
By ghaezy

420 89 37

Trouble breaking out leading to the disappearance of the last daughter of Alpha Ace causing two kingdoms to b... More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
Author's note

chapter 9

14 4 2
By ghaezy

"I need to hurry, I'll be late for work," I yelled getting down the stairs. Max walked to me stretching his arms. I helped him with the cufflinks, "darling brother, why are you suddenly on a suit?" I had to ask since I've never really seen Max on a three pieces suit, he rolled his eyes at me. I giggled, "c'mon bro,I had to ask."

"Just see it and don't ask questions."
I heard footsteps turning around to meet dad coming down. "Max are you ready?" I flashed a cheeky grin at Max who sent me a deadly glare. "Dad, did you make pumpkin wear suit?" Dad smiled, "yes, he's representing me today at the office," Max groaned.
         I arrived at work quite late after sending Naomi to school. I signed in my name before the manager could realize I was late. I met my colleague, lizzy as I got into the office. A stalk of files were on my table, I had to go through the projects.
      I was drenched after reviewing seven projects and declined all.
"Boss request your presence." Lizzy informed me taking her seat. I got up adjusted my dress heading out to his office.
"Good afternoon sir,you asked of me." He raised his head from his laptop interlocking his fingers.
"Have you reviewed the projects?"
"Yes sir"
"How many?"
"Sir for now, I've gone through seven of them. To my dismay  none offers a good proposal. The worst of it all is our profit percentage from them." Brandon nodded his head.
"How about the remaining?" He didn't let me reply  when he added, "I need them on my table before 2pm." I flashed a smile.
"You may leave. " I walked out breathing out. My first week in this company has been hectic.  I placed a call to Max but it went through voicemail. He should be having a meeting now. I can't disturb him. Oh my whose gonna get Naomi home, I can't leave today, mum's line wasn't going through at all. I guess I need to take permission which is rarely granted.
"There's nothing wrong in trying," I said to myself. I got back to the case at hand. I finally accepted only three.
"Is boss in the office?" I asked lizzy picking up the files. "Yes," she said coldly. This girl is a pain in the ass,she's so short with her replies. I left with the files to his office.
      I stood for a while contemplating on how I'll seek this request of mine. Looks as if he noticed I was still there, he said in a deep husky voice.
      "Miss. Smith, how can I help you?" I pressed my lips into a thin line, "hmm,sir...I wanted to ask for a request." I said slowly. He furrowed his brows anxiously waiting while I stood playing with my fingers finding it attractive at the moment.
"If you have nothing to say then leave," his voice was harsh that I flinch.
"Sir,I want to pick my little sister from school. I was wondering if..." he cut in.
"No,drop a message to your family members. You're going no way and don't request this again now leave." I frowned, that was rude Mr. Grumpy Brandon. He's so annoying, I would drop a message to mum anyway.
                    * * * * *
         I took a stroll to that plantation. I don't know why I call it that but it's just a place where a lot of trees are planted like a forest but not. I walked into the dark forest as I call it. My wish was to come across that wolf again. I remember his name 'Xavier' what a nice name he got there. Oh my, I couldn't give him my name only Smith. 'Shit!!" I face palmed. "Dawn, you're so stupid," I cursed inwardly moving into the interior part of the forest. I came to a halt,I guess there's no hope of him coming out again. I closed my eyes. I really wanna know how to shift properly. I imagined myself as a werewolf then I opened my eyes, my fingers became like a paw,it had white fur around it. I love my fur. I fully transformed into a werewolf, I jumped in joy,I can do it. I finally did it without something triggering it. I moved my tail,wagging it. It feels so nice to be my original self, well I mean my creature self. I ran around in the area howling happily.
         I walked around for a while, now it's time to go home. I walked to a nearest tree leaning. Now my problem, I closed my eyes,seeing myself as human.
No bone cracking, nothing.
  "Am I normal again?" I opened one of my eyes but I still saw my white fur.
        'Oh my, I can't shift back!!'

                   (Xavier's POV)
     Sitting in the sitting room holding a mug staring intently at it,Wini came around dressed in a forest green tank top and a bomshort. She popped down on the couch beside me. I didn't really pay heed to her. My mind wondered to the Smith girl. Why did she say her name was Smith and didn't complete it. I don't get it,what kind of effect do I have on her? Suddenly I felt someone lean in touching my chest. "Oh babe!" I exclaimed holding her hand. "I'm sorry but I want to be alone." Wini stood up suddenly glaring daggers at me, wondering what I did to her to get such a look.
         "Xavier, what the hell? I thought I was your girlfriend, why can't you treat me like one?I've been living here with you for a month now and you keep giving me this shitty attitude. If you don't want me around then say it than to keep me here when you don't need me at all." She sobbed in between her words. I just stared at the mug not sparing her a glimpse. She stormed off angrily.

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