Your Idol life

Por aWinnter

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Cover by 808AirsoftBros Y/n finds himself in Korea to chase his dreams what will come of this who knows only... Más

Author note
Character info
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21 - New beginnings
Chapter 22
Chapter 23 - Ending My First
Chapter 24 - Ending Started as a Crush
Chapter 25 - Ending Unexplained Connection
Chapter 26 - Ending Young Love
Chapter 27 - Ending Guardian Angel
Chapter 28 - Ending Reliable
Chapter 29 - Ending Connection
Chapter 30 - Ending All Together

Chapter 12

878 29 4
Por aWinnter

Date: 10/01/22


As new years came and went my members slowly came back to the dorm we started to get ready for our debut 10 days to record our debut album and learn the choreography we had just finished recording our debut song "Tear Drop" and begun to learn the choreography for it.


Y/n - Youngbin /Zuho

Shoto - Insong

Hyunjin - Jaeyoon / Chani

Jinwoo - Hwiyoung / Dawon

Yujun - Rowoon / Taeyang

I tried to spit it fairly equally.

Date: 18/01/22

Just a little more was needed we needed to record 1 last song today and then we were done after this we had a our first Variety show then we would be promoting for the next 2 weeks including on stage performances as well as multiple variety shows already lined up for us. 

Date: 19/01/22 

We had arrived at the set for Weekly Idol and were ready to show ourselves and make our first appearance on TV as Idols and not just people who dreamed of becoming idols.

Eunhyuk: Well the guests we have today have really made a big splash already in the industry and they haven't even debuted yet!

Kwanghee: They were even revealed at MAMA That's how popular they are and by the end of the month they will probably be a house hold name!

Eunhyuk and Kwanghee: Please welcome EternaL!

As the five of us walked out and shook hands with the hosts it was suddenly brought to our attention that the it was a special live show due to how excited people were over our debut.

Eunhyuk: So EternaL how does it feel to finally be Idols?

Yujun: Ah well we don't really feel like it yet our debut isn't official until tomorrow so maybe next time we are here I can answer that for you.

Kwanghee: Ah well said as expected from the Leader! So as I and Im sure everyone watched the show the 5 of you were part of last year how did you feel when you knew you would be debuting together.

Hyunjin: Ah well let me tell you a little secret~ we were actually gonna be 4 members if Y/n didn't wake up in time.

Eunhyuk: Really! Is it true?

Y/n: Yeah if I didn't wake from my coma they were gonna debut without me.

Eunhyuk: Well I think I can speak for everyone when I say im happy that the 5 of you are together. Shoto apparently you hadn't met Y/n in person before he joined you what was your first impression of him.

Shoto: Ah well it was really like seeing royalty he already has the nickname of prince in our group chat and when I first saw him it felt like a perfect fit for not only us as a group but it kinda seems like we are the princes guard now.

Kwanghee: Ahh "The prince of dance" that was the title given to you wasn't it!

Y/n: Yeah it feels kinda embarrassing though.

Jinwoo: Our little prince is quite popular already and he hasn't really done much yet.

Y/n: Little? you are the only member taller than me. They are just short.

Yujun: Yah stop it you two we are average height.

Hyunjin: Its unfair how can you sleep for a year and grow so much Y/n that's too mean!

Y/n: Sorry... I guess. 

Eunhyuk: Shall we move to our first segment?

Kwanghee: Lets go!

Eunhyuk: Ok so next to us are key words that 1 by 1 you will come up and grab and stick on the member that you think matches it best.

Hyunjin: Am I going crazy or are they blank?

Kwanghee: They peel away so the other members can't see it until its stuck on them.

Hyunjin: Ahhh

Y/n: I can't believe I called you smart before.

Hyunjin: Yah im still older than you show me some respect.

Y/n: Im sorry for insulting you Uncle please forgive me.

Hyunjin: THIS KID!

Eunhyuk: Yujun as the oldest why don't you come first.

Yujun: Ok... Oh this is a tricky one there's two members this could apply to.

Kwanghee: Oh can you say the two members so there's a chance they can figure it out.

Yujun: The easiest to get along with.

Jinwoo: Well its not me.

Shoto: Could be its in Yujuns opinion after all.

Yujun: Alright I know where this is going.

As you felt something stick your arm you looked down to see that Yujun had chosen you.

Y/n: Me? Why?

Yujun: Ah I remember when we first met the first day he joined team SM back on the show and we introduced our selves to him before we started learning the choreo he made sure that he knew everyone in the groups name before we started and them as we practised he helped them to improve where they were struggling.

Y/n: Is it bad if I say I just really wanted to win... I mean yep thank you I always try to get along with everyone.

Yujun: Really does our friend ship mean nothing.

Y/n: Nah I like you 4.

Kwanghee: Alright next up is Jinwoo go ahead.


Y/n: That's never a good sign.

Shoto: I think we are screwed no matter what it is it can't be good.

Jinwoo: This is the easiest decision ever. 

Hyunjin: AHH why'd you hit me with it what even is it?

Jinwoo: The most annoying. 

Hyunjin: Yah stick this on yourself I don't want this.

Eunhyuk: Jinwoo why did you pick Hyunjin then?

Jinwoo: So in the dorm me, Y/n and Hyunjin all share a dorm and Y/n is the best roommate ever he keeps his area clean doesn't snore isn't loud at 7am while everyone else is still asleep. Hyunjin on the other hand Is the exact opposite he doesn't clean his part of the room which is closest to the door! He snores all night and then when he gets up at 7am he decides to make the room into a karaoke party and starts singing and dancing while me and Y/n are still asleep!

Hyunjin: Yah its not my fault you don't get up in the morning.

Jinwoo: We finished the day before at 4am though and didn't have our schedules start till 2pm because of that! Why were you up at 7 in the first place?

Hyunjin: I usually get up at that time no matter what. I always feel refreshed.

Y/n: You always make me feel tired.


Eunhyuk: Hyunjin its your turn now maybe you will be able to get back at Jinwoo or Y/n.

Hyunjin: I hate this game.

Kwanghee: Why?

Hyunjin: I don't want to give "Ferocious Rapper" to either of them.

Eunhyuk: Don't you have a rap position as well?

Hyunjin: There's a reason why my position is sub rapper and those 2 are main rappers. Ahh fine here.

Jinwoo: You picked me over Y/n? 

Hyunjin: Hes been mean to me today.

Jinwoo: Is that the only reason?

Hyunjin: You are both good Y/n is a better writer and performer while you are always recognisable when you rap its clear that its you.

Y/n: I can accept that.

Kwanghee: Shoto you are up next.

Shoto: Can I stick it to myself?

Yujun: If you think its best for you do it. 

Shoto: Ahh well I think it would be rude not to give this to someone other than myself actually. 

Y/n: What did you just stick on me?

Shoto: "The best dancer".

Y/n: Understandable good choice.


Shoto: He is literally called the prince of dancing and you are well... Just good at dancing.


Y/n: I mean it could get worst I am the last one after all.

Hyunjin: Y/n please if its a bad thing don't give it to me.

Y/n: Maybe I will maybe I won't we will see Hyung. Oh its interesting in fact can I rip it in two I can't decide between them.

Eunhyuk: Go ahead if there are two members perfect for it.

As I stuck half on Yujun and half on Shoto I revealed what it was.

Y/n: The "Angels Voice" is perfect for both of them.


Yujun: Calm down Hyunjin It could have been worse.

Eunhyuk: Now that we are done with that shall we see the first performance of EternaL's "Tear Drop"? 

Kwanghee I can't wait and Im sure out viewers are excited as well. 

As the the song started and we began to dance the choreography I could help but smile on the inside our own song. Finally my dreams were coming true I was there and I couldn't help but to feel excited by it. Once the song had ended the Eunhyuk and Kwanghee gave us a round of applause for our performance. 

Eunhyuk: Wow I can already call it now you 5 are what we call monster rookies! 

Kwanghee: I don't think I've seen such an impressive performance from rookies before!

Yujun: Ahh thank you. 

Eunhyuk: I've just realised you can tell who the main dancers are.

Kwanghee: Really how?

Eunhyuk: Y/n is the only one that isn't out of breath and Hyunjins breathing is a lot more controlled than the other threes but they still showed everything during the performance.

Kwanghee: That's incredible stamina considering you could tell all 5 of them put everything it the performance. 

As the show went on we did a few more games and then it was time for the show to end and head back to the dorm for the night. Once I had checked my phone I had many messages saying how well both me and the other members had performed from lots of people that were close to us.

Date: 20/01/22   

As we stepped into the room for us to get interviewed at music bank we were met with Wonyoung and Sunghoon who congratulated us on our debut before getting to the questions.

Wonyoung: Y/n What do you think is the stand out for your EternaLs performance for any new fans watching?

Y/n: Well I think that they should pay attention to everything as we plan to turn all the viewers into our fans and maybe you two as well.

Sunghoon: You want us as your fans?

Y/n: Of course its always nice to get new fans.

Sunghoon: Well I will be sure to support you as you are my juniors now.

After the interview we performed and were blown away by the fans cheering for us on our debut. Once we had returned to the waiting room. we got out of the makeup and were about to change when to our surprise a member of staff told us not to as we were nominated for first place.

Yujun: Really? Are you sure?

Manager: Yes Yujun I know its only been what 10 hours since your debut officially went live however fans were able to start voting yesterday and well you got a lot of votes after Weekly Idol.

As the 5 of us went back on stage and stood across from the other group that was nominated that happened to be our seniors Enhyphen for Blessed-Cursed and as the votes were tallying I wasn't expecting much with it being our first day. Then the shock happened we had won on our first day and none of us could hold back our emotions we all went into a group hug and cried for a few seconds before Hyunjin received the trophy and Enhyphen ran over to us to celebrate with us. 

Jay: Congrats!

Jungwon: You are cool!  

After we left the stage we all exchanged contacts and went to our separate waiting rooms where our manger was waiting with a cake as well as another member of HYBE staff with a camera.

Hyunjin: Don't tell me this is when we are starting vlogs so mean!

Y/n: Hyung for once I agree with you.

As the we heard a knock on the door the manager told me someone was looking for me once I got to the door Wonyoung hugged me and I hugged her back.

Wonyoung: Congratulations Y/n You looked so cool on stage!

Y/n: Thank you Wonyoung.

Wonyoung: Ah give me your number I want to add you to IVEs group chat so you can get the other members numbers as well. 

Y/n: Ok here.

After Wonyoung got your number the 2 of you talked for a while before she left and as did you and the other members back to the dorm. As our manager was about to leave she wanted a quick word with me.

Manger: Y/n I want you to know its fine for you to be friends with female idols and have female friends in general however IF you plan to date anyone you need to tell me first so I can clear it with Bang PD ok.

Y/n: Don't worry Noona im not planning on dating anyone soon anyway. I can't choose between them anyway. 

Manager: What was the second part of that I didn't quite catch it?

Y/n: Ah it was nothing important just thinking what I can have as a quick eat before going to bed.

Manger: Ok. Have what you want its a night to celebrate you still have work to do tomorrow remember.

And so the next 13 days of promotions happened from on stage performances to variety show appearances. 

Date 4/02/22

As I heard my phone ring I picked it up to be met with Bang PDs voice.

Bang PD: Ahh Y/n I hope you are enjoying the first day of your break after a successful debut 10 wins already and the quickest group to ever win incredible work. But that's not fully why im calling I have received a very interesting offer for you. How would you like to be an MC along side Taeyeon for Queendom 2?

Y/n: Really they want me along side Taeyeon?

Bang PD: Yes apparently people love when you interact with other idols so they thought it would be the perfect thing for you. Oh and filming wont start till after your break is over anyway filming will be running from the 31st of march through to June 2nd so what do you think?

Y/n: Would we make a comeback during that time?

Bang PD: Ah no all of you have received calls for different shows and we already have a date planned for the 2nd of July for your next comeback we don't want to pile work onto you all. 

Y/n: Ahh if that's the case I will happily accept then! 

Bang PD: Ahh Good to hear Y/n enjoy your two weeks off then I hope you will come back as ready as ever.

Date: 31/03/22   

As the month passed Lily made her debut with Nmixx I finally got to see Gaeul again which was a chaotic trip to her dorm and her being attached to me like a sloth for the full time I was there as well as getting closer to TXT and Enhyphen members with them being a similar age as me. 

Taeyeon: You ready?

Y/n: Im excited I've never done something like this before.

Taeyeon: You will do great don't worry. Let's go its time.

Y/n: I will follow your lead Noona.

Me and Taeyeon stepped out representing Idols with Lee Yongjin acting as the "Queen Manger".

??? POV

No way Y/n is an MC maybe I can get close to him now? Maybe I can give him my contact? Maybe I can....

Eunseo: You are staring~

Luda: Oh are you staring at your crush again~

Exy: I didn't realise you liked younger guys~

???: Stop teasing me.

Seola: Yeoreum we won't stop teasing you but we will accept that he is a good match for you.

Yeoreum: Unnies please.

Dayoung: Unnie give him your contact at the end of filming don't worry we will help you.

Yeonjung: Unnie if you don't get him I will.

I can't believe I get the chance to work with you Y/n I hope I can have the confidence to get close to you.

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