Nothing but trouble

Bởi Raven0822

26K 955 521

*Very mature content*Altered timeline* Three people seen as nothing but trouble until they join the Avengers... Xem Thêm

You want a hug?
May I help you?
It's a twin thing
Unexpected flirting
Show and tell
I'm a little tired now
For mother's sake
Girls night
Tell me Kitten...
This isn't over
Tell me what you would do
Do you share, Sergeant?
Two birds one stone
We need to talk
Darling, we can explain
Do you trust me?
Horrible timing
It doesn't hurt anymore
I pinky promise
I told you!
A new arrangement
-New Story update-
Bind runes
Bagels and coffee
Being open minded

I feel...

643 25 16
Bởi Raven0822

Body feeling sort of boneless but definitely not as satisfied as her men promised, Katherine plopped down in the seat next to Steve on the quinjet. Shooting the man a frustrated glare she huffed out a breath as she crossed her arms under her breasts while she watched him complete his preflight checklist. Actively ignoring her he hummed to himself as he talked to the agents through his comm letting them know they were ready to go and that they'd be off comms unless it was an emergency. Not able to take it anymore she shifted around trying to relieve the ache left unsatisfied as she buckled in. "You owe me, Spangles. Big time."

"Do I? Why's that?" He bit back a grin. He didn't know exactly what he'd interrupted, but by how she was squirming he knew it was something fun. When FRIDAY said she was with Buck and Loki and that she'd be there relatively soon he figured they were finally getting around to that chat he'd suggested to his best friend this morning. He'd say by her flushed face and the serious case of the wiggles she had going on that maybe they'd already had that chat and were getting around to more sexy times when he called for her.

"You have the absolute worst timing in the world, Rogers. I was just about to have sex with my boyfriends for the first time, together!" When his wide blue eyes snapped over to hers Katherine realized what she said. Now squirming for a whole other reason she suddenly found the view out the window fascinating.

"Boyfriends?" Grinning, he split his attention from her back to leveling out the quinjet and set it into autopilot. He needed his full attention for this. Unbuckling Steve shifted to be able to look directly at Katherine so as to not miss a single thing. "Spill it, Kat."

Running her hands through her hair she groaned. Why had she opened her big fat mouth? Because she was a sexually frustrated woman who has filter issues. Besides it wasn't like he wouldn't find out eventually, Bucky was his best friend after all. Not to mention she had something to talk to him about in regards to joining her or rather joining them again. Although was that something that should be talked about when they got back so that the guys could participate in the conversation? Slowly hedging out the most momentous life altering decision of her life, Kat side-eyed her friend. "Fine. Bucky and Loki-"

"I knew it!" He called out startling her with how beyond pleased with himself he was. Smacking his arm or what she could reach of it Katherine narrowed her eyes at Steve.

"Will you shut up and let me talk!" Holding up his hands he grinned and nodded for her to go on. "As I was saying..." What exactly had she been saying again? Oh yeah, "Bucky, Loki and I have come to an agreement. It's been agreed that the three of us will be in a-" Why was this so hard to say?

"Relationship.." Steve finished for her with a smug grin on his face. Dropping her head back to rest against the copilots seat she groaned as Steve chuckled with more than a little amusement. After all of her denying her connections to his best friend and the Asgardian she knew he felt vindicated in the fact that she was now dating both men.

"Yeah, that." Sighing, she continued to explain. "After a minor fight when Bucky and Loki got back from their outing, Buck and I talked. It was made abundantly clear to me that my feelings for him and Loki were relationship type feelings." Katherine cringed a little at the word. She'd gone her whole life actively avoiding relationships of any kind with anyone outside of her family and here she was making friends. Not to mention that she now had not one, but two, boyfriends.

Reaching out to place a hand on her knee Steve gave it a friendly squeeze. "Hey, all kidding aside. I'm happy for you. All three of you. You and Buck deserve every happiness. I won't lie and say I completely understand whatever it is you have with Loki, but if he makes you happy then I'll learn to live with it." Katherine hoped that her other friends had the same sentiment because she was still slightly torn about the god of Mischief.

Sure he had the potential to make her unbelievably happy, but he'd done a lot of damage to Earth when he was last here. He'd hurt and even killed a lot of people. People who already had harsh opinions on what should happen to him. Guilt ate at her stomach because those same people would have no problem lumping her in with Loki should her powers ever get out of control. Hell, the neighborhood she'd grown up in had felt the same about her when she was nothing more than a child. That she should be locked up or put down all because she was a 'freak'. Steeling up her spine with firm resolve, Katherine decided she would be one hundred percent on Loki's side no matter what. Mathew had forgiven him and she was working on it. At the end of the day he was hers and she protected what and who was hers.

Needing to change the topic to something a little more light-hearted she lifted an eyebrow at Steve. Raising both of his own in question he gives her a cautious smile. He had every right to be nervous, but this was more teasing than mischievous. "What's that look for, Blake?" Shrugging her shoulders she got up to close the small distance between them. Slinging a leg over his lap and sat down making sure to grind down on his growing erection. Hands raised so as to not touch her Steve shook his head. "Katherine, you're with Buck and Loki now. I'm damned sure that my best friend wouldn't like us messing around behind his back. And I definitely don't want to piss off a magic wielding, nearly undefeatable Asgardian god by touching his girl."

Running her hands down from his shoulders she taps her fingers over the white star on his chest. "But see that's where you'd be wrong, Spangles." At his confused expression she leaned forward to press a kiss to the soft skin just under his ear that she knew was one of his weak spots. When she felt him shiver Kat licked over said spot before blowing on it making him grip her hips tightly. Moving up to nip his earlobe she whispered, "The three of us managed to define exactly who I was able to bring into my bed and you just so happen to be the only man they're willing to share me with on a regular basis." Pulling back Katherine bit her bottom lip when she saw that Steve's pupils had dilated wide open. "That means, as long as I clear it with Loki and Bucky first, we can fondue all we want. Is that something you want to do, Captain? Fondue with me, that is?"

"Y-yes." The word came out on a shaky breath as he lightly bucked his hips up into her core making her own breath hitch in her throat. The desire in his eyes dimmed after only a moment though. Getting serious he stilled her hips from grinding down on him to tell her, "But only if they really are okay with it. I don't want to ruin anything between you guys, Kat. I won't ruin mine and Buck's friendship over a woman." Pulling out her phone she shoots off a text to Bucky to confirm what she said was true.

"I know and I understand. I wouldn't expect anything else from the most upstanding man I've ever met." When Bucky replied a moment later she showed Steve the message. Right there for him to see was the permission he needed to close the distance between them. Understanding that he wouldn't right now she let him know she was fine to wait. "I know you won't take this any further because of the mission so I say we hit pause until it's over." At his nod of agreement Katherine smiled. "Good. Now kiss me to seal the deal, Captain."

More than willing Steve firmly gripped her throat just how he knew she liked and pulled her into him to claim her lips. Crashing his mouth to hers he nipped her bottom lip in a silent demand to open up. Eager to, she welcomed his tongue into tangle with hers. Rocking her hips along the hardened ridge of his cock for a few dizzying seconds before leaning back to work on getting the zipper of the pants half of his suit open. While they might not be able to have full on sex at the moment it didn't mean that they couldn't play a little. When Steve gripped Katherine's wrists she thought he was going to stop her, but he surprised her by letting go a second later. Instead, he began to quickly as he could, tear open his suit. Once he got the top half off he lifted his hips so she could tug the bottom half down enough to free his aching cock.

Pressing a hard kiss to her lips hooked his fingers into the waistband of her jeans and told her to, "Take them off." Flitting her eyes back and forth between his to see if he was being serious, Katherine yelped when he smacked her ass. "I gave you an order, Katherine." Gripping her throat he repeated himself slowly and deliberately so there was no mistaking his choice to throw out his Golden boy image. "Take. Off. Your. Pants. Now."

Nearly tripping and falling in her bid to do as she was told, Steve paused his serious side to chuckle as he watched her kick off her shoes and struggle out of her pants. Helping her by sliding her panties off he ran his fingers through the slick arousal already starting to drip from her pussy. Lifting his fingers up to his mouth with his ocean blue eyes firmly locked on her own whitish-blue, Katherine's knees almost buckled when he sucked off every bit of it. With a low growl he gripped the back of her thighs and hoisted her back onto his lap. Fisting the base of his cock he notched the head at her entrance and jerked his hips up. Filling her up with one smooth hard thrust. Clutching her to his chest he panted harshly into her neck trying not to blow his load too early. "Fuck, Kat. You're so warm, wet and tight." He hissed through his clenched teeth when her inner muscles clenched around his shaft. Groaning, he licked from the base of her throat up her chin to her mouth. "Your pussy is going to make me come before I'm ready, Sweetheart."

Breaking away from his kiss she wiggled her hips needing him to fuck her. Because hearing Steve Rogers' dirty talk turned her on like nothing else. Their always polite and proper Captain America had a filthy, filthy mouth when it came time for their clothes to come off. It had pleased Katherine to no end last night when he'd whispered in her ear all sorts of naughty things that he wanted to do to her and her to him. Shivering at the memories of what they and Bucky had done... Sex seemed to be the only time Steve really let go and was just who he really was underneath that bright shining red, white and blue image he projected to everyone else.

"Please, Steve. I need you to let me move!" Pressing a soft kiss to her lips he nodded and gripped her waist with one hand while gripping her hip with the other and lifted her up. Yanking her down he began a punishing rhythm that had her crying out for more. Wrapping her arms around his neck to hold on when he began to pound his cock deep inside her over and over and over again. Meeting his every thrust with a downward thrust of her own Kat threw her head back, moaning and gasping for him to keep going. It wouldn't take long for her to come with how worked up Loki and Bucky had gotten her before she left. "Yes! Harder, Steve. Mmm. Don't stop, I'm so close."

Apparently the same could be said for Steve. Doing exactly as she demanded, he redoubled his efforts hitting that spot deep inside triggering her climax mere minutes later. Letting go completely, Katherine's whole body shook from the force of her release and from the feeling of Steve following after her with a hoarse shout of her name as he came deep inside her still clenching depths. Taking a moment with his face pressed into her neck as his large frame trembled in her arms he kissed her sweat-dampened skin once before standing up. Keeping their bodies connected Steve shuffle stepped his way to the bathroom so they could clean up. Laughing at the ridiculousness that was a half naked Captain America stumbling around the quinjet with her still attached had him groaning because her inner muscles tightened around his still sensitive shaft. "God! Stop or I think I'm going to have to fuck you again."

Katherine licked a stripe up his throat humming at the delicious salty taste of his sweat before peppering kisses along his chiseled jaw. "I wouldn't say no to that." Shaking his head Steve set her on the edge of the small sink and pulled out, making her gasp. "Boo, no fun."

"I'm plenty of fun, Sweetheart and you know it. But we need to get back to work." Pouting only had him laughing at her as he leaned back against the wall as he caught his breath. She'd have been irritated if the sight of a rumpled postcoital Steve didn't distract her. Winking at her he grinned knowing exactly where her mind was going. "Nope. None of that."

Yanking a couple paper towels out he got them wet and cleaned himself up and got re-dressed. Tossing the used paper towels in the trash he grabbed some more to clean her up. Being very thorough. Maybe a little too much because his hands lingered far too long for him to just be cleaning up his mess. Nipping at his earlobe she chuckled when he hissed at the small pain. "I thought we had to get back to work."

Groaning, Steve nodded as he tossed the used paper towels in the trash. Pressing one more lingering kiss to her lips he helped her down his blue eyes darkening at the sight of her wearing only a t-shirt that barely covered her lower half. Adjusting himself he gently pushed her out of the small room. "You're right. Go get dressed. I'll be out in a minute."

Laughing Katherine sashayed away peeking over her shoulder to see his eyes locked on her bare ass. Beyond satisfied she rounded the corner and headed over to grab her clothes. Once she was dressed she settled back down on her seat and let out a happy sigh as she texted Bucky. Knowing he'd relay her message to Loki she let them know the gist of what happened and exactly how she was going to thank them when she got home later that night. Sexy promises sent, she tapped on her brother's contact and hit the call icon.

"Hey Matty." Eyes flashing with amusement when Steve made his entrance she explained to her brother why she was calling. "Oh, nothing much. Just sitting here being bored out of my mind while Spangles and I waste our time flying when I could have teleported us to our mission."

"I've told you this a dozen times, Kat. We're flying because if something happens, like we get separated, then I will have a way to get home." Sticking her tongue out at him she scrunches her nose to let him know she was only joking before going back to her conversation. Rolling his eyes he hands her the spare Stark pad that was queued up with their mission; he goes over his own while she chats with her brother. "You should come over for dinner or something tonight. I want to officially introduce you to my boyfriends." Laughing at his shock she scrolled through the file gearing up for what was up ahead of them.


Hanging out in the kitchen as he finished up an early evening snack with Loki, Bucky leaned back in his chair when he heard the ding announcing the arrival of the elevator. Wiping his mouth he crumpled up his napkin tossing it on his empty plate watching as Katherine's brother exited and made his way over to them. Nodding hello Mathew brought his wheelchair to a stop and leaned his elbows on his armrests. Pursing his lips to hold back a grin he said, "So I hear you took my advice." His brown eyes flicked from Bucky to Loki and back.

Sharing a look with the Asgardian he pushed his plate away to rest his forearms on the table. "Katherine told you then?"

"Yeah she called me a couple hours ago because she was bored on her flight with Steve." A snicker of laughter escaped him that he tried to tamp down. He knew his friend had to have been in hearing distance when she told that fib to her brother. Not understanding the joke Matt moved on. "Kat caught me up on what's been going on with you three. Obviously she skipped over the more private details, but she did tell me that she has two boyfriends. Namely you," He points to Bucky. "And you." He gestures to Loki."

Clearing his throat Loki nervously licked his lips before speaking. Sitting up straighter, his thousand plus year old perfected posture marking his unease. "And you are alright with me courting your sister?"

Smiling Mathew nodded. "I talked to my sister the other day when she visited that whatever was between you two is just that. Between you two." Getting serious now he leaned forward. "I know there isn't much a half paralyzed former firefighter can do to you, but if you hurt my sister–"

"I won't." Loki interrupted whatever threat he was about to be leveled with. Earnest he promised to do anything but that. "Not intentionally anyway. I swear it. In the short time I've come to know Katherine I've come to care for her a great deal. Her happiness is all I wish for." The truth rang through his statement, setting Mathew's mind at ease or as much as it could be. There wasn't much he or anyone could do if Loki broke his promise. But Buck knew if it came down to it he'd have to deal with every single one of the team before his ass was sent back to a prison cell in Asgard.

Moving on to lighter topics the three men got to talking, getting to know one another. For all of the months Katherine had lived here at the Tower and Matt had come around he hadn't actually spent much time with the other Blake sibling. And as for Loki, Mathew and Bucky were on the same page of wanting to know as much about the other man in Katherine's life as possible. Having already sketched out a sort of friendship with the god he was finding more and more that he might just like Loki. Sharing a look with Matt told Buck the same.

Eventually they moved to sit in the living room as they settled in to wait for Kat and Steve to come back. Every now and then someone would trickle in and sit with them for a bit before moving on with the rest of their day. It was just as Tony joined them that Loki's concerned question had the other two men looking over at the fourth. While they'd been talking about his upcoming wedding Mathew stopped laughing. He'd been telling them about something ridiculous that his fiancé wanted for the ceremony when he rubbed at his chest. Concerned for his well-being, Loki asked if everything was alright. "No, I don't think it is."

Shifting in his wheelchair as if he was in pain Matt gasped out, "You need to check on my sister. Something is wrong. I feel…" He grimaces again in pain as if he's been stabbed, a hand gripping his shirt right over his heart. Staring into space his words falter as he gasps for air. "Empty. I f-feel empty. You need to find her! I can't– I can't breathe." Tearing at the neck of his shirt Mathew tries and fails to draw in a deep breath in his fear fueled panic attack.

Heart beating a million miles an hour with fear for Katherine, Bucky jumped up trying to get him to calm down. As he and Loki try not to succumb to their own panic and fear Tony called out to FRIDAY. Shouting for the AI to have Hill check on the duo. The three men all share a concerned look not questioning for a second that Mathew knows something bad has happened. A minute later the AI informs them that a garbled distress call from Steve had just been called in but Maria and the other agents haven't been able to make it out. "I'm sorry, but all attempts at communication have been met with radio silence. Agent Hill has already sent out a team to find them."

Clutching at their arms with pure desperation Mathew finally takes in a half shaky breath. Silent tears streaming down his face as he sightlessly stares out at nothing. Speaking to no one in particular he mumbles over and over as if in some kind of trance, "I can't feel her anymore. I-I can't.. I can't f-feel h-her anymore. I'm empty, empty. Empty..."

Every word out of his mouth breaks Bucky's heart as he stands there frozen hoping to God he's wrong. She couldn't be gone. She just couldn't. Not when he'd just gotten her. Not after all of their snappy flirting back and forth for months. Not when she finally agreed to try to be with them both. Shaking he looked over at Loki who wore a similar broken expression on his face. They needed to find out what happened to their girl. Now.

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