Falling for my team mate

By Keelyx73

157K 1.8K 97

what will happen when Jess is called up for the england team and findsromance in one of her teammates? will i... More

Meet the Characters
Called up for England
The new girl
Drunken night
The morning after
Be Mine
Say yes
Why would you do that?
Im sorry
I just need time
Fancy seeing you here
Match day
Were okay
Stop cheating
I have an announcement
I like you
Second chances
What will we do
Where were you
You lied to me?
I cant do this anymore
Oh no
It all makes sense now
We meet again
We need to talk
Date night
We both like her
Just friends
Media day
Back for round 2
You never listen
Nothing feels right
Stop apologising
Bring your best outfit
I'm going to marry you
I dont think youre going to like me..
What's going on
I'm playing!
Let's party
3 Years Later
Birthday girl
The end of the story
new story!

See you soon

2.5K 34 0
By Keelyx73

*the next morning*

*Leah POV*

I just woke up, i didnt want to. not after the nightmare i had last night, except i dont think it was a nightmare I think it was real. it all comes flooding back to me, everything i saw, everything that was said. its really over between us and she really cheated instead of just coming to me and telling me. i dont understand why she would do it, after last times scare with Laura where i thought we had clarified that we wouldnt do that to each other, although it was never actually said outloud so maybe it was just me that thought that and with my ex girlfriend of all people.

i think i was crying too loud because Ella rushed into my room and pulled me into her, pulling me out of my thoughts. i didnt even realise i was crying until this happened.

Ella- Leah, its 4am, why are you still awake

Leah- *barely a whisper* cant sleep

Ella- its going to be okay Leah, you know that right?

Leah- *finds her voice and shouts at Ella* No Ella! its not going to be okay! how could anything be okay right now? the love of my life has just cheated on me and broken up with me because of it! things are not okay!

I immediately feel bad for having just snapped at her. i immediately fell to the floor against the wall after id done it and pulled my knees to my chest, burying my face into them. i feel another set of arms wrap around me and a familiar voice trying to calm me down.

?- Tooney its okay, ive got her, Leah, calm down hun

Ella- are you sure?

?- yeah, go back to bed, its okay *Ella walks out* Leah, breath darling

Leah- *calmed down* ive lost her Beth, ive lost everything

Beth- its not your fault Leah, none of this is, you have done nothing wrong. if she really loves you she will come back, although im not sure you should give her the chance after this

Leah- but what if she doesnt, what am i supposed to do

Beth- you really love her dont you

Leah- of course I do, ive never felt this way about anyone before and she left me, like i was nothing

Beth- then that says a whole lot more about her that it does you Leah, look at me. youre going to be okay, youre going to get over this and move on from her.

Leah- i dont know Beth, maybe i will or maybe i just wont

Beth- you will, get some sleep, were travelling today

Leah- thanks Meado, im sorry for waking you up

Beth- dont apologise, its okay

We both go to sleep and she stays with me until my alarm goes off at 7:30am when she could have, should have, gone back to bed with Viv. instead she stayed with me and comforted me when i needed her, she has no idea how much i appreciate her.

When we go down to breakfast I take my opportunity to pull Ella to the side.

Ella- whats up

Leah- im sorry Ella, i shouldnt have snapped at you last night, its not your fault i jus-

Ella- stop, stop blaming yourself. you were upset Leah, its perfectly normal for you to be upset after a break up, im here for you whenever you need to take your anger out, just shout at me

Leah- thanks Tooney *laughs* i appreciate it

Ella- can I eat now? im starving

Leah- of course sorry to keep you

Ella- no worries

*Jess POV*

Everyone has just sat down to eat breakfast before we leave back to our clubs for a month and there is a clear divide in the whole group that was. i sat on my own on the corner table and was soon joined by Jordan, Lucy, Keira and Ella. Leah sat with Beth, Viv and some other girls on the team. she pulled Ella for a chat before they both sat down. i couldnt help but wonder what it was about.

Jess- everything okay Tooney?

Ella- yeah fine

Jordan- what did Leah want to talk about?

Ella- oh nothing dont worry

Jess- okay sure

We ate breakfast in peace then went up to our rooms to pack our things up and get ready to leave. I coudnt bare to face Leah again right now, i still look a mess, i didnt sleep much last night and I cant risk breaking down in front of her because of the awkwardness of not knowing how she will react. Ella offered to pack up my stuff for me after I helped her and Georgia pack away their stuff.

once she had done this, we all made our way down to the entrance, where we would say our goodbyes before getting on our coaches home. the London girls had arranged a coach to take them all back and the Manchester girls had also arranged a coach home, it just made sense.

everyone was saying their goodbyes and i made my way over to say my last goodbyes, Jordan and then Leah.

Jess- *hugs Jordan* im going to miss you

Jordan- *hugs back* im going to miss you too, i cant believe how close weve become in the short time weve known each other!

Jess- i know! its actually unbelievable, considering how we met, you know with you trying to kiss my girlfriend and all... well, ex girlfriend

Jordan- yeah heh, sorry about that. speaking of, have you spoken to her

Jess- no, im going to say goodbye to her now, not sure how awkward this will be

Jordan- well, you better go now before she gets on the coach, ill text you later. you better stay in touch

Jess- *walks away but shouts back* oh everyday girl! believe it. ill see you soon

Jess- *walks over to Leah* hey

Leah- hey

Jess- i just wanted to say goodbye

Leah- oh, well goodbye

Jess- i enjoyed our time together Leah *puts hand out for Leah to shake*

Leah- *pulls Jess in for a hug* me too Jessie, me too

Jess- *tears in her eyes* im sorry, for everything . *pulls out of the hug and walks away, tears streaming*

Leah- *also tears in her eyes* goodbye Scottie

Jess- *mumbles to self* I love you Leah Williamson

After that I dont look back, nor do i speak to anybody on the coach back home, all i could see was Lucy and Keira cuddling on the coach. i couldnt bare to see it so i put in my earphones and went to sleep. i couldnt expect them not to be a couple in front of me, nor would i ever ask them to stop, just because im unhappy doesnt mean they have to be, theyre a beautiful couple and they deserve to be together

*Leah POV*

When Jess was saying goodbye i pulled her into a hug, i have no idea why i did it but it felt nice to be in her embrace for one last time. maybe we can patch things up and be friends but i think we both just need time to recover from the breakup first. she said she enjoyed our time together and when saying me too i used her nickname, the one that i am sure only i used. then when saying goodbye i used the one everyone else used for her, to make it less bait. when she walked away i heard her mumble to herself that she loves me. i dont want to overthink that so i just pushed it to the back of my mind. the whole way home everyone was laughing and joking with each other but i just sat in the corner and didnt say anything or pay attention to my surroundings. i share an appartment with Beth and most likely now Viv if they get that serious, which is fine by me, i adore their relationship with each other, i just wish me and Jess could be like that, even though we live hours away from each other. i guess maybe it best that were broken up..

A/N- this isnt the best chapter ive done, its just one to show the goodbyes between them. ill do a couple chapters when theyre home with their clubs and the match between Arsenal and Manchester Utd and then probably what happens when they are back at the England camp.

Also, if anybody does have any suggestions of what they want to happen throughout the story, feel free to let me know, i will take on board any suggestions

words- 1437

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