I've Just Seen A Face 💕Paul...

De groovy-lennon

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Just when Paul thought he had it all in life, young Victoria Taylor comes to prove him wrong. Paul is forced... Mais

Chapter 1 "Following a dream"
Chapter 2 "New York"
Chapter 3 "I like you, Paul"
Chapter 4 "Stop"
Chapter 5 "Double surprise"
Chapter 6 "Virgin"
Chapter 7 "The first one"
Chapter 8 "I think I'm in love"
Chapter 9 "Following you"
Chapter 10 "I moan your name"
Chapter 11 " I love you, Victoria"
Chapter 12 "I choose her"
Chapter 13 "A trap"
Chapter 14 "True love"
Chapter 15 "Our new home"
Chapter 16 "Bathtub confessions"
Chapter 17 "Adoption?"
Chapter 18 "I fucked my little sister"
Chapter 19 "I've got a crush on Vicky too"
Chapter 20 "Prisoner of love"
Chapter 21 "They're all gone"
Chapter 22 "Beatle kidnap"
Chapter 23 "The night before"
Chapter 24 "You're going to lose that girl?"
Chapter 25 "Paul"
Chapter 26 "On John's bed"
Chapter 27 "Finally"
Chapter 28 "John's girl"
Chapter 29 "Three no-way"
Chapter 30 "John in the middle"
Chapter 31 "A taste of Paul"
Chapter 32 "Only you"
Chapter 33 "The world is treating me bad"
Chapter 34 "You Really Got a Hold On Me"
Chapter 35 "Ex-Girlfriend"
Chapter 36 "Mummy's favorite Beatle"
Chapter 37 "She's back"
Chapter 38 "It's her only"
Chapter 39 "Michelle Ma Belle"
Chapter 40 "Babysitters"
Chapter 41 "Breastfeeding"
Chapter 42 "No Other Love Will Ever Do"
Chapter 43 "Three of us"
Chapter 44 "Let the world know"
Chapter 45 "It's the girls"
Chapter 46 "We love you, Paul"
Chapter 47 "The girl in the alley"
Chapter 48 "Wife"
Chapter 49 "Forever"

Final Chapter "The Perfect Ending"

102 2 0
De groovy-lennon

Victoria's P.O.V.

I am engaged. I AM ENGAGED! I can't believe that young man I met from that crazy idea I had, proposed to me.

"Mummy's engaged" I say excitedly to baby Michelle on my arms as I feed her early in the morning. She slowly reached her hand to feel mine. She's still very little to know she makes me very happy. "Yes, soon I'll be marrying your daddy" I kissed the tip of her nose.

"Good Morning, my two beautiful angels" Paul greeted as he kissed me on the lips, and Michelle on her head.

"Morning, daddy" I winked.

It's official. I am five weeks pregnant.

"Just moments ago, I was having a very interesting conversation with John on the phone" He sat across from me as he crossed his arms.

"Really? What did he say?"

"I think you already know" He looked at me in the eyes as if I was some naughty little kid.

"Do I?" I teased him.

"You did it!" He laughed.

"I did what?" I laughed too; his laughter was contagious.

"You convinced John to ask Samantha to marry him" He said. "How did you manage to do that? It's John! You threatened him with something?" He looked at me strange.

I had to burst out laughing quietly because I didn't want to scare Michelle.

"I just had a serious talk with him. I told him if he loves her too, and it felt right, then why wait when it's the one? It's simple" I sighed as I looked at him. It's obvious why I'm saying it; I've experienced it.

"You are amazing" He grinned.

"Thank you" I smiled.

"This is what you had in mind the other day at Samantha's party, ain't it?"

"You know me, Paulie"

"But, can you actually imagine John getting married, dear?"

"Some people can change" I shrugged my shoulders.

"I doubt it. It's John!"

"Well you did change..." I said quietly

"That was different, I met you" He looked down smiling as he bit on his finger nails which he rarely ever did. It's cute when he gets shy sometimes.

"And he met her" I said.

"I get it" He sighed.

"Good" I smiled again. "Here, you do the rest feeding her" I said as I put Michelle on his arms. "Remember she needs to finish the whole bottle"

"Oh okay. Where are you going?"

"I have a huge to-do list to complete. I will be Samantha's maid of honor" I winked before I walked out of the room.

Yes, why wouldn't everyone expect it?


May 15, 1967.

Oh where should I begin? Our life together has been wonderful. I couldn't ask for more. They say nobody's perfect, and that is true, but... my life with Paul is perfect. I was right when I told John about doing what felt right with that special person; John is now happily married to that girl. Actually everyone is married by now, Ringo, George, Sophie, and my brother too. I am very happy for all of them. Finding love is wonderful.

And we are too.

Paul kisses me as he holds me as we are now officially husband and wife. He smiles as he holds my face very close to his. That smile can say more than a million words. He is so happy. He is so happy he can't even say a word. "I love you..." He finally manages to say. "I love you too, Paulie" He both smile so wide as he takes my hand, and guide us outside the building where a car is waiting for us with our two beautiful kids. We hear clapping and cheering behind us as we head to the car, but can't pay attention because we're living our dream.

"I barely made it" Damian said as he pulled over in front of us.

"Hop on, husband and wife" Brian chuckled in the front passenger seat.

We get inside giggling. Our destination? Happiness.


"I thought I wouldn't need to prepare a speech for you tonight because I knew that words would come from my heart, but... to be honest, now that I am looking at you as my newlywed wife, I am speechless..." Paul said looking at me amazedly.

Paul and I enjoy our beautiful night. There are plenty of stars on the very dark sky. It's a cold night. Our house is full of our loved ones celebrating that we're officially married, but at this right moment at our balcony, we can only stay focused on ourselves.

"I can tell..." I keep getting lost in those beautiful eyes even to this day.


That was my one-year-old boy crawling up to my leg. Daddy Paulie got away with it. We had a boy, and named him Paul too. We really wanted a boy as soon as we found out we were expecting, and god actually gave us that beautiful gift. "Momma!" He pulled from my dress.

"How did you get all the way here by yourself, little boy?" Paul chuckled as he picked up the boy in his arms.

"He probably followed that cake trail" I pointed to the floor where Michelle was sitting eating our wedding cake a bit messy.

"Who knew? We have to watch our kids even at our wedding party. You never know, huh?" Paul let out a nervous laugh.

Being a daddy hasn't been that easy for him. Sure he loves it, but sometimes he's too tired.

"Of course we do!" I laughed before I picked up Michelle on my arms too. "Michelle, you're just as messy as daddy when you eat cake" I said as I wiped off the buttercream from her lips.

"To be fair, that is sooo true" Paul laughed. Michelle started laughing too. It's what they have in common, if one laughs, the other one does too. It's always been like that.

"Daddy, you want some cake?" The girl smiled.

"Sure, baby" He got closer to her, and she put a small piece on his mouth.

"Look at you all adorable! Let me take some photos!" Ringo appeared out of nowhere with a camera. "Get closer together, McCartneys" He chuckled. He snapped some photos while were laughing and being silly because we couldn't stay serious with our kids. "I've got a few ones that might work, thank you. Keep enjoying your little moment" He smiled before he walked away.

"I must be dreaming!" I suddenly got very emotional, so I started crying.

"Aw, dear"

"Mum, why you crying?" Michelle held my face with her tiny hands. Never would I imagine I'd be living this moment. I used to be just a little girl just like her, and now that I look back when I met Paul, I can picture myself almost as little as her.

"Mum is so happy..." I said to her before I kissed her reddish cheek.

"Yeah she is... and so is daddy" Paul said quietly. "So, where do you want to go on a honeymoon, mummy?"

"Anywhere as long as we take them with us"

"Of course! I want to enjoy every little moment with these two. I mean, they can grow up so fast! I wouldn't want my daughter to marry some creepy 20 year old when she's only 15" He laughed.

"Paulie, shut up!" I had to laugh.

He then stared at me that way he always does. It's one of those things that made me fall for him, and...it's also how I knew for sure he was the one. No one can look at someone that particular way.

"I love you, too" I said quietly.

"You knew I was going to say it?"

"Of course!"


"Because you were looking at me like that"

"Really? You know what I'm thinking right now?" He chuckled.

"Yes, always" I said while playing with his hair. "Right now you're thinking about how thankful you are I came into your life. Isn't it? Because I am thinking about that actually" I let out a little laugh.

"I am thinking about that indeed" A shy smile appeared on his lips. "So thankful I can't even come to terms about how I deserve it..." He said as he stroked my cheek as he spoke. "You gave me two beautiful children, and taught me so many things I didn't know about myself. I would have never imagined that coming from that gorgeous face I saw in the crowd. I knew I had to wink at her" He laughed quietly as he shook his head. "I can go on, and on, dear"

"I know all of that just by the way you look at me" I sighed.

"I'm glad it is that way" He nodded. "Now, where is Sophie? We'll need to have her watch the kids for an hour or two"

"Why?" I laughed.

"Because I need to make love to you right now, dear wife" He giggled.

"OH MY GOD" I laughed so hard.

And just like Ringo did, Sophie appeared suddenly.

"I heard part of it, okay. I got it. I don't need to hear it again" She took the boy and the girl from our hands at the same time; she's mastered it. "Thank me later" She winked at us before she walked away.


Of course there is a difference in those words. Sex is not the same as making love. The way he treated my skin, is the difference. The way he intertwines his hand with mine all the time, the way his lips run through my neck, and the way he whispers "I love you" in my ear. His hands on my body give me goosebumps! Running my fingers through his hair never felt so good, and he felt good too. I can't even describe that particular sensation that's new to us, and I'm sure he feels the same way. It won't matter what happens out there... for this is true love.

I look through the window from upstairs. Everyone is still out there celebrating our happiness.

"Ringo's dance moves look funnier from up here, don't they?" Paul wrapped his arms around my waist from behind as he rested his chin on my shoulder.

"Yes, they do" I laughed quietly.

"We should come down there to open our presents soon"

"Yeah I guess"

"But before that, you've got to open mine first" He said before he kissed my cheek, and turned me around.

"You got me a wedding present?"

"Aha" He said as he walked to the night stand, and grabbed an envelope from the drawer. "Here" He smiled wide as he gently placed it on my hand without taking his eyes off of me.

"Thank you" I smiled. I opened carefully in case there was some delicate thin item in there. It was something that looked like a very short formal letter from a company. "Abbey Road studios?" I asked a bit confused.


"I got hired at Abbey Road?" I joked. "I know nothing about producing and stuff" I laughed.

"But you can sing and play guitar" He winked.


"That is your appointment confirmation, Vicky. Next week, you'll start recording your first song there. It's called Goodbye, and I wrote myself for you to sing it. The lyrics are written on the back of the paper. I'll help you get signed" He smiled eagerly.

"Wha..." I couldn't believe it really.

He never forgot about it. I told him since day one how bad I wanted to be a singer. It was my dream. I never meant to abandon my dreams, but I met Paul, and the rest is the story we all know. I can even say the reason I am standing here wearing my wedding lingerie, is because I was making plans to pursuit that dream.

"Yes, finally. You don't think I had forgotten about your dream, did you?" He chuckled before he held me close.

"Thank you, Paulie... this means a lot to me" A tear ran down my cheek.

"I know, dear" He said quietly as he rubbed my back. "I would always do anything to make you happy...always"

"I know, Paulie" I closed my eyes, and we stayed in silence for a few minutes without needing to say anything else. Just us... holding each other.

"Had it been another day, I might have looked the other way, and I'd have never been aware, but as it is, I'll dream of her tonight..." He mumbled.

"Huh?" I pulled away slightly to look up at him.

"Nothing. I was just thinking of you" He sighed before he leaned down to kiss me.

"You're my dream come true as well" I pecked the tip of his nose.

"You're mine too, and I didn't know it until I saw your face" He mumbled as he stroked the back of my hair "How about we anticipate our wedding dance right now, and right here?"

"I'd love that. What record should I put on?"

"None" He giggled snugging his head into my neck as he began humming slowly. He then grabbed my arms, and placed them around his neck.

We began dancing slowly to his humming.

"I've just seen a face, I can't forget the time or place where we just met. She's just the girl for me, and I want all the world to see we've met..." He sang before he kept humming that tune.

"I'm guessing you wrote that for me" I said quietly as I looked up at those eyes one more time.

"I did..." His eyes on mine say "I love you" and I feel mine say it back. No words are needed.

I nodded slowly before I leaned my head on his chest. His deep slow breathing was telling me I am home. Where I belong. Here... with him, or anywhere, but it will be him, and always him.

There was a time when I said I always get what I want, well... the perfect ending was what I wanted, and I do have it now. 

Thank you, Paul. For loving me until the end.  


And here is my last chapter. I wanted to post sooner, but I was too busy to finish a simple draft :( anyway. Thank you all so much for your patience. It was lovely to write this story. Vicky and Paul never gave up. 

p.s. I always date older people now you know what's up.


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