The poisons master

By kallypso31

166 0 0

Yi-Seo lives a quiet life in the countryside when she meets Jin for the first time and saves his life. She do... More

Chapitre 1
Chapitre 2
Chapitre 3
Chapitre 4
Chapitre 5
Chapitre 6
Chapitre 7
Chapitre 8
Chapitre 10
Chapitre 11
Chapitre 12
Chapitre 13
Chapitre 14

Chapitre 9

11 0 0
By kallypso31

Several days passed before Seok-jo showed up at the Bang's residence one day, after sunset, to inform Yi-seo and Seol-geum that they'd been summoned to the palace. It had rained all day and the air was hot and moist as they were hurrying along the capital's empty streets, trying their best to keep up with Seok-jo's fast pace. Dong-joo was waiting for them at the gates.

- Lady Yi-seo, please come with me ! Min Seok-jo will take your friend to the prison.
- Can't I go with them ? Yi-seo asked.
- This is the King's order. Follow me.

Before the young woman could reply, the bodyguard turned around and started to move away.

- I'll see you later, Seol-geum.
The healer nodded and Yi-seo ran after Dong-joo. Seol-geum then turned toward Seok-jo.
- Let's go, she said.

All the way to the palace, she'd borne a heavy heart. Her sister had been arrested while trying to board a boat heading to Pyeongan Province and she'd been asked to come and confirm her identity. That meant a death sentence for her sister, but she had no choice. Deok-geum had to take responsibility for what she's done, and that was the worse crime one could ever commit. Seol-geum only hoped she could convince her sister to confess everything so all the persons involved would be punished. When they arrived at the prison, the healer's heart sank. Her sister's face was bruised and her upper lip was cut and swollen, but there was a fierce and defiant look in her eyes.

- Sister ! Deok-geum said. I didn't know you were in Hanyang. Now I understand how they knew what I looked like. You helped them arrest me.
- You know I had no choice. What you did is high treason. You should repent and tell everything you know, so you can leave this world in peace.
- I have nothing to say.
Seol-geum grabbed her sister's hand through the cell bars.
- I'm so sorry Deok-geum ! She said. I failed you as a sister, I should have raised you better when our parents died. You wouldn't have chosen such a dreadful path.
- I'm glad I've chosen this path. During all these years, I've lived a pleasant life, while you were wasting your time healing all these peasants for a handful of rice.
- That's why the old healer shared her knowledge with us before she died, so we could take after her and help these people who already have a hard life. Not to harm or kill. Ain't you ashamed ? Do you even know how many people you've killed with your poisons ?
- I don't remember, and I don't care. I helped my masters whenever they needed me and they've always been grateful. So don't expect me to betray them. You should leave now, I have nothing more to tell you.

Seol-geum realized it was useless to hope that her sister would change her mind and that she had lost her a long time ago. She sighed.

- Good bye then, she said. I love you, my little sister. I'm really sorry I couldn't do more for you.

She turned around and left the prison, feeling sad and wishing she'd never met her sister again.
Seok-Jo gazed harshly at the prisoner.

- You should follow your sister's advice. Tomorrow, you'll be interrogated again and if you don't confess, we'll have to use torture.
- Do as you wish, I don't care.
The young man turned toward the guard.
- Stay here until tomorrow morning, I'll come to take her myself. No one is allowed to talk to her.
He also gave instructions to the other guards then headed to the King's cabinet.

While Seok-jo and Seol-geum were headed to the prison, Yi-seo followed Dong-joo through the palace premises. They reached a large pond and crossed it. Beyond it, stretched a garden with a grove of cherry trees in full bloom. It looked beautiful under the moonlight.

- His Majesty is waiting for you there, the bodyguard said.

Yi-Seo stepped into the grove. The ground was covered with white petals and the subtle perfume of the flowers was filing the air. Jin welcomed her with a large smile. He stepped forward and took the young woman in his arms. He held her for a while, happy to feel her warm body against his, then let her go.

- I had to see you, he said. I missed you so much.
- I missed you too, Yi-seo answered while smiling at him.
- I couldn't talk to you face to face when I came to see your father, and I felt so frustrated. There was so much things I wanted to tell you.
- Like what ?
- Like I love you and will always do.

He tenderly caressed her cheek. His fingers felt like silk on her skin and she shivered.

- I love you too, she said. My heart broke in a thousand pieces when I learned that you were in danger. Thinking that you might die was unbearable. I had to do something about it.
- And you saved me, once again, Jin said. You're everything I need, and everything I want.
- But we can never be together, Yi-seo said with a sad voice.

Jin took her hand and put it on his chest.

- This heart is yours forever and that's why I know we'll be together someday. Our paths will cross and never part ever again. Fate doesn't keep us apart, it brings us together and will keep doing so until we can be reunited at last. We just need to have faith in our love.

The young man stepped forward, leaned and kissed Yi-seo softly. She kissed him back, and it felt that everything they'd been through had led them to this perfect moment. Now, she believed it too : they were meant to be together, and all she had to do was be patient until the day her dreams would finally come true. Jin let go of her lips and looked at her.

- I have to go now, he said. I need to know if this woman Min Seok-jo's men arrested is indeed Seol-geum's sister.
- She probably is. You've got to know that she's been working for Lord Park for a long time. I have good reasons to believe that she killed my mother and it's possible that she also poisoned yours. But I doubt she'll confess to any of this.

Jin's face hardened.

- You're probably right, even though we'll never know for sure. But it doesn't matter. Whether she confesses or not, this viper head will soon be cut and unable to bite anymore. And as Park Chi-gook can no longer rely on this woman, he'll have to step forward and take some risk if he wants to kill me. Then I'll bring him down. Until then, be very careful. Everyone who stands by my side is in danger.

Yi-seo waited a few minutes after the king left then went out of the grove. But when she reached the pond, she saw the queen standing on the bridge, with two court ladies waiting for her nearby. It was too late to avoid her.

- Your Majesty ! She said when she came close.
- I'm glad to see you, the queen answered. I could use an old friend's advice.
- I don't think I can help your Majesty in any way, answered the young woman. I don't know much about the palace affairs.
- I couldn't sleep so I went out for a little walk, the queen went on, as if she hadn't heard Yi-seo. I've seen the King crossing the bridge just a few minutes before you show up. He didn't see me but in the moonlight, I noticed that he was smiling. Do you know that I've never seen him smile in seven years, not even once ?

Yi-seo felt uneasy and stayed silent.

- I know that the King doesn't love me and never will. I just wish that he could trust me and let me do my duty as the Queen of this country. That's what I want more than anything. During all these years, I never complained, I swallowed my pride when I was scorned for not being able to win my husband's heart, and waited patiently the moment the King would consider me his ally, someone he could rely on. But after what happened, he'll never trust me again. So tell me, what should I do now ?
- Your Majesty, before I answer, can I ask you something ? Yi-seo said.
- Yes, go ahead.
- Forgive my boldness, but, ..., did you know about the poison ?
- I didn't, the queen answered. But I knew my uncle was up to something, I was just too scared to ask why he wanted me to take Deok-geum at my service. I knew her. When my aunt took me in her house after my parents died, she was already there. At first, I thought she was her personal physician, but I realized she was much more than that. And I soon learnt that this place was full of secrets I wasn't supposed to know about. One day, I found out a secret room behind a screen, in my aunt's room. When I candidly asked her if I could sleep there, she beat me up and threatened to lock me and leave me to starve to death if I ever talked about it. So I grew up to become an obedient, blind and deaf girl. But by being so, I failed the King. You can't imagine how much I regret it. Do you think it's too late to prove my loyalty to him ?
- No, it's not, Yi-seo gently. Don't let your fear sway you from your duty and stand by the King. I know it's easy to say, and I'll understand if you decide to turn a blind eye to your uncle's schemes out of fear or obedience. But Lord Park won't stop until he achieves his goal, so it's still time to show whose side you're on.

The Queen looked at Yi-seo and smiled. Then ,she said :

- When we were children, you were audacious and witty and I admired you. I wanted to be more like you. I've never been brave but I don't want to live like this any more. So I'll try and do my best to be worthy of the King's trust.

After a moment, she went on :
- If you were the Queen, you'd never have let this happen ...
- Please, don't say things like that, your Majesty, Yi-seo replied. I know that you have courage too, you were just not allowed to show it. And now, you can choose to be the woman you want, the woman you truly are, and not the one Lord and Lady Park molded to their own benefit.

The Queen stared at her old friend.

- Thank you for comforting me, Bang Yi-seo.
- You're welcome, your Majesty. I should get going now.
- Wait a minute. Do you know why I didn't ask you why the King and you were in the gardens together at this late hour ?
- Your Majesty, it's not what you think. I came here because ...

The Queen interrupted her.

- I know what you are for the King. A few months ago, the Queen Dowager ordered that the King and I spent the night together, but he didn't show up. He came the next day and apologized. Then he told me he's been in love with someone for a long time and wouldn't be able to sleep with me as long as this woman would be on his mind. He added that he was also aware of his duties and asked me to be patient. I probably shouldn't have but I asked who this woman was, and he told me your name.
- Your Majesty, ...

Yi-seo lowered her head, feeling embarrassed and ashamed.

- Don't worry, I'm not blaming you. I understand why he fell in love with you. Had you apply to be the Crown Princess back then, neither of us would have to be this miserable now. I promise you that from now on, I'll be a better Queen to the King, and a better friend to you. I'll try to set the things right. Good bye, Bang Yi-seo, take good care of yourself.

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