
780 13 11


Don't stop, don't move, just keep it there.
I wanna put you on repeat, play you everywhere I go.
I wanna put this song on replay.


Word count: 2722


I sat in the passenger seat after leaving the diner, saying goodbye to Eddie before I had left. There was a lot on my mind for sure! But one thing Billy and Steve were doing, was getting my mind off the cause for now. Tonight isn't about my mother and her lies she has told me, tonight is about my family I have made.

"Alright were home, everything is okay." Billy says as he parked the car and got out. Steve got out quickly so he could open the door for me and help me get out.

"Do you want a bath?" Steve asked me.

"That would be so good." I smiled at him as Billy unlocked the front door.

"We got the house all to ourselves tonight. Max is with a friend." Billy told me as he held the door open letting us walk past him. I heard him close and lock the door as I kicked my shoes off.

"My back would love a bath, and to pee." I smiled as I slowly walked up the stairs.

"Well I'll go lay out some clothes, I'm going to go use Max's shower." Billy told us. As soon as I got to the bathroom Steve followed me in getting the bath ready for me as I did my buisness. "Don't wash the makeup off, I want it on. I'd love to watch it run down your face when I'm done." Billy had said as he peaked his head into the bathroom.

"Oh... OH! Wow. So this is happening.." I blushed as Steve shut the bathroom door laughing lightly.

"Only if you're comfortable." He tells me unzipping my dress, helping me step out of it. "God you're gorgeous." His fingers ran over the straps to the matching set I wore, before he unhooked it sending it to the floor.

"Well I knew you both would like this." I blushed.

"We have a good one picked out." He winked helping me step into the bath and lower myself down.

He left me to sit and relax as him and Billy were off doing what ever. When I was finished I got out, with a slight struggle, and headed to the bedroom. There on the bed was a black lace lingerie set, not at all the same one I was in. This one had underwear to it... but the underwear had a hole for easier access and no need to take it off. I put it on before heading to the closet mirror to look at myself. I touched up my lipstick and made sure my hair was in place after I had put it in a bun from the bath.

"Baby." I turned to see Billy smirking and Steve wore the exact same expression. Both of them in nothing but boxers. I could lie and say I wasn't instantly turned out, but my hormones are wild currently.

"Um I'm done." Was all I said.

"Lay down." Steve instructed me. I took off past them feeling their eyes burning into me as I got onto the bed and lay there. My face was heating up and I couldn't help but to bite my lip nervously giggling.

"Now, we know you want this as much as we do." Steve said climbing onto the bed right by my head.

"And we both know you wouldn't deny it either." Billy climbed on the bed between my legs his hands caressing my thighs, making my breathing uneven.

The 30th (Billy and Steve Triangle.)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن