[✔️] Beautiful | YuWin

By shotarowrowrowurboat

52.9K 2.8K 924

ABO | Alpha! Sicheng x Alpha! Yuta The top students and captains of Western NCIT and Eastern NCIT Universi... More

四十二 New Years Special


1K 71 12
By shotarowrowrowurboat

Yuta froze. His heart skipped a beat —or two. He was trying to process what the other had said. Sicheng apologized. And not just for the incident today- but for– for everything. Some of which wasn't even his fault. He took part in advancing their rivalry, he was the one who got snappy first and lashed out first because he was sensitive of his subgender and presenting late. And it didn't help that both of them let their parents unconscious influence them, no matter how much they disliked their parents, there was only so much they could not let get in their heads when all their lives they've been told that the other was no good, that they have to beat him.

His mind swam in thoughts, processing all the words the other just said, apologizing for how they were —He froze. Wait. Did he just say- that he's in love with me? "I- You're in love, with me?" He sputtered in shock, looking at the Chinese.

   "Yea..." the taller breathed out in a quiet, soft voice that tremble, as if afraid to be speaking to him, but despite his seeming hesitation he raised a hand and gentle fingers wiped away wet, stray tears he hadn't meant to cause. "I just," Sicheng sighed, struggling to come up with words. "I never knew how to express it... much less with another alpha. I'm sorry."

The fingers gently gliding across his cheek were soft and careful. Should I tell him I like him too... what'll happen then? He brought his own hand up to wipe away his tears. "Sicheng..." he whispered, and the Chinese had to lean in a bit. He bit his lip, "I... like you too."

   Yuta watched how Sicheng's face contorted into confusion, disbelief, "What... you do?" he asked. "After all of this?"

   He looks away towards the window. "Yeah, I think. I'm not sure... with how, things have been recently I'm not really sure what to think, there too much stress going on." He saw Sicheng nod agreeing from the corner of his eye. "But I do... feel something." he admitted.

They sat silently for a minute, neither talking, feeling nervous, fingers fidgeting on the edges of the sheets. Yuta looked over when Sicheng spoke up, "I really do like you Yuta, but.... We're already mated but our bond is shit, and my wolf... my inner wolf doesn't recognize you as my mate well, if at all —if it did, it wouldn't have attacked you earlier." Sicheng explain loosely. "I'm not sure what to do about that; my wolf views you as another rival alpha and I'm sort of..." he twisted his mouth, not quite sure what to say.

"Scared?" Yuta supplied with a nod. "I know what you mean, mines been the same, though it accepts it a tiny bit, but that might just be me, in don't know."

"Yeah, I feel you... I think... we should wait until we get back to figure things out, we still have the competition to do." Sicheng reminded.

"Yeah..." Yuta nodded, looking down at his hands, then he jolted his head up, "Wait, who won the match?" he asked.

"We finished in a tie."


"Yeah. But both our teams passed so we're both going to the finals next month."

   "Oh shit."

   After their conversation, they both sat in a comfortable silence, both staring at their hands on the edge of the beds that were a few centimeters apart, perhaps debating holding hands? Who knows, as suddenly Taeyong burst through the door.

   "Okay it's been way too long—" the Korean looked between the two foreigners who had startled, jolting back from each other, but there was no blood, no tears, but Taeyong was still skeptical. "Is... everything alright...?"

   "Yup." Yuta confirmed, giving him a thumbs up. "All good."

   Sicheng could feel Taeyong's stare on him so he stood up, "I'll go I guess..." he glanced towards Yuta who looked like he wanted to something but was biting his lip to not to. "I'll see you soon?"

   "Yeah, see you soon."

   With a lighter feeling in his chest, Sicheng made his way out, ignoring Taeyong's slight glare, and called a Uber to head back to the hotel.


   A light knock sounded on his door. Sicheng paused the video he was watching and looked at his phones time, "Who the fuck- it's midnight..." sighing, he got up, a joint or two cracking from the suddenly movement, and headed towards the door.

   Upon opening the door, he was met with a familiar thai omega. "Heeeey-"

   "Ten, it's fucking midnight." Sicheng grumbled with a yawn.

   With a smile that seemed way too energized for midnight, "I haven't been free for a couple of hours," his smile faded to a more serious expression, a gentler one. "I wanted to talk to you about today, I just want to make sure you're okay and that everything'll be alright."

   Glancing at the clock on the wall, he sighed. He didn't quite feel like talked about that days events, but it's better sooner than later, right? Plus, after being able to speak with Yuta in a more levelheaded manner, he feels... more open to talk. "Sure, come in. Want anything? I got some snacks."

   "Got any popcorn or tea?" Ten asked with a grin.

   Sicheng looked at him with a raised brow. "... I'm afraid I have neither of those options, and I don't think this whole fiasco is something you should be eating popcorn while listening to nor drink tea."

   "How sad," Ten said, walking into the hotel room and quickly settling down cross legged on one of the armchair. "Anything will do anyways, I'm here to listen, not to eat."

   Sicheng looked at him.

   "Okay maybe a little, but mainly to listen."



Tell me if the story has taken too much of a 180 turn, am I turning their characters around too much? Imma make sure it isn't too drastic, I still got plans to make YuWin a bit still hostile, but rn what do y'all think about this last few chapters and how they're acting?

Sorry it's taken like, over a month, I apologize sincerely, I've been busy getting used to school, marching band, clubs, time for homework, and sleeping at a reasonable hour —usually I write around 11pm-3am, but I've been trying to sleep around 11pm-12:30am to try to get around 7ish hours of sleep so I haven't had as much time to write.

I know I said I'd update every other week but I haven't kept that up, and I'm sorry for the short chapter, I'll make sure the next chapter will be longer and worth the wait, I promise.

I hope you guys enjoyed this and that you had a good month


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