How to care for your Zhongli 101

172 11 7

"Mmh..." Zhongli fluttered his eyes open, squinting at the bright light that greeted him. A pair of arms wrapped around his neck. He was no longer in the infirmary but in a dorm on a bed with a blue narwhal themed comforter. And the person hugging him was Childe. Looking at his ankles, they were covered in ice and bandages. On the bedside table, there was a porcelain cup with steaming osmanthus tea in it.

"Thank Celestia you're fine. I will be taking care of you for the next few days and Itto will take over your shift. I think. Or was it Gorou?" Childe let go of Zhongli's neck and was now sitting next to him. Zhongli placed his head on Childe's shoulder, smiling to himself as he inhaled that scent of salty ocean water. Raising a hand and entangling it in Zhongli's ponytail, he remembered all the damages done to his property from his broken heels to his phone screen. He'll get his parents on it. They would understand, he was just helping a friend. Clouds of doubt and regret reminded him once again why he was getting closer to him. But did he go too far with the kiss? I mean, if the relationship was gonna end soon, why was he putting so much dedication into it?

"Can I have the cup please?" Zhongli pointed at the osmanthus tea on the bedside table. Childe handed it to him and watched his still red and swollen lips from all the nibbling Childe gave him sip delicately at the cup. Childe got out and turned on some relaxing music, which mostly consisted of romantic jazz music. He then retreated back to the comfort of the dim and warmth of Zhongli. Snuggling up next to the male, Childe began telling him all about Snezhnaya and his family. Zhongli listened as he told of landscapes of ice and snow, weather so cold you could freeze to death if one stopped in their tracks for too long, tall snowy peaks and the marvel of a palace named Zapolyarny Palace that belonged to Tsaritsa's family. When Zhongli drained the last of the osmanthus tea he had, Childe got up to refill.

"Do you want anything else babe?" Childe looked back as he was about to leave the room. Seeing his chance to get back at Childe, Zhongli answered.

"Y-You..." Hugging his knees to his chest, Zhongli pulled all the tricks he knew. Pouting, making sure to slightly let his lip quiver, doe eyes and a soft and gentle whisper. It worked. In those 5 seconds of silence, Childe experienced at least 20 different emotions. His mind was telling him to comply and join him in snuggling but his dick told him to pin Zhongli down and fuck him till the sun rises. Trying to form a proper sentence while controlling his dick was hard. Literally.

"I-I...w-what...h-hot...Zhongli...f-fuck...u-uh" Childe was failing miserably at forming a sentence while not expressing what his dick was saying. "I'LL GET SOME THINGS FROM THE STORE AND THEN WHY DON'T WE WATCH A MOVIE?! YOUR CHOICE! OK, BYE!"

"Uh...bye?" Zhongli barely uttered a word before Childe bolted out of the room. Ignoring what his roommates were asking him, he made a dash straight for the store. When he was at the counter with several ointments, bandages and food, as well as the osmanthus tea that he loved so much, Childe got his wallet ready to pay when the cashier spoke.

"Do you know Zhongli?" The person behind the counter was a male slightly taller than Childe, with short greyish hair and certain parts of it were tipped green, turquoise eyes, man boobs slightly showing in his white button up and hand covered in gold rings. Childe noticed that one of them matched the one of the regular rings that Zhongli usually wears.

"How do you know him?" Childe had finished packing everything in the plastic bags and took out his wallet.

"He's my friend. I'm Al'Haitham. Since my shift is ending, can I see him?" The man adjusted his obviously too small shirt before giving Childe his change.

"I don't see why not?" Childe walked out of the store and waited for Al'Haitham.

"Childe..." A familiar feminine voice entered the scene. Eyes red from all the crying, voice hoarse from all the wailing, Lumine looked in no right shape. "You still love me...right?"

"Lumine! What are you saying? Of course I love you! You will always be my one and only!" Childe darted towards Lumine, pulling her into a tight hug.

"But...him...He was...YOU KISSED HIM!" Lumine pushed Childe off her and stomped her foot to show her frustration at him.

"Girlie..." Childe went back to try and reason with her but instead, white hot pain greeted him. Nails grazed his cheek and angry sobs replaced the soft and scared tone of Lumine.

"Have you ever considered whether or not I wanted to be yours? No! Did you ever think that...that...THAT BITCH WOULD EVER MAKE ME UPSET? NO!" Lumine started to attempt to hit Childe but failed miserably as she was blinded by both fury and tears. In the end, she stormed off, leaving Childe with a red cheek and no words. Deciding not to think about it all, Childe continued to wait for Al'Haitham.

Words: 902

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