My life as a Bolton Boy

Od WildImagination22

220K 6.7K 385


An update
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 11

9K 268 5
Od WildImagination22

Chapter 11

Eden began fixing my outfit, straightening my jacket, tying my tie. She didn't look happy or thrilled but she still made me look nice for my portend date. Every now and then she'd look up at me and give me a smile and mess my hair. Styling the odd bits of hair that wouldn't stay in place.

'Am I done yet?' I asked chuckling. She's been stood messing with my clothes and hair for nearly an hour. She made me spin around and she looked me up and down. I was dressed in a pair of dark wash jeans that were a little baggy on me, a pale blue shirt, a slim black tie and my jacket. She made me put on a pair of smart shoes. I think I look like a monkey in a suit. But I'm not going to upset her, seen as she spent so long dressing me.

'I guess you look presentable. When do you leave to pick Aubrey up?' She sounded happy, but I could see through the mask she'd put up. The happiness in her voice was fake. She didn't have the musical tune to it and it was all said in a monotone.

'Ten minutes. Ralf is letting me borrow his car.' I said looking down at her. How can we be so close but yet be so far. There's so much tension between us, and I could make it go away with a few words. And I really want to say those words so much. I want this torture of not having her to hold and not being about to call her mine to be over.

'You can't drive that death trap so you can borrow my car.' I think she might be okay with me going on a date with Aubrey. I mean she's letting me use her car for my date. She's making sure that I look good for my date. I nod in appreciation and she passes me her keys.

'Have you changed your bandage?' I ask, she really needs to change them. The doctor said she need to change them other wise she'll get an infection and end up landing herself a week in a hospital bed. She turned away from me and I knew the answer. I grabbed the wrist of her bag hand and pulled her into the bathroom. When I unravelled the bandages the wounds looked clean. 'This is going to hurt a little.' I pulled out an alcohol free wipe and lightly wiped it over the rounds. I can hear her gritting her teeth and suck in.

'You need to go on your date. Aubrey will kill me if your late. I'll wrap them back up.' She told me sternly and gave me the glare. She took the bandages out of my had and put them on the counter and started fixing her hand. 'What are you still doing here? Go on.' Her eyes were a little glassy but she turned her head away from me so I couldn't see her. But she didn't move quick enough. I gave her a reluctant look but left anyway. I took Eden's car and drove towards Aubrey house. I have no idea where she lives but she text me the address and GPS is taking me to the address. When I pulled up at Aubrey's house she's stood out side.

I must admit she looks nice. She's wearing a old fashion type of dress in a ruby red colour with a white collar. She had a little white belt around her waist and red ballet pumps on. God I hate having a fashion designer as a mum. She climbed into my/Eden's car, she didn't say a word and didn't look at me.

'So where we going?' She asked with a scowl. She didn't sound too enthusiastic. To be honest I'm not too thrilled either.

'I'm hungry for a Subway.' I said starting to drive. Aubrey looked at me and sent me a death glare.

'Even if this is a pretend date, I expect to be taken some were nice. I want to go to Nando's or Frankie and Benny's.' She hissed at me, what the hell is Nando's? I let out a sigh and found the closest Frankie and Benny's. A half American and half Italian restaurant. It reminds me of the little diner that I've been going to all week. I wish we'd gone there instead.

'Hello, my name is Debbie and I'm your waitress what can I get you?' The waitress asked. She had long blonde hair that flowed down to the small of her back. She had a bonnie face with a pixie nose. She had a big smile on her face which lightened my mood a little. I looked at the menu and scanned through everything.

'I'll have a chicken salad and a still water.' Aubrey said, she looked at the waitress and she began to jot down her order. When she'd finished she looked up at me.

'Can I have a chicken burger and a coke please.' Unlike Aubrey I know how to use manners, the waitress smiled at me and disappeared to the kitchens.

'So seen as I'm stuck here for the next hour or so. And I'm going this for my best friend. So tell me about her in America. She won't really talk about it. All she talked about was how she missed the ten boys she lived with. And how she missed Jesse. Well, how she missed you.' She said. She rested her elbows on the table and rested her head on her hands. She actually looked like she was interested.

'Where do I start? So much happened.' I said thinking the whole story in my head and all the events that happened. From her walking our house and having to great her to get breakfast, to saying I love her in Milan, to her being hit by the car to save me and then her boarding the plane.

'Start at the beginning. She only tells us things in the least amount of detail and skips things before she has to run out of the room to fix her 'allergy's'' Aubrey said using air quotes around allergy's. I let out a chuckle and then began to explain.

'My mum made us all come downstairs and greet her. Then we got pancakes, the minute I saw her I fell for her, she made my heart skip a beat. But I saw the look on my brothers face, Kade. He felt what I felt and I knew I'd have to fight for her. That night at dinner Kade text everyone saying he called dibbs on her, and it pissed me off so much. The fact I didn't think of it first, and because he thinks he can say a girl belongs to him. We got closer of the course of a few day s and then we were playing in the games room, she bet me $10 that she could beat me at Mario kart, I think. She won and I wouldn't pay up so we began to play fight.' I chuckled as the scene unfolded in my head. 'She fell on me and we kissed, a lot. Then Kade came in and was pissed off.' My voice died off as I thought of her and Kade together.

'She told me about when she was with Kade. She was comparing how you treated her to how Kade treated her. I have to say you treated her way better! She also told me about Milan, the triple date on the yacht, something about the worse party ever and the night she snuck out with you.' Aubrey wiggled her eyebrows at me and I chuckled. 'She wouldn't tell me what happened at any of them apart from the night you snuck out. She told me you camped in the back of a pick-up. She won't talk about the party without crying. So tell me about the Yacht. What did you do?' She asked truly intrigued.

'We triple dated with my brothers and there girlfriends. Amy and Aaron, Jade and Kade. It wasn't the best idea bring Kade and Jade. Jade and Eden couldn't stand each other, and it made things awkward. But princess brightened the night up. We had a really random meal on the deck and then we danced on the deck. My brother Aaron took a picture and I gave it to her on Christmas eve when we where in Milan.' I smiled remembering everything and I really want to go back to then. Everything was so much simpler and Eden was mine and no one else's. I sighed and buried my face in my hands.

Throughout dinner we talked about the other dates, even when I took her ice skating at seven in the morning. She seemed quite interested in that date. Aubrey kept giggling at our dates and the things we got up to. She listened well and asked me loads of questions.

'Did you get jealous? Of Aaron?' She asked.

'I guess, she'd always go to Aaron when she was upset or need someone to talk to. I'd get jealous because she's talk about her problems to him and not me. And most of the time she went to talk to him was because of me.' I admitted. I guess I'd never realised how jealous of the relationships she had with my brothers.

'You really love her then?' She asked, her eyebrows raised. She didn't sound convinced that I love Eden. How could she question that? Was me flying to England not enough to convince her friend that I love her.

'Yes, I do. More than I love anyone or anything else.' I said being honest. She sat back in her seat and smiled.

'I believe you. Come on take me back to yours and me and Eden can have a girl talk. When I talk about the date just go along with what I say.' She stood up and walked out, leaving me with the bill. I threw a fifty at the table and headed for the car. Aubrey was leant against it, fixing her make up.

I got in the car and began to drive home. I'd had enough of Aubrey so I turned the stereo on and a random song started playing. I turned it up to drown out Aubrey. I pulled up at Eden's house and went and opened the car door for her and she climbed. This is where we have to pretend to be a couple and like we're falling in love. I'd rather fall in love with a monkey's ass than her. She held my hand and interlinked her fingers with mine and she she stood really close to me. So her chest was against my arms. I plasters a smile on my face and so did she. We walked in the house and Eden came to greet us. She pulled us into the living room. Ralf was sat watching TV, Eden took a seat next to him and the girls started talking.

'So, where did you too go?' Eden asked, her smile matched mine. Fake but hers was a lot more convincing than mine. I know its not real because its not the same one she wore daily when she lived with us.

'It was so romantic, he took me ice skating! I'm not very good at it, but Jesse. Wow, he's amazing. He literally skated circles around me. It was a good idea though, clever. I could barely stand so he had to hold my hand to keep me upright. It was so funny, I fell over and he ended up falling on top of me. Before I knew it, our lips crashed into each other and I think I felt fire works.' She said with a huge smile on her face. What the fuck is she doing?! I took Eden on that date not her. What the hell is she playing at!

The smile on Eden's face slowly disappeared. Now I know why she was so interested in that date. I can feel my blood boiling. I don't want to stay and listen. I yawned.

'I'm sorry babe but I'm shattered. I'll drive you home if you want.' I asked, but she turned down the offer and I went upstairs and pulled out my phone. My phone was full with missed calls, voice mails, texts and Emails. Most of them from mum. I guess I better face her now rather than later.

I called mum and she picked up immediately.

'JESSE OLIVER BOLTON! Why haven't you been picking up. Myself, your father and your brothers have been trying to get hold of you all day.' Mum began yelling down the phone.

'I've had a busy day. I didn't get home from the emergency room until three. We ended up staying at a hotel then Eden had dance and gym. Then I had a date with Aubrey, and the bitch lied to piss Eden off.' I ranted.

'Jesse. Language control and what? Your dating another girl? Why were you at the emergancy room?' She started asking questions.

'I don't have time to talk. Bye mum.' I clicked the line dead because I can't deal being on the hot seat. The minute I click the line dead I have another call coming in. Aaron. I slid my finger across the screen and answer the call.

'Hey?' I answered.

'Where have you been? Mum's in hysterics with worry.' He started.

'Cut it out Aaron I'm not in the mood. I've been busy, looking after Eden is a lot harder than I remember. Her mum isn't helping either.' I let out a big sigh.

'What happened to Eden?' He asked all worried.

'Pass the phone to Kade. I need to talk to him.' I growled at Aaron. He let out a sigh and then I heard the phone being passed.

'What's up?' Kade asked.

'I need help. Again.'

'What happened?' He sounded worried and I think I can hear someone in the background. I heard someone else make a shushing noise. No doubt I'm on speaker and most of them are stood around the phone listening to what I'm saying. I ignore the idea and continue.

'After I called you yesterday I called mum. She spoke to Daphne and it caused an argument. Daphne blamed Eden and started throwing dishes. I heard the thrash and ran downstairs, when I got to the kitchen Eden was on the floor crying and when I got a closer look she had bits of pottery in her hand. We spent the night in the hospital.' I said quickly.

'What the fuck!?' Someone yelled but it wasn't Kade.

'YOU SAID A BAD WORD!' Teddy yelled. He's the only one of us that yells that when one of us swears. And non of us sound like a five year old.

'Yes Guy. Language control.' Ruben hissed. Shit I really am on speaker.

'Your mum said something about a date?' Another voice said, it's female. I doubt its Tessa. I think its Amy. I haven't heard from her in a while. When she comes to our house she either hangs around with Beth at the mall. Usually shopping for baby stuff or with Aaron.

'You had your date with Aubrey tonight?' Beth asked.

'Who is Aubrey? I swear Jesse if you break her heart, I'll break your face!' Aaron threatened me.

'If I broke her hear I think I'd break my own face,' I said in response to Aaron. 'Why the hell am I on speaker phone? Who's there?' I growled. I hung up to mum because I was on the hot seat and now I have, god knows how many people questioning me.

'All the brothers, and girlfriends. Mum, Dad and Cora. I think that's it.' Flynn said. I fac3e palmed myself. Great so something I wanted to talk to Kade about is now open to everyone in the god damn house can hear.

'Yes, Beth, I had my date tonight. Before some dumb ass asks who she is. She's Eden's friend, and her and Ralf and Beth have got a plan to get me and Eden together. And I'm still a little confused about what's going on. And I'm just doing what I'm told.' I explained. There was silence on the other side of the phone.

'How does Eden feel about that?' Bobby asked, he sounded like doctor Phil. It's so annoying.

'I took Aubrey to Frankie and Benny's and she was asking about Eden whole she lived in American. And then when I came back she and Eden began talking. Aubrey made up a load of shit, saying I'd taken her on the same date as Eden and now she's pissed. So well done Beth. You and your plans fucked me up even more.' I growled down the phone.

'No need to blow your head off at me Jesse. You asked for help so I gave you help. Amy's been helping too and we both have one thing you don't. Eden actually fucking talks to us about her problems. Where as what does she talk to you about. Nothing, she says fuck all.' Beth spits back at me.

'PACK IT IN! Both of you.' Dad yells at us. 'Language control and Jesse go to bed. Same to you Beth. All of you upstairs and bed.' Dad orders. No one messes with Dad. There's only a few of us that's stupid enough, Me and Kade, to disobey dad. I turn the phone off and go to sleep. What a long day its been.

It was nearly midnight when I heard a car pull up outside and Eden saying her good byes to Aubrey. She sent me a text Come to my room. I want to talk. I didn't reply, I just got out of bed. Pulled on a pair of loose shorts over my boxers but left my shirt on the floor. I walked to her door and knock.

'Come in you div.' She called, she didn't sound upset. When I walked in she was sat criss cross on her bed.'Nice eight pack.' She wiggled her eyebrows at me. I couldn't help but smile at her. I've been in Eden's room a few times but I never really took any notice. Three of the wall where painted an off white and the other was a large feature wall with pictures of New York city. She had a small shelf on her wall above her bed with little ornaments on it. Her mirror was surrounded by pictures.

Pictures of her and her mum dancing around, one of her and Aaron – actually there where loads of pictures of her and me and my brothers. One stood out to me, though. A Polaroid, Eden's laid on the floor clearly giggling. I can see the top on my head, I think I'm straddling her stomach. There's writing on her face, I think its eye liner. I know where the picture was taken. My eyes search her face and read the writing. Eddie x. Short stack. Lil' sis. Always mine. I recognise lots of the pictures. They where taken whilst she lived with us.

Next to her full body mirror is a canvas hanging on the wall. The pictures in black and white, but I can still make out the people. It's the canvas picture I gave her on Christmas. The picture of us dancing on the yacht.

'What do you want to talk about?' I think I'm either busted or she's pissed at me.

'It's about my mum, your mum and me.' Her voice was calm and collected. She had a smile on her face, but it didn't stretch from eye to eye . She patted the bed next to her and I took the offer. 'I know that you've been telling your mum about what my mums been doing.' She looked me, in my eyes.

'Are you mad?' I asked. She shook her head and smiled again.

'How could I be? I know your only trying to look out for me. I know what my mum does is wrong, but I still love her. Who else have you told?' I took a deep sigh, she's not going to like the answer.

'The first person I told was Kade. But I called tonight and I didn't realise I was on speaker phone to the whole family. They all got pissed off and started yelling.' I admitted.

'I know Beth called, she was furious. You were horrible to her, you have to be nice to pregnant ladies. Beth could pop at any minute!' Eden exaggerated.

'She's only six months.' I state the obvious. 'Is that all you wanted to talk about?' I asked.

'No. When I turn eighteen I'm going to live in America, I don't want to live in this shot whole. And I was wondering if you could ask your mum to help me find a place to live. I mean I'm going to go to collage and get a job. I even have enough money to rent an apartment. But I need your mums help.' She asked looking down at her lap.

'Why don't you ask my mum, you talk to her a lot?'

'Your mum already pays my phone bills and gives me a £3000 allowance a month. I can't ask for more.'

'Why not just move back in? Your rooms not changed. Beth doesn’t use it she's busy in Kade's room.'

'I don't want to ask for more.' She explained again.

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