The Serpent and Her Men: A Cl...

By Gecko_Horse_Love

525 52 332

This is the story of Quailius Sorna, a Jedi Knight in the Clone Wars. Along with her clone Captain, Captain L... More

Author's Note and Story Facts.
Chapter 1: So It Begins.
Chapter 1: Meet Our Medic.
Chapter 3: First Battle.
Chapter 4:Aftermath
Chapter 5: Suprises
B.H.W.H.I.T.M.O.T.C. Part 2.
A Lose As Great As The Gain
Little Brother
"Execute Order 66"
How Calaca and Quailius meet:
What Happens to Us?

Chapter 2: Settling In.

25 2 2
By Gecko_Horse_Love

Quailius' POV.  Chapter  2

   This ship is amazing. It's so much bigger then I imagined. I'm a little intimidated to be honest. There are so many halls and levels I don't know how Captain Lupo manages to find his way. He tried explaining the levels and maps, and I think I understood about...seventy-five percent of it. Thank the Force there are maps on the walls and mouse droids to ask for directions. I did however manage to memorize the way to the command deck from the landing bay. And the way to the mess hall, the medbay, and finally my quarters, which was our last stop.

The Captain left me to my own devises to get settled. From what I could sense through the Force as well as our conversations. I deem Captain Lupo to be stern and respectable, but not unkind. He simply wants to ensure an atmosphere of civility, which I can respect. I've met several other soldiers, as well as my second in command for aerial battles, Admiral Canthus Pry. Some of the clones have been nervous and respectful. While others, I think back to the clone in the medbay with curly brown hair, Ross, have been rather bold.

As soon as the Captain leaves I throw off my brown jedi robes. I had to wear them to look presentable in front of the Council but my goodness is it itchy, it irritates my sensitive hood. I flexed my hood out and in, glad to have the scratchy piece of fabric off my back. I was now in just my forest green jedi tunic with a light brown tabard that matched my scales. I unpacked the rest of my robes and hung them in the closet. My room was rather simple, a bed on one side and refresher on the other, the closet didn't look like it was there at first, but push the button on the wall panel and the wall slides open to reveal a closet about five feet wide and two feet deep. More then enough space to fit my spare robes and few other outfits. There was a ledge that ran along the wall that the bed was against. By the bed there was a lamp. I placed my books in stacks along the ledge, and set the knifes at the other end, sort of glad I had a place to display them. I have a holster on my belt for them as well, but I never used it. My knifes were more for show.

According to Lupo we had about 1 hour before we made it to our destination, we were being sent to reinforce Master Sasee in a space battle over Pantora. Which means I have thirty minutes to read up on battle strategies before the briefing. I can do this, I will not let my Master and the Council down. I took a deep breath and picked up the Republic issued data pad, and began searching the list for a suitable book.

I muttered the names as I read them. "Hm, Battle Planning for Dummies.....Space Battles 101...Ah, The Offical Republic Attack Strategy Database. Let's start here."

Thirty-five minutes later and I was on my way to the bridge to begin the briefing, still sporting my green tunic. My lightsaber attached to my belt. Before I left my room I decided to attach my knife holster and bring three of my knives, just for the fun of it. Since this was only an aerial battle. Hey, I'm allowed to feel intimidating sometimes. I had learned what I could and put together a plan, all be it a sloppy one. I needed to run it by Admiral Pry and Captain Lupo of course, wanting their much more experienced input.

I arrived at the command deck and walked in. Greeting my Admiral and Captain. I began explaining my plan.

"Once we get there we will need to make a beeline for Master Sasee's ship. Do we know the conditions of the battle?" My question was aimed at the Admiral.

"Yes ma'am, the last report from General Sasee's ship stated that the enemy is weakening, with two of their four dreadnoughts already destroyed, how ever the Republic ships are also heavily damaged, and our reinforcements should be enough to drive the enemy off completely." Admiral Pry recited.

"Understood, Admiral. So I'm thinking we should come in behind Sasee's command ship, then overtake them and take the enemy by storm, or do you two have any different ideas?" I said.

They both looked at me with some hesitancy. As if they were afraid to speak.

"That plan sounds fine, General." Lupo answered unsteadily. They both looked like they were staring a viper in the face, waiting for it to strike. You guys do know I don't actually bite people, right? Is it the knives? The Admiral nodded as well. Still they were slightly uneasy and confused. It was strange. 

Nevertheless we began preparing the troops for the attack. I went to the hanger to oversee the scrambling of the starfighters, as well as meet some of the pilots.


Author's Note.

I should have Chapter 3 out sometime in the next two weeks. Emphasis on 'should'. The amount of writer's block I have is unhealthy. I cannot for the life of me write a good battle scene ugh.

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