First date (2)

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"Dadada! We're here! How about we enter, xiansheng? Show you my skills! Eh? Eh?" Childe excitedly pulled Zhongli towards an enormous building.

"I believe we shall." Zhongli just smiled at his child(e)ish behavior.

"Tada!! Here we are! How's it look? Funded by the Fatui, and designed by Scara-sucker, Arle-cappuccino and I. gotta say, she's not too bad at designing things! She should quit the Fatui and become an architect!" Childe excitedly dragged Zhongli everywhere. He began talking about a hundred and one facts and things about this building and his colleagues.

"Now, now, Childe. You mustn't say such vulgar things about your peers. However, the interior is quite exquisite, if I do say so myself. It even rivals that of Ningguang's." Zhongli finally managed to talk once they slowed down.

"Heh! Thanks, Xiansheng! Let's get some skates! I get to skate for free since I helped fund it, but I'll lend you some mora!" Childe handed him a small pouch of mora and pointed him in the direction of the skates for rent.

"You have my gratitude, Childe." Zhongli gave a small smile before walking off.

"Just follow my lead, Xiansheng. It's easy once your feet get used to the sensation." Childe was holding both of Zhongli's hands in his and was carefully guiding the brunette onto the ice.

"It's not as hard as I thought. In fact, it was easier without Barbatos than it is with him." Zhongli once again said Venti's nickname in distaste.

"Hehe! Well, since you have your balance, Imma let go." Childe removed his hands from Zhongli's and skated to the middle of the rink.

"I'll be fine, Childe. But a question if you can spare time for one?" Zhongli reassured Childe but pointed out a very weird detail.

"What's it Xiansheng?" Childe was confused as to what Zhongli could be asking.

"Why is it just us two? I understand this is a Fatui made building but I recall you saying that it was a public place." Zhongli was right. No one but them was here.

"Oh now that you mention it, there is no one here. Not even a single staff in sight. I was hoping to spar someone." Childe thought they came in at the right time. There was no sign saying they were closed for the day.

"Doubt not, Childe. There will be other opportunities in the near future but for now, enjoy this time we have." Zhongli was glad that it was just the 2 of them. I mean, Childe doesn't have anyone to pick a fight with and cause a scene at least.

"Hmm... perhaps they heard I was coming and ran in fear! Hah! But seriously though, that is weird... you stay here, I'll go check the back." Childe got off the ice, leaving Zhongli standing there alone, and went to check the staff rooms.

"Hello? Anyone back here?" Childe opened the doors to the staff room.

"Yes, what do you need from the back?" Ningguang was standing there, blocking out most of what Childe could see.

"Since when did you work here? I don't remember hiring you as a staff member." This was extremely confusing. Since when did Ningguang work for an ice rink, and one funded by the Fatui nonetheless?

"You didn't. But someone by the name of Arlecchino did. And if you're wondering why the ice rink is empty, someone booked it and their booking was a bit earlier so it overlapped when you guys came in. Don't worry." Ningguang brushed away the fact that Childe was suspicious.

"Alright..." Turning around, Childe bolted back to Zhongli.

"Good lie, Ning." Beidou gave her a thumbs up which was quickly shut down by Ei.

"Xiansheng! I'm back!" Childe ran up to Zhongli, who was awkwardly standing in the middle of the ice.

"Ah, Childe. Did you find out what's going on?" Zhongli spun around to face Childe.

"Apparently someone booked this whole place for something but we sort of overlapped. Ningguang's the only one here." Childe told Zhongli everything and then skated to some random corner. "For now, let us enjoy ourselves."

The two did some free skating here and Childe did a few tricks here and there to show off. As Zhongli skated around the rink,he lost his balance at one point. He fell backwards and Childe just so happened to be behind him. The two fell into the ice, Childe accidentally pinning both of Zhongli's hands in an attempt to stabilize himself.

"Sorry xiansheng!" Childe helped Zhongli off the ice and tried to warm the other up.

"I-It's fine." Zhongli was still rather shaken by what happened but overall was fine. They went back to doing their own thing and didn't talk for a while. Once in a few minutes, Childe would check up on Zhongli. He was getting a bit tired from all the skating and lost his balance once again. This time, he fell back into Childe, who caught him in a bridal carry.

"A-Ah. Thank you, Childe." Zhongli was embarrassed as this was the second Childe had to save him. Thinking of teasing his dear xiansheng, Childe started to spin around. Childe stopped after he saw Zhongli's expression. Deciding it was time for them to go back, Childe carried him off the ice and returned the skates. But just as they were about to leave...

Words: 899

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