
646 10 2


One, two, three, not only you and me.
Got one eighty degrees, and I'm caught in between.


Word Count: 3003


"You killed it!" Eddie hugged me as we met at his van in the parking lot.

"That was so scary, it was fun." I say with wide eyes as I laughed at the excitement.

"You were so good, Steve will have to see this. You have to do it again." Robin says to me.

"Yeah him." Eddie said as he turned out to put his equipment back in the van.

"Speaking of Steve, we should get going. Eddie I had a great time, after this little girl is Born you'll be the first I go out with!" I assured him.

"You're a beautiful singer, Aria. Now go get sleep, you and that little rocker." He says before Robin and I got to leave.


"He so likes you!" She says as we pulled into the street.

"He likes me as a friend, stop it. I already have two to worry about." I say irritated.

"He gave you flowers and called you his girl." She said holding them up shaking the daisy's.

"Its just flowers, not a ring. Now do I take you home or would you like to walk?" I asked.

"Home, it's too dark. You know weird shit goes on here." She says.

After I had dropped her off safe at home I began to make my way back to the house. When I got there all the lights were still on, it was just midnight. I locked the car and made my way in the house.

It was silent when I walked in, the living room was a mess, the coffee table was flipped and things were spilled. The bookcase was on the ground and books everywhere. I went to the kitchen as my heart sped up a little, glass was shattered everywhere as I carefully stepped over it looking to the laundry room. I went back through to go upstairs. When I got there my parents door was wide open and nobody was inside, but a few holes in the wall. I spent 20 minutes looking around the house for anybody, but it was empty. I began to get a little anxious as I remember my dad yelling when I had left. I made my way to my room and looked out the window to Billy's room, I took out a little sock of pebbles I use to keep on my desk for this reason. I opened my window and leaned out of it throwing the pebbles as hard as I can to reach his window. After at least 6 pebbles I see his bed lamp turn on.

He got up and finally came to the window, yawning and stretching, shirtless. Opening the window he leaned out smiling at me a little.

"Yes, baby?" He called out the window.

"Come over?" I asked. He didn't hesitate to close the window and leave his room. I closed my window and hesitated but walked down stairs, I don't know why I felt so scared. When I opened the front door Billy was just walking up to the house, I immediately hugged him to me.

"Hey, what's up?" He asked as he looked down at me.

"My room." I pull him in locking the front door before we go to my room. "Nobody's home, I don't know where they went. When I left the house they were all fighting-"

The 30th (Billy and Steve Triangle.)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum