Bad day at the festival

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TW: Sexual harassment

"We can see that." Al'Haitham had arrived with Nahida holding his hand. When she saw them, Nahida ran up to Ei and hugged her knees.

"Beelzebul! Barbatos! Morax!" Nahida squealed in delight as Ei bent down to her height.

"Greetings, Kusanali." Ei rubbed her head.

"So, who are they?" Miko indicated at Osial, Guizhong and Azhdaha.

"Oh, sorry, sorry! These are Morax's exes! Osial's the tallest, Guizhong's the girl and Azhdaha's the other male." Venti pointed at who was who.

"Barbatos! You don't just go around saying that they are people's exes!" Ei scolded the boy. Nahida pouted at him in a way to say 'you stupid ass bard'.

"Well, the rest are busy so it's just us." Al'Haitham broke the awkward silence.

"Oh yeah. There's a festival today. I was planning on going." Ningguang pulled out a flyer to show to the group.

"Let's go then!" Venti ran in the direction of the city with the rest following him. Childe stopped clinging on to him so much but was now wrapping a hand protectively around the brunette's waist. This obviously did not go unnoticed by Miko and she aimed to tease the two as much as possible after this.

"We're here!" Beidou pointed at the harbor, now decorated in colorful tents and several attractions. Everybody agreed to meet up at the ferris wheel at twelve for lunch. Zhongli went off in his own direction before Childe or anyone could do anything. Exploring several carnival games, Zhongli felt like a little kid again. Well, not like he had any childhood but this was making up for it. Strolling in the bright sunlight, the light breeze pushing against his long hair, Zhongli could have never felt at more peace than this.

"Zhongli!!!" Someone grabbed the brunette from behind.

"Baizhu?" In a bit of a panic, Zhongli spun around and tried to push the green haired male away but to no avail. Instead, Baizhu dragged Zhongli to an almost completely covered side road. Now pressed up against the other, Zhongli's movements were limited as Baizhu had sandwiched his arms together.

"Now, about what happened..." -Ba

Childe was running all over the place looking for Zhongli. Yea, sure he was a bit too overprotective but when your bestie has a history of harassment from a green haired nerd, it becomes an instinct to stay by their side at all times. And now that friend was missing. As he continued his search, Childe got pulled aside into a hidden street. There was Pantalone.

"Leave it, Tartaglia." He spoke in a stern voice.

"What do you mean?" Childe pulled away, still focused on finding Zhongli.

"I mean leave it. Don't worry about your precious Zhongli too much." Pantalone moved to block his way. "Besides, my brother is taking good care of him."

"WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK???" Childe, completely disgusted at this point, freed both of his hands and ran off, Pantalone following him. He needed to find Zhongli, and fast. It was quite hard to focus on where to run while being chased by someone. Then something caught his attention.


"It won't hurt~"


Darting towards the source of the sound, Childe found Zhongli, sobbing uncontrollably with his shirt falling off his shoulders, pinned up against the wall. On the exposed patch of skin, several hickeys and bite marks were visible. One hand was clenched tightly on his ass, the other grasping his neck so firmly it cut off his air supply, hair messed up and the one doing it was in the process of attacking his lips. In a rage, Childe pulled the brunette towards him and held on tightly to Zhongli.

"Aw look. Your little boyfriend has come to save you." Baizhu frowned as Childe stepped forward and began beating the living daylights out of him.

"Childe stop! He's not worth it!" In between sobs, Zhongli managed to prevent Childe from killing Baizhu. He went back to the brunette and the 2 walked off.

"Didn't work?" Pantalone helped his twin up as he nodded. "Don't worry little bro. He'll be yours."

"Tell me what happened." Childe had Zhongli seated on a bench, kneeling so that they were somewhat eye level. Childe had already helped with fixing his hair and shirt but the hickeys would take some time to go away.

"I-I was just looking around...and then he-he pulled me into that road...he explained what he did a while ago and-and...then he-he kissed me but it was more violent than yours...then he began to grope my legs and knead my ass...he was making these until you came..." Zhongli looked down at his lap in guilt. Childe wiped the single tear that spilled out of his eye and joined him on the bench.

"I'm proud of you. You put up a pretty good fight back there." Childe smiled at Zhongli, who just snuggled up with Childe.

Words: 825

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