Discordant Harmony ~ Ninjago...

By whoisgabby876

16.1K 472 409

Discord is the elemental master of Chaos, or well she's just gotten her full potential. When she used to trai... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
AN OMDSS (not an update sorry)
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 14

703 23 21
By whoisgabby876

*Third Person POV*

Lloyd and Garmadon walked through the woods, hoping to find Nya before anyone else got to her.

"You said before that Master Chen was your sensei, but nothing else," Lloyd said hoping that his father would reveal more about his past with Chen.

"Son, there are things from my past that I am not proud of," Garmadon sighed shaking his head. "Perhaps it's time for you to know the truth. After the Devourer bit me when I was a child, it took years for all of the evil to fully consume me."

*flashback in bold*

"Good Garmadon. Good Clouse," Chen praised, "But you're both holding back. Might I add he who wins this fight shall become my right hand and be granted lordship?"

In response, Clouse used dark magic which Garmadon countered with his Spinjitzu which was a vibrant violet.

"He cheated master," Clouse complained. "You said Spinjitzu was forbidden."

Chen simply laid a hand on Garmadon's shoulder, "He did what he had to do to win. Congratulations Lord Garmadon."

"It was a time in our history when Man and Serpentine were not getting along. As our sides clashed, we wished for a truce. But not Chen," Present Garmadon narrated.

"Oh, peace is so boring, but conflict and turmoil, so unpredictable and exciting," Chen grinned.

"But, Master Chen, even the Anacondrai are making concessions. There could be a truce. There could be—" Garmadon was interrupted.

"Never trust a snake, Lord Garmadon. Remember that. Oh, don't look so sad. I've intercepted something that will make you feel better." Chen pulled out a love letter. "Your pathetic brother feels the same about that girl you admire."

"Misako," he breathed.

"His words are so heartfelt. They could sway how she feels about one of you," Chen persuaded.

"I didn't write this...I shouldn't be reading it!"

"Didn't you? It could be your name on it. Certainly, you feel the same," Chen passed the latter and a pen to Garmadon who signed his name, unaware that Clouse was watching them.

*flashback over*

"Mum thought that letter was from you!" Lloyd yelled outraged.

"As I've told you, there are things in my past I'm not proud of, but I have no regrets. You wouldn't be here otherwise. My fear of losing Misako controlled me and led me down a dangerous path. A path I hope to make peace with," Garmadon sighed.

Meanwhile, in the D.B express, Chen was pressing random buttons before Clouse spoke,

"Master, if our men couldn't find her, why do you think they will fare much better? If the girl gets that spell to the ninja, all of our plans will be jeopardized."

"Oh, Clousey Clouse. There's a reason why I'm the Master and you're my pupil," Chen patronised, "Why should I worry about the remaining fighters rising up against me when after today there'll be no fighters remaining? The little treats I gave them are tracking their every move. This little game isn't about them hunting the girl, it's about hunting them."

"Master, you are a devious one," Clouse cackled, Chen joining him.

Elsewhere on the island, Nya carved another Samurai X symbol into a tree. Hearing footsteps she quickly ducked into a bush.

Shade came out of the shade (hehe) and a horn sounded. Clouse appeared accompanied by some cultists.

"Your time in this tournament has expired."

The cultists surrounded Shade and restrained him. He looked up at Clouse defeated,

"So the ninja were right all along. Chen was never gonna hand over that Staff."

"Only one can remain. And it shall be Chen!" The cultists dragged Shade away as Nya looked on horrified.

*With Reyna and Cole*

"Why are you still following me?" Discord turned furrowing her brows.

"Why are you so grumpy and mean all the time?" Cole ignored her question.

He walked to her taking advantage of the fact that she had stopped walking away, "I mean really getting Jay out, being the criminal you are, helping us when we got caught spying, just for you to be cold again. Why?"

Discord took a shuddering breath, "Mind your business Rocky. You know nothing and you're really annoying me right now, so," she turned to leave.

"I might be annoying you but you and I both know that with Chen and Clouse lurking around there's definitely strength in numbers," Cole smirked.

"What makes you think I'm not strong enough on my own?"

*In the DB Express*

Eyezor and Clouse dragged in another Master, "Two fighters down, six remaining. And this one was a bit hard to find."

Mr Pale revealed himself growling angrily, "You'll never get away with this, Chen."

Are you serious? Where have you been? I've been getting away with it time and time again," Chen giggled childishly before sighing dramatically. "Oh, take him away, he's boring. Argh. You'd think they'd create a trapdoor in this thing."

"Master, Skylor is with Kai," Clouse informed.


"But we still don't know where Lloyd and Garmadon are."

"Bad! Find them, Clouse. While you're at it, round up the rest of them."

*With Cole and Discord*

The couple continued to trek through the woods,

"I'm so tired," Cole whined. "But we've gotta find Nya before someone else does."

"Isn't that her Samurai X symbol?" Discord pointed to a tree in front of him.

"Yeah, but how did you know that?" Cole narrowed his eyes.

"I'm sorry your search ends here. Your time in the Tournament has ended," Clouse jumped in, saving Discord from answering herself.

"Magic's for cowards. I'll stick to good old muscles and music thank you," Cole quipped flexing his biceps.
"You want muscles," Clouse challenged, "How's this for muscles?"

Using his dark magic, Clouse conjured a replica of Cole's mech. Watching the exchange Discord thought aloud,

"As much as I'd love to watch this battle of testosterone, I have better things to do," she turned to leave but was faced with Chen's cultists. Smirking she cracked her knuckles before beginning to attack them one by one.

They charged at her wildly attacking without thought, Discord simply countered their movements. She made the slowest of motions, using their own momentum against them to preserve her energy.

Cole watched mesmerised as she beat hordes of cultists without even breaking a sweat,

"Are we going to fight or will you continue to ogle her with no shame?" Clouse quipped resting a hand on his hip.

Cole charged toward Clouse, exchanging furious punches. Unfortunately, Cole found himself overpowered by Clouse's magical mech.

"Cole," Nya's voice called.

"Nya?" Cole blinked. "I'm kinda busy right now. Did you find the spell?"

"Yes! It's right here, Chen plans to use everyones' elements to–"

"Silence girl!"

"Nya you have to get out of here! Go! Tell the others!" Cole ordered as Clouse ripped the wires out of his mech.

"Nya," Discord offered her hand. "Come with me, I'll get you to the others."

Hesitating, Nya looked toward Cole. He turned to Discord before nodding at Nya.

Nya took Discord's hand and was dragged into a portal, taking them deep into the forest far away from Cole and Clouse. As they departed Cole's mech self-detonated.

Elsewhere in the woods, Kai gasped hearing the explosion.

"That could be Nya," he immediately started hopping on the rocks following the smoke trail.

Skylor froze the pond and began skating over it, "Let me, I have a faster way. What are you waiting for? Your friends could be in trouble."

"How did you just do that?"

"I can absorb Elemental Power," Skylor answered with sass.

"But the ice. Zane's never been in the tournament." Kai glared at her as realisation dawned on him. "You're the spy. You've seen Zane. You're working for Chen!"

"I had to obey my father or else—" Skylor desperately tried to explain.

"Chen's your father!?" Kai slipped on the ice and fell.

Chen appeared, "Yes!"


"And now your time in the tournament is over Master of Fire. Take him, Skylor."

"Okay, Dad," Skylor charged at Kai only to be pinned down by him.

"The reason you didn't have a tattoo was that you used the power of Form," Kai deduced.

"And now I'll use the power of Smoke," Skylor smirked before seeing Kai light his hand on fire. "Do it, and we'll both go in. No!"

"Ninja, go!" Kai spun melting the frozen pond beneath them.

"What are you doing!?"

"Whoa! Skylor! Help me!" Chen cried falling into the pond,

"Dad!" Skylor cried running to help him out.

"Enough of this," Chen used the Staff to trap Kai with Nature.

*With Discord and Nya*

After running through the woods hopelessly, Nya and Discord finally found allies.



"Nya, Discord what are you doing here?"

"They took Cole," Discord explained.

"They took everyone!" Nya finished. "You're the only one left Lloyd. You can help stop it."

"Stop what?" Lloyd furrowed his brows.
"A transformation spell. It can't be," Garmadon shook his head in disbelief.

"Transformation? Transform into what?" Discord asked.

"An army of Anacondrai. The tournament may be over, but the next Serpentine War may have just begun," Garmadon said solemnly.

*In Chen's palace*

A cultist walked into the warehouse, dragging Kai behind him.

"Don't worry. Lloyd will come for us," Cole reassured.

"I'm planning on it," Chen cackled.

hiii, sorry for the short chapter i've been really busy and my mums borrowing my laptop so it's hard to write more. love u lots <33

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