Fuck u Albert

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"My dad is hard of hearing but nonetheless is he disabled in any way! He still makes the best fireworks!" Yoimiya once again let her firework like spirit show as she blurted everything about her father.

"Both of my parents are usually busy with work so Ayato takes care of me. That's why Thoma is here." Ayaka fiddled with her fingers, noticeably uncomfortable at talking about her family like this yet it seemed like she wanted to at the same time.

"Hu Tao and Xiao are my siblings and Hu Tao's grandfather used to look after us until he died. Madam Ping took us in then and then we got into college so it's fine." Ganyu was glad to finally let out her home life behind that 'kind, sweet girl that is part of the Qixing'. Keqing, Barbara and Noelle all kept quiet, letting the girls rant on and on about their lives out of school.

"Hey, Noelle. You seem pretty close with our school's golden boy." Hu Tao caught her by surprise with this question.

"Golden boy?" Noelle knew that Zhongli, if it was who they were talking about, hadn't been in that college very long but to already be called the golden boy?

"Good grades, kind to everyone, has like 3 simps. You know, that deal." Yoimiya caught on to what Hu Tao was implying and continued her statement.

"Simps? Grades? Oh, you mean Zhongli! Why didn't you say so in the first place?" Noelle finally got what they were saying but still didn't get what they were talking about him.

"Well, as we said earlier, you seem pretty close to him. Childe clings to him day and night, archons it's a headache!" Keqing told Noelle everything Childe had done before she met them. Basically what happens when Zhongli goes to school.

"Wait, so are we still going to Starsnatch Cafe as planned or...?" Barbara interrupted them as they had reached the city.

"Why not? The arcade closes at midnight so we have some time." Keqing reminded them and the girls excitedly talked about the upcoming family day event. It was not so far away now, only being three weeks and many classes already had most of their events planned out. Reaching the building, they sat at a table by the window enough for the six of them. After ordering their food, Ayaka suggested that they should play a game of truth or dare.

"Alright! Keqing, why don't you start?" Ayaka passed her the little pieces of folded paper with each of their names inside. Randomly picking, Keqing opened one of them.

"Barbara. Truth or dare?" Keqing called out to the blonde girl.

"Um...Truth?" Barbara wasn't ready but went along with it.

"So, many people at school have told me that this Albert guy is saying you're his girlfriend. I know you don't like anyone at the moment but I need clarification." Keqing leaned on her palm.

"What? No! I would never date a creep like him! Plus he's way older than me!" Barbara panicked at this accusation. But a reassuring hand on her back caused her to calm down. Though most couldn't see it, Ayaka saw Noelle being the one to place her hand. Several rounds continued with not so crazy dares and once all of them were well fed and happy, they left for the arcade. Everything was normal until Noelle noticed that a certain blonde was missing from their group.

"Barbara?" Walking around the arcade several times, Noelle failed at finding her. Getting more and more worried by the minute, Noelle went outside of the arcade even so far as to look at the alley behind the building. True enough, there was a high pitched squeal coming from one of the alleys. Being blocked by heaps of trash, Noelle managed to get by with minimal disruptions. There, a tall, clearly older adult with little blonde hair was grabbing the waist of a girl.

"Miss Barbara!" He squealed as the girl he was holding so tightly onto tried to push him away. Before things got heated, Noelle punched the guy squarely in the face. As the guy flew across the alley, Noelle dashed towards Barbara and brought her onto a side lane that would be a direct path to the arcade. She pinned the girl against the wall, hands over her mouth. Scanning to see if anyone else was there, She only let go once she was completely sure they were alone.

"Are you alri-" Noelle had two arms wrapped tightly around her along with broken sobs. Guessing what she wanted, Noelle let Barbara cry into her shoulder.

"I-I-I tried to-to *sob* get a-away but he-he..." Barbara trembled against the white haired, who only returned the grip.

"You did what you could." Noelle calmed the blonde down and encouraged her to cry. It hurts more when you keep it in, anyway. Once everything had settled down fully, they went back to their friends.

"Thank you..." -B

Words: 836

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