The 30th (Billy and Steve Tri...

By KrissyMunson

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⚠️⚠️SMUT AND VIOLENCE WARNING⚠️⚠️ Rosearia Grace Walker, 18, Senior... and pregnant. She's now returning to H... More



471 9 1
By KrissyMunson


Your eyes look like comin' home
All I know is a simple name
And everything has changed


Word count: 2732


"They have both been working none stop to get this house ready. Max and the boys joined in, I helped a little. I even helped buy a couch." Robin chuckled as we sat in my room eating sandwiches.

"I'm so excited! This is going to be so cute!" Smiling big I ran a hand down my belly.

"Your mom has been helping with the nursery, and I can't even begin to tell you how cute it is. Your mother has cried  so much, honestly I don't think that woman takes a breather." She tells me.

"Awe my poor mom." I laughed.

It's been nearly three weeks since I had my false labor incident. I have barely seen the boys besides bed time and school, and anybody else besides Eddie. Oddly Eddie and I have grown super close! He's like an older brother to me.

"Hey was Eddie coming over?" She asked.

"No why?" I asked her.

"I just seen a van pull into the driveway." She pointed out. I went to my window and peaked, at the angle my window was you can barely see who is parked there, only that someone has pulled in.

"Let me go look." I tell her. I left her sitting on the edge of the bed as I slowly make my way down stairs, it's a bit hard when you can barely see past your feet. I just reached the bottom step when the door opened in the person walked in.


"Dad!" I didn't know how to feel seeing him after knowing everything. "I don't think you should be here." I said feeling panicky.

"In my own house?" He asked. "Listen I know you know. But I'm still your father,  this is still my house." He was calm as he walked past me to the kitchen.

"You put your hands on mom... so yeah I'm not comfortable here." I tell him as I followed.

"Shut up, how's the baby?" He asked.

"Baby is fine, it's a girl." I stood awkwardly in the door way and he opens the fridge and grabs a beer out of the very back. "I don't think you should be drinking." I tell him.

"I don't think you should be a fucking whore and spread your legs for the whole town, but you did." He shoved past me to the living room.

"No, I'm not taking this shit. This is not your house any more, not after what you did to mom! So get out before I make you." I say confidently. Though I was shaking on the inside and scared, after the stories I know I'm scared of this man. I love him because he's my dad but, I don't. To grab a beer as the first thing when you get home is also wrong.

"I'd love to see you make me." He chuckled as he slammed his body into the chair he use to sit in constantly.

"Make you, okay." I calmly walked away to the stairs. I didn't listen to my doctors orders as I walked up pretty quickly, I went to my parents room and grabbed my mom's handgun. She hides it under the bedside table drawer for emergencies. If he won't leave I'll make him leave. "Robin, please excuse me. My father's out of jail." I told her as calm as possible as I cooked the hand gun.

"Hold on, where did you get a gun? What are doing?!" She panicked as I just walked away as she was talking. "Shit, shit, where's my walkie." I heard her dump her bag out on the floor as I just got to the bottom steps. "EMERGENCY, ARIA HAS A GUN. HER DADS HOME. STEVE, DUSTIN, MAX?? ANYBODY!" She shouted as she ran after me.

"Okay tough guy, wanting to hit women. Calling me a whore. You can get your loser ass up and leave or I'll shoot." I said aiming the gun at him.

"Look at you, thinking your tough." He laughed as he got up. As he made his way slowly to me, Robin appeared at the bottom of the steps. I could only hear her not see her, since my back is to her. "You think I'm going to let a little bitch like you run me out of my house." He says.

"One more step and I'll fucking shoot." I warned. He smirked with a deep laugh taking a longer stride.

"FUCK!" He shouted as I took my shot, right in his thigh. Robin had screamed behind me. "You little bitch." His adrenaline was high as he limped fast to me grabbing my arm hard making my finger slip taking another shot into his stomach this time.

"Shit, drop the gun." Robin screamed.

I had not only dropped the gun but fell when my father fell since he had a hold of me. Robin had came into the room with tears on her face freaking out as he dad rolled to his back groaning loudly. She tried to help me up as she panicked, but my father had other intentions. He gripped my shirt yanking me onto my back, the gun slipped form my hands.

"No you dont!" Robin says trying to kick the gun away from my dad who reached for it.

"ARIA!" I heard Billy's voice.

"No!" Robin shouted as she was pulled away by Steve. "Aria watch out!" She screamed as my dad now held a gun to my head. That didn't stop Billy pouncing on him. Knocking the gun from his hands, beating him.

"Aria, here." Steve helped me up fast and helped me outside onto the porch with him and Robin. "Your mom called the police. My god are you okay?" He hugged me tightly to him.

"I'm fine." I say emotionless.

"Baby!" I heard Billy breath out as he finally stepped out. He had blood on him but I didn't care, I hugged him to me as I did Steve.

"I warned him to leave. I shot him." I say quietly as I watch my mom run to us. I suddenly began to realize what I did and felt sick to my stomach. "I'm gonna puke." I started gagging pulling away form them. I leaned over the railing and began vomiting into a bush, sirens in the far distance. "Robin you know nothing let me Handel it." I say as I gasp for air.

"Rosearia, what happened?" My mom asked worried just as an ambulance and a few police cars pulled up.


"Alright, Rosearia can you go over what happened one more time for the sheriff. Just so we got everything?" An officer asked as I sat at a cold table in the police station.

"I was sitting in my room with Robin, she told me someone pulled up so I went to go look. He didn't break in he used a key, obviously it was his house. After everything he's done I tried to kick him out. Uh..." I needed to lie. I know if I shot without being harmed or something I'll be the one in jail. "He called me a few names, so I began to yell at him-"

"And as this was going on Robin heard nothing?" The officer asked.

"No my door was closed, we had music playing lowly." I told him. "Like I was saying, we fought. He grabbed a beer and shoved me into the door hard to get past me. I told him if he dosent leave and puts his hands on me again I'll make him." I hesitated looking at the cold table my arms rested on. "I went and got my moms gun at that time. When I came back we had a few more words before he lunged at me and tried to hit me, at first I didn't mean to shoot I got scared and my hand twitched I shot his thigh. But then he went to come after me again that time Robin seen it, he grabbed my arm and it made me shoot again. I was scared he would grab the gun and kill me and my baby, and Robin." I told them.

"Self defense, if you ask me." Sherrife says. But boy do I wish this was Hopper. He wouldn't have even integrated me.

"Now William Hargrove, he started beating him pretty bad don't you say?" The officer asked.

"Yeah, at this time he had me on the ground. My dad had grabbed the gun holding it to my head, Billy just came in and saved me before I was shot." I told them. "Steve helped me out of the house."

"Alright, Ms. Walker, I think we got all we need. Your father will in the hospital for some time, but after he's out we can guarantee he will be in prison." The sherrif tells me.

"Thank you." I say as I hold my belly thanking them for keeping him away from us. I never thought I would hate my dad, but he switched up so fast it's as if he was a whole other person.

After the police man escorted me our I was immediately in Billy's arms. He was crying. I hugged him tightly trying not to cry myself. I seen my mom was talking to a different officer, and Steve was just walking to me and Billy fast. I broke from Billy to hug Steve who also started crying when he seen me.

"Fuck, we thought we lost you. We pulled up to the house and heard the gun, Robin screaming. Rosearia we thought the worst. Never leave us, don't leave." Steve cried. I noticed Billy next to him hugging him as well, that's strange to me since they don't get along most times.

"I'm not leaving, I shoot and ask questions later." I joked badly as I pulled away to look at them both.

"You shoot alright." Billy shook his head."Listen we were going to wait till homecoming night but we can't. We need to be with you at all times, after thinking we lost you. How bad my chest hurt hearing that gun go off." He shook his head letting some tears out, Steve pat him on the back and pulled him close to him.

"Homecomeing is only next week, but we're taking you somewhere tonight. Somewhere special." Steve told me. "Here come sit." He took my hand leading me to the hard chairs lined up the front of the station. I already know about the house, but I can't let Billy know that.

"As soon as we all get out of here, we're taking you somewhere. Your new forever." Billy smiled a sad but happy smile before leaning in to kiss my cheek.

"Alright, you guys ready? We're done here." My mom says walking out next to a pale Robin. She looked so scared to me, I felt bad instantly.

"All ready." I say standing up. I rested one hand on my belly as I walked beside Robin. The guys walked on both side of my mom, whispering to each other. "I'm sorry." I tell her.

"Don't be, I'm fine. A bit traumatizing but it's fine. He deserved that." She said getting quiet now. She's never quiet so I knew it scared her.

I rode with my mom and Robin and the guys lead the way. The car ride was eerily quiet, and I was uncomfortable. That was until we pulled into the house Steve showed me. My heart beat quickened but I had to play this off like I didn't know about it. Which is easy considering my excitement and confusion.

"Where are we?" I asked just as I seen the guys rush out the car to ours.

"I'll let them handle that." Mom smiled as she got out.

"Come on, baby." Steve opened the door as Billy leaned down to help me put of the low car.

"Look how cute." I say as I straighten up my body, looking up at the house. Some flowers have been planted, making it look so alive in the daytime.

"You like it?" Billy asked. Everybody was watching me as I smiled and laughed at how excited he seemed to be.

"Yes, why?" I asked.

"This.. do I tell her?" Billy was hesitant as everybody nodded fast. "This is our new home!" He says as we all stare at the home. I know I seen it but not like this, in the daylight with a flower bed all colorful.

"Ours? Like me and you?" I asked him playing it off. Steve smiled up and held a hand up slightly.

"Me to." He says.

"All three of us! Wait you guys bought a house!" I now say excitedly.

"We bought it, redecorated it." Steve said. Billy took my hand and pulled me to the door and practically busted it open.

"There's still painting in progress in the living room. And a few more decorations being hung and stuff, so bare with us." Billy smiled. I have never seen him this happy and excited, smiling this much. "Max and the others are in the basment making it their... club I guess." He shrugged.

"Mom you knew?" I asked looking behind me as I was pulled through the bright home, the bright white hall was inviting decorated with some random things.

"I helped decorate." He smiled as her and Robin followed up.

"Our kitchen." Steve says as we walk into the full decorated and furnished kitchen. "Fridge is stocked, probably of snacks thanks to the kids." He chuckled.

"I'll graze that later." I joked but not really a joke, as I was serious. We spent at least 20 minutes exploring the whole down stairs and back yard. It was ready in my eyes, and couch looked comfy. Finally we went upstairs, bathroom walls were still drying of baby blue paint. Sea shells and light houses decorated it.

"Our room." Billy says as only him and Steve walked in with me.

"One bed?" I asked looking at the giant bed.

"Only fair that we both get to sleep with you." Billy smirked at me.

"Wanky." I laughed.

"Now this is mainly it, but we do have a huge walk in closet. All yours obviously, go look." Steve says pointing to the double doors off to the side. He didn't show me this part. I opened the door gasping, shelves for shoes, walls lines to hand things up, drawers built into the wall. My favorite part was the vanity across the closet, big Hollywood like lights lining around the mirror enough to illuminate it. I nearly ran to it looking through drawers seeing it stocked with new makeup.

"This is mine!" I nearly shouted.

"Max, and Robin helped stock that. Minus a few red lipsticks I'd love to see you wear." Billy winked, Steve only laughed slightly shoving him.

"Come on, my favorite room." Billy pulled me along. I laugh as Steve assisted and covered my eyes.

"Hey watch it I'm round, already can't see my feet." I laugh as I was being lead to another room, I tried peaking with no luck.

"Okay on three! One." I giggled. "Two." I began nearly bouncing in my spot. "Three." My eyes were uncovered. I see my mom rocking in a white rocking chair, Robin just smiling. I look around more and began to just cry, picturing in my mind Billy and Steve building a crib together. But in that crib sat my baby blanket and stuffed dog I had as a child.

"Shit are you okay?" Steve asked getting down to my level to look at me.

"Baby?" Billy asked as I just ugly cried.

"You guys did this? The baby's room.. build the crib together?" I asked.

"We built it together, yes." Steve says. I cried more if possible.

"Thats so cute of you guys." I cried using my sleeve to wipe my nose.

"Oh my god, someone help. I don't know what to do." Steve looked to Robin and then my mom.

"Hormones." My mom said coming to hug me.

"This is our home." Smiling big I looked at the guys, who stood there next to one another smiling big at me before wrapping arms around one another. Did I sob more, absolutely.

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