Within The Dimenscape And Bey...

By Crusters123

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For many years, the Dimenscape has been living in prosperity. The rulers of this land have been leading with... More

Chapter 1: The Blade of Fate
Chapter 3: Secrets & Boxes
Chapter 4: Doctor's Appointment
Chapter 5: Working Objective
Chapter 6: Criminal Minds
Chapter 7: Visits
Chapter 8: Break Out
Chapter 9: Mirror Mirror
Chapter 10: Family Dramatics
Chapter 11: A Mother's Rage
Chapter 12: Caller's Intel
Chapter 13: Peeping Tom
Chapter 14: Consultations
Chapter 15: Mad Doctor
Chapter 16: Death Wish
Chapter 17: Old Combacks
Chapter 18: "I love you..."
Chapter 19: Cole?
Chapter 20: Alondra
Chapter 21: REVOLUTION! (Part 1/2)
Chapter 22: Revolting Children (Part 2/2)
Chapter 23: Reunion
Chapter 24: True Loves Kiss
Chapter 25: Song of The Battle
Chapter 26: Penemuel
Chapter 27: Elio
Chapter 28: Babysit? Babygone.
Chapter 29: Hit & Run
Chapter 30: One Last Fight

Chapter 2: Beneath The Sand

100 2 0
By Crusters123

No One's POV:

The sounds of Cole shouting woke Tabitha up from her sickly nap. She felt clammy, nauseous, and exhausted all at the same time. Her hair was in a long knotted mess, and the large bed was covered in tissues from constantly having to blow her runny nose.

"Hey! You can't go in there!" He yells at someone. "Tab's not feeling well, so she needs her rest."

The thumping of two pairs of feet could be heard from outside the room.

"And I wanna see if I can make her feel better. I'm her brother-in-law." The voice of Yugataro proposes. "Now get outta my way."

"No way!" Cole objects. "That's my final warning, dude. Now leave. Take care of your own wife."

"She's at an important meeting with the gods!" Yugataro informs his sibling. "I already told you."

This was too much for Tabitha. She needed them to shut up.

"Boys, please!" She cries out in a raspy voice. "I need to sleep!" Her whiny pleads causes her head to ache so much that she felt the need to vomit. Pulling her bucket from the floor to her chest, the poor queen threw up a gooey green mess.

The door to her room opens to reveal the husband worriedly rushing over to her. Cole sits by her side and gently rubs her back as she let out another gut retching gag into the bucket. Yugataro stood by her, not really knowing what to do. She finally stops and lifts her face up to show the boys that she was extremely pale and sweating a ton.

"Are you okay, my love?" Cole asks his wife in a gentle voice, unhurriedly taking the bucket from her hands. He gives it to Yugataro and motions his head towards the bathroom. The dragon cringes at the sight yet does what he's told, so no more drama could start in front of the sick queen.

"I think I might be feeling a little bit better." Tabitha says, showing him a weak smile. "I can help out around the castle if you guys want. Look."

She waves her arm to magically lift a chair up into the air, but it only burst into flames. Tabitha yelps frightfully at the sight and tries to put it out with her water powers, yet it only makes things worse when the chair lifts into the air, causing the fire to spread to the desk and other chairs. Lucky for them Cole easily put the fires out with a snap of his finger. The flames were gone and everything was fixed.

"What you need to do is rest." The king informs his queen, patting her hands. "You know that your powers go out of wack when you're not feeling well."

Tabitha groans sadly and slumps down, covering her face with her pillow. She mumbles something under the pillow making her husband laugh. He takes the pillow off of her face and laughs at her pouting face.

"Hey, don't give me that face." He tells her. She continues to do so but this time adds some more effects to it. Her whimpering and puppy-dog eyes got to him. "Alright, fine. The kids and I are going on a walk in the forest for a bit. We're going to bring the animals, and even the guys with their families are coming."

"Oooh yes! Ow." Tabitha exclaims, quickly putting a hand to her forehead as her outburst ached her head. "I mean, that's great. Let me get dressed."

Cole shakes his head. "Nah. You stay here. I'll pick out something for you to wear." Before he left, the king placed the back of his hand against Tabitha's forehead. It was burning hot. "Are you sure that you're okay?"

She slightly nods her head. "Just cold... and hungry." The queen confesses with a small snicker.

Cole laughs once more while getting up from the bed. "Don't worry, I'll make sure to pack snacks. Now, you lay down while I pick you an outfit to wear. It's pretty chilly outside, so we might have to bundle up."

As he made his way towards their enormous walk-in closet, Yugataro was making his way out of the bathroom with the bucket in hand that was now clean. The dragon strolls over to the bed and hands her the pail with a sweet smirk on his face.

"You wanna rate the outfits he's gonna pick out?" Yugataro questions the woman in bed as he sits down right next to her. Tabitha chuckles at the idea and nods her head.

"I hate you." The queen grumbles towards the large lizard who hadn't stopped laughing about the garments she was wearing. The others, along with their families were waiting outside the castle by the front gates for the royal family to show up. "I thought you said this was going to be cute."

Yugataro places one of his green claws around her shoulder with a flirtatious grin. "Don't worry darling, you do look adorable. Plus, you do have to keep warm."

"Nepotistic jerk." Tabitha mutters under her breath

The queen was wearing a bright yellow sweater with a pink cat on the front. The pants she had on were baggy, gray, and almost touching the ground. A fluffy, orange scarf that belonged to her husband was wrapped around her neck, keeping her snug and warm. The fuzzy, brown boots were the only things she liked about her outfit.

As she and her family walk down the ramp and out the front gate, they meet up with the rest of the gang. Many of them were dressed up nice and mellow clothes as they awaited by the village fountain. Many of them had on only jackets or sweatshirts to keep them warm, except for Leo.

Due to his reptilian characteristics, Perilia had dressed him up with a little more garments than a normal person would have. The turtle stood by his tall partner, leaning against her with a sleepy look on his face. He was known for getting close to hibernating when in contact with the cold weather.

"Hey guys!" Cole calls out to the others who all smile and wave to him in response.

From the crowd was a small child with dragon features similar to Yugataro. He runs over to the ghost with a wide grin on their face. and jumps right into his arms. Their heterochromic eyes— yellow and lavender— flashed with excitement.

"Papa! Lookie at what I found at home!" The child tells his father while showing him a mace his size. "It was under my bed all along!"

Yugataro chuckles lively at the small boy. "Good boy, Loki, you're so good at finding things. Now, where's your sister? Isn't she coming with us?"

"I'm over here father." The accented voice replies from in front of them. Princess Diana stood there with a smile on her face and a hot chocolate in hand for her little sibling. "Here you go dearest brother."

Everyone chats amongst each other happily as they wait to leave. Children speak with cousins or siblings. Adults with their friends and family.

Tabitha couldn't help but smile at the sight of this. "Come on everyone, lets get going while there's still daylight."

As they walk pass the gate, Max floats over to his mother with a sinister smirk on his face. "Hey mom, nice outfit." He then rushed off to hang out with the other kids.

Tabitha laughs at her son's remark and continues to follow everyone to their destination. Beyond the gates and the village.

The exhilarated exclaims coming from both adults and children could be heard as the royal family, and their amigos explored the spacious woodlands. Their pets sniff the trees and dirt around them, getting a feel for their natural habitat while their owners race and chase each other. Alpha prances over to a teenage Max and rubs his head alongside his hand.

"Hey buddy, how ya doing?" The young prince asks kindly. "Wanna scrounge for something?"

The wolf gleefully barks in reply. He bounces up and down, hopping over to a certain tree.

"Can I come?" The small voice of Loki questions his older cousin. "I'm really good at scrounging!" He tells Max. "I just found this in the dirt! It looks really old!"

The little boy shows Max a large knife. It wasn't like any other blade he had ever seen. For instance, on the handle an engraving was carved into it but in a language he couldn't decipher. It was rusted and old from the way that the Earth had been eating at it.

He quickly took the blade away from his younger cousin, afraid that he might cut himself. "Don't touch this, it's rusted. Rusty weapons are worse than regular ones."

Loki nods his head. "Yeah, my papa told me that before." He tells the prince, completely understanding the situation.

Max sighs and continues to inspect the knife. It wasn't steel but it wasn't Vengestone either. From far it gave off the impression of a normal cutting knife, yet when up close the aged weapon was more extravagant than any ordinary one. It seemed to be engraved in gold but time seemed to make it look like a dirty brown color instead of the sparkling yellow shade.

"Where did you find this?" Max asks him with a concerned eyebrow raise.

Loki points in the direction of desert area below a large canyon. There was a hole in the sand where it he had dug up the ancient weapon. The two of them had never seen it before so they decided to ask their parents about it.

Max, Loki, and Alpha head over to Cole and Yugataro who were talking with their friends. Leo drowsily turns around to see the kids, and wolf behind them and greet the three over.

"Hey there kiddo." Cole beams. "Are you and your little cousin having fun?"

Max didn't say anything in response to his father's question. His silence alerts the king as his son held the knife in his hands.

"Whatcha got there, bud?" He asks the young teen. Max looks up from the rusted knife and nervously shrugs his shoulders.

"I don't know. Loki found this in the desert patch." The prince tells his father while handing him the sharp blade. "There's some sort of message on it, but I can't read it. I think it might be carved in some ancient language from another dimension."

Varian heard this and decided to take a crack at decoding it. He was used to having to decode things in order to figure them out. "Let me see that, I might be able to decipher it. I'm pretty much an expert at this sort of thing anyway."

The king's advisor grabs hold of the mysterious knife and holds it out in front of him so the sun shone it's bright beams onto in. He was like that for a while until he sighs. Turning around to face the others, Varian shakes his head in defeat.

"I don't have a clue what it might be, but maybe if I took it to my lab, I can try to find out what these symbols are." Varian admits with a sheepish shrug, handing the tool back to Cole.

"That's... strange." Leo yawns before taking a sip from his mug. "We should definitely take...." A small snore from the turtle yet Adrien gently shakes him awake. "Take it back to your lab."

They all nod their heads.

Izuku strangely glares at the weapon with some sort of unknown hatred. "There's no telling what this knife can do. It might even be a lead to finding that spy."

Tabitha and the other girls made their way over to the group. A familiar rabbit follows them over and hops into Loki's arms. It's wings on it's back were outstretched for a hug.

"Whatcha' boys talking about?" Marinette asks the boys. She reaches Adrien and gives her husband a kiss on the cheek. "Anything fun?"

Hunter shrugs his shoulders with his arm wrapped around Varian's waist. "I wouldn't use the term 'fun' in this situation."

"What do you mean?" Tabitha raises a skeptical eyebrow.

Cole takes notice of the knife one last time before handing it to his wife. However, one look at the weapon and Tabitha was lost in what seemed to be a horror-like trance. Her face expressed every possible negative emotion as she stared at the mysterious blade in front of her. Tabitha swiftly snatches the tool out of his hands and shakily backs away from the group.

"Where did you get this?" She asks them with a fearful breath. No one said anything. They were too shocked at her immediate change in demeanor. "Where?!" She yells.

Yugataro anxiously gulps before telling her. "Loki found it in the desert patch at the bottom of the small canyon." He admits, pointing the hole that his child had made. "What about it? Was that bad?" The dragon was genuinely confused with why she had become so upset about his son digging up an old kitchen tool.

Although Tabitha didn't answer him. Instead, the queen tried to run away but due to her illness and her unexpected reaction, her legs began to ache which causes her to fall down. Knife in hand. She tries with all her might to get back up and run away, yet everything in her body began to ache and churn.

"Mom!" Her kids nervously shout.

"Tabitha!" Cole exclaims worriedly as he rushes over to her aid. "Honey, what's going on? Is everything okay?"

Tabitha vigorously shakes her head, instantly giving her a migraine that throbbed and pulsed painfully. Her vision blurred and her mind swirled with many thoughts.

"I-I need to get out of here." The sick queen sputters before vomiting on the earthy ground. This time it was a bloody red. "Now."

Cole grabs hold of her waist and helps her stand up on her feet. However, when he glances over to her side, Cole notices that the knife was lodged into her hip. Blood staining her yellow sweater and the palm of his hand.

"Guys, we need to leave." He tells the others with a frightened breath. "There's something about this knife that Tab knows. Something important."

"Ya think?" Max says half sarcastically.

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