Arcana Academy: Sin's Pressur...

By LunaRen112

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Old sins pressuring on his shoulders, Istar Musmei goes to the greatest magic school in the world, Arcana Aca... More

Chapter 2- Decisions, Decisions.
Chapter 3- Hard Core Parkour.
Chapter 4-Schools Demon.
Chapter 5- Where the Beast Hides.
Chapter 6-Showoffs.
Chapter 7-Time to Move with the Stars.
Chapter 8- Meaning.
Chapter 9-What now?
Chapter 10-Idiots.
Chapter 11-Mistakes.
Chapter 12- Roommates
Chapter 13- New Friend?
Chapter 14- Studying is Hard.
Chapter 15- I Ain't Stupid.
Chapter 16- I Choose You!

Chapter 1-Back to School.

246 10 4
By LunaRen112

Istar took off his red goggles and breathed in the ocean air. It was clean and somewhat of a fresh and salty smell. He has only seen some faint pictures of it in books his parents had shown him. Along with that the only boat he had ever been in where broken down wooden ones that could cost him his life in a second. But now it felt reassuring that being in one of sleek whtie metal made him feel secure.

"Thanks for the pick up." Istar took deep breaths to try to savor the new air.

"No need to thank me," A girl with short blue hair pulled down a mask and said, "You got into the Academy and that's already enough."

"Yeah." Istar looked back to see the only thing was just an endless view of water and not a forest.

Going to the side of the boat, he held out his hand to the waves but hesitated. He could clearly see his reflection in the blue water but being in the swamps for so long made him heistaint. Istar looked back at the blue haired girl and she just smiled and shook her head to the water. Taking a breath, he stuck his hand in the ocean and gave an awkward smile.

His hand wasn't turning to dust or wasn't being eaten by a monster, all it was a freezing cold, "You've never been outside the swamps before?"

"Nope. This is my first time seeing anything but trees and muddy water." Istar turned around, "Also, who are you again?"

The girl gave a small chuckle and said, "You can call me A-Chan. I'm the school's advisor."

"Advisor huh?" Istar laid back on the side of the boat, "Must be hell to be responsible for all those students."

"Ah, after a while you get used to it." She sighed.

"And how long was that?" Istar asked.

"Five years."


He turned back to the ocean and something came into his view. It started off small and Istar gave a scoff wondering if that was it . As they came closer, those small buildings turned into large towers and that scoff turned into his mouth dropping. In front of him was a large pure white castle, larger than any mountain he could think of. There were multiple tower heads with sharp golden points and each one was taller than the last. Multiple colored banners hung down from the front, blowing with the ocean wind.

Istar's breath was taken away, as his dull eyes started to shine. Being speechless, all he could do was let out a nervous chuckle. The feelings and thoughts of how he was able to get into the school grew bigger. Even though he was trying to convince himself that it was all just for show, it didn't help bring down his thoughts.

"Surprised?" A-Chan smiled at the stunned kid.

"Y-yeah, it's way bigger than I thought it would be..." Istar still had that nervous smile.

"Just wait till you see the rest of it," The boat picked up its speed, "This is nothing compared to everything else."

Making it to the shore, the two got off and A-Chan pointed at a set of stairs, "Make it up and go to the auditorium. When you get up you should see another helper like me and they should be able to give you a map or show you the way."

Istar nodded and made his way up the stairs. It didn't take him long to make it to the large pale white bridge. The bridge was filled with people everywhere and somewhere like him wearing regular casual clothing or uniforms, to which he took a guess that they were returning students.

Now seeing it all in its glory, he still couldn't believe how large it was. He tried to make his way, getting through hordes of people until he made it to the front of the gate. There stood a man in a black and white robe, holding a stone tablet. He put the tablet in front of Istar and said, "Are you Istar Musumei?"

"Yeah." He replied.

The man put the tablet out in front and Istar just looked confused, not knowing what to do. Putting his hand up, the man in the robe put it on the tablet and told Istar to do the same. Istar raised his hand and then threw it down on the tablet, almost smacking it out of the man's hand. The tablet suddenly had black and red lit cracks in it but quickly faded. He sighed and snapped his fingers, letting the doors open for Istar.

Taking a breath, Istar took a step inside the castle with his heart suddenly pumping faster. The man in the robe quickly yelled out, "Hey, you know where you are going right?"

"Oh yeah, the auditorium," Istar turned but then caught a piece of paper thrown to him.

"Just follow that and you'll get there."

Not saying another thing, Istar started to dash his way through the hall. He already arrived late from how long the boat ride was, but that was the best way to get there, well best way with no money on him. Istar opened the map, seeing a small star to where he guessed he had to go, then started to make turn after turn. It didn't take long for him to get where he needed to be. People filled the auditorium and Istar struggled his way to find a seat.

Finally finding one, right as he sat down the hair on the back of his neck stood up. His body felt heavy and his breathing grew deeper and deeper. Something in him was telling him to run as fast as he could but if he ran then he wouldn't know what was going on. If there was something here causing that then he had to take it out.

He turned to his side to see a girl with blonde hair smiling but sweat went down her head. Istar guessed that she was also nervous about something but as soon as he could focus on anything else a magical circle appeared at the center of the speakers stage. Someone in a blue golden pattern robe appeared and right as he took it off, it revealed his slick combed black hair and business suit.

Istar knew who the man was, he was the highest authority of Arcana Academy and the strongest one in this room. His name was Yagoo, "Welcome to Arcana Academy, young ones. You may have come from all over the world with your own unique backgrounds... but one thing is for sure: you have passed the grueling entrance exams and are now inside the very academy all mages dream to learn in. For that, you are all amazing!"

People smiled but Istar guard was still up as his nervous feeling didn't go away. Yahoo's smile turned into a frown as his cheerful manner suddenly became dead and serious, "But it's not enough. You are far too green. A few seconds ago, I secretly casted magic that can kill all of you if I activate it. Unfortunately, only thirty or so realized that magic. That means out of 420, less than 10% of you has a chance of surviving in your current state."

So that's what that was!! A sudden nervous smile came on Istar as he thought, That old man was really gonna take that chance of us dying!

"But that's normal! The fact that you are in this auditorium right now means that you have potential. You have the potential to bloom into someone far greater than you are right now. Learn all you need to learn! Improve all you need to improve! Achieve all goals you want to achieve! Arcana Academy will help you as long as you help yourself! You can be great! And by entering Arcana Academy, you've taken the first step!"

Applause filled the room and in a blink of an eye Yagoo vanished as he snapped his fingers.

A sudden voice came as a girl with long gray hair stepped forward with a piece of paper, "Next, an entrance speech from Shion Murasaki."

Istar recognized the name from the letter he had gotten that he was accepted. That one who came out on the top was that white haired girl who was immediately moved to Rank 4, the highest you can get in the entrance exam.

Standing behind the podium she opened her mouth, "As mages, we have the desire for knowledge. As sentient creatures, we desire opportunities. With this in mind, we have tried our best and achieved what others couldn't achieve. We have entered the sacred grounds of knowledge called 'Arcana Academy' where opportunities await us."

In a second her calm and mature face suddenly turned into a wide eye grin as she ripped up the paper and pointed at the crowd, "And I'll take the opportunity to show you losers how it feels to be looked down on from the top! There are 420 of us but there's only room for one person at the top and I'll be taking it! I won't lose against people who are mediocre enough to not aim for the top and are just satisfied with being inside here! Also, for the 10% the Archmage mentioned, I'll show you defeat so try to at least make it fun for me!"

Everyone yelled at the small girl as she walked away, sticking her tongue out but Istar gave a smirk. The girl with blond hair right beside him then said, "Oh?? Maybe this won't be such a boring school!"

"N-Next is a speech from the student council president, Coco Kiryu", A voice came out, trying to say her words through the shouting crowd.

Next a girl with orange fiery hair walked toward the stage. Her purple scaled tail waved side to side as the horns on her head shined with the lights. Unlike Shion, she wasn't wearing a uniform but something more casual like.

The crowd still yelled out and was screaming at Shion but when Coco put her hand out in the air, a bright blast of orange flames shut the audience up. Then, she throw up a small blue gem that floated up in the air and yelled out, "GOOOD MORNING MOTHER FU-!"

Quickly Yagoo appeared again and grabbed the gem but Coco did the same, "No!"

"Coco we talked about this-!

"Give it back!"


"Fuck off!" Coco kicked Yagoo off the stage, coughed, and yelled out once more, "GOOD MORNING MOTHER FUCKERS!!"

"Wh-what..." Istar whispered to himself, not expecting what came out.

"I want you to take a look at everyone around you," Coco said and they followed, "These people are your friends but at the same time they are your enemy. I'm sure you know about the rank system already and how those in the higher rank have more freedom than those in the lower rank."

Istar bit his lip as he knew what rank he was, "From rank 0 to 13, and Shion being Rank 4 shows somewhat of how this year is going to go. So therefore let me, a rank 13, give you some senior advice."

Everyone listened closely but Coco quickly grabbed the floating gem and turned it to ash, "YELL OUT YOUR DECLARATION OF WAR TO EVERYONE IN THIS ROOM RIGHT NOW!! JUST LIKE HOW SHION DID!!"

Every single person in the room was shocked hearing that. They all expected something to encourage one another but before their thoughts could come together she yelled out again, "This school is harsh! Everyone will be against you no matter if you are in the lower or higher rank! Never let your guard down and fight with each other! Be better than the person next to you! Be better than the person in front of you! BE BETTER THAN EVERYONE IN THIS ROOM!!"


The quiet room suddenly turned into a riot as voices yelled out in rage. Arms were high in the air and as Coco walked away as a small trace of flames followed her. Istar didn't yell out along with the rest, all he could think of was how her words were true. He was in the bottom of the bottom, everyone around him was at the top.

With people still yelling, Istar waited to see if there was anything more. Then someone walked into the center of the stage again. She seemed a little taller than Coco and was human unlike her. She had black hair with blue highlights, while wearing a jacket but nothing underneath other than bandages covering her breast, leaving her belly exposed.

In her hand was a wooden sword and in a second she smashed the sword into the ground and a blast of wind pushed the ones standing down, "SHUT THE FUCK UP!!"

Quickly enough the room became quiet and the girl picked up her sword, "What the hell are you all cheering about? Just screaming and yelling out won't do you shit. Remember all of you are still dirt to all of us and you shouldn't get your hopes up."

"Yeah and who are you?" A student stood up and confronted the girl.

"Rank 13 Kson," She walked towards the student, making him sink into his seat, "Your. Fucking. Senior."

Kson backed away and sighed, "Go to your dorms cause you all are having a dorm party. If you don't have a map, then get one."

She walked away and everyone did what she said a little after when their nerves got back to them. Istar waited for everyone to leave until he was the last in the room. He took out the map and walked out of the room, making his way to the dorms. In his thoughts he started to think if it was a good idea coming here...or if it was just another place that was going to kill him faster than where he was before.

His answer quickly came to him as he walked towards his dorm and suddenly saw Coco spilling out a drink, standing on a table, and yelling out, "LET'S PARTY!!"

People yelled out and started to talk to one another, passing food and drinks around. Istar grabbed a plate, got some food, and walked away from the large crowd and decided to find a place where it was more quiet. Finding a door leading to a balcony, he opened the door and set his plate of food on the rail. The wind blew on him as he looked at the ocean view.

He was never really good with people, whenever he did it always seemed it came out rude. It was better to be alone anyway since it meant that he didn't have to worry about others. Istar was used to it since he's been alone for a couple years already.

With the plate empty and the sounds of cheering dying down, Istar walked back inside as someone was waiting for him. Coco was looking at him and said, "Why stand out here? You have people here you can make friends with or just simply hang out."

"I'm not good with being with others, that's all." Istar walked past the tall dragon.

"You know you should really give it a shot, Istar. Maybe you'll find something new." Coco then threw something at him, "Your dorm keys."

"Thanks," Istar wondered why the student council was talking to him. She didn't know him and he didn't know her.

Istar walked away and headed towards his room with the key number saying 112. He opened his door to see a large space filled with a fridge, kitchen, two desks, and a bunk bed. Istar put his bags down and sat down on one of the desks. He knew he had a roommate but seeing that there was nothing else, he assumed that whoever his roommate was just got lost or simply forgot.

But then the door opened and a man with long whtie hair and round glasses stepped in. Istar stared at the man but then quickly closed the door.


The school year just started and Istar was already worried for his roommate. 

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