My princess

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"We're eating out today." Kaeya was leaning on the door frame. Ayato, Thoma and Diluc were waiting outside, talking about wine.

"K. I'm ready." Childe stood there still in his narwhal hoodie waiting for Kaeya to say something rather than stare at him.

"Oh, I didn't realize. Let's go." Kaeya alerted the other 3 boys that they were going and they left campus.

"We booked a place in Chef Mao's restaurant." Thoma told Childe, who noticed his confusion.

"Ah. I see." Childe nodded as he checked he had everything he needed. Keys to his dorm, phone, wallet and a special thing he managed to prepare last minute for a certain someone.

"Hey guys!" Hu Tao greeted them as Childe noticed that Wanmin Restaurant was busier than ever.

"Wow. Business seems to be booming, Xiangling!" Thoma clapped as the blue haired girl appeared from the crowd to greet them.

"Thanks! Ever since dad handed the shop to me, things have been more in demand than ever. Luckily Hu Tao and a few other students volunteered to help me out." Xiangling shyly smiled at them as she led them to their table. "I have other people to attend to so please wait a while."

The 5 boys sat there lounging around and talking about random things. They were then interrupted by a familiar tone.

"Oh, hey guys." Zhongli was now towering over them, a menu in his hands.

"Are you one of the students who helps Xiangling?" Ayato leaned on his palm as he stared at the brunette.

"She said she'd pay me so I said yes. Now what would you like?" Zhongli seemed to want to keep the conversation short and Childe caught on. Because of the amount of times he had been to this place, Childe ordered for everyone.

"Wow. Way to save the day Fatui boy." Diluc meant that as a joking remark but because Childe's relationship with them wasn't the best at the moment, he laid his head on the table and gave a very audible groan.

"Woah Tarty, you good?" Kaeya looked at the ginger, who rolled his head over to look at him.

"I don't really like the Fatui now. I mean, I still am part of the damn Fatui because of the Tsaritsa but the other Harbingers are" Childe sat straight again. Catching on, Diluc mumbled an apology before turning his attention to the food before them. Once again, Zhongli was the one serving them.

"Hey Zhongli, come join us. I'm sure Xiangling wouldn't mind you eating with us, right?" Kaeya waved his hand as he was about to leave.

"I don't know. I really shouldn't slack off during work." Zhongli looked down before there was a slap on his back.

"Why not? You've been working since 3pm so eating with your friends shouldn't be considered slacking off. Plus, your shift is ending anyway." Xiangling was next to him. She then pushed him into a chair but 'missed' and he fell into Childe's lap instead.

"Ah! Sorry!" Zhongli immediately got up and bowed in apology.

"I-It's fine. Here, I'll give you the bill." Childe took out his wallet and gave him the mora, also pressing a small box into his hands as he did so. Zhongli gave the mora to Xiangling before pocketing the box. Handing him a pair of chopsticks and a bowl, Zhongli began to eat with them.

"Hey Zhongli. You seem pretty close with those people that came earlier today." Ayato still insisted on drinking his boba even though he had a perfectly good glass of osmanthus tea in front of him.

"We've known each other since I was 4." Zhongli blew on his osmanthus tea before taking a sip out of the steaming drink.

"And you are how old again?" Ayato continued drinking his boba while asking the questions.

"23." Zhongli placed down his tea before going back and eating the slow cooked bamboo shoot soup in front of him.

"Wow. I've only known Ayato for 9 years." Thoma was practically on the edge of his seat.

"Um...I have a question. How do you know Tsaritsa?" Childe finally asked the one question that was bugging him all afternoon.

"She's my friend. Me, Barbatos, Beelzebul, Kusanali and Tsaritsa are all friends." Zhongli told him, not looking up from his food. Childe just nodded in surprise and went back to his own food ignoring this Kusanali person.

"Shit!" Childe cursed as he fumbled with his chopsticks.

"Oh I forgot you are just the best at using chopsticks." Kaeya teased. Childe shot him a glare.

"Here." Zhongli shifted over and held Childe's hand in his own. He began to guide the ginger on how to use the utensils. Everybody else watched in suspenseful silence as Childe tried over and over again but got frustrated and eventually gave up.

"I'll never be able to do it!" He lamented before Zhongli placed a comforting hand on him.

"It takes practice. Don't rush." The brunette reassured him.

The rest of the conversation was quite random. They then had to say goodbye and Zhongli said that he had to grab his things and they could all go back. As he walked to the staffroom, Zhongli's curiosity got the better of him and he opened the box Childe gave. In it sat an ornate gold bracelet with a dragon on it. How did he know he liked dragons or how he preferred gold to silver was a mystery but not one he cared about. Zhongli was now wondering why on Teyvat would Childe give him such an expensive gift in the first place. Focusing on what he was supposed to do, Zhongli picked up his things and went to join the lads. Most of the time, Zhongli and Childe walked in silence. It was only when the others went back to their dorm first did Childe finally speak.

"So, what did you think, babe?" Childe stopped in his tracks to properly look at the brunette. Zhongli's hair was slightly messed up from all the work he must have done, clothes crumpled and eyes tired.

"The bracelet? I like it but why such an expensive gift?" Zhongli took out the box to give it back to Childe. "We haven't known each other for that long and you are already giving me something so costly."

"Well..." Slowly walking towards him, Childe gently pushed him up against the wall and placed both hands on either side of him. Thanking the height difference, Childe could now see the smaller brunette look up at him, giving him doe eyes. "A princess deserves to be spoiled, right?"

Childe took the box and removed the bracelet from it. Gently grabbing one of those porcelain wrists, Childe delicately slipped it on and pressed a kiss on the now very flustered Zhongli's knuckles.

"Night darling." Childe walked off to his dorm, a look of satisfaction on his face as he glanced back several times to see Zhongli looking from Childe to his hand and back to Childe. Then he disappeared into the door nearest to him.

Words: 1182

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