TBATE: Let The Truth Be Known...

By Narbitz

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After slaying Cadell and discarding Nico, Arthur is confronted with his worst nightmare. Before him is Agrona... More

Chapter 1: A Parting Gift
Chapter 2: Helping You Understand
Chapter 3: Time to Flee
Chapter 4: Mass Exodus
Chapter 5: Wither and Bloom
Chapter 6: A Blooming Understanding
Chapter 7: New Family Bonds
Chapter 8: An Unexpected Visitor
Chapter 9: The Story of Arthur Leywin
Chapter 10: He Who Flips the Coin
Chapter 11: The Way Home
Chapter 12: Two Meetings; Two Meanings
Chapter 14: Quality Control
Chapter 15: The Dynasty
Chapter 16: Unlocked
Chapter 17: Plans In Motion
Chapter 18: A Battle Between Conquerers
Chapter 19: Departure
Chapter 20: Allegiance
Chapter 21: The Weight of the World
Chapter 22: Who Is That?
Chapter 23: Reap What You Sow
Chapter 24: A Complicated Dynamic
Chapter 25: An Eye For An Eye
Chapter 26: A Cryptic Message
Chapter 27: Blueprints
Chapter 28: Three Weeks
Chapter 29: Calm Before the Storm
Chapter 30: Now We're Even
Chapter 31: Something Once Lost
Chapter 32: Unlikely Allies
Chapter 33: Something Now Gained
Chapter 34: The Will Of The Wielder
Chapter 35: The Drasea Clan
Chapter 36: Fabricating a Solution
Chapter 37: Core After Core
Chapter 38: The Most Pleasant of Reunions
Chapter 39: Foundation Set
Chapter 40: The Upcoming Cataclysm
Chapter 41: The Beginning of the End
Chapter 42: Artifice and Avarice
Chapter 43: Many To The Afterlife
Chapter 44: A Fateful Encounter
Chapter 45: Untimely Reunion
Chapter 46: What Could Have Been
Chapter 47: The Depths of Reality
Chapter 48: Homeward Bound
Chapter 49: It's All Over
Epilogue 1: A Happy Day in Zestier
Epilogue 2: A Feast at the Leywin Family Estate

Chapter 13: A Hero's Welcome

1.5K 77 18
By Narbitz


I never thought that I'd be able to have a quaint family dinner like this ever since the war began. Hope and happiness have been so hard to come by ever since we lost Rey. I've tried my hardest to keep myself together for Ellie's sake, but in the mornings I wake up without him by my side, I feel like crying myself back to sleep. Every waking moment of being in the Djinn Sanctuary and Relictombs as I stare at my last remaining family brings me to the brink of tears as I think about what I could have had. My husband will never walk Ellie down the aisle. He can't be there for our grandchildren. He'll never get to see everything our children will accomplish.

We did it, Rey. We created two beautiful and strong children. Just look at them.

"-om... Mom?" I hear, brought out of my emotional stupor.

"Are you okay, Mom? You're crying and you haven't touched your food yet," Arthur asks with a worried glance that only his family gets to see.

"Yes, Art. I'm okay. I was just... thinking about your father," I admit, knowing I shouldn't lie to my son.

A dissonant screech is heard from my periphery as I feel a pair of arms wrap around me from behind.

"It's okay, Mom. Ellie and I are here. We may not be dad, but we're still both yours and his," Arthur whispers into my ear. His words only serve to amplify the number of tears pouring from my eyes. Another set of arms wraps around my shoulders, this time from my left.

"He's right, Mom. We're here. We miss him just as much as you do. Arthur was off turning the world upside down because of how much he misses Dad," Eleanor says while embracing me from my left.

"I feel so lucky to have two beautiful children who stick with me even when I'm such a mess," I eke out through dry sobs and hiccups.

A third and fourth pair of arms either embrace me or rest on my shoulders.

"We may not be blood Alice, but both Cecilia and Tessia still respect you deeply as a mother. With Alduin and Merial gone, I hope you'll be willing to act in that role for Tessia," Virion says. I can't see him, but I can tell he's crying from the shaking of his hand on my shoulder. Tessia, or Cecilia, kneels down on my right and wraps her arms around my waist.

"Tessia is saying that she wants you to be happy regardless of what happens," Cecilia mutters with her face pressed into my ribs.

I feel so loved. After everything I've put these kids through. After what Rey and I did to Arthur. After he couldn't even come to his father's funeral because of me. After Eleanor fought so valiantly at Eidelholm. I feel like a horrible mother for never letting my children make their own decisions. They've done so much good for the whole of Dicathen, but all I ever think about is if they'll come home or not. I know that they both want to come home no matter what, but dying fighting against oppressors is an optimal way to go for them.

"Thank you all. What we've lost in blood family, we've gained in others," I murmur.

For the next few moments, we all just sit in this peaceful silence, still in each other's embrace. Our 'beef' stew cools down to room temperature as we all share this moment of unparalleled compassion.

"Now, now, everyone. The food is already cold. Let's eat up and we can have our chats and discussions later, eh?" Virion asks from behind me.

"Let's eat. It's not beef, Arthur, but there's an animal in these forests that tastes similar enough," I explain and he nods with a goofy grin on his face.

"I may have to leave more often if I get beef stew every time I come back," Arthur jests with a light chuckle. His face beams with joy as he takes his first bite of my cooking. I may not be the best cook, but something about the genuine love and effort you imbue into a dish comes through in its taste.

"How about I make it every day so you don't have to leave," I quip back, but I wish I hadn't because Arthur and Ellie's beaming faces soon shift to disappointed and pained. "I didn't mean it like that, you two. I know you'll have to leave again, Arthur, but I-"

Arthur cuts me off, "I know Mom. You don't need to mention it. I'll be here for a while. Don't worry, I won't be going anywhere for a while. Cecil and I have 15 weeks in the Relictombs before we need to go back out," he explains.

My heart threatens to beat out of my chest. It's been so long since I've had my baby boy with me for more than a week. Just a few months ago, I didn't think I'd ever see him again. I thought we lost him. Of course, I had hoped he would return, but we all knew it was more likely that he died in the end. I've never been so happy to be wrong.

"Is there a dog bowl I can have, or do I have to sit here and just watch you all eat delicious food?" Arthur's shadow wolf companion speaks from the corner of the room. He's taken a liking to the few blankets I've been gifted by families for healing the injured around the encampment.

"Yes, Regis. I'm sorry, let me get you a bowl," I say going to stand up but am interrupted by a hand on mine.

"I'll get it, Mom. He's my responsibility," Arthur speaks up. His hands are incredibly smooth and uncalloused, completely unrepresentative of his inhuman work ethic.

"Are you sure, honey? I can get it," I affirm.

"Yes, Mom. Now that he mentions it, my emotions of happiness and satiation are leaking into him, so I feel bad leaving him out," Arthur answers.

"What he said, Mrs. Leywin. Goldilocks here can feel what I feel and vice-versa just like with Sylvie," Regis chimes in, slight amounts of anticipatory drool dripping from his mouth.

The mention of Sylvie's name darkens the mood even more than my comment about Arthur leaving did. Cecilia's face was the most shocking as her face contorted into immense sorrow before covering her face.

"I-I'm sorry, guys. I didn't think about it before I said it," Regis apologizes.

"It's okay, Regis. You were just stating a fact. That is how it works, Mom. He and I are bonded in a very similar way," Arthur comments while picking the ladle from the pot and filling a wooden bowl a little over halfway. He walks over to the corner Regis is still seated in, and places the bowl on the ground, giving Regis a slight tousling of his mane. "Here you go, partner. Don't worry about it. I'd be mad if she were dead, but we'll see her again someday."

Regis' vulpine face somehow contorts into a frown while Arthur's falls into that familiar fake smile he would always use when he was troubled.

"Aye, princess," the Regis replies before hungrily lapping up the beef stew in the bowl. "It's delicious, Mrs. Leywin."

"Thank you, Regis. It's a family recipe. My mother taught it to me and the same goes for many generations back. This was Reynold's favorite of my mother's. The few times he ever got to meet them, I'd make sure that my mother and I would make this," I explain as the mood in the room begins to dampen once again. "He wouldn't want us to be this gloomy. Let's just enjoy some joyous conversation."

"In that case, how long are you going to be here, Art?" Ellie asks. Her question was the one that Virion and I had been wanting to ask but had been too scared to.

"From today? Around five weeks. I plan on taking Cecilia on a proper ascent soon where she can use all of her abilities and get some real practice," he answers.

My heart aches at the mere mention of him leaving again, but five weeks is enough time for me to at least relish in him being here.

"Can I come with you?" Ellie asks. My and Virion's heads snap towards my daughter at her question.

"Absolutely not, Eleanor! You could get yourself killed!" I shout.

"So only one of your kids gets to go on death-defying runs through dungeons? I thought I was the Mid Silver core prodigy who also studied under the famed Virion Eralith?" Ellie replies with a snarky tone.

A smattering of beef stew begins to litter the table in front of us as Arthur does a spit take.

"MID SILVER?" Arthur yells. "You're only fourteen!"

Ellie's face lights up at her brother's surprise. She had been waiting to tell him about her incredible progress over the last few months. She walked into this zone as a light orange core mage and was a solid yellow in a week. I don't know what it is about this place, but her growth has been even more astonishing than Arthur's was at her age.

"Don't you give me that, Eleanor! You should know just as well as I do that equating anyone to Arthur is just unfair. Family included," I reason. "Despite your growth, you don't have any experience in dungeons or proper battle!"

"Wait, Mom," Arthur chimes in. "Can you let me make this decision? I'd be the one taking her so it would be my responsibility. Is that okay?"

My brain has no idea how to respond to the question. On one hand, I'm thrilled about Ellie's progress as a mage, but on the other hand, I wish she would just stay as my little Ellie. Arthur offering to test her to see if she's capable is promising considering how high his standards are. I'm more shocked that he didn't downright deny her.

"What do I need to do?" Ellie asks, but Arthur holds his hand out, denying her an answer quite yet.

"Let Mom answer first," he says sternly, giving me a questioning but simultaneously understanding gaze. He understands my inner turmoil about Eleanor's willingness to throw herself into harm's way. He wants her safety just as much as I do.

"I... I don't really know. Why do you want to?" I ask.

"I have two reasons. First, I can personally test how strong Ellie is and if she can make it in the Relictombs without being a burden. Two, If I have Ellie with me, while we may be in danger, I can make sure she's safe. Cecilia can do the same. You're looking at what are likely the two strongest mages in all of Dicathen. She couldn't be safer anywhere else other than in a box with a million locks on it," Arthur reasons.

I have no words for his explanation. It was almost as if it was premeditated. He must have known the moment he was going to mention leaving again, that Ellie would want to tag along. I assume now, knowing that she's Mid Silver core, he's actually considering taking her.

My worried and nearly tearful gaze rests on Arthur's. If she goes, I'll be all alone here. It will be just me and my thoughts. I know it's selfish, but I want Ellie here for much more than just her safety. She's become my foundation- the thing grounding me to this life. Ellie's pleading eyes feel like a stake to the heart. Her desire to help and be useful is second only to Arthur's.

With an immense and exasperated sigh, I come to my verdict.

"You can test her, yes. One condition, however. Same as we had with you, promise me you'll return when you can, even if just for a moment. I need confirmation you two are still alive and breathing," I plead.

"I can do that, Mom. It's hard to guarantee when we'll be able to come back due to the nature of the Relictombs, but if Ellie passes, I'll bring us all back when I can," Arthur replies, his face as stern and serious as ever.

"Then she can go," I mutter, feeling the overwhelming urge to retract my statement and keep both of my children here under whatever means necessary.

"In that case, El, I'll hold your test in the morning. For now," Arthur says while standing from his chair, "I'm having seconds."

The whole lot of us begin to giggle at Arthur's ability to switch from serious to joking in an instant. His calculative nature tends to be at its weakest when he's around the people he has left from his childhood. I know Rey is proud of both of our children. If only he could see them. White core and Mid Silver. Even if Art can't use mana anymore, he still made it to White, fought as a general in the war, saved the people he loved, and managed to return home. To us.

"Save some for me!" Ellie shouts as she jumps up and carries her bowl over to the cooking pot.

"And me!" Virion exclaims, doing the same as my children.

"I-I'd like seconds too," Cecilia mutters, grasping at her bowl but not standing.

I place my hand on Cecilia's, right on top of a lightly glowing seafoam green runic tattoo. "You can have more, too, sweety. There's enough for seconds for all of us."

Her face softens in appreciation as she gives me a genuine smile. She begins to stand and walk over to the cooking pot as the other three did.

I feel whole for now. I feel fulfilled.

My blood and chosen family return to their seats, second helping in hand. We begin to joke and talk about all of the things we've done over the past few months. Arthur and Cecilia went to Alacrya again to meet up with an old friend who helped him out a lot while he was stranded there. He even gave the ascension part of his "relic" to another trusted ally there.

Arthur even went over his plans on how to not only find Cecilia a body but to save Tessia. At the mention of a theoretically foolproof plan, Virion's face seems to revert by twenty years. Decades worth of stress that he had accumulated in mere months washed away with just a few well-thought-out sentences from Arthur.

Ellie and Virion then talk about their training sessions. Boo has been doing an important job for all of the encampment- hunting. He comes back a few times a day to bring hauls of deer-like animals and even massive bovine creatures that are as large as him. Speaking of his size, Boo has managed to grow even more. I'm glad he's able to hunt for himself because feeding him would be a massive chore. Losing him while Ellie goes will be a drag for the survivors, but we need to learn how to hunt for ourselves anyway. The Elves may even be glad to prowl through the forests here as they did back in Elenoir.

For the first time in months, I look at my family and don't feel hopeless or helpless. I feel like maybe we can all make it through this together. With Arthur's determination, Cecilia's unbelievable magical prowess, and Ellie's prodigy-like ability to learn, maybe this whole war isn't over. Maybe Dicathen isn't lost, just stolen for the time being. Rey would be glad to hear about that too. Maybe I'll even get to tell him that someday- if perhaps there is an afterlife.

A/N: I hope you guys have been enjoying the fun and wholesome times. I know for sure that I have. Chapter 15 will be the beginning of more Relictombs and adventuring content. I am so excited for you all to see what I've got planned. I know it may feel like I'm dragging out these last few chapters, but I want you all to feel how these characters do in their given situations. We observe a bountiful number of broken and helpless characters who would love to put their lives back together, and I think it's a beautiful thing to watch hopelessness turn into sanity and contentedness. Thanks for reading my little rant.

Naz out! 

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