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Daddy can you hear the devil drawing near, like a bullet from a gun.
Run daddy run.


Word count: 3088


My mom hasn't talked to me in a few days, that's not like her. So here I am, after school going to her house. Also going to grab the rest of my things. I was riding with Steve and Robin before they go off to work, Billy was looking for a new job.

"Your mom gonna drop you off?" Steve asked me.

"I don't know, I can find a ride if not." I told him. My car is fine, I just didn't drive myself today.

"Call family video! I'll pick you up and drop you off, then go back to work." He tells me. "Robin won't mind being alone for an hour tops."

"Other circumstances I would be pretty upset, but for Aria I can bare with it." She smiled at me from the back seat.

"Okay, well if I can't I'll call." I laughed.

"Alright babe, kiss me. Then get going." I leaned as far as I could laughing as he leaned the rest of the way to kiss me.

"Bye." I tell them both as I open the door and attempt to get out. Recently getting out of low cars is a nightmare. "I need a crain!" They both laughed.

"Wait till she's here! You'll be happy you struggled so much." Robin cooed from the back pretending to rock a baby. "Aunt Robin will be the first to teach her that Steve ain't shit." She joked.

"Hey no language like that around my baby girl." Steve says seriously.

"Steve isn't shit." I say as I close the door. Robin laughing hard in the back while Steve playfully glarred at me. I waved bye as he backed out, and made my way inside.

It was dirty in here, lights weren't on where they usually were. Frames of photos shattered along the walls, it's like i could hear the past echo through the halls as I walked. A ghost house now. This isn't the type of place I need my mother to stay and rot away in alone.

"Mom..." I called for her as I passed the living room. The blood was all gone, the carpet in that spot had to be ripped up due to bio hazard. The tables were littered with trash, my mom's never been this dirty. "Mom?" I walked in the kitchen seeing her sit quietly at the table just starring at the wall with a cup in her hand.

"School over?" She asked in a monotone voice.

"Yeah, uh.. do you need help mom?" I asked standing behind a chair across from her.

"Your dad's funeral is tomorrow." She tells me.

"I didn't know." I whisper as I take a seat.

"All the things I wish I could have said to him, all the times you never knew. I hid so much from you, to protect you. He was just as good at hiding it." She says starring into her cup.

"Narssacist, mom. He was a narssacist. Blaming you for his actions, you did nothing. I didn't meant to shoot but... it was me or him."

The 30th (Billy and Steve Triangle.)Where stories live. Discover now