Our Little Miracle (LeoxRaph...

By betheyes

8.2K 154 34

Summary: Although raised as brothers, they are not related whatsoever or so they think? One turtle is keeping... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35 - Final Chapter

Chapter 10

293 6 0
By betheyes

Sunlight streamed through the window of the apartment, still feeling quite foreign to those who had lived in secluded or underground most of their lives. A certain youngster in the early hours of the morning was practising his training in the room beside his bedroom where another teenager was sleeping blissfully. A quiet knock on the door alerted the katana-wielding young man to a visitor, silently he creeped to the door to answer it. “Leo, Can we come in?” None other than Donatello and Michelangelo were at the door, Leo smiled at them greeting them with a ‘good morning’ before allowing them into the apartment. The three slowly made their way to the kitchen where Leo offered them some refreshments which turned out to be freshly squeezed orange or apple juice. 

“So what can I do for you?” Leo asked quietly, his eyes not leaving the door which connected to the bedroom where Raphael slept. “We just came over for some closure and to check if Raph was alright” Donnie stated, Leo nodded looking at Mikey who held his hand up like a child would. “Yes Mikey?”. The orange hoodie teenager smiled as he addressed the elephant in the room, “Is Raph alright? Yesterday was scary and it terrified me, god knows what…” Tears interrupted his speech as yesterday's events caught up on them all. Leonardo grimaced, he had no idea how his partner was but he just hoped he was. Donatello didn’t know how to react, he went to reach for his baby brother when a voice from the doorway halting them all in their tracks. 

“I’m good Mike, yeah it was out right terrifying but I’m fine for now. Tell you what? If I don’t feel right, I’ll come and see you right away, yeah!” Raphael said from where he was leaning against the doorframe. “Yeah, Raph. That would be good” Mikey exclaimed as he pulled the pregnant teenager into his arms. Raphael hugged back for a long time knowing the youngest needed this as much as he did. Soon enough the other two brothers joined in the hug. After about five minutes, Raph elbowed Leo in the ribs making the older brother chuckle, he gestured for the others to let go. “I’m hungry” Raph whined looking at Leo who smiled at him. Donnie and Mikey shared a smile as they watched Leo kiss Raph’s forehead. “Let’s go get some food then” Leo spoke with his ‘Captain Ryan’ voice that resulted in a groan from Raph and a punch in the shoulder courtesy of his lover. 

Leo wrapped an arm around Raph as they walked. Mikey skipped in front of them while Donnie trailed next to him. The four soon found themselves a little lost but found a sign that said ‘kitchen’ third floor. So the four headed down the stairs since Raph made a firm ‘no’ with the lift. Despite Mikey’s pouting, the group still took the stairs. Raph smirked the whole way enjoying every moment of it. One floor of the apartment complex was dedicated to a guest floor, there was a wide open space of a lounge and a kitchen. It wasn’t until they were near the door of the third floor that the smell of food hit all of their senses, Mikey rushed in followed quickly by Raph. Leo and Donnie just shared a smile. 

“Hey guys! We were wondering when you were going to join us?!” April exclaimed to bright for 08:00am in the morning or so Raphael thought. Casey smirked from one of the sofa’s where he sat with a humanised Dr Rockwell and Pete. 

Alopex greeted them from the island with her cup of coffee in her hand. There were a few plates out containing freshly made pancakes, fruit and toast courtesy of Tigerclaw who stood cooking the breakfast with Arum cleaning the dishes. Master Splinter sat in a chair that looked out towards the city, Leo greeted his father before helping himself to a plate or two plates since Raphael had made himself comfortable on the square sofa with Donatello who sat opposite him. Leonardo shook his head, picking up some fruit and a yoghurt, nothing too heavy for Raph since his lover seemed to complain about nausea in the morning. 

“Good morning, everyone!” Leatherhead greeted coming into the room with a half-awake Slash, the older one looking relatively angry that he had been woken up at this time in the morning. At least he wasn’t the only one, Slash took a glance around the room and smirked at the almost sleeping Raphael curled into one of the sofa’s corners. 

“Raph sit up please” Leo placed the plates down on the table in the centre of the sofa’s. Receiving a rude gesture, Leo wacked Raph on the shoulder effectively waking the pregnant teen. Raph glared at him but itn shortly dropped after his priority changed when some food was placed in his lap. A muffled ‘Thanks’ left the teens mouth as he ate the fruit on the plate. Leo shook his head making himself comfy beside the hothead of the group. Donatello had to try and stifle a gasp when Mikey joined them and this was due to the tower of food on the young teenager's plate. 

“Mikey! How are you going to eat that?!” April loudly said, when she took in the stack of pancakes, fruit and some yoghurt. “Hopefully with my stomach!” Mikey jokes, smiling at her before using his fork since his father insisted. Casey made a face at the youngster who ignored the vigilant since he had more important things to think about, his poor starving stomach. Tigerclaw watched amused from the kitchen area, he had stopped making food since all of them had some food. Karai included who was currently on her phone contacting the one called ‘Shinigami’, her friend or so she claims. 

“Hey! Where’s moody?” Casey asked his question turning to look at Alopex who shrugged clearly not answering the question. Tigerclaw glared at the teen while Aruma shrugged. After a few moments of silence, “He’s on the roof” Karai admitted not looking up from her phone. “Why?” “How am I supposed to know Jones!”. Before the two could end up in each other’s faces, “Speak of the devil and he shall appear!” Mikey exclaimed over muffled food as Dantzer walked into the room with a furious expression. The assassin didn’t look like he was in the mood to deal with anybody right now but all eyes watched as Dantzer walked across the room only to violently pass a small book over to Splinter, well pass is a nice word. The book hit Splinter’s chest with a small amount of force that made the old rat turned human take a step back. 

“Como pediste vieja rata” (As you requested, old rat) Dantzer sharply spoke before he left the room. His hood covered his face more than usual. Tigerclaw frowned looking at Aruma who nodded before following after the young assassin. “Sensei are you alright?” April asked the older man who nodded, he looked down at the book with a pained look. 

“Sensei, if you don’t mind me asking. What is it?” April asked curiously. Splinter smiled at the young teenager as he sighed, “These are the documents holding Leonardo, Donatello and Michelangelo’s birth certificates. I asked…requested Dantzer to retrieve them for me and he pulled through…” “You mean…you threatened him”. Splinter froze looking over towards his sons from where the voice spoke, Raphael never missed a beat. The hothead came to a standing position so he could be seen. “Yeah Yoshi, you never change, do ya?” The sarcastic comment stilled everything in the room, the hothead already hated Splinter for so much. What’s worth adding more to the hate list? Raphael crossed his arms glaring at the so-called ‘master’. “We could start an argument but I clearly can’t be arsed, you haven’t changed one bit. I do feel sorry for what Tang Shen had to put up with but then again, you weren’t that arrogant back then. It was only when Oroku Saki started earning her affection wasn’t it Yoshi? Do me one more favour, see the window next to you...” “RAPHAEL CLAW! OUT NOW!” Tigerclaw’s yell, Mikey was sure of it, was heard all the way over in New Jersey. 

The hot headed teenager turned to look at his father who pointed to the door leading up towards the lift, “But!...” “Now! RAPHAEL!”. Everyone watched as Raphael cursed under his breath before he walked out of the room, slamming the door behind him. Tigerclaw gritted his teeth and followed after his angry son. 

The three brothers sat with wild expressions of disbelief, they just couldn’t understand what they had just witnessed. For once, they didn’t know whose side to choose. Leonardo was slowly leaning further into Raph’s side as the hothead did have a point and his father was still on his negative side. Donatello opted to remain out of it, since he was just the doctor. Which reminded him, he had some research to do. He said his goodbyes before jogging up to his and Mikey’s room. His brothers decided to follow. The youngest was stuck by Raph all the time, so he chose to end up on Raphael’s side anyway. Mikey was still angry at his father for lying to them.

About two hours later…

The door to Donatello’s room was knocked on, Mikey was currently playing a video game on the TV with Leo watching so the genius of the group had to answer. The purple bandana teenager opened the door only to gasp, there on the other side was Raph but his hands were bandaged up and he had a fresh cut on his cheek. 

“Geez, what happened Raph?” Donnie asked quickly shutting the door, he led Raph into the living room where Leo and Mikey sat. The hothead ignored the question opting to sit next to Leo and curl into his side. The leader in blue was quite shocked at the look of his lover. “Doesn’t matter D. Just leave it will ya” Raph’s muffled reply reached all of their ears. Leo lifted his arm allowing his lover to snuggle close, after a few minutes they could hear quiet breathing. 

“I’m sorry guys” the muffled tone full of sadness made the video game come to a pause. Mikey turned to look at Donnie who shrugged, the two turned their main focus to Raph who couldn’t stop the silent tears falling down his face. Damn hormones, Raphael thought. He went to wipe them away when Leo’s own hand did. “Raph you have nothing to apologise for, you were harsh but straight to the point. You were right, love” Leo explained reassuring the teen he had done nothing wrong. Raph frowned, snuggling closer to Leo, he would have called him out for the pet name but he couldn’t be chewed, he was too tired for that. With a nod of the head, Mikey turned back to his game with Donatello taking Leo’s controller while the leader in blue wrapped his arms around his lover. 

Their game was interrupted once again twenty minutes later by none other than the pregnant teen. “Woah” “Raph, what is it?” Donatello turned around making Mikey pause yet again, the red hoodie teenager blushed when all attention was on him. “I felt a kick” Leo’s eyes widened hugely as Raph guided his hand on his stomach. After a few minutes Leo felt the same thing, Mikey smiled hugely when he too felt it. Donatello frowned, he was excited, he had felt it too. But, technically Raph shouldn’t have been able to feel it. “Donnie, what is it?” Leo asked, noticing his brother's confused expression. “It might be nothing but give me a few minutes” Donatello rushed into his bedroom grabbing his belongings that Dantzer had been so kind to drop off early this morning. He picked up his book before he made his way back to his brother's side. Dropping down to his seat, Donatello pulled out his notes and scanner. 

“You don’t mind do you?” Donnie asked, he received two shaking heads so he proceeded. Mikey watched mesmerised as the scanner took its readings. “Aha!” “What is it donnie?” Leo asked, his grip tightened slightly on Raph who looked up only to pull a face receiving a laugh out of Leo. “I got you wrong, normally someone would feel the baby between 16 weeks and 24 weeks…” “But, he’s only 3 months along, does that mean something is wrong?” Leo interrupted only to receive a look that clearly said ‘shut up!’. “Before I was rudely interrupted Raph is actually 20 weeks along and due to him having twins, he is more than likely to experience more kicks than the usual amount. So I suggest we get you some vitamin tablets and you get as much sleep as possible due to the fact the twins will both learn how to kick and wake you up. I am a little concerned that you are not really showing a bump but it is still early stages. I will just have to monitor you” Donatello explained, Raph nodded along listening thoroughly, Leo taking a minute to catch up. The two were lucky to have a great genius around them, who seemed to know what they were doing. “Thanks Don” Raph yawned snuggling closer into Leo’s warmth. “Also, he will need to stay warm with him going from turtle to human, we all know Raph has always been cold. So good luck Leo. You may find some innocent hoodies disappearing soon” Donatello laughed, walking out the room to put his equipment back. 

“Leo. You and Raph can have my bed if you want. It’s a double” Mikey said, waiting for Donnie to come back for their game. “You sure Mike?” Leo asked. Mikey nodded, he knew the two were exhausted and Leo looked ready to sleep anyway. “Yeah, I’m sure I don’t mind. I don’t think Raph’s going to care at this rate, I will make sure to wake you before lunch” Mikey said, directing them to his room. Leo nodded in thanks, holding in a ‘yawn’, he kissed Mikey’s forehead before helping his pregnant mate into bed for a nap. 

Quietly Mikey closed the door before he walked back over to the living room where Donnie now sat on the sofa. The older brother smirked at the youngest who snuggled into his side and the two settled down to play the video game. 

There we go another chapter! Stay Tuned for more!
Thank you for your reads, votes and comments :) Its much appreciated ;)

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