
699 11 3


I'm a little bit unholy, so what so is everybody else.

Wake up in the middle of a break down.
Have sex on the table with the take out.


Word Count: 3596


Stepping out of the shower it was only 6:00pm, I changed into a silky matching pajama set I got at the maturity store with Nancy. After pulling the shorts up and buttoning the top, I braid my dry hair into a side braid. My stomach growled as I smelled food, a made my way down the stairs seeing both the guys cooking in the kitchen.

"Well if it isn't my two wife's." I joked laughing.

"Ha, shut up." Billy glarred at me.

"Sit down, we made dinner. Hope your mom don't mind." Steve says as he starts preparing plates. "I'll put two plates in the fridge for your parents to warm up." He really is a good guy.

"So sweet, what is it?" I asked excited.

"Stir fry and rice." He tells me. Billy poured me a glass of milk and put it in front of me.

"No chocolate?" I pout. He rolled his eyes taking the glass back. Soon he placed chocolate milk in front of me and my plate of food. I waited for my food to cool as I watched Steve hang the apron up.

"Look at that." Steve put my ultrasound picture on the table as we all begin to eat together. This is weird.

"Little foot." Billy smiled softly.

"Weird seeing you soft." Steve says to Billy getting a hard glare.

"Of course, that's my daughter." He scoffed taking a big bite. "Eat." He tells me with a mouth full.

"I have to make a call." I tell them. "Let it cool and I'll be right back." I assured them. I grabbed the phone off the kitchen wall and dialed for Eddie, the guys watching me as I play with the cord and round the corner for privacy.

"Hello?" I smiled at his voice.

"Eddie, it's Aria." I say smiling at myself.

"Hey, I never thought you'd call. Got worried there, you okay?" He asked me.

"I'm fine, actually they both are getting along and both made me dinner." I tell him.

"Wait what? Billy and Steve, cooking together. Whipped." He joked laughing.

"Its odd, but I really like it. Them getting along can make my life easier." I admit to him.

"I guess so, how's baby girl?" He asked.

"She is hungry, but I wanted to call you and tell you I didn't forget and I'm home safe. Also I forgot my tootsie pops!" I complained.

"Oh I can see the pout on your face over the phone, I'll give them to you in the morning!" He says. "Go eat your dinner, remember to drink water!" He tells me.

The 30th (Billy and Steve Triangle.)Where stories live. Discover now