Don't Come Near Me, I'm Just...

By mrmacpuffy

714K 30.1K 7.2K

I had reincarnated into Remis Xenith, the younger brother of the heroine, who died at the beginning of every... More

1 - Otome Game Introduction
2 - The Butler
3 - Eliad's Methods
5 - Drunk Little Boy
6 - Morning Bed
7 - Bathing Together
8 - Running to the Forest
9 - Oberon, the Head Mage
10 - Bruh
11 - Obsessed Capture Targets
12 - Stranger in the Library
13 - Little Puppy
14 - Luxurious Vomit
15 - the Yandere
16 - Entering the Academy
17 - Meeting with the Crown Prince
18 - The Return Home
19 - Staying in Bed Together
20 - The Debut (1)
21 - the Head Mage
22 - Jealousy
23 - Coaxing
24 - Tsun-tsun Traitor
25 - Forced to Keep You by My Side
26 - Unwed Fiancés
27 - Undercover Fujoshi
28 - Change in Plans
29 - Sitting on his Lap
30 - Seduction
31 - Desperate Courting
32 - Jealous Prince
33 - Aggrieved Prince
34 - You're Mine
35 - Who to Kiss
36 - A Decision
37 - Eliad's Gratitude
38 - The Young Knight
39 - Visiting Knight Reask
40 - The Knight's Love at First Sight
41 - Lucius' Feelings
42 - Alone in the Field
43 - The Tsundere's Crying
44 - Field of Jealousy
45 - Cupid's Arrow
46 - Capitalism at its Finest
47 - Yandere and Tsundere
48 - The Plan
49 - Aileen's Motives
50 - Mysterious Roommate
51 - First Day of Classes (1)
52 - Long Awaited Encounter
53 - Magic Practice
54 - the Kisses
55 - Stretching
56 - the Garden
57 - The Knight
58 - Moving In
59 - My Dear
60 - Shower
61 - Poison
62 - Blonde Confession
63 - the Aftermath
64 - Made an Uh-oh
65 - Do You Like Me?
66 - He Fucked Up
67 - Confession
68 - Another

4 - I Need to Become a Background Character

30.8K 1.2K 387
By mrmacpuffy

"Awww, isn't it so sweet? Our little Remi is being sticky~" My mother sang watching me stick to Aileen like slime.

"Remi, you have to eat." My father chided.

I shook my head and clasped Aileen's hand rigidly, refusing to turn towards the plates of food.

It was the night of Ramond's concealed attack.


I layed in the bed, tucked against the warmth of Aileen's belly. Aileen had long since drifted off to sleep, but I had my eyes wide open.

All night, I had been focused on drawing the almost limitless amounts of mana from Aileen's body and putting it into my own. I retained my earnest expression when feeling my mana pool slowly flood with mixed mana.

Siphoned Power Binding. A fancy magic term for taking mana from another person with a technique. Siphoned power was only available from other completely willing kin.

Siphoned mana was not only powerful, but also vastly beneficial for urgent combat situations. However, drawing too much power from other kin could harm the expanse and depth of their mana pools, so I soon broke off the connection and jumped off the bed stealthily.

The assassin would be coming soon.

I couldn't defeat a grown man with an untrained toddler's body. However, the assassin must have been careless. Because only careless experienced killers would leave a body and witness for the world to see.

Just like he wasn't expecting someone to find him in the room...

He wouldn't expect a trap of magic to be his end.

From under the covers, I grabbed a small, cylindrical object that I hid the day before and slipped out of the comforter. I squatted down and started drawing a large, room-sized circle. I worked my way in, carefully drawing intricate glyphs, patterns, until the entire magic circle was complete.

As soon as I drew the final stroke of the design, it glowed a bright crimson before it became invisible.

Aileen shifted uncomfortably behind me. "Ngh..." She grumbled and rubbed her eyes. "What's going on...?" She rubbed her eyes haphazardly and awkwardly propped herself up to a sitting position.

"Sister, Sister, it's nothing, I needa go pee pee, I really needa go, so sleep!" I ushered her into the covers and she soon fell back asleep.

"Okay... I'm going to sleep then, Remi..." She promptly plopped her head on the pillow and started snoring blissfully once more.

I sighed wearily and moved my focus back to the unseen magic circle. What's the activation again...? I deliberated. Ah, right.

"Grasp." I murmured. The circle burned anew, and sizzled out as if it was leaving a small etching on the hard marble floor.

All I had to do now was wait.


The assassin came swiftly, leaving only a momentary shadow of a presence.

I, lying behind Aileen, waited as he flitted into the room window.

He lurked closer, dagger in hand, without leaving a trace. He approached without reserve and was ready to throw the knife into her heart.

Click. A quiet, almost imperceivable sound resounded through the room.

The lights flared. And surrounding his figure were blaring white fires that caged him to the middle of the room.

I quickly pressed my hand onto Aileen's eyes to prevent her from seeing a horrific scene. The room, still silent, was encased with an eerie glow from the flame.

The room was silent. The assassin, who was desperately searching for something, was caught off guard by a five year old watching him with an expressionless face.

Is it possible he's looking for a pill which would kill him without pain? I mused. I drew out a small blade from my breast pocket, one that snugly fit onto my chubby hand. Goodbye, Death Flag.

I, immune to the white flames, moved my arm through them unfettered. Without hesitation, I threw the dagger down and plunged it into his supple, sweaty flesh.

Perhaps a bit after I had perfectly silenced him, I recalled the introduction of the otome game.

A bloody young Remis, a dagger plunged into his fair, young flesh, with tears flooding his wide eyes and a screaming Aileen beside him.

"She was never the same again."

With that in mind, I withdrew the dagger and viciously plunged it into the assassin's knavel then cut up to his jaw. Wet, warm blood spewed out, along with his sliced liver and lungs.

His bloodshot eyes were the last thing I saw before I felt a sharp, piercing agony infect my thigh.

The assassin collapsed to the floor. Blood splattered onto my face, staining my white silk clothes.

I cried in agony. My vision shook as I clutched my thigh in anguish. I soon slumped onto the floor as blood poured out of my thigh.

The white flames instantly vanished, leaving the room pitch dark once more.

Only the sounds of Aileen's anxious screaming were left in the room.


"Remi... please, just wake up..."


"Brother... wake up...!"

I could hear the sound of desperate sobs and cries as my consciousness slowly returned. A pounding headache soon ensued as I rushed to push myself up.

"Ugh..." I groaned and tried to move; it felt as if my limbs were tied down to an invisible strap, preventing me from shifting.

I soon remembered what happened that night.

How could I be that impulsive, I berated. Why... was I so impulsive. The sudden urge to do something so high-risk washed over me. Uncontrollably.

And now I will have to face the repercussions for my actions.

This wasn't part of the plan.

Why? Why did I do something so unnecessary? What was the point? I was never that reckless, I was never so rash. I was so violent, and for what? He was going to die no matter the case. There was no point in my second strike.

I must have grown much more attached to this world than I previously believed.

How troublesome...


I was fussed over by my family and servants for days. When the family doctor said that I wouldn't be able to walk for weeks, Aileen was on the floor faster than the wind, throwing a tantrum and repeatedly griping, "Heal Remi NOW! I WANT HIM TO HEAL NOW!" She seemed to think that if she screamed enough, her wish would be granted.

That tantrum seemed to trigger my parents, because they soon threw a tantrum by sending ten formal complaints right to the King.


(A/N: I'm gonna skip familial love things and get right to the good part!)

"Apparently, the King sent the prime minister to formally apologize on his behalf."

"Yes, and did you hear? The prime minister is bringing his son as well."

"Ah, it's probably because he thinks that bringing his son could help show his remorse."

"Yeah, so the son could talk to the Young Master, right? They are around the same age, after all."

"When were they coming again? The Head Maid said... next week, wasn't it?"

"Hmmm... yes, I believe so."

The maids soon left after cleaning the hallway. My hands slowly clenched the wheels of my pushchair with a pale face.

Cyrus Fortier, the son of the prime minister of Vires. Also known as capture target no. 2, the yandere.

He was supposed to be introduced much later. Two years later, after the assassination of the original Remis. He was a close friend of the original Aileen.

I knew the ramifications of me evading death. It directly affected the heroine of the otome game, and thus affected the entire world. I was prepared for that consequence. However, I half-expected the capture targets to be immovable, as they were also one of the main characters and their path was already partly pre-determined.

A capture target was just as vital as the heroine. They had equal effects on the world. The meeting between one main character and another was crucial for the plotlines.

Cyrus was supposed to meet the heroine two years later.

The butterfly effect was strong, especially in a game world where every action leads to a new route, leading to a new end, whether it would be a Good or Bad.

So... what possible repercussions could I have for moving a paramount event so much earlier than it was predetermined to?

I'm fucked.


I was carried down the imposing spiral staircase by Eliad. At this point, I was quite used to being in his arms... he seemed to be quite adamant in carrying me in any situation which required so... perhaps he was just worried about me. Yes, that must be it.

The doors to the mansion slowly creaked open as servants hurriedly started to prepare for the arrival of highly dignified guests.

I saw two flawlessly adorned carriages both marked with beautiful golden dragon crests enter the front garden. The official herald of the Fortier family announced their arrival. Aileen jumped in excitement as she saw four figures exit the carriages and walk towards the mansion.

I wanted to scream. I briskly tugged on Eliad's sleeves and motioned for him to move his head down. "Can I go back to my room...? Please..." I beseeched, my breath gently gliding past his ears. I felt him shiver slightly and felt his ears shy away from my mouth. I need to get out of here... I don't wanna meet the capture target! ONE IS ENOUGH! TAKE ME AWAY, SATAN!

Yes, my rationality had definitely been taken away by pure desperation at that moment.


"Hi! My name's Cyrus! It's nice to meet you!" He exclaimed in a childish voice.

It's not nice to meet you, too. "Ah... it's nice to meet you."

In fact, I have to go now and not be involved with you.

Dammit, my leg. Fuck.

(A/N: Looking forward to the next chapter!)

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