You Again

lovelytinselsparkles द्वारा

118K 4.9K 255

Nessa and Eric have always hated each other. But when they find out that their good friends are getting marri... अधिक

Is this a joke?
Still Can't Believe
This Is Not A Date
This Is Not A Date (part 2)
Mama's Boy
We're not together
Get Over It
I'm Sorry
Missing In Action
That's Different
Car Ride
Date Night
Big News
Night at the Carnival
His Sweater
Deep Trouble
Stop With The Teasing
Not This Again
Find Your Happiness
Duke The Dog
Time Flies by Fast
Caretaker Part 2
Bottled Up
Who's Pregnant?!
At The Cabin
Grated Cheese
Dream Girl
Protect You
Thank You
Stressed Out Nessa
Break Time
Bacherlorlette Party
Returned Favor
Big Day Part 1
Big Day Part 2
Thank You!
Guess what's coming back

On the Look

2.6K 96 5
lovelytinselsparkles द्वारा

It was 5am and Nessa woke up, she quietly opened the door to a darkly light living room. Her eyes gazed upon the room and they were finally met with Eric who was sleeping with his mouth hanging open and half of his body hanging off the edge of the couch. Nessa put a hand over her mouth and giggled, an idea popping in her head.

When Nessa found a black marker she hovered over Eric's body beginning to draw aimlessly on his face, giggles leaving her mouth. After 15 minutes of drawing, she got up and walked back into her room and slept again.


"ERIC! Wake up!" Nessa shouted loudly, she slapped Eric's face hard with a pillow.

He groaned and turned over, pushing away Nessa's hands. "Screw off, Young."

"Eric, we have to be at the Bridal shop at 9." She hit him again with a pillow. "We need to leave now, Hamilton."

Suddenly Eric pulled her body close and she was laying on top of him, their faces inches away from each other.

"Let me go!" She squirmed around, her heart beating quick. As she continued to move Eric held tighter and they both fell onto the floor.

"Uh...I'm going to brush my teeth." Nessa quickly got up and walked away.

Eric laid there with his eyes wide, he was stunned as Nessa got up and left. He ran his hands down his face, letting out a frustrated sigh. Suddenly he knew that he had to vomit and he knew that this was going to be a tough day.


After Eric took 10 minutes to puke, Nessa forced him into her car pushing him into the backseat passing him a water bottle and aspirin. She made her way to the driver's side and slammed the door shut as she sat down inside.

"Young, don't be so loud." Eric shouted, massaging his temples. He was laying down, a sick look on his face.

Nessa ignored him and put her seat belt on then starting the car to leave the parking lot. After a couple of minutes of driving, Nessa put the volume up on the radio and 'I Wanna Dance With Somebody' began playing. She laughed, remembering when Eric sang to this song in his car. Her head turned to see Eric sleeping.

"Pull over, I need to puke!" Eric shouted, sitting up.

Nessa jumped up and screamed. "CRAP! Eric, you scared me." She placed a hand on her chest and steered back onto her lane.

"Young, I'm going to gag all over your car."

"You wouldn't!" Nessa glared at him in the review mirror. "Hold it in."

"Holy crap, Nessa! How am I supposed to hold it in?!" He put a hand over his mouth. "PULL THE HELL OVER."

"No! This is your fault for drinking, hold it in!" Nessa turned to him while they stopped at stop sign and glared at him, throwing a paper bag at him. "I promised Lil that we wouldn't be late."

He gaped at the paper bag then at Nessa, tossing the bag back at her and quickly opening the door to hurl over and puke loudly.

Nessa gave Eric a shocked look, she covered her ears trying to block out the sound of him puking. "I hate you, Hamilton."

He let a loud groan, wiping the side of his mouth. "I hate you."

"Close the damn door. We have to go." Nessa snarled.

"Don't rush me, woman." He slowly closed the door, laying down again.

As Nessa glared at him, she couldn't take him seriously with black marker sprawled all his face . Luckily, Eric hasn't looked at his reflection yet.

They were almost there and Eric has been thankfully sleeping the whole time, she continued to glance at the review mirror to check up on Eric. Ever since Nessa met Eric her life was beyond crazy, almost everyday she was met with humiliation and embarrassment so when they graduated high school Nessa couldn't be more happier to finally have him out of her life but now that he's back, she didn't know if she wanted him to leave.

When they finally got there, Nessa sighed getting out of the car adjusting her outfit and her ponytail. She picked up her messenger bag over her shoulder, closing the door shut. She began to walk to the pastel pink building that was brightly light with an abundant amount of white dresses that could possibly be owned by Lillian and Nessa was beyond excited.

"Nessa!" Eric shouted, banging the car window.

She jumped and turned around, totally forgetting about Eric. She laughed and walked back to the car where Eric's face was glued to the window still looking really sick.

"You're such a dick, Young." He groaned, opening the door.

"I'm sorry, Hamilton." Nessa said with no sincerity.

He stood up woozily with a hand on his forehead, his clothes still messy.

"I can't believe you let me leave your apartment like this." He groaned, running a hand down his face.

Nessa shrugged.

"Could you help me look better?" Eric pouted.

"Why would I do that?"

"Please!" Eric dropped to his knees and hugged Nessa's legs. "Imagine the girls I could meet today."

Nessa cocked an eyebrow and rolled her eyes. "First, you have to yell that you would be nothing without Nessa Young."

Eric quickly got up and squinted at her. "No, I'm good." He began to adjust his light grey t shirt that fit him perfectly, the muscles on his arms making Nessa's cheeks burn pink but when she looked at his face that was filled with her black drawings, giggles left her mouth and she quickly covered her mouth.

"Hurry up." Nessa told him between her giggles.

"What's so funny?" He asked, fixing his hair. "Is there anything on my face?"

Her eyes widen while her giggles grew louder. "No."

Eric cocked an eyebrow, bumping past Nessa. "We don't have all day, loser." He told her, turning his head to look back at her.

She rolled her eyes and followed behind him. When they entered, everyone that was in there looked over at us their eyes growing large. Eric cocked an eyebrow and looked at Nessa, they continued to walk deeper into the shop even more eyes fixing on Eric's face, their giggles growing louder and louder.

"Finally!" Lillian gushed, coming out from behind a rack of wedding gowns.

"Hey Lil, sorry we're a bit late." Eric told her, looking down at Nessa. "It was all her fault."

Lillian stared at Eric with large eyes, she suddenly let out a loud laugh. "Um, Eric. You have a little something on your face."

Eric cocked an eyebrow and walked towards a full length mirror, Nessa drew a large uni brow across his eyebrows with two thick lines coming from the top side of his black eye and another line diagonally coming out from the bottom so his black eye looked like a pirate eye patch, she also drew whiskers and a big black dot on his nose and to top it all off Nessa wrote her own name with a heart around it.

"NESSA!" Eric shouted, his face enraged as he glared at the giggling girl.

Everyone looked over at them, they were laughing also.

Eric stomped to the washroom, closing the door loudly. Lillian stood beside Nessa, she threw an arm over her should still laughing.

"I told you to be nice." Lillian told her.

"This is an exception."


After 20 minutes, Lillian was standing on a podium in a lace, ivory delicate dress that looked absolutely beautiful but she was frowning. There were three of them sitting at comfy couch, Eric was still stuck in the washroom and two of the bridesmaids were unable to show up.

Nessa sat beside Leah who was an old friend of theirs, she was skinny with dirty blonde hair that was cut short and her eyes were a striking bright blue.

"It's so pretty, Lil!" Leah gushed, clapping her hands together.

"AH, babe." Thomas smiled. He was Lillian's gay best friend who traveled across the world to teach English which is why they rarely saw him, he was extremely good looking with a clear complexion, dark brown hair and light green eyes that were alluring. "If you don't wear that, I will."

"Oh darling, I love it." Her mother spewed, her eyes already watery. She was was very pretty and looked young for her age, Lillian certainly got her beautiful brown eyes from her mother.

Lillian shrugged. "I don't know guys." She placed her hands on her hips and sighed. "Where's Eric, I need his opinion."

Nessa groaned and got up, knocking on the washroom door. "Get out, Hamilton. Lil is looking for you."

After a couple of seconds, Eric opened the door a look of death on his face as he glared down at Nessa. His face looking red from trying to scrub off the marker and his black eye looking worse than last night. He pushed by Nessa and sat down with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Alright, Eric. What do you think?" Lillian smiled, patting down the dress to make it look smooth.

Eric looked at it with a hand on his chin. "Uh...It's pretty but I don't think it's the right one."

Lillian nodded and quickly got off the podium, walking back into the large change room.

Nessa rolled her eyes, glaring at Eric.

After trying on five dresses, Lillian came out and sat down onto the podium with a sad and frustrated look on her face, resting her chin on the palm of her hands.

"Aw babe, are you okay?" Thomas asked, a pout on his face as well.

Lillian shrugged. "This sucks."

"Lil, you've only tried on five dresses." Nessa sat beside her, throwing an arm over her shoulder.

"Darling! I've found the perfect dress for you." Lillian's mom lifted it up, a grin spread across her face.

Suddenly Eric's phone began to ring loudly. "I'll be back." He got up and left the shop.

Lillian looked at the dress, her face brighten up quickly. "Its beautiful." She stood up. "I think Nessa should try it on."

Nessa stood up and gaped at her. "No, I am not trying that on."

"Please!" Lillian begged, hugging her tightly.

"Nonono!" Nessa yanked Lillian's arms away and sat down beside Thomas.

"Remember when we were kids we talked about getting married at the same time?" Lillian took the dress from her mother's hand. "Look at it, it's just how you imagined it when we were kids."

Nessa shook her head. "This is your day, Lil."

"Just put it on, please." Lillian begged, her eyes twinkling as she pouted towards Nessa.

Nessa groaned, looking at everyone's pleading face. "Fine."


"Are you ready?" Lillian called.

Nessa was already in the dress, her heart beating quickly and her hands shaking. She felt odd being in such a beautiful dress, ever since she was little all she wanted was a happy ending with her prince charming. The dress fit perfectly on her body and although she knew she wasn't getting married anytime soon, her eyes began to fill with tears.

"We don't have all day, Nes." Leah exclaimed.

Nessa sucked in some breath and drew the curtains back. Everybody's eye grew large as they met with the dress and a happy face. Lillian's eyes began to water as her mouth gaped open.

"You look stunning." Lillian's mother smiled.

"Can I take it off now?" Nessa threw her arms over her chest.

"No, Eric has to see it." Thomas teased, his eyebrows wiggling.

Nessa squinted at him. "Shut up."

When Eric walked in, his eyes immediately met with Nessa in a gorgeous dress. His heart race quicken while his palms grew sweaty and he barely could keep his eyes off of her. She was beautiful.

"Holy crap." Eric muttered under his breath, his eyes large.

Suddenly everyone turned to look at Eric who looked stunned as ever, teasing smiles growing on all their faces. Nessa looked at him and chewed on her bottom lip, her cheeks blushing hard.

Eric smiled at her nervously, all the feeling of hate towards her diminishing. He loathed that his heart fluttered and that he was feeling all gushy on the inside, he wanted to jump off a cliff. Eric had to stop this.

"Isn't Lil the one getting married?" He stuffed his hands deep into his pockets, taking a seat on the arm rest beside Nessa. "The dress looks horrible anyway."

Everyone's jaw dropped as Eric spat those cruel words.

"You're such a jerk, Eric." Lillian slapped his arm hard.

"Ow!" He nursed his arm and glared at her.

Nessa's heart dropped, her eyes feeling a bit watery. She was not going to let Eric effect like this, she hated him and that was it.

"Aw, Hamilton." Nessa placed a hand on her heart. "I wish I cared about what you say but...I don't."

Eric grinned with sarcasm, clapping his hands together. "Do you want a cookie?"

She let out a fake laugh. "You must think you're hilarious, Hamilton."

Everybody rolled their eyes as they watched Nessa and Eric argue like children, they were back to the way they were.



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