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Your eyes look like comin' home
All I know is a simple name
And everything has changed


Word count: 2732


"They have both been working none stop to get this house ready. Max and the boys joined in, I helped a little. I even helped buy a couch." Robin chuckled as we sat in my room eating sandwiches.

"I'm so excited! This is going to be so cute!" Smiling big I ran a hand down my belly.

"Your mom has been helping with the nursery, and I can't even begin to tell you how cute it is. Your mother has cried  so much, honestly I don't think that woman takes a breather." She tells me.

"Awe my poor mom." I laughed.

It's been nearly three weeks since I had my false labor incident. I have barely seen the boys besides bed time and school, and anybody else besides Eddie. Oddly Eddie and I have grown super close! He's like an older brother to me.

"Hey was Eddie coming over?" She asked.

"No why?" I asked her.

"I just seen a van pull into the driveway." She pointed out. I went to my window and peaked, at the angle my window was you can barely see who is parked there, only that someone has pulled in.

"Let me go look." I tell her. I left her sitting on the edge of the bed as I slowly make my way down stairs, it's a bit hard when you can barely see past your feet. I just reached the bottom step when the door opened in the person walked in.


"Dad!" I didn't know how to feel seeing him after knowing everything. "I don't think you should be here." I said feeling panicky.

"In my own house?" He asked. "Listen I know you know. But I'm still your father,  this is still my house." He was calm as he walked past me to the kitchen.

"You put your hands on mom... so yeah I'm not comfortable here." I tell him as I followed.

"Shut up, how's the baby?" He asked.

"Baby is fine, it's a girl." I stood awkwardly in the door way and he opens the fridge and grabs a beer out of the very back. "I don't think you should be drinking." I tell him.

"I don't think you should be a fucking whore and spread your legs for the whole town, but you did." He shoved past me to the living room.

"No, I'm not taking this shit. This is not your house any more, not after what you did to mom! So get out before I make you." I say confidently. Though I was shaking on the inside and scared, after the stories I know I'm scared of this man. I love him because he's my dad but, I don't. To grab a beer as the first thing when you get home is also wrong.

"I'd love to see you make me." He chuckled as he slammed his body into the chair he use to sit in constantly.

"Make you, okay." I calmly walked away to the stairs. I didn't listen to my doctors orders as I walked up pretty quickly, I went to my parents room and grabbed my mom's handgun. She hides it under the bedside table drawer for emergencies. If he won't leave I'll make him leave. "Robin, please excuse me. My father's out of jail." I told her as calm as possible as I cooked the hand gun.

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