Make me remember (to forget)

By -thescientist

24.2K 1.5K 798

From the heart of New York City to the middle of nowhere in the Lebanese mountains, this is a story about the... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60

Chapter 61

334 16 4
By -thescientist


I walk into the office, feeling extra agitated today. It's not a good day to annoy me because I'm already on edge.

In other words, today is not a good day to have the trash can full at seven thirty in the morning, or Mel's desk filled with papers that she should have finished filing yesterday. 

I sigh before slamming the door of my office behind me. I have no energy for this whatsoever. I can't help but look back at my phone. My heart squeezes in my chest uncomfortably. Still no reply from Logan. 

The last time I heard from him was the day before yesterday. He just sent me a Goodnight with a sunflower emoji. So yeah... I feel clingy and frustrated and... And I miss him, goddamn it. Where is he? Why did he stop answering?

I know that he just started his summer break. I know that he must be letting out some steam or whatever. But I can't help but think that he might be with someone else. That  he... 

God, I keep breaking my own heart. Over and over again. I should stop thinking about him. We're not together. He can do whatever he wants. 

I groan before placing my phone inside the drawer. That's it, no more mopping. I need to get some work done. I pull out my laptop and start reviewing a couple of proposals. My eyes every now and then turn to the drawer but I force myself to stay focused.

That's until my door knocks at around ten. I look up only to find Mel. 

"Did you just get here?"

"Uh... yeah?"

"Work hours start at eight sharp."

She bites her lips. "Em, come on, it's Friday."

I shake my head. "I don't care. And you didn't even complete the filing yesterday."

She narrows her eyes at me. "That's because you gave them to me yesterday at four and work hours end at four!"

I let out a long exhale. "Why are you still here? Get to work. And please ask Sabine and Josh to lower their voices."

I ignore her rolling her eyes at me before she slams the door. I hear her say, She's fighting with her boyfriend again, guys, so try not to get fired. 

Typical Mel. 

I fight the urge to correct her by saying he's not my boyfriend. Yes, we have been texting each other non-stop for the past six months. We have hour-long phone calls. He's the first person I call whenever something good happens to me. He's also the first person I call if something bad happens. 

Am I completely head over heels in love with him? Absolutely. Does he know that? No, and I will never let him know because I don't want to lose him. I know he's not seeing anyone but maybe that was because of school. Now that it's summer, I surely can't expect things to stay the same...

And I know that I broke all my rules for him. That I don't get attached. That I keep people at a distance. I know that, goddamn it. But I can't do it with him. I sigh when I check that he still has not replied. 

I hope he's okay... 

I place my head on my desk, trying to ease the headache that forms every time I think about him. 

That's until I hear screams coming from outside. Jesus Christ, what the fuck is up with this office today?

I walk outside, only to find Sabine jumping, Melanie and Josh suffocating someon- No. 

No, no, no. 

He's not here. 

He can't be here. 

It's not him. 

Holy fucking shit. 

Piercing green eyes meet mine. My heart might beat out of my chest. I forget about Josh or Mel or Sabine or the fact that I'm in the office. 

He's here. 

His soft gaze pierces through my soul before I find myself in his arms. Strong, warm arms engulf me and I'm overwhelmed by the feeling of being home again. God, I miss him. I miss him so much it hurts. 

My brain finally starts working and forces my arms to wrap themselves around his torso, as my ears rest on his beating heart. His lips press on my forehead, making butterflies errupt in my stomach. 

Oh, those butterflies that I absolutely loathed only a year ago. "You came," I manage to make out.

He grins. "What, did you think I was going to spend my summer annoying the fuck out of you through the phone? I need to do it in person."

I bite back my laugh but before I could say anything, Sabine jumps in. 

"I just remembered that I need to take the day off today."

"Me too, we have that uh, thing together," Mel cuts her off.

I shake my head at them, knowing fully that they are just abusing the fact that I'm overpsyched with the fact that Logan is here. However, I'm too happy to argue. "Fine. I need to show Logan around, anyway."

"We have plans for Monday too. So I guess you guys can take Monday off," Logan adds. 

I glare at him. "Don't push it."

But that only makes his smirk grow wider before he pulls me to his chest again. "I forgot how fiesty you can get sometimes," He murmurs, and I suppress my smile. 

"Come, I'll show you the renovations we did to the football field."

I try to ignore my stomach flipping when his fingers intertwine with mine as he says his goodbyes to the team and we walk out. 

"This place has not changed one bit," He says. 

"Well, we did spend around twenty thousand dollars on rennovations so that's offensive."

He laughs. "I wouldn't believe that you spent twenty-thousand dollars if I see it with my own eyes."

I roll my eyes. "Fine, it was more like fifteen thousand."

"That's my girl."

My  heart skips a beat when he says that, but I ignore it. I ignore it because of the look on his face when he sees the field. 

"Holy shit, that looks insane."

"You like?"

"I like? I love! Even the quality of the turf is sick." He says as his fingers graze the ground. 

My lips turn upward. "I told you that we spent fifteen k on this."

He shakes his head. "The quality is insane. I gotta admit, I might believe you."

When his eyes meet mine again, my tongue is caught in my throat. There's just something about him standing here, on the field where he was our coach just less than a year ago, in the place where I very much fell in love with him that makes my gut wrench. 

Flashbacks of us swirl me as I walk closer to him, until inches separate us. Flashbacks of us fighting, screaming our hearts out at one another. Flashbacks of us singing our hearts out to 90s rock music. Of us spilling secrets, standing up for one another, falling in love over and over again. 

Maybe he leans in closer. Maybe I do. I don't know. At this moment, it's hard to think. It's hard to breathe when our lips are inches a part. When I can do this - When I press my lips on his, and my soul is on fire again. 

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