot ignore the potential consequences of being associated with someone involved in illegal activities. Our family's legacy is at stake."

Camila nodded, acknowledging their worries, yet determined to discover the truth for herself. "I know the risks, Mother. But I cannot let go of my love for Vito without giving him the opportunity to explain. If he is innocent, then it would be unjust for us to abandon him based solely on rumors."

Her father sighed heavily, his disappointment evident. "Camila, you have always been headstrong and determined, just like your mother. While we support your desire to seek the truth, we also want you to be careful and considerate of the consequences. We are here for you, no matter what happens. Just remember that our love for you is unwavering."

Tears welled up in Camila's eyes as she embraced her parents, feeling their love and concern enveloping her. She knew the road ahead would be filled with uncertainty and challenges, but she also knew that she couldn't let fear dictate her choices.

"I love you both," Camila whispered, her voice choked with emotion. "And I appreciate your support. I promise to be careful and considerate, but I need to follow my heart."

Her parents held her tightly, their embrace conveying a mixture of worry and acceptance. As they parted ways, Camila knew that the next step was to confront Vito and hear his side of the story.

The following days were filled with tension as Camila tried to navigate her way through the swirling rumors and uncertainties. She couldn't just sit idly by while doubts consumed her relationship with Vito. She needed answers, and she needed them fast.

Determined to get to the truth, Camila started her own investigation. She tapped into her network of friends and acquaintances, seeking any information that could shed light on Vito's alleged involvement in illegal activities or his supposed infidelity.

With each passing day, Camila's resolve grew stronger as she uncovered more inconsistencies and contradictions in the rumors circulating around Vito. Some claimed they had seen him at questionable locations, while others defended his character vehemently.

Camila's mind became a whirlwind of conflicting information, but she refused to let it deter her. She knew that in order to find the truth, she had to dig deeper and go beyond the surface. Taking matters into her own hands, she decided to confront Vito directly.

One evening, Camila arranged a meeting with Vito at their favorite secluded spot in the city park. As they sat together on a worn-out bench, Camila observed him intently, trying to decipher any signs of guilt or deceit.

"Vito," she began softly, her eyes filled with a mix of apprehension and determination. "I've been hearing things...rumors about your involvement in criminal activities. I want you to tell me the truth."

Vito's face reflected a mixture of surprise and concern as he reached out and gently grasped Camila's trembling hands. "Camila, I swear to you that those rumors are baseless lies. I would never endanger our family or choose a path that would jeopardize our love."

Camila searched his eyes, looking for any trace of deception but found only sincerity in his gaze. A flicker of hope ignited within her, and she leaned in closer, her voice barely a whisper. "But what about the other woman? Is there any truth to that?"

Vito's grip tightened around her hands as he shook his head earnestly. "No, Camila, I would never betray you like that. I love you with all my heart, and you are the only woman for me."

Relief flooded through Camila's veins as she heard his words. She had trusted her instincts, and now Vito was reaffirming the love they shared. But doubts still lingered, fueled by the whispers that echoed in her ears.

The days stretched on, each one a little quieter and calmer after Camila's encounter with Vito. She almost felt content, and settled into a sense of peace that she hadn't known in a long time. But like everything else in her life, that peace was fragile and fleeting.

As she sat in her office, surrounded by paperwork and files, her phone rang. She answered, "Hello, Agnes."

"Where are you?" Agnes's voice came through urgently.

"I'm in my office," Camila replied. "Why?"

There was a pause on the other end before Agnes spoke again, "I need to see you right away. It's urgent."

The desperation in her tone was palpable and Camila could feel her heart begin to race. What could have happened now? She quickly grabbed her coat and headed out to meet Agnes, hoping that whatever it was wouldn't shatter the fragile peace she had finally found.

Camila rushed through the crowded streets, her mind filled with a mix of anxiety and curiosity. Agnes had always been her most trusted confidante, and if she was urging Camila to meet her urgently, it could only mean one thing – another piece of the puzzle had been uncovered.

As she approached the café where they had agreed to meet, Camila's heart pounded in her chest. She pushed open the door and immediately spotted Agnes sitting at their usual table, a look of distress etched on her face.

"Agnes," Camila called out as she reached the table. "What's going on? Why did you sound so urgent?"

Agnes looked up with tear-filled eyes, clearly unable to contain her emotions any longer. "Camila, I... I've found something. Something that might change everything."

Camila's breath caught in her throat as she sat down across from Agnes, bracing herself for whatever revelation awaited her. "Tell me," she whispered.

Agnes took a deep breath, her hands trembling as she reached into her bag and pulled out a stack of papers. She pushed them towards Camila, her voice barely above a whisper. "I've been digging deeper, following the trail of rumors and connections. And I found this."

Camila's eyes widened as she skimmed through the documents, her heart sinking with each page she turned. The evidence before her was damning. It detailed Vito's involvement in a money laundering operation, linking him to several criminal organizations.

"I couldn't believe it at first," Agnes confessed, wiping away a stray tear. "But the more I dug, the more it became clear."

Camila's mind whirled with confusion and disbelief. How could she have been so blind? She had trusted Vito wholeheartedly, defended him against all accusations. Now everything she thought she knew about him was shattered.

"I confronted Vito," Agnes continued, her voice filled with sadness. "He tried to deny it at first, but eventually, he broke down and admitted his involvement. Camila, I'm so sorry."

Camila felt as though the ground had been ripped from beneath her feet. Her world was crumbling around her, and she struggled to comprehend the magnitude of what she had just learned.

Camila looked up at Agnes, her eyes filled with a mix of pain and anger.

"How about his supposed infidelity?" Camila whispered, her voice barely audible.

Agnes sighed heavily, her gaze filled with sympathy. "I'm afraid there's truth to that as well, Camila. I found evidence linking him to different women throughout the duration of your relationship."

Camila's heart shattered into a million pieces. The pain cut so deep that she felt as though she couldn't breathe. All this time, she had believed in Vito's love and loyalty, only to discover that it was all a facade. Betrayal consumed her, mingling with the anger that burned in her veins.

"But the worst one of all of his infidelity is that he has a relationship with Tessa Cruz right now. And that they are arranged to be married to each other as they are expecting a child together." Agnes continued, breaking Camila's heart even more.

Camila's world spun out of control as she processed Agnes's words. The pain of betrayal cut deeper than she had ever imagined, threatening to consume her entirely. Vito had not only deceived her with criminal activities but had also shattered their relationship by engaging in an affair and planning a future with another woman.

Agnes reached out, placing a comforting hand on Camila's trembling one. "I'm so sorry, Camila," she whispered softly. "I know this is incredibly difficult for you."

Tears streamed down Camila's face, her body trembling with a mixture of heartbreak and rage. How could Vito have betrayed her so completely? The man she had loved and trusted had turned out to be someone unrecognizable, a stranger lurking behind a facade of love and loyalty.

"Agnes, I need to confront him, once and for all." Camila voice broke. "Help me.

Agnes nodded, her own resolve strengthening. "Of course, Camila. I will be by your side every step of the way. We will expose him for who he truly is."

Together, they devised a plan to confront Vito and bring his deceit to light. Camila knew that she couldn't let him continue living a lie, not just for her own sake, but for the safety of others who might become victims of his criminal activities.

The following day, Camila and Agnes arranged to meet Vito at a neutral location - a small café tucked away in a quiet corner of the city. As they entered, their hearts pounded with nervous anticipation. The weight of betrayal hung heavy in the air, but their determination burned brighter.

Vito sat at a table near the window, sipping his coffee as if his world hadn't already unraveled. When he noticed Camila and Agnes approaching, his eyes widened with surprise. "Camila," he greeted her, attempting a smile that quickly faded when he saw the intensity in her eyes.

"Agnes," he added, his voice strained. "What brings you both here?"

Camila took a deep breath, trying to steady herself as she sat down across from Vito. Her hands trembled, but her resolve remained unyielding. "We know everything, Vito," she said, her voice steady but filled with a mix of fury and pain.

Vito's eyes darted between Camila and Agnes, his face pale with guilt.

"What are you talking about?" he stammered, desperation creeping into his voice.

Agnes leaned forward, her voice firm. "We have evidence of your involvement in criminal activities and your affair with Tessa Cruz," she stated bluntly.

Vito's mouth fell open in shock, his attempt at maintaining his composure crumbling before their very eyes.

"I... I didn't mean for any of this to happen," he muttered, his voice barely audible. "It's not what you think!"

Camila's anger flared, burning brighter with every word that came out of Vito's mouth.

"Save your lies, Vito," she spat, her voice dripping with contempt. "We have proof. Proof that you can't deny or hide from."

Vito's face contorted with a mix of guilt and desperation. His eyes darted around the café, as if searching for an escape route. But there was no escape this time. Camila and Agnes had cornered him, ready to expose the truth.

"I trusted you, Vito," Camila continued, her voice trembling with a mix of pain and betrayal. "I gave you my heart, and you threw it away like it meant nothing."

Tears welled up in Camila's eyes, but she refused to let them fall. She had shed enough tears for a man who didn't deserve her love. Now it was time for strength and justice.

"We're over now! Go spend your miserable days now with your fucking mistress!" Camila shouted, her voice cracking with emotion.

Vito sat there, stunned into silence. He knew he had lost everything – his lover, his friend, and possibly even his freedom. He tried to find a comeback, but nothing came out. He had never expected that Agnes would dig up such evidence or that Camila would confront him so fiercely.

Agnes nodded, her own heart aching for her friend. "That's right, Vito. You've betrayed Camila and everyone around you. You think you can just sweep this under the rug and move on, but we won't let you."

Vito looked at both women, his once-confident demeanor shattered. His defeat was clear, and he knew that there was no way to deny the evidence they had against him.

"You're right," he gruffly admitted, his voice laden with regret. "I made some mistakes, and I let myself become involved in things I shouldn't have. But it doesn't change the fact that I care about you, Camila."

Camila's eyes narrowed, her anger still simmering. "You care about yourself, Vito. You've shown me who you truly are, and it's not the man I thought I knew." Her voice quivered with a mix of disappointment and betrayal. "You let me believe in a lie, Vito. Our love was built on trust, and you shattered it into pieces."

Vito hung his head, the weight of his actions heavy upon him. The realization of the damage he had caused flooded his mind with remorse. "Camila," he pleaded, his voice barely audible, "I never meant to hurt you. I was just trying to protect you, to keep you safe."

Agnes scoffed, her eyes blazing with indignation. "Protect her? Is that what you call it? Lying? Manipulating? Destroying everything she believed in? That's not protection, Vito. That's control."

The room fell into an uneasy silence as the weight of their shattered trust lingered in the air. The flickering candles on the coffee table cast dancing shadows across their faces, mirroring the uncertainty that now engulfed their once-loving relationship.

"Your actions have spoken louder than any words, and I refuse to be a part of your lies any longer."

With those final words, Camila stood up from the table, her heart heavy with the weight of what she had discovered. She turned away from Vito, leaving him sitting there in the cafe, stunned and defeated.

Agnes watched Camila walk back to the car, her heart aching for her friend. This was not the outcome they had planned for, but it was necessary. Vito had to be held accountable for his actions, and Camila deserved to know the truth.

As they drove away from the café, Agnes tried to process everything that had happened. She had never imagined that her best friend's boyfriend would turn out to be a criminal and a cheater. It was a harsh reality that had left her feeling both shocked and betrayed.

"Do you think we made the right decision?" Camila asked, breaking the silence between them.

"Yes," Agnes replied firmly. "It was the only choice we had, Camila. You deserved to know the truth, and we had to make sure Vito faced the consequences of his actions."

Camila nodded, still trying to come to terms with everything that had happened.

"Looks like I have to marry him." Camila whispered before laughing sarcastically.

"Wait, hold up. Marry?" Agnes is confused with what Camila has said. "Who?"

"Mr. Serrano." Camila confessess. "My parents had arranged our marriage but I declined at first."

"I declined because of Vito and I fought my parents for him. But my parents were right about him after all."

Agnes stared at Camila in disbelief, her mind reeling from the sudden revelation. "Wait, so your parents arranged a marriage for you with Mr. Serrano? And you turned it down for Vito?"

Camila nodded, her voice heavy with regret. "Yes, I thought I was in love with Vito. I thought he was everything I wanted, but now I see that my parents were right. They saw something in Mr. Serrano that I refused to acknowledge."

Agnes sighed, understanding the weight of Camila's words. "And now, after everything that has happened with Vito, you're reconsidering their offer?"

Camila's face softened as she looked out the car window, lost in her thoughts. "I've come to realize that my parents only want what's best for me. They saw the potential in Mr. Serrano to provide stability and safety, things that Vito could never offer."

"Also, I'm not reconsidering, Agnes. I'm honoring my word to my father. We had an agreement. I'll marry Mr. Serrano as my parents wish if ever Vito betrayed or harmed me. Vito did, so now I have to marry a stranger."

Agnes reached out and placed a supportive hand on Camila's shoulder. "I understand, Camila. It's not an easy decision to make, but sometimes, the path we resist is the one that leads us to where we truly belong."

Camila let out a sigh, her eyes still fixed on the passing scenery. "I just hope that Mr. Serrano is understanding and willing to give me a chance. After everything I've been through, I don't know if I can handle any more heartbreak."

Agnes squeezed her friend's shoulder reassuringly. "I have faith in you, Camila. You're strong and resilient. You'll find a way to navigate this new chapter in your life, even if it feels uncertain right now."

As they neared Camila's home, Agnes couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions herself. She had been by Camila's side through thick and thin, witnessing her pain and growth. Now, she would continue to stand by her friend as she embarked on this unexpected journey towards an arranged marriage. Agnes knew that her role as a supportive friend was more important now than ever.

"Thanks for the ride, Agnes." Camila said as she got out of the car.

"I'll just send you an invitation to the wedding." Camila added while sarcastically laughing.

Agnes smiled weakly, trying to lighten the heavy atmosphere. "Well, I better start shopping for a fabulous dress then. Can't let you have all the fun at your wedding without some competition." She chuckled, trying to lift Camila's spirits.

Camila rolled her eyes playfully but couldn't quite muster a genuine smile. "Thanks, Agnes. Your support means everything to me."

Camila walked towards her house and once inside she looked for her parents. She found them in her father's private office. Feeling her emotions rushing back, she ran to her parents and cried as she hugged them seeking comfort.

"What happened, Darling?" Camila's father asked and Camila cried even more as she told her parents what she had found out about Vito.

Camila's parents listened intently, their faces reflecting a mix of concern and understanding. Her mother held her tightly, offering solace in the embrace.

"Oh, my dear," her mother whispered, her voice filled with empathy. "We always wanted to protect you from heartache, but we also wanted you to learn on your own. We never imagined it would be this painful."

Camila's father sighed heavily, his eyes filled with regret. "We should have been more forceful with our concerns about Vito. We were blinded by our love for you and our desire to see you happy."

Camila sniffed, wiping away tears with the back of her hand. "It's not your fault, Papa. I was so convinced that he was the one for me, that I didn't listen to anyone else."

Her parents held her tight, understanding the pain and confusion that she must be feeling. They had known all along that Vito was not the right match for their daughter, but they had hoped she would come to that realization on her own. Now, they were there to provide the comfort and support she needed.

"We're here for you, Camila," her mother whispered soothingly, stroking her hair. "We love you, and we only want what's best for you."

Her father nodded in agreement, his eyes filled with concern. "You don't have to marry Mr. Serrano if you don't want to. We can find another solution."

Camila sniffled, wiping away her tears. "No, Papa. I made a promise to you, and I intend to honor it. Besides, Vito has shown me who he truly is, and I don't want anything to do with him anymore."

Her parents exchanged a glance, their expressions filled with relief and pride. They had raised a strong and honorable daughter, one who understood the importance of commitments and loyalty.

"Camila, we appreciate your determination to honor our agreement," her mother said softly. "But we also want you to know that we will support any decision you make. Our priority is your happiness and well-being."

Touched by their unwavering support, Camila nodded gratefully. "Thank you, Mama. But I think marrying Mr. Serrano might be the best path for me right now. It's time for me to move forward and find stability in my life."

Her father smiled lovingly at her. "We trust your judgment, Camila. If you believe that marrying Mr. Serrano is the right choice, then we will stand by you every step of the way."

Camila took a deep breath, feeling a newfound sense of clarity and purpose. She knew that marrying Mr. Serrano would not be an easy journey, but she was determined to make the most of it. With her parents' support and Agnes by her side, she felt a glimmer of hope in her heart.

The next few weeks were a whirlwind of preparations for the wedding. Camila's mother enlisted the help of the best wedding planner in town, ensuring that every detail would be perfect. As Camila tried on different gowns, she couldn't help but imagine what her life would be like with Mr. Serrano.

Agnes stood by her friend's side throughout the entire process, offering words of encouragement and helping to alleviate some of the stress.

"I can't believe this is actually happening," Agnes remarked one afternoon as they sat in Camila's bedroom, surrounded by lace and satin.

Camila chuckled softly, a flicker of excitement shining in her eyes. "Believe me, Agnes, I never thought I would find myself in this situation either. But sometimes life takes unexpected turns, and we have to embrace them with an open heart."

Agnes nodded, a small smile playing on her lips. "That's true, Camila. And who knows? Maybe this arranged marriage will bring you the happiness and stability you've been searching for."

Camila sighed, her gaze fixed on the wedding dress in front of her. "I hope so, Agnes. I truly do. I've learned my lesson with Vito, and I don't want to make the same mistake again."

Agnes reached out and squeezed Camila's hand gently. "You're a smart and resilient woman, Camila. I have no doubt that you'll make the best of this situation. And remember, you're not alone in this journey. I'll be here for you every step of the way."

Camila smiled gratefully at her friend, feeling a surge of warmth fill her heart. "Thank you, Agnes. Your friendship means everything to me."

As the wedding day approached, Camila couldn't help but feel a mix of nervousness and excitement. She stood in front of the mirror, her wedding gown flowing gracefully around her. Despite the doubts that had plagued her in the past, she couldn't deny the growing anticipation building within her.

But still she have high walls for her heart now, guarding it with her life to avoid being hurt again just like what happened to her with Vito.

Agnes walked into the room, a wide grin on her face. "Camila, you look absolutely breathtaking."

Camila's mother, who stood beside Agnes, beamed with pride. "My darling, you are radiant. This is your moment, embrace it."

Taking a deep breath, Camila exhaled all her worries and doubts. Today was the beginning of a new chapter in her life—one that she had chosen to embark on with courage and conviction.

As the music began to play, Camila stepped out of the bridal suite and made her way down the aisle. Every step forward was a declaration of her strength and determination. She locked eyes with Mr. Serrano, who stood at the altar wearing a smile that could rival the sun.

The kiss was a bittersweet farewell, a final release of all that was once familiar and a painful goodbye to the wounds caused by Vito's deception. As their lips met, Camila let go of the past and embraced the uncertain but hopeful future ahead. 


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