Arcadia's Love (Book TWO)

By MyLadyOfStories

27.9K 1K 352

(Sequel to The Fall Of Arcadia) The Doctor and Sera, finally together, finally a family. But there are things... More

Late For The Wedding
The Wedding Part 1
The Wedding Part 2
The Wedding Part 3
Mr and Mrs Christmas
Really Confusing...
The Siren Song
Polyamorous Relation
Find the Babies
Our Precious Song
Lost and Found
Don't Skip 9
A Demon
Popping In
One Last Good Dream
Daughter or Murder?
Burnt and Lost
Wanted: Dead or Alive
Remember Me?
Little and Broken, But Still Good
Date Night
Girls Night
Running to the Ponds
Last Dance
Goodbye Magickal Princess
The Unknown Girl
Impossible and Unknown
Wifi Soup
Past's & Future's
Goodbye Song
That Sinking Feeling...
Fury of the Night
Body Swap
Journey to the Centre of Time


465 24 9
By MyLadyOfStories


"Amy, keep it down!" I whispered, struggling to keep the bucket of water steady as she slipped, running down the TARDIS corridor. "We don't want them to wake up, or this'll be for nothing."

She just rolled her eyes, still holding the bags of flour. "This was my plan, stupid face. Come on, that's their room there, we can ambush them."

We ran forwards, water sloshing over my hand as I slowly inched the door open, and Amy went in first, closely followed by me as I looked over at them, curled up together in the bed, Sera's hair splayed out over the pillow, and the Doctor's arms wrapped tightly around her. For a moment, I almost felt bad. But then I remembered that they'd started this by swapping the whipped cream for shaving foam, the sugar for salt and putting green food dye in Amy's shampoo.

"3, 2, 1..." I poured the bucket of water over them, careful not to get Sera's face, and then Amy threw the flour over them, making them all white. They didn't scream, or shout, they just looked up at us with furious eyes. "Shit. Amy, Amy, run!"

We legged it, closely followed by both the Time Lords, dripping wet and white, chasing us as we were running. And then I was tackled by Sera, and she hugged me, getting me wet and covered in the paste too, and Amy was caught by the Doctor. "You just declared war, Mini-Ponds, good luck."


"Sera, Doctor, Amy? Seriously?" I shouted, wandering through the TARDIS, looking for anyone. I'd been at this for hours, it was getting ridiculous, and I was exhausted. Somehow the TARDIS had become a Labyrinth, minus the awesome music and David Bowie in leather trousers. "Hello?! Is anyone there?!"

I started running again, going through doors, and round corners. And then I tripped, a cord tied across the floor and then I was coated in golden syrup and a pillow was swung across the corridor where it smacked into me, throwing feathers all over me.

"Because that was real mature, guys."

Now there was laughter coming from a room, and Sera came out with the Doctor, both in hysterics and with camera's. "You started this, and you know what can end it, Rory. We set the rules, and we gave the forfeit to make it all stop."

Oh, yeah, I knew about that forfeit. Whoever decided to stop the pranking first had to clean the pool, all the bedrooms, dust the library, hoover and polish the console and mop the glass floor. While wearing a costume of the other three's choice. I was so not ending up in a French maids costume.

"Bring it on."


"Morning, baby." I grinned, kissing his cheek as he was buttering his toast. "Mmm, toast sounds good right now, put some bread in the toaster for me?"

Rory nodded, putting it down for me while I moved to the fridge, aiming for orange juice. Opening it, I thought it would be safe, seeing as Rory wouldn't prank me, he was only really going after the Doctor and Sera, and he'd already gotten the butter out, and he'd survived.

What I wasn't expecting, was to have an air cannon blast custard across me.



I was so getting back at my husband for that. I'd teamed up with Sera, who was furious with the fact her husband and my hubby had put a hologram tiger in her room, her jeans had itching powder put in them and she'd been trapped in a weird glass maze.

"Sera, what are we even doing?" I asked her, while she set up a holo-programme, and I put Velcro across the TARDIS interior door. "Because this seems incredibly dangerous as we're in deep space."

Her eyes menacingly flashed gold, and she grinned. "That is Velcro from the future, dear Amelia. It clings on to any form of fabric and doesn't let go until you get rid of the magnetic charge through it. So, you know. It's perfectly safe. Plus, I've extended the air shell again. Ready to scream?"

Please, I was born ready to scream. "RORY! DOCTOR!"

We both ducked out of sight, waiting for them to run in and see that the doors were half open. Which they did within seconds and then both ran to the door, leaning out of it, so we ran forwards and pushed them flat against them, making them stick and then just swing out in the middle of space.

"SERA, AMY!" They both shrieked, making us laugh and wave at them.

"Hello, hubby. Like my revenge for the custard? Well, it was Sera's idea, but I helped. Now, are you two going to give up the game, or are we just going to leave you hanging?" I asked them, looking at them just swinging, the infinite vacuum of space as their background.

The Doctor's face was the most comical, pressed tightly into the Velcro and his cheeks were adorably like chipmunks. But they weren't giving in easily. "No! This is way too cruel, Dear, but very well done, you managed to get it in without breaking any of the rules. Come on, you can let us off now, very funny, Seraphina."

"Hmmm, I wonder. How long do you think it would take for them to for give it, Amy? Because we've got time, and there's that Vampire Diaries marathon on ITV later on, and there's plenty of popcorn and jammy dodgers in the pantry." Oh, she was very, very good. Rory was addicted to popcorn and the Doctor jammy dodgers. We could easily eat all of them.



Oh, our boys and their food.

The Doctor:

"Rory, just keep swinging, I can't short circuit the Velcro unless we both hit the ground at the same time." I told him, trying to get my feet closer to the entrance to the TARDIS. My wife was very, very devious.

"I'm trying Doctor, but my knees are kind of stuck." Oh, Mr Pond... "Alright, I think I've got this going now, ready?"

"OK, in 3, 2, 1..." We both touched the glass floor of the TARDIS and I slammed my elbow into my chest as hard as I could, hitting the button on the sonic, and we fell to the ground, the circuit broken. "Oh, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow. I am so getting them back for that!"

Rory nodded, rolling onto his front and looking at me. "Oh, yeah. Big time. Super Velcro from the future, anyway we could use that to get back at them?"

"Um, we could put in on the sofa, if they want to watch this Vampire Journals thing."

"Vampire Diaries." He corrected and I raised my eyebrows, well, what I had left of them after one too many chemical explosions in the lab. "Ah, right. Um, I may watch it with them, but mostly because of Candice Accola and Claire Holt."

"Oh, Rory Pond, what have you been up to? Living with two girls for such a long time. We'll have to get you back to your usual masculine self." I clapped his shoulder, then groaned, getting to my feet. "Wow, that stuff hurts."

"Yeah, yeah it does." He agreed, following suit. "Now, we really, really need to get back at those two. But not break the rules, or the forfeit is automatically given to us. I am not ending up in a maids costume."

That was a rather horrible thought, I'd seen his legs. "Now, let's get to work"


"Is the Velcro in place?" Rory asked me, while we hid in the cupboard, ready to watch them come inside.

"Yes, now keep quiet or they'll hear us!"

And then the girls came into the room, giggling and definitely eating our jammy dodgers and popcorn. We watched through the slats in the door and saw them pause, just about to sit on the sofa, when Sera stopped her, grinning. "Alright, boys. Very nice. Reusing our tricks? Thing is, I saw this about an hour ago. So I had time to make plans."

We both groaned and went to get out of the cupboard, but it wouldn't budge. She'd locked it. "Sera! Seraphina, what on earth are you doing? Why did you lock the door?" And then there was a creaking above us and I saw the buckets. "Oh, Sera..." And then we were coated in baked beans and the door opened.

"Never, ever try and do the same trick twice, my Angel. Especially not to the Prophetess of the Universe. Give in yet?" She asked me, walking forwards and wiping the red sauce out of my eyes with a laugh. "Won't blame you, and we've already decided on what we want you both to wear and it isn't a French Maids costume."

Amy winked at her husband. We couldn't win, not against the both of them teamed up. Their motto was Sister's Before Misters, they'd be as thick as thieves until the end of the universe. I looked at Rory and he sighed, nodding. "Well, I give in. April Fools Day first year of college was horrendous when Sera got Marcus involved. He'd just become her carer."

I didn't like the fact she'd needed one, having enough difficulties with her mind and visions as a human. "I give in, come on, what's the outfit?"


"Now, this I could get used to." Amy laughed, watching the boys dusting the library. I'd really meant it when we'd come up with what they were going to wear. "Watching our fella's in drag, cleaning the TARDIS."

"Amy, next time this happens, we are actually beating you, and then you can both wear Rocky Horror Show outfits." Rory told her, his eyes grumpy and moody as he found a massive dust bunny. "When was this last cleaned, anyway?!"

"Uh, never, apart from the main stairs when they were hoovered by Donna about 3 years ago." The Doctor said, and then he yelped, jumping away from one of the shelves as a massive spider-rat skuttled out towards him, the tail thrashing. "Sera! You told me you put those traps out!"

Laughing, I got to my feet, the outfits the women wore first in the Rocky Horror Show, my all time favourite musical, and moved to pick her up. "I would of, had I needed to. These things are harmless, and they're absolutely gorgeous. Unovian Spider-Rats, evolution at it's best, merging a hunting spider and a rat. Keeps away the flies, and a lot of the other icky things in the TARDIS that we really don't want. Just because you're a little scaredy cat."

"I am not a scaredy cat! Just because you're only afraid of water, Sera!" He pouted, not coming anywhere near me while I was holding the creature. He was such a wuss. "Look, just, take him to the eco room, he can live out his days in there."

"Her. Female, my Angel. Now please, grow up." I put her back down and she ran back under another shelf. "There are families of them, just like the Vagrar Bats that you love. We have an eco system within the TARDIS, quite a few species have died out outside here. Including these Spider-Rats."

He came over then, wrapping his arms around me and kissing my neck. "Love you. Now, you're making this a lot harder on us for being here, do you have to watch?"

"Yes we do, you forfeited, and we get to watch. And your ass is completely gorgeous in this." I giggled, slapping it. "Now, get to work, Doctor Pond, you still have the console room and the bedrooms left after this."

Rory growled, seeing Amy checking his own bum. "Amy, you are really not helping here, and really? Rocky Horror Show Sera? I would have rather been a French maid!"

Pulling the Doctor over to them, making us all have a big family hug. "Aww, Rory, you forfeited, and because of that, we got to choose. But you look super sexy, you both do. And all the photos are on Facebook by the way. Including Amy with green hair, the Doctor and you on the door, me with my face smushed against the glass."

They all stared at me, and I took a step back. "Why are they all of Facebook, Seraphina?" The Doctor asked, giving me a death stare. "Why did you put photos of us doing incredibly stupid dares onto a social network sight where everyone we know can see them?"

"Um, maybe because it's hilarious? There were photo's of me too! Come on, Angel, we've seen photo's of Mickey being pushed into a pool of custard by Jack and Gwen for crying out loud."

And then I got thrown into the sofa and they all bundled on top of me, first the Doctor, then Rory and Amy sat on top. Because this was considered normal in our family.

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