The Serpent and Her Men: A Cl...

By Gecko_Horse_Love

525 52 332

This is the story of Quailius Sorna, a Jedi Knight in the Clone Wars. Along with her clone Captain, Captain L... More

Author's Note and Story Facts.
Chapter 1: So It Begins.
Chapter 1: Meet Our Medic.
Chapter 2: Settling In.
Chapter 4:Aftermath
Chapter 5: Suprises
B.H.W.H.I.T.M.O.T.C. Part 2.
A Lose As Great As The Gain
Little Brother
"Execute Order 66"
How Calaca and Quailius meet:
What Happens to Us?

Chapter 3: First Battle.

22 2 2
By Gecko_Horse_Love

Quailius' POV


We were alright at first, we flew in from the back as I planned. I took a fighter and a squadron of 10; only 5 of us are left. The enemy had sensors on us the minute we breached hyperspace. By the time we were in position they had guns on us from every angle. Master Sasee's ship was too damaged and they were forced to fall back giving us the brunt of the enemy. We hadn't anticipated the amount of firepower they were somehow still packing. We disabled one of the dreadnoughts, but it was still sending out vulture droids. And that's how I got in this current situation.

"This is Black Leader, I've got three on my tail can anyone respond?" I ask through the comms. While the Force is helping me evade them, I can't keep this up forever.

Luckily, my flyers are skilled, I must give them credit. Someone comes over almost instantly, shooting two of the droids and going for the third when another fighter comes in from the side and takes the shot.

"Thanks to the both of you." I call to them.

"No problem Black Leader." One responds. And then we're off again, bobbing and weaving through debris. Suddenly, the damaged dreadnought explodes. Showering anything close to it in tons of flaming shrapnel, including us.

"Evasive maneuvers!" I order. Though we are already evading. A scream erupts through the comms as one of my fighters is hit by the debris. His ship bursting into flames. I gasp, staring out the window at the ball of fire. then I sigh, tilting my head down. I only have three left. We need a new plan here. I hiss in frustration and comm my squad.

"Black Squadron this isn't working, I'm returning to the destroyer. Can you handle yourselves?" I ask.

"Of course General, we've got this." One replies nonchalantly.

"Great, transferring command to Black 3." I add as I angle my fighter back towards the main ship. Signaling my approach, I zoom into the main hanger, land, and exit my x-wing. I race upwards to command deck. I find my Captain and Admiral at the console and approach them.

"General Sorna." Admiral Pry greets with a grave expression. The Captain has the same face. It's amazing how calm yet serious they can look. So I try to mimic it. Setting my hood up firmly.

"Admiral, Captain, our current strategy isn't working, we need another course of action." I state. I won't let my anxiety show right now. But what I'm really asking for is a plan that isn't mine.

"I might have an idea." A voice from behind us speaks. I turn to see a familiar brown curly mop atop a smirking face, it's Ross. The 'smartest and handsomest' clone in the army, as he put it.

"Ross, this is a private discussion between commanding officers. I need you to leave." Lupo warns, his force signature is giving off annoyance but not surprise so I doubt this is the first time Ross has done this.

"Hold on," interrupt, "if he has a plan I would like to hear it out." I want to add that he can't make things worse so we might as well listen, but I hold my tongue. Lupo looks surprised while Pry raises a brow in interest.

Ross walks up to the holo table, which shows the battle from all sides. Marking our fighters as well as the enemies. "If we call Gold and Silver squadrons to this position, and put Grey over here, Red and Black can take the middle, then us on the main ship can fire on the 'nought from above while the fighters take the drones. " He elaborates.

I consider this for a second, that definitely could work. And it's better then what we have now.

"That could work." Pry voices my thoughts.

"Agreed. Good work Ross." I approve. I turn to the Admiral and Captain. "work with Ross and put his plan in action. I'm going to rejoin Black Squadron and move us into position. Have someone get the other squads in place. We'll await your 'go'." I command. Lupo and Pry give me a nod. I turn on my heel and head back to the landing bay, hearing the three already working on the finer details behind me.

I jump back in my fighter and head out to meet up with my squad. I'm relieved to see all three still alive. We've lost so many because of the plan I made. No one told me being responsible for others would be so hard. I comm my squad to inform them of what's going on.

"Black Squadron this is Black Leader back in the air. We have a new objective. Head to these coordinates and be ready for the main ship's signal." I order. They all afirm and fall into formation behind me. The other squads zoom past us, heading to their positions. The Potestas angles up as if to get above the dreadnought, then quickly dodges to the side, tilting and aiming all ion cannons at the now vulnerable enemy. They send out wave upon wave of vulture droids but with our squadrons in formation we manage to keep the upper hand. Fire rains down on the dreadnought and its drones and soon the ship turns, fleeing into hyperspace. We did it. We won my first battle as General...... but I lost so many. Despite the cheers resounding through the comm system, I am sober. This doesn't feel like a victory, not with the screams still echoing in my head.

We all head back to the hanger. My squad and I land in our designated area. I jog up to congratulate them on their very impressive flying. I recognize the three survivors by their force signatures. I did my best to memorize names and squadron designations but force signatures are much easier and unique.

First to come up is Breez. According to his squadmates, "He acts like everything is a breeze, it's how he got his name." He has a calm and confident aura around him and seems to always be unperturbed in any situation. His nonchalant voice completes this demeanor. A light stuble and goatee adorns his face.

The next is Flyer. He's rather excitable and high energy, willing to do anything. However this causes him to have a 'shoot first ask questions later' attitude. Match that with the grey loth cat tattoo on the right of his face and he's quite the character.

And finally Wings; the grump. Or at least that's what I initially thought. His Force signature is closed off and it appears his arms are stuck in the position of crossed across his chest. Seriously I've never seen him without his arms crossed. I'm convinced he flew his ship with his elbows. He normally hangs back and answers with only two or three words when spoken to. A Stoic character to match his ruddy dyed hair.

"Excellent work all of you. You three are talented flyers." I compliment.

"Thanks General. You were pretty good too." Flyer chirps. Breez steps over and ruffles his brother's hair with a confident smirk.

"Well, Our batch was one of the best at flying simulations back on Kamino." Breez brags.

I smile. "I'm sure you were. Head to the med bay to check up just in case. Well done today men." I instruct. I head towards the lift, ready for the debriefing of my first ever assignment, yet dreading the casualty report. Would Master Di be proud of this victory? Or would he be disappointed in the loss of life?

Author's note.

Figured I'd post this before bed since it took me A HECKING MONTH AND A HALF to write this. Battle scenes are not fun to write ugh. But it's out now so you guys go. Not my best writing but I'm surprised how good it turned out with the writer's writer's great wall of China I had trying to write this. Hope you enjoy :)

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