Runaway King ✔️

By unconsentingsoul

17K 654 53

Prince Benjamin escapes his country a few months before his coronation. He just wants a few weeks of relaxat... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 17

711 30 1
By unconsentingsoul

Mason’s POV

He’s gone. He’s really gone. I knew this day was bound to happen. He told me from the first day that he’s just visiting and then leaving. However, I always imagined that maybe he would decide to stay. Or at least take me. I have nothing going in my life. 

Ben made me want to live for something. 

Once the black limo was out of sight, the attention was now on me. Carol quickly rushed over to me and let me cry on her shoulder.

The next few hours were a bit of a blur. The stress, heat, Ben leaving, the clamoring of reporters who wanted to know about me. It was all a blur.

What I do remember was reporters coming up to me and asking me if I knew Ben was a prince. Cameras flashed left and right, everyone catching a picture of a crying boy with a flower crown on his head.

For fuck’s sake! The love of my life is gone and all these people care about is getting a good headline.

The guards that came with King Benjamin mostly left but some stayed behind and escorted me into a car. Before I got in, I hugged Carol and cried before I was taken home.

Mom hugged me tightly when I reached home. She took me inside and let me watch a movie and cry my eyes out while she cooked a comfort meal for me. My phone had been blowing up with messages. Some said ‘Did you know he was a prince?’, ‘I bet you were using him for money.’, ‘Great, we have a fag king now.’ 

That last comment made me realize that my post, the only thing I’ve ever posted, was now known by the media. I checked the post. Already thousands of likes. I never wanted this. Instead of deleting the post, I archived it so while it’s gone, it’s not really gone.

Unlike Ben, who’s really gone. 

I threw my phone away, not wanting to see it. I cried more. Mom walked around the house to clean and would occasionally pick up something from Ben. 

“I can’t believe a prince lived here.” She would mumble to herself. I’m not sure if she knows that I was in love with Ben. She’s my mother. She probably knew before either Ben or I knew.

The TV switched from a show to the news. 

“Earlier today, King Benjamin VII announced the rescue of his son Prince Benjamin. The royal family have announced the coronation of the new king for next month.” The news reporter said. I cried even more at the mention of Ben. I switched the channel quickly and landed on a gossip channel.

“Artois isn’t new the gay kings. Prince Benjamin may be the first of this century.” One of the speakers said. On screen was a picture taken earlier today of me and Ben kissing.

Now that he’s gone, I’m starting to notice more things about Ben. The way his blonde hair was pushed to behind his ears. The fact that his body is so proportionally perfect from his pecks to his legs. And the small beauty mark on his upper cheek bone. 

“I don’t see why the other boy is crying. Prince Benjamin will forget about him in a few weeks when he’s finally king.” A guy with greasy hair and obviously hasn’t showered said. 

Who is he to demean my love! If I remember correctly, this guy wasn’t around during the weeks Ben was here. Anyone who dares say our love isn’t anything wasn’t here when Ben went out into the rain and carried me inside! They weren’t here when Ben spilled soda on me and gave me his jacket! They weren’t here when I carried a drunk Ben home!

“Honey,” Mom spoke in her soft voice. I’m guessing I’d been non-stop crying so she turned off the TV. “Come on, sweetie. Let’s go eat.” She said. Mom removed my flower crown that I hadn’t taken off and put it on the coffee table. 

My body moved on auto pilot. I got up and sat at the table. Normally, I would’ve sat in the chair next to the kitchen because I get up a lot and drink too much water. But that’s where Ben sat everyday. I couldn’t sit there. That’s his seat now.

“Mase, it’ll be okay. I promise.” Mom said. She placed a bowl in front of me. I stared into the food for a while until my stomach growled. I had to eat. 

“I’m sorry mom.” I cried. Mom placed my head on her shoulder and let me cry. “I should’ve told you I like him.” 

“Mason. From the moment Ben walked in here, I automatically assumed he was your boyfriend. I knew already since you were a kid that you were different from the other boys.” She hugged me.

“That’s why dad left. I wasn’t a real boy.” I cried.

“Don’t say that, Mason! Your father can go to hell! His meaning of a man is different from mine.” She held up my face and made me look at her. “You’re a real man because you weren’t afraid to show who you love to the world. Your father would’ve never done that and would’ve cowered away.” She kissed my forehead.

“Thanks mom. I love you.” I kissed her cheek.

“You too, Mason. Now eat your food. I still have to clean up.” Mom got up and began to walk around. She picked up the bags of snacks on the counter that Ben and I ate yesterday. My eyes turned to the pink magnolias I had gotten from Ben. 

I’ll look into it on how to turn cuts of plants into a full tree. I want to plant those magnolias in our backyard before they wilt. Something to remember Ben by.

The food was gone. Losing someone you love can really make you hungry. Normally when I have nothing to do, I would’ve gone to Ben and we would’ve gone outside and gone on walks or went out with friends. Ben was gone. And I don’t feel like talking to anyone. 

I grabbed the flower crown and made my way to my room. I had to pass by Ben’s room. It’s his room still. I can still hear the inaudible mumbles of him talking to his sister. The night when we played music and danced in his room. The sound of us laughing after Ben woke up hungover.

I laid in my bed and looked outside to the shining sun. I then turned to the jacket Ben had given me at the cinema. I grabbed it and hugged it close to my boy. 

And the most tears came out. I wailed for him. If he heard my cries, I bet he would come back here and tell me he’s never going to leave. 

I miss Ben. I grew attached to him. Before I met Carol, no one wanted to be friends with me. My dad’s words spread and everyone saw me as a weak person. Despite being 5’11 and taller than most boys, I still feel smaller than everyone. 

But Ben put me on a pedestal. He always praised me and loved to talk about how beautiful I am. I gained confidence from him. 

Now I’m back to how I was years ago. Crying in my room because I’m alone once again.


bye! i love you all!


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