it all started in vegas

By sunshine_temptress27

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She was lost, at 25 years old she felt stuck in life, depressed and trapped by the small borders of her home... More

The Piano Room
The lounge
Blue eyes
Welcome to Memphis
Pleasure and Pain
Books and Records
The pier
Love me or Lose me
All shook up
Back To You


762 20 6
By sunshine_temptress27

Life has been full of press this past week, from interviews to photo shoots and even more paparazzi following us than ever before. It's felt like every time we leave our apartment someone finds us and a picture winds up on the internet. I've gotten used to less than flattering photos of myself appearing on twitter or instagram but what i don't think i'll get used to is the tabloid articles that people have started writing about me. They wanna know anything they can about my personal life and my past; some people from my hometown decided they would find old high school pictures of me and sell them to these magazines to plaster all over.

Aside from that life's been good the past couple weeks. My restraining order came through and just for extra safety we put a security system up in the apartment.

Today we are going to a photo studio to shoot for VMAN magazine, we were up and out the door at the lovely hour of 5 am.

As Austin was walked through the itinerary of the day with the set manager i walked along the wall and combed through the outfits they had chose for him to wear, all i have to say is god bless this stylist.

Leather, vests and a sheer shirt that left nothing to the imagination.

As we walked to the first few locations there was a whole crew following, hair and makeup, his stylist following with the next outfits in hand and the photographer.

Austin was sat on the curb of this very low traffic street, thank god and he was asked to lie down on his side. His bare chest visible, arms covered by a leather jacket, black trousers and a belt with a subtle western flare. His chin went down ever so slightly and his eyes flashed up to the camera giving the photographer one of the best photos i had ever seen him take.

As the click of the camera went off they moved Austin all around in different positions, he was stood against a wall and removed his jacket bringing his hand up to his face as the camera went off he looked over to me as i stared at him in bewilderment. I'll never get over how truly gorgeous that man is.

We walked back to the studio and there was a girl about my age standing in front of the back drop getting a few pictures taken. I hadn't seen her in here earlier when we got here.

The set manager stepped over to Austin and I, "For these next couple photos they wanna include a woman" He gestured over to the tall brunette "This is Victoria, she's gonna be standing in."

Austin raised a brow to the man, "I don't mean to over step but why do we need to include her?"

"It's more to tell the story, you are playing Elvis, a known ladies man."

Austin looked down to me and then back to the man "I understand sir but.."

The photographer butted in, cutting Austin off. "Im not suggesting aren't suggesting you are available Mr. Butler it's just a photo."


"Go on and get changed then we will get finished up"

We walked back towards the dressing room for Austin to change into his last outfit. On the rack hung a sheer black shirt and another pair of black trousers.

As he undressed i could see the unsettlement in his eyes.

"What's wrong?"

"I don't know how i feel about this"

"Why not?"

"I don't know it just seems like they are trying to make me out as a ladies man and i don't want what image"

"I get it, but i think he's playing more into the role, not you as a person."

"Yeah i guess"

He was all dressed and looking as beautiful as i had ever seen him. I stood up and walked over to him, i placed a hard kiss to his lips and we walked out the door.

He looked uncomfortable, his body language was stiff and the photos were very much showing it. I could see the frustration in the photographers face as he tried to redirect Austin and get him to relax.

It wasn't the easiest thing watching a random girl have her hands all over my man. I'm a jealous person, i can't help that. When it comes to the movie it doesn't bother me because i know Olivia, but i don't know this girl and she was enjoying herself way to much for my liking.

The photographer called Austin over to him, i wasn't in earshot of the conversation so i could only see the facial expressions they were giving each other and it was tense. The stage manager ran over to the photographer and was given directions rather loudly to ask Victoria to take a break. With now raised voices i could hear their exchange, "Mr. Butler i need these shots."

"I understand sir, i can try again."

"We've been doing these same photos for twenty minutes, i don't think it's going to work." His eyes scanned the room and landed on me making us have uncomfortable eye contact. He pointed to me and called me over.

When i was stood in front of him he let his face relax as he scanned me, "You okay being in front of a camera?"

"What for?"

"I want to try a couple shots with you instead of Victoria and see if we can't get the photos we need."

I looked to Austin and his whole body seemed to relax at the mention of it being me so how could i say no.

"Okay. Where do you want me?"

I walked over to the backdrop with Austin and draped my arms around his neck, his head was facing away from me to look towards the camera and my face was pressed against the other side of his neck.

I took my opportunity to try and turn his mood around.

As the clicks from the camera went off i pulled my lips up to his ear, "Relax, it's just me"

I felt his body soften and his breaths even out. One thing people don't really see in Austin is his shyness, he displays so much confidence when he's filming but when he's just Austin cameras and attention make him nervous.

"I think i'll like these pictures a lot more now that some random girl isn't hanging on you."

The photographer asked Austin to change positions, he took a second to look down at me, "Was it making you jealous sweetheart?"

As he stood in the next pose i went back to his ear, "I didn't like the way she looked at you when you weren't paying attention."

"I like it when you're jealous"

We moved around a took a few more shots till the photographer was satisfied, "These are perfect, exactly what i was looking for." He looked to me "Thank you for the help. I took some extra shots of you two that were just to good not to take, i can email them if you'd like"

"It was no problem, thank you i'd love that."

We got back to Austin's dressing room to collect our things and head home, i was bent down in front of the mirror picking up a shirt that had fallen when he came up behind me. His hands fell to my hips and i rose up to stand straight. I found his eyes in the mirror and his hands wandered around to the front of my body.

"What do you see when you look in the mirror?" His hands still mindlessly wandering my body.

"Depends on the day."

"You wanna know what i see?" His lips slowly moved down my neck to my exposed shoulder.

"A body made for my hands to touch..." His hands wandered my hips and waist, still kissing on my neck.

"A face so beautiful i can't help but kiss every time i see it"

My breath got heavier with every word that came out of him.

His hand came to rest on my chin and brought his thumb up to my bottom lip "Lips so soft i could die happy anytime they kiss my body"

He quickly spun my body around to face him, he looked deep into my eyes. "Eyes so enticing i could get lost for hours"

My body launched to his, i wrapped tightly around his body and kissed him as hard as i possibly could. He walked us back to the couch and sat himself down pulling me into his lap.

The grip he had on my hips was so tight i swore i'd see the print of his hands for days.

"We aren't gonna have long before someone wanders what's taking us so long." He says but his lips are right back on mine.

"Guess we better hurry then."

His hands made quick work of my clothes, he was like a starving man who had finally been offered food the way he was coming at me. Once i was completely bare and standing in-front of him he took a second and just stared at me, his right hand grabbed mine and his left ran softly up and down my hip. "You know i'm all yours? Any and every thing i have to give is yours."

He rid himself of his clothes and pulled me back down to him, aligning himself with my now dripping core. He wasted no time pulling me down as hard as possibly onto him, sending my head back against my shoulders.

I found myself unable to control the sounds coming out of my mouth, i bit down on my lip so hard i swore i drew blood. He never slowed his pace, he was rapidly driving into me hitting the deepest parts of me in the best way.

His hand shot up to my neck, gripping with a slight pressure before pulling me down to his lips. "You've gotten me all worked up today, im gonna need you to cum now before i lose myself in this pretty cunt of yours"

His words were gasoline to the fire burning inside me, i felt myself come undone wrapped around him.

"That's it pretty girl. Let me feel you"

My body lurched forward onto his chest trying to catch my breath. He didn't let up, the pace he was going was prolonging the feeling of euphoria my body was undergoing. A loud moan slipped past my lips, i tried to bury my head in his neck to prevent any further sounds from escaping but he was making it damn hard.

His thrust got sloppier by the second until i felt him twitch inside me. I brought my lips to his neck to bring him down from his high.

I felt his body relax into mine for a few moments before a knock made both our heads shoot to the door.

"Mr. Butler, I just wanted to let you know that your ride was here."

He looked to me and stifled a laugh, "Thank you, be there in just a moment."

I immediately hopped up to redress but he caught me as i snapped my bra back on. His lips pressed to mine and let a satisfied hum out, "My girl, my girl" before letting me go and continue to dress.

A few days later i was scrolling through instagram when i came across a post of me and Austin :

I couldn't help but scroll through the comments, they were significantly nicer than the last ones i had seen. The post included a photo of me wrapped around Austin and one photo of us smiling at each other while i was trying to get him to relax. People were commenting how happy we looked, that we were a perfect couple and that i was beautiful. I can't take compliments very well so i had convinced myself that they were just being sly.

Later on that afternoon i was sat on the couch with Austin when i got a call from an unknown number, my first instinct was to not answer it but something told me i should.


"Hey Camille it's John. Austin's manager."

"Oh hey John! How are you?"

The mention of his managers name caused Austin to look to me inquiringly. I shrugged in his direction unsure of where this was going.

"I'm wonderful and i hope you are. So listen, those photos of you and Austin for VMAN were a hit, people loved them but they especially loved you. I got a call today asking if i represented you as well."

"Well that's flattering but why would they want to know if you were my representation?"

"They want to offer you a job modeling for their company."

"Why on earth would they want me?"

Austin was repeatedly asking me to put it on speakerphone so he could hear, i quickly pulled the phone down and hit speaker.

"You have the beauty to be in-front of a camera Cami. When you couple that with professional photos in a global magazine people are bound to be curious. Is this something you'd be interested in?"

I look to Austin unsure of what to say and when i do his whole face is lit up with joy and a smile is plastered on his face.

"Can i think about it? I'm not sure i have the confidence to be alone in front of a camera."

"You absolutely can, save my number and give me a call when you make a decision. Just to put my opinion out there, i think you'd be an incredible fit."

"What's the brand if i may ask?"

"Oh my apologies i forgot, it's Savagexfenty, a lingerie and comfort brand."

My jaw fell, not only did they want me to be in front of the camera, they wanted me to do it half naked. I could barely look in the mirror before a shower much less be photographed for a huge company in a bra and underwear.

"Hey John, it's Austin she's a little stunned at the moment but i'll have her call you back."

"Thanks man, you guys have a good night."

I was in a state of shock to say the least.

"Baby that's an incredible opportunity."

"Incredible or not i most definitely do not have what they need."

"You have more than they could ever need. You put on one of there outfits and it'll sell out so fast their head will spin."

He was trying to be funny but i couldn't find it in me to laugh right now, so i just shook my head at him with a slight smile on my lips.

"You always tell me how i need to stop thinking so little of myself, now you need to take your own advice and go out there and kill that job. I'll be right by your side if you want me to be."


"Then that's where i'll be, you can do this. It's to good an opportunity to pass up."

He was right, this was a once in a life time chance, i had to take it.

Authors Note:
I'm baaaack..... I'm terribly sorry for the break but on top of going to Memphis i was having awful creative block and hated everything i wrote, so i took my time and wrote something i'm proud of.
Please don't forget to Vote and Comment bc i missed your comments.

All the love, C :)

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