Jaune Roronora Vinsmoke

By kevondre14

58.5K 840 332

"Hey kid what are you doing out here?" "I was trying to train to become a huntsman." "Kid where are your pare... More

The Truth Revealed
A Fall from Grace
The Ronin & The Stray Cat Pt1
The Ronin & The Stray Cat Pt2
Haki Training
The Paladin Mission
Preparing for a dance.
Dance Dance Infiltration

Field Trip

2.3K 44 7
By kevondre14

It was the next day and we see three people in Ozpins tower those being Ozpin himself, Glynda Goodwitch, and an angry General Ironwood.

Ironwood: They were here Ozpin!
He said slamming his fist on the table.

Glynda: Thank you for stating the obvious James...
She said a bit sarcastically.

Ironwood: Oh great, you know, now how do we fix this problem?

Ozpin was about to speak only to be stopped by the sound of the elevator. They looked to see that it was ruby and Jaune who had a slight annoyed look on his face.

Ruby: Sorry it took so long. Someone decided to hit all the buttons on the elevator.

She said this as Jaune looked at her with an annoyed stare giving everyone else in the room an idea of who did what she said.

Ozpin cleared his throat getting everyone's attention.

Ozpin: Ms. Rose and Mr. Vinsmoke. Due to certain events that happened last night the general would like to ask you if you have any idea hpwno the perp was.

Ironwood: Ms. Rose, Mr. Vinsmoke, I'd like to thank you both for your efforts last night. You saw something that shouldn't be and you approached with caution. And you did the best you could. Just like a real huntsman should.

Ruby thanked the general while Jaune just kept a stoic face knowing that if Atlas, specifically the general were to find out who was standing infront of them then it may cause more trouble than what it's worth.

That and he really hates Atlas. It was mostly due to all the faunus and dust mines that has had Atlas military written all over it. If they knew what he looked like then Atlas would do whatever they can to have him arrested.

That and the fact that the Atlas military is getting very lazy nowadays. Replacing their own men with machines, Jaune didn't like that one bit. Cause there were some who take their own job seriously and now their being replaced with a machine.

It's been one of the many reasons that he hates Atlas. They throw away good soldiers and their own military is practically the definition of segregation. Cause he has dealt with Atlas soldiers in the past and to this day he has yet to see at least one faunus within the military.

After a bit of explaining on Jaunes end and ruby saying that she heard her say something about a place in the southeast of Vale.

Jaune knew what she was up to and kept his mouth shut. Only looking at the headmaster who subtly nodded at him already giving him his answer.

They left his office and went down the elevator.

After a minute of getting some things set up Jaune and his team walked to the auditorium where they met up with team RWBY. Since today was the day everyone gets to shadow their own huntsman.

But for Jaune and his team it would be more something different. Jaune decided to wear different outfit then what he normally would wear.

Ms Goodwitch said to everyone that to quiet down cause ozpin was about to give his speech.

Ozpin: Today we stand together, united. Mistral, Atlas, Vacuo, and Vale. The four Kingdoms of Remnant. On this day, nearly eighty years ago, the largest war in recorded history came to an end. It was a war of ignorance, greed, and of oppression.

Jaune thought about the story his grandfather told him about how one of his ancestors had fought in the Great War. He says that he saved a lot of men, women, and children who were both human and faunus alike.

Ozpin: A war that was about much more than where borders fell or who traded with whom, but about the idea of individualism itself. We fought for countless reasons, one of which being the destruction of all forms of art and self-expression. And as you are well aware, that was something many could not stand for. As a result, those who oppose this tyranny began naming their children after one if the core aspects of art itself: color. It was their way to demonstrate that not only would they refuse to tolerate this oppression, but neither were the generations to come. And it was a trend that is held to this very day. We encourage Individuality, expressionism, and unity through diversity.

Jaune: (If only Atlas could do that.)

Ozpin: As I have said, today we stand together, united. But this bond cannot exist without effort. Which is why today, while the rest of the world celebrates peace, Huntsman and Huntresses will work to uphold it. As first-year students, you will be tasked with shadowing a professional huntsman or huntress on a mission. Some of you may be taken out of the kingdom for several days. Others may work within the walls of the kingdom for the rest of the week. But no matter which path you choose, remember to be safe, remember your training, and remember to do your very best.

Ozpin steps away while the students begin to file out of the amphitheatre.

Jaune and his team left only to be stopped by the headmaster.

Jaune: Is there something that we can do for you headmaster?

Ozpin: Just keep a close eye on team RWBY while your gone. If what Ms. Rose said is true about there being hideout down there than I think it's best for you and your team to assist them.

Nora: Don't worry, with all the training we've been going through we can take on a whole army of grimm like it's no problem.

Everyone who heard her just face-palmed in annoyance since she mostly took up Armament haki now she thinks she is practically unbeatable or indestructible.

Jaune: Nora you can't even beat me and Ren in a fight yet.
He deadpanned.

Nora: If you don't count people who can predict others movement.
She quickly said whole looking away with a bead of sweat coming down her face.

Ozpin: Just be careful, your informant has gotten us this far. And with the fact that Amber's attackers are here as well isn't helping but we'll have a plan ready for them.

Jaune nodded but his team was a bit confused by who this "Amber" was.

Jaune: I'll tell you later.

Even though they would like to know more about who this Amber person was they accepted what they could get for now.

They followed the headmaster towards team RWBY who were trying to figure out how to get to the southeast. Onky to hear Ruby make a plan about shipping themselves there.

This caused Nora and Jaune to laugh a bit at the idea. While Ozpin was explaining how that the grimm levels in that specific area was high. But in the end he "reluctantly" let the team go on the mission.

Ruby: We won't let you down.

Ozpin: Don't thank me. Your teamwork and determination have gotten you this far. Make sure you listen to your huntsman or you will be sent back.

He started walking away before...

Ozpin: Oh and the system didn't account for team JNPR that's why it declined you in the first place.
He said before he started walking away again.

Ruby looked at team JNPR with pure shock and confusion.

Ruby: You guys are coming with us?

Jaune: Well some would say the best way to learn is through experience. But this is mostly to teach Nora not to get over her abilities.

A "Hey" could be heard but they ignored it as they left to their bullhead to find the one and only...









Dr. Oobleck!?

All of team RWBY looked as if they didn't want to be here while team JNPR just looked a bit uncomfortable with who will be leading this mission.

Oobleck: Hello everyone! Who's ready for the fight of their lives!?
He said with an excited tone at the stunned group.

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