The Right Time (Lestappen)

By lauraiswriting

284K 8.7K 2.7K

Max Verstappen is faced with the difficult decision of whether to 'come out' publicly. To make matters worse... More

What will they think?
So Close
Barcelona Rumours
The morning after the night before
Time to Talk
The interview
Love Fully
We race as one
The List
Date Night
Tabloid Tales
A Gift
So Special
Thoughts of the future
Welcome to Miami
In S(pain)
Ten Things
First time
The Monaco Curse
Back to Baku
O Canada (part one)
O Canada (part two)
An Austrian Nightmare
Help Me (part one)
Help Me (part two)
Soothing Sounds
No mistake
Unleash the lion
Take my time
He wins in Monza
Holding hands
Red Flag
Death is permanent
Clearing the air
A picture is worth a thousand words (part one)
A picture is worth a thousand words (part two)
Back in Action
They can't ignore you now
Announcement (not a chapter)
Save the date
Save the date (part two)
Stag Night
I now pronounce you....
Wedding Night Connection
A Tiny Gift
Glitter and Glue
The fun starts now

The Room

4.3K 143 20
By lauraiswriting

Ok so TW / TW contains spoilers so if you are happy to read without then go ahead :) - This chapter continues on the theme of the previous one, no explicit details at all but there is suggestions of abusive behaviour/suggestions of conversion therapy. If you think this might be triggering then skip this chapter and probably the next one.

Also - the character's are based on real people but their actions are purely fictional, I am not saying they would act like this at all in real life! It's all for drama! 


Max was surprised to find himself on the podium at Paul Ricard. Not because he doubted his abilities but because he had just experienced the worst two weeks of his whole life. It had felt like his whole world was collapsing and it took every last bit of strength he had to keep the car on the track. Jos had been staying at his apartment so there had been no escape, no seeing Charles, no time to come to terms with what had been happening to him. The living arrangement had sent him back to a time in his childhood where his dad called all the shots and he could do nothing but agree. Yet, despite it all there were brief moments between 'therapy sessions' where his dad had taken him out for food, or hugged him or just sat and talked to him for hours and Max had felt that maybe, just maybe, if he could survive this ordeal long enough then things might work out.

However by the time the second week had rolled around Max realised that he couldn't do it any longer. He was tired of feeling sick, tired of being in pain and tired of being made to feel worthless. He was just tired, physically and mentally. He had never stood up to his dad before, always been compliant, but he was an adult now and he knew that he needed to stand up for himself.

He had woken up early Monday morning and staggered through to the kitchen. He was hungry but was under strict orders not to eat before his session so he downed a glass of water hoping it would satisfy him temporarily. It didn't. He glanced over at the spare bedroom that had been made into a makeshift therapy room and saw two of his therapists preparing for the day. He watched as they lay out various items, he wasn't sure what terrified him more, the things he recognised or the things he didn't. The younger of the two men had turned to look at him and he felt his legs buckle beneath him. When his dad had made his way through to the living room Max had begged him to put an end to it all, begged him not to make him go in there  but Jos had remained firm leaving Max with little choice.

"I can't do it anymore. I'm sorry, I'm not going in there" Max tried to sound confident but his voice betrayed him as the words stuttered out less than convincingly.

"Max, I am not asking you, I am telling you to go in there" Jos had said firmly but Max wasn't listening, he couldn't do it, not anymore.

"No, no I'm not. You need to all leave my apartment or I will call the police" Max said, his voice firming up a little as he tried to replicate the tone of his father, trying desperately to gain his respect.

Jos thought it unfortunate that he had seemingly lost his son's trust but there was still one more trick he had up his sleeve and it seemed the perfect time to use it.

"I know about you and Charles" he said calmly, so calmly that Max didn't quite register it at first but when he did he could feel his whole body freeze. He tried not to react but it didn't matter, Jos wasn't really waiting for confirmation, he was already sure he knew what was going on.

"I will tell everybody Max. I will tell everyone Charles is gay and I will tell everyone you are together" Jos spoke slowly and clearly as if he wanted to make sure Max was truly understanding the implications of what he was saying.

Max felt his heart sink. For a brief second he wondered if his dad would actually be cruel enough to tell everybody but he knew that the answer was yes. For one of the first times in his life he felt truly defeated. All the confidence that he had had to muster to try and stand up to his dad had now dissipated and he was left feeling vulnerable once more. He eyed the two male therapists now standing in the doorway waiting for him and had felt himself start to shake.

"Max I am not asking you again, the gentlemen are waiting. This is for your own good I promise" Jos said, eyes fixed glaringly on his son as he moved towards him, grabbing his arm and dragging him to the door.

Max had given in and as his dad handed him over to the two men he felt his eyes filling with tears. He felt alone and helpless as they led him inside the room and locked the door behind him.

When he emerged three hours later he was so disoriented that he had almost forgotten where he was and he had stumbled around to find his way to his bedroom where he fell asleep for most of the rest of the day. When he had finally woken he glanced down at his phone, his second phone, the first was safely within Jos' control. There were multiple missed calls and messages from Charles. Max felt his heart breaking a little at the thought of having to tell Charles that his dad knew all about them. He wanted to do it in person though, when he could reassure Charles that it was all going to be okay, for now he just needed to hear Charles' voice.

"Hey" Max had spoken quietly when Charles had picked up, "I miss you so much"

"I miss you too Max, can you not sneak away for a few hours?" Charles asked, already knowing the answer because he had asked the same question every time they spoke and been told multiple times that it wasn't worth the risk.

"I'm so sorry Charlie, I will make it up to you I promise. I love you so much"

"I love you too, always." Charles responded, "Max are you okay, do you need me?"

Max needed Charles more than ever but things were complicated. He knew he shouldn't have even risked calling in the first place. He made his excuses and hung up hoping they would be able to talk properly during the next race weekend in France.

Unfortunately they had little time together. Jos had booked adjoining rooms preventing Max from sneaking away to Charles. The only time they had been able to see each other was around the paddock. It had been impossible to talk with the eyes of the worlds media on them but when  Charles had seen Max passing by he had so wanted to throw his arms around him, hold him tightly and never let go. The brief moments they had seen each other across the paddock were enough to confirm to Charles that Max needed him. The Dutch driver's eyes were sunken and his body seemed to ache when he moved and more than anything he had a look in his eyes that sat uncomfortably between sadness and trauma. Charles knew that whatever was happening he was going to put a stop to it. He was scared of Jos, he always had been, the man was intimidating even from a distance but he had promised to always look out for Max and that was what he was going to do. He decided that he was going to put his fear aside and do what Max couldn't, he was going to confront Jos. 


Sorry bit of a tough one, hopefully I can get back to Max and Charles being cute together soon! Thank you for reading/commenting and voting, totally appreciate it all, you are all amazing!  <3 <3

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