The Boy Who Cried Fox

By WtfamIwriting

10.9K 531 149

When a new student comes, a certain ginger goes head over heels just by him breathing. Now, while working und... More

Author note
The new student
First day
Home economics
Weekends (1)
Weekends (2)
Quality time
Gym (1)
Gym (2)
Gym (3)
The bet
The bet (2)
My princess
Childe questions his life choices again
A very soft rock
Zhongli being very tall
Heel problems
Ningguang's son
How to care for your Zhongli 101
Bestie vibes
Sick (1)
Sick (2)
Sick (3)
First date (1)
First date (2)
Fuck u Albert
Childe's got competition (again)
Bad day at the festival
They finally start dating
Family day
White at night
Childe's parents
Childe's birthday
My little bunny
Megalohydrothalassophobia - my new favorite word
We're done
The aftermath (Childe's pov)
The aftermath (Zhongli's pov)
Everything is fine

Just them being them

123 7 6
By WtfamIwriting

News that the 2 were dating kind of stayed within their friend group. Of course, Childe decided to stop all contact with most of the harbingers for now.It was also a good thing that Zhongli was dating Childe as that meant the two could actually do stuff and it would be fine since they are both adults (though the most extreme was Childe groping around and possibly grinding). Baizhu and Pantalone had kept their distance since the festival incident.

"Ajax!" Zhongli ran up to his boyfriend and hugged him. The lovebirds were at the entrance to their school. No one was there yet so it was fine. Childe returned the hug and they went to their usual haunting, the library. A while back when they first started dating, Childe found this small secluded nook behind some shelves that was perfect for privacy. They got in the room and sat down on the floor. Childe gave a quick peck on the brunette before taking down a book they were reading last time on relationships since Childe had never been in a proper one and Zhongli's old one was more of four friends on crack experimenting with life.

"Look! It's the lovebirds!" Venti interrupted their bonding session by yelling into the room. Childe got up and ran after the bard. Ei joined Zhongli on the floor.

"If I'm correct, Family day should be here tomorrow. It's going to be chaotic." Ei sighed as Zhongli snapped his neck towards her.

"What? Tomorrow?" Zhongli knew that it was close but that close?

"You forgot again, didn't you. Yes it's tomorrow and today's the final day of preparation." Ei replied as Childe dragged Venti to them and sat on the floor. Each of them in turn gave the others an insight into what they were doing, though not much as it was a competition and the others would kill them if they found out.

"I think Lisa has eyes for Jean, don't ya think?" Venti wiggled his eyebrows as he caught wind of the library's assistant talking to the head of the student council. Both females were blushing slightly as they talked.

"Beelzebul, I heard you like a certain fox, no?" Venti meant that as a joke but when he received no reaction from her, he asked again. "Beelzebul, hello?"

"Maybe..." Ei looked away, shy all of a sudden.

"What." Venti wasn't expecting this answer from her.

"Venti, just asking, but do you think anyone is like...sheesh?" Childe asked the braided boy.

"Well, Kaeya is pretty, Kazuha is cute, Scara's just ugly and I would date Morax if you didn't beat me to it and if he liked me." Venti pouted on the last word as Zhongli rolled his eyes and leaned on Childe.

"Have you guys done anything yet?" Ei stopped being shy and asked them.

"Huh?" Both Childe and Zhongli turned to look at her.

"Oh~She means the..." Venti made a circle with one hand and started to thrust his finger in and out really fast.

"NO!" Both of them got up in shock and Zhongli chased after Venti, who was laughing his head off.

"This is normal." Ei stood up and Childe followed her. They soon found Zhongli and Venti somewhere near a classroom, their game of catch still ongoing. Childe just chuckled as he went after his boyfriend to calm him down.

"Moraaaaaaax!!! Why did you have to do that!" Venti stuck his tongue out at the older male, who just glared at him and went back to hugging Childe. The other two got the hint and left them to be alone.

"Someone's clingy today." Childe smiled as Zhongli tightened his grip around his neck.

"What? Do you not want me too?" Zhongli pulled back far enough so that he could see Childe.

"No, I like it. Do it more." Childe grinded his hips against Zhongli's plump ass in a teasing manner.

"Not here." Zhongli said in between suppressed moans.

"Fine, fine. We have class soon anyways." Childe reluctantly stopped and let go of the brunette to hold his hand and escort him to class.

"Have you ever...I don't know, thought about...doing it?" Zhongli dared not to make eye contact as he said these words. Childe stopped in his tracks. Who would have thought his cute, proper, composed boyfriend would ask these sorts of questions?

"Maybe once or twice but I wouldn't dare to unless you said you wanted to. Are you implying something?" Childe raised an eyebrow, enjoying the view of Zhongli flustered. No answer. Deciding not to push it any further, Childe continued to walk Zhongli down to his class. Kissing his boyfriend goodbye, Childe went to his own class.

C: Can I just not do it? I don't want to see someone as adorable as him cry over anything but happiness or...Nope. You don't know whether he wants to or not.

Childe sat in his seat, waiting for the rest of the Fatui to show up, Lumine seated next to him. In fact, he hadn't heard much from her since the time she slapped him.

"You still love me right?"

Childe turned to the whisper and he saw Lumine being the owner of the voice.

"Of course girlie. This is all just a stupid bet, isn't it?" Childe reassured her. But even he didn't know what it was anymore. They shut up as Tsaritsa began to talk.

"Look who decided to show up?" Childe went forward to the brunette anticipating his departure from the class. He dragged the brunette to the nearest empty classroom and pinned him against the wall.

"Childe...I've been giving some thought about my question earlier...and...I wouldn't mind." Zhongli made sure to let Childe know this as they have been in this position enough times for Zhongli to know what comes next. But he got no reply. Childe was just locked in the kabedon.

"I-I...uh...what...u-uh...yes...uh..." Childe began stuttering uncontrollably, which obviously worried the smaller male.

"Chil-MMPH!!" Before Zhongli could say anything more, Ed Sheeran removed all distance between the 2. Messily mashing their lips together, teeth clacking against on another's, Childe felt Zhongli smile into the kiss. It was a wonderful feeling that he hoped only he would be able to enjoy. Childe savoured the heavenly taste of Zhongli as he slipped his tongue in; sugary sweet with a hint of bitterness, just like his personality. The smaller one obliged and let his boyfriend explore his mouth, their tongues intertwining with each other. Drool spilled from the sides, soft moans escaping the brunette's mouth. Calloused hands snaking its way to the hair that hanged down Zhongli's back and entangling themselves in it, occasionally tugging. It finally ended when Childe pulled away, smirking at the sight of Zhongli, hair messed up, mouth leaking, blush spread across his entire face. Too embarrassed to show his face, Zhongli stuffed his face into Childe's shoulder. A low chuckle escaped the ginger's mouth as he rubbed Zhongli's back. The ginger brought out an empty chair and positioned the brunette to be seated on top of him.

"It's not funny." Zhongli pulled back and pouted at Childe, who seemed to be having the time of his life.

"Ah, you're really too cute for this world sometimes." Childe grabbed the brunette and pulled him closer. The rest of the day was freed up as classes had been suspended for tomorrow. Childe was glad for this as now he could have his little boyfriend in his arms for the rest of the day. Of course, they were going to go back to one of their dorms for more privacy and comfort but they were fine like this for now.

"Oh look. It's the boyfriends~" Kaeya was leaning in the door frame, a short blonde with messy ash blonde hair and turquoise eyes hidden behind glasses with the bridge heavy with tape. Zhongli turned around to see who it was as all he got was Childe's chest. Once his vision was no longer obscured, Zhongli received a wave of shock.

"Albedo? What are you doing here?" Zhongli got off Childe and walked to the blonde, puzzled expression visible.

"We joined a day earlier. The others are just getting warmed up to their surroundings." Albedo waved at Childe. Then, realization hit him.

"Wait. Who's gonna take care of Tonia, Teucer and Anthon?" Childe got up with a start.

"I timed all my classes so that I finish when they finish." Albedo showed his schedule.

"Sweet Tsaritsa, thank you." Letting out a sigh of relief, Childe then asked what they were doing here.

"Showing Albedo here around the school. Then we ran into you 2." Kaeya explained with Albedo nodding beside him.

"Well, let us go." Childe grasped Zhongli's hand. They soon walked off with Childe and Kaeya doing most of the talking.

"Um, pardon me, but I've always wondered why are you called Childe? Is it that you act like one or are you as smart as one?" Albedo questioned the ginger. Kaeya was dying from laughter to which Childe shot him a glare but was distracted by suppressed giggles by his Zhongli.

"Eh? Not you too, love!" Childe grabbed onto Zhongli, who was now letting his laughter loose. He began to ugly cry which only made the group laugh even harder.

"You got your answer, Bedo?" Zhongli managed to say this in between Childe's crying and the other two's laughter.

"I did, I did." Albedo stopped laughing so hard and proceeded on with the tour. They met several other classmates and soon Albedo and Kaeya were gone. Along the way, Baizhu ran into them.

"Hey Zhongli." Baizhu waved in a friendly manner at the brunette, who clung onto Childe even more.

"He doesn't want to talk with you." Despite the two of them dating for only a month, Childe knew that if Zhongli got extra clingy meant that whoever was talking to him should fuck off.

"Oh alright. I'll see you soon." Baizhu walked past them, patting Zhongli's head like a pet as he did.

"Childe, no you may not beat him up." Zhongli let go once the green haired male had disappeared from view.

"He didn't even apologize. I think I should beat him up." Childe pouted as his boyfriend pulled him further away from the scene.

"You're so mean, baobei!" Childe frowned as Zhongli slapped him.

"Beat him up or cuddle in your dorm? Choose." Zhongli placed both hands on his hips.

"C-Cuddle with you." Childe buried his head into Zhongli's shoulder which gave the brunette a look of satisfaction on his face.

"Good choice. Now stop trying." The brunette walked away with Childe following him. They went to Childe's dorm and got in bed. They cuddled while Childe began to talk about his siblings.  The rambling went on and on until dinner. They got down and ate with the others. Al'Haitham was over again. There was chaos once again at the table and lots of noise.

"I'm telling you! Albedo is just a friend, Diluc! No need to get so protective!" Kaeya was yelling at Diluc. Ayato was just drinking his boba and Thoma was trying to put out the flames. Al'Haitham was sort of just there.

"Hey guys." The gray haired male nodded at them as they sat across from him. Childe nodded in reply and Zhongli smiled. They soon shift from Albedo to the coming day.

"You guys are gonna love Klee! I met her when Albedo left and she was so cute!" Kaeya was praising Klee, the kid that Albedo babysits. The girl that likes to blow things up, specifically fish.

"I have told you all about the angel of a little sister I have." Ayato proudly spoke about Ayaka.

"And I have this dumbass of a brother." Diluc glared at Kaeya, who just stuck his tongue out at the red haired male.

"Hey Zhongli, you don't really talk about your family much." Thoma looked at Zhongli, fascinated that maybe they would get at least a sliver of what he did at home.

"One word. Therapy." Zhongli's tone went from his usual one to a more serious one.

"And that is you do therapy or need it?" Ayato gave him a puzzled look.

"They scream at four am about something that happened several months to three years ago. Not to mention that they always fight over who takes my cat for walks, showers first, love interests, etcetera, etcetera." Zhongli slammed his head on the table, causing several things to spill.

"Careful princess or you might end up burning that pretty face of yours." Childe pulled Zhongli away from the hot tea that spilled on the table and went to clean it up.

"You have a cat?!" Thoma perked up.

"Azhdaha. My genius friend named it after himself." Zhongli sighed as Childe cleaned his face. They talked for a bit more and then everyone turned in. Zhongli borrowed some clothes from Childe and went to shower. Once he was done, Childe took his turn. As they were getting ready to go to bed, Zhongli received a text from Noelle.

My beautiful sister

Noelle: We're out of milk.

Zhongli: Is that all?

Noelle: Baizhu keeps leaving notes outside our door. Waste of paper honestly.

Zhongli: I'll deal with those.

Noelle: Thanks bro.

"Childe?" Zhongli shook awake the nearly asleep ginger.

"Yes, my sweet little baby cakes?" Childe groggily opened his eyes. Zhongli blushed at the nickname.

"I need to go..." He shuffled out of the bed but forgot that Childe's arms were wrapped firmly around his waist.

"What? Noooooo. Stay here with meeeee." Childe groaned as Zhongli got off the bed.

"I'm sorry but I have too." Zhongli sighed as he changed into his own clothes, gave a light peck on the slowly falling asleep ginger and left the room.

Words: 2317

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