The 100-Season 3

JustDrum tarafından

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Can Clarke ever forget the death and pain she has caused? Will Bellamy help her rise from the hole of guilt s... Daha Fazla

May We Meet Again
Rescued from the Hallucination
Authors Note
Authors Note
Authors Note
Authors Note
Authors Note
Lets Go
The Past Is Repeating?
Help/Authors Note
At First Sight
The Gesture

Arguing and Healing

618 20 6
JustDrum tarafından

Abby takes a deep breath, gathering her thoughts, and marches in, embarrassment colouring her cheeks.
Clarke hears footsteps behind her and pulls away from Bellamy, casting a smile at him. She turns around and she flushes, embarrassed when she sees her mother standing behind them. "M-m-mom! What-I mean, I-" she stutters. Abby holds up her hand.
"I don't want to hear it Clarke. You made yourself very clear earlier, very clear that we couldn't talk about... about... this!" she says, gesturing between Clarke and Bellamy. "No, that's... that's not what I meant!" Clarke says, trying desperately to gain her trust back.
"Well, what did you mean then?!" Abby asks. Clarke snaps.
"Why do you have to be so childish about this?!" she screeches, ignoring the question.
"You are the child here, you both are still children!" Abby shouts, shifting her glare to Bellamy.
"You're wrong" he says.
"We stopped being children the day you sent us down here to die!" Clarke cries, storming past.
"Clarke. Clarke!" Bellamy calls, going after her, avoiding Abby's glare. Abby screws up her eyes, sinking to the floor. She clutches her head, thinking, 'Why? Why do I lose everyone I love?! First my own husband, now my daughter!'
Bellamy catches Clarke's hand, pulling her to a stop. "I'm sorry about... what happened back there. It was my fault. I shouldn't have-" Clarke cuts him off with her lips. "Hey, don't say that Bellamy" she whispers. Bellamy starts to reply but stops mid-sentence and darts to a figure being carried to the infirmary. "Octavia?!" he exclaims in a hushed voice. Clarke runs over.
"What happened?!" she asks, taking in the sight of Octavia's wounded arm, her laboured breathing.
"I don't know! I just found her lying outside the gates!" the guy carrying her, replies.
"We need to get her inside, quickly" Clarke orders. She rushes in, with the guy trailing behind.
"What's your name?" she asks him as they near the medical room.
"It's Euan" he informs her.
"Well, Euan, I'm sure Octavia will be grateful that you were there" Clarke tells him as she enters the room. She ignores Abby's shocked expression and rips the sheets off a bed. "Place her on here" she says. Abby hurries over.
"What happened?"
"I don't know" Clarke replies bluntly. Bellamy holds onto his sister's hand.
"Will she be ok?" he asks, the anxiety clear in his voice.
"I... I'm not sure Bellamy" Clarke says, keeping her eyes lowered. "I need everyone out of here!" she calls, not giving him a chance to respond. Everyone except Bellamy and Abby leave the room. Clarke turns to her mother. "Mom, I'll be fine, I can do this." Abby nods curtly and leaves.
Clarke faces Bellamy, taking one look at his stubborn features, knowing he won't leave. "You can stay, as long as you don't freak out and distract me when I proceed with the operation" she warns. Bellamy smirks faintly.
"I don't 'freak out', Princess."
Clarke turns back to Octavia. She takes a closer look at the arrow embedded in her skin. With it's black, matted feathers and it's dark, splintered wood, Clarke can tell it is grounder made. 'I need to get it out without damaging her arm further' she thinks. She grabs a cloth, ready to stop the bleeding, and gently pulls on the arrow. It makes a noise painful to hear, but comes out with a surprising amount of ease. Clarke places the weapon to the side and presses the cloth firmly against the blood gushing wound. "Bellamy, can you pass me those sheets off the bed?" Clarke says. Bellamy swiftly hands them to her, and she wraps it tightly around the wound. After checking that it's secure, she lets out a breath and turns to Bellamy. "That was one of my quickest procedures I've ever performed on the ground" Clarke sighs.
Bellamy smiles gratefully at her. "It's like you go into a different world. You block out everything else apart from you and the patient. It's... amazing" he says.
Clarke blushes slightly. "You flatter me, Bellamy Blake, but, trust me, I am not that good" she grins. Bellamy steps closer.
"Trust me, Clarke Griffin, when I say you are" he replies, grinning as well.
This time it is Clarke that brings her lips up to meet his. She feels him smile and wrap his arms around her waist, deepening the kiss.
Octavia feels a throbbing pain in her arm and slowly opens her eyes. The brightness of the room attacks her pupils, so she narrows her eyes. Peering around from under her eyelashes, she realises where she is. The infirmary. Turning her head, Octavia spots two people in the room.
She squints at them, and a small cry of surprise escapes her lips. 'Bellamy?! Clarke?!' she thinks, stunned. They break apart at her cry and rush over. "Octavia! Are you ok? Is the pain that bad?!" Clarke questions.
"Wha- no, no, no, it's fine... It's just... I didn't expect to see... that!" Octavia exclaims. Bellamy grabs her hand.
"Thank god you're alive, O!" he says. Clarke immediately asks her what happened.
"I... I went out and an arrow came from nowhere and hit me!" Octavia explains, leaving out a part.
Bellamy frowns at her, not buying it. "Why did you go out, Octavia?" he queries.
"I went to... find Emerson" she mutters. Before they can interject, she continues. "Look, he needs to be found, and killed. He is a threat to us, and we can't afford any more enemies!"
Bellamy and Clarke sit silently for a moment. "Octavia's right. We need to eliminate the enemies while we can" Clarke decides, looking at Bellamy for confirmation. He nods. "You're a warrior now,O. You can handle things now, right?" he asks. Octavia refrains from rolling her eyes. "Always so protective, Bell!" she grins.
It was settled. They'd go looking for Emerson, with or without the Chancellor's command.

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