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Strength is my mother for all the love she gave.
Every morning that I wake I look back to yesterday,
And I'm OK


Word count: 3678


When you think of homecoming you don't think of being pregnant. I never thought my senior prom would consist of having this big belly, and nothing to fit. It was overwhelming for me. Especially as I sat watching Max and Nancy try dresses on, Robin tried a few on but settled on a nice dress pants outfit that really complemented her eyes. I watched as Nancy smiled at her reflection in a purple dress, she looked good in it. I looked down at the ground as I held my stomach. I wish I had never gotten pregnant, and I know that's wrong to say. Depression is starting to really settle in, and I'm terrified.

"Rosearia?" Max asked. I looked up giving her a good smile. "Something wrong?" She asked getting Nancy and Robin's attention.

"No I'm okay, a bit sad. Nothing here fits me." I expressed.

"Hey, I'm sure we can ask for help and find something." Nancy said turning to me fully this time.

"No its fine. I didn't want to go anyways." I half smiled at them. That wasn't the truth, I want to go.

"Excuse me, ma'am. Hey, can we get some assistance?" Nancy asked the lady as she was putting dresses on a rack.

"What can I help you ladies with?" She asked us with a warm smile.

"Our friend here is pregnant, and was wondering if there's any dresses that could fit her?" Nancy asked her.

"Actually we don't carry for maturity, but there's a few dresses that you can size up and would look good. I'll grab them so you can try them!" She smiled at me.

"I'm a whale guys this won't work." I rolled my eyes.

"Not true come on." Max nudged me.

"You try carrying a beach ball under your shirt." I held my belly as Miley kicked.

"Thats my niece you're carrying, cheer up." Max smiled.

"Here you go I'll hang them in the dressing room." The lady smiled holding three dresses as she walked past us to the dressing room.

"I'm going to go change, you go try those on." Nancy tells me.

"I'll help zip." Max says as she followed me into the small dressing room. "Lets see. Maybe this blue fluffy one?" She asked holding up the hideous blue one.

"Thats so ugly." I chuckled. 

"Wait look at this one!" It was a red long dress, very plain looking so I wasn't very sure about it. "Seems strechy sort of, try it." She took it off the hanger as I got undressed.

"Okay let's see." I slipped it on slowly, material was  soft and indeed strechy. "Zip." This was more of an evening dress than homecoming but I guess it would have to work.

"Shit" Max said standing back smiling.

"Bad?" I asked turning to the mirror. It hugged my belly and made me look so big. "Oh my god, I can't wear this. I'm huge." I complained.

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