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"Hey Morax!! Thank Celestia you had a minute to spare." A boy was playing with his braids while calling someone. His blue green eyes were off in a dreamy stare.

"Yea sorry about that. I've just moved and I've been busy unpacking." The person on the other end was shifting something around.

"So any news besides the fact that you moved here?" The boy laid down on his bed.

"Not really. Besides all the chaos, no."

"Seriously? Then what about your stay with Aunt Ping?"

"It was nice but nothing out of the ordinary."

"Then tell me about the scenery. It might inspire a future poem of mine, ehe!"

"Well, the house was small but rather cozy. It was a tight squeeze with all six of us plus her but we managed. The countryside was beautiful. There was a big field brimming with glaze lilies and we even planted a few roses, qingxin and violet grass."

"Wow! I wish I was there!"

"Maybe next time you could visit her with us. She still has your room from all the times you came with us."

"Yeah! I think I will! And then Beelzebul could tag along! She hasn't been there in ages!"

"Then I look forward to our next excursion."

"Then, what made you move back here? A new job? School? Come on, Morax, tell me!"

"I wanted it to be a surprise but I'm coming to your college tomorrow." The background noise ceased as the person pulled out a chair and sat down.

"Wait...REALLY?! You are?! Great! I'll tell Beelzebul right now!" The boy ended the call and ran out of the room.

"Farewell Barbatos."
Words: 276

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