Aching For Eternity

By FierceAngel3

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Everyone wants to witness love for Eternity in their life but can love actually remain for Eternity ? All th... More

Part 1: Introduction
Part 2: New Phase Of Life
Part 3: Project Together
Part 4: Event Together
Part 5 : Joke Didn't Go Well
Part 6 : The Event Day
Part 7 : First Ride Together
Part 8 : Of Which Era?
Part 9 : Colleague's wedding
Part 10 : Team Outing
Part 11 : Mr.gentleman
Part 12 : Movie Time
Part 13 : Don't Judge Book By Its Cover
Part 14: Welcome To The Team
Part 15: Not Wrong But Different
Part 16: Sparkling Eyes
Part 17:Late Night Chat
Part 19: Can I Call You?
Part 20: Not That Sort Of Friend
Part 21:Pandemic
Part 22 : Unwell
Part 23 : Talks
Part 24: Lets Meet
Part 25: Against The Idea Of Love?
Part 26: Fought
Part 27 : And She Left
Part 28: Scared To Face Him
Part 29 : Its Him
Part 30: Still Love You
Part 31: Do You Love Him?
Part 32: Not Worth It
Part 33: Will He Understand?
Part 34 : Breaking Me From Inside
Part 35 : Needed To Belong
Part 36 : Finally Found Her
Part 37: Still Not Sure?
Part 38 : Officially Each Others
Part 39 : Do You Not Want This?
Part 40: Passion And Love
Part 41: Finally Engaged
Part 42: Epilogue

Part 18:Unwell

2.1K 209 8
By FierceAngel3

Next morning, both teju and karan woke up late..It was Sunday so they had holiday..After waking up Teju was actually not feeling good..Her body wasn't feeling comfortable... she then just got freshed and went to kitchen..

T's mom: good morning my woke up late today...

Teju: Hmm..I don't know mamma ..might be just tired...

T's mom: what happened teju you don't look good...are you not feeling well...??

T's dad: teju are you alright baby...

Teju didn't wanted to make her parents worry so she said she is just tired will rest for sometime then she will feel better..

T's mom: first eat your breakfast dear then take rest ..

Teju : Hmm ok mamma ...

Teju's mom then gave her breakfast but teju didn't feel like eating so she just ate a little and went to her room and laid down in bed .... she just look into her phone and saw messages was their group chat ....They were just having conversation over yesterday's gathering..

Umar(in chat): Guys so what's the plan for today??

Kk(in chat) : I am out now for some work but fir day there is nothing much today..

Vidhi (in chat) : Sleeping 😴 💤

Umar : Then guys  let meet in evening for coffee or something...

Kk (in chat): ok ..guys have some work ..plan out everything and just text me time and location...have some work won't be online now...bye

Vidhi(in chat) : Ok...

Umar (in chat): Teju???

Teju was having  terrible headache so she couldn't reply

Teju then kept her phone in silence and slept...she woke up with high fever..She even had terrible headache.. She saw soo many missed calls and messages from vidhi and she just sent message in group..

Teju(in chat) : Sorry guys can't join... not feeling well...

Vidhi (in chat) : You alright teju ?? What happened babe??

Umar (in chat) : do you have fever or something?? U ok??

Teju (in chat) : just a bit unwell.. no worries  will take rest and it will get better...

Vidhi(in chat) : Take care teju ..take rest ..

Umar (in chat) : Get well soon teju..

Teju(pov): I said I am not feeling well and he didn't say anything...not even bother to ask what happened?? Leave it teju..why the hell are you even expecting ...

Her mom came to her room ..

T's mom: teju are you feeling now??

Then she touched her forehead and it was burning from fever..

T's mom: Teju you have high fever ...lets check the temperature...

Teju's dad also came to her room after her mom called him..

T's mom: I think we need to call doctor..her fever is high ..

T's dad : ya let me call him..

Doctor came and checked teju..He gave few medicines..

Dr.: She is having viral fever.. I recommend her to take rest few days and have medicines and foods properly..she will be fine soon..don't worry..

T's dad : Thank you Doctor..thank you very much .

Dr.: I will take you a leave now..

Teju was sleeping now. Teju's mom went to kitchen and made soup for her. Mom came to her room with soup and woke hee up slowly..

T's mom: Teju baby wake up and have this soup it's time for medicines

Teju : mom I don't feel like having anything..please ..

T's mom: I don't want to hear anything teju just have this now ...please baby...just little please then you can have medicines...

Then her mom feed her and she have little bit of soup and took her medicines and slept again..

So ya here is the another chapter.. please bear with the mistakes

So what do you guys think why kk didn't even bother to say anything even when teju is sick ..Is he actually Mr.rudy rude or there is something else ...lets find out in upcoming chapters till then keep voting and do comment

I will really appreciate suggestions and feedbacks..

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