Rey de Narcos (King of Narcos)

By NadineJoyBrown

105K 4.7K 2.9K

Twenty six year old Aaliyah McCallen is an accountant working at the biggest accounting office in Buena Vista... More

1. Meeting El Jefe
2. Truth Revealed
3. Meeting Abuela
4. The Big Tour
5. Meeting the Families
6. Surprise!
7. Aaliyah's Birthday
8. Mr & Mrs. Castillo
9. The Honeymooners
10. Buena Vista Reunion
11. Hit Her Up
12. La Fiesta
13. Blackmail
14. Juarez, Mexico
15. Drive-By
16. Birthday Blues
17. The Aftermath
18. Return of Carolina
19. Payback's a Bitch
20. Family Meeting
21. An Offer You Can't Refuse
22. Elizabeth Castillo
23. Death Wish
24. Security
25. Vacation
26. Costa Rica
27. Birthday Party
28. Expensive Gifts
29. Kidnapped
30. Lost & Found
31. Adoption
32. Trouble in Paradise
33. Major News
34. Compromise
35. Changes
36. Misconceptions
37. My Apologies
39. Deep Cover
40. Liar
41. Birth
42. Regretful
43. Four Year Anniversary
44. ¡Gemelos!
45. Invasion
46. Just Do
47. Speak No Evil
48. Truth Revealed
49. Welcome Twins
50. The Sit Down
51. Plan in Action
52. First Day
53. The Squatter
54. Hostile Decoration
55. Charity
56. The Raid
57. Another One
58. Christmas Surprise
59. The New Takeover
60. Prodigal Father
61. Kaboom!
62. Cocaína, Arizona
63. Game Over
64. The Eyes Never Lie
65. Worth It
66. Hurry Home
67. A Brother in Need
68. Big Mistake
69. Warning
70. Missing You
71. Honors
72. Locked Up
73. Marta's Deal
74. No F'n Way
75. The Genesis
76. The Babysitters
77. Respeta al Diablo
78. New School
79. Miranda and Who?
80. Pimps Up.
81. Insecurities
82. New Friend
83. New Highs
84. Come Over
85. Congratulations
86. Future Plans
87. Exposure
88. Back to Me
89. Target Practice
90. Crush On You
91. Tres Hermanos
92. Javi, Aaliyah & Usher
93. What a Blessing
94. From the Heart
95. I Love Aaliyah
96. Cold as Ice
97. Risky Business
98. Javi Against The World
99. Revelations
100. Jodido
101. Night Out on the Town
102. Apart of the Plan
103. Special Delivery
104. Fantasy
105. Going Back to Adelaide
106. Construction Begins
107. The Grand Finale
108. The Grand Finale Part II
109. Girls Weekend
110. The Rightful Champion
111. The Big Return
112. Welcome, Welcome
113. Sleepover
114. Poison
115. Deals
116. Meraki
117. The Godmother
118. Family Dinner
119. Rescue
120: Brother in-law
121: Family Embrace
122: Dead Man
123. Room 321

38. Abuela's Revenge

901 39 40
By NadineJoyBrown

"You're getting bigger everyday." Javi proudly smiled as he rubbed Aaliyah's protruding belly

"Yeah I'm already at three months and it's like I'm carrying a bowling ball around my stomach and my boobs are so heavy already."

"I personally don't see it as a problem, you look gorgeous to me." He said as he began kissing her on the neck

"I'm glad that you still find me attractive even if I look like a walking hippo."

"Don't say that about yourself, you look nothing like that. Looks don't matter to me at this point, you're having a baby, and what's important is that you and our baby are healthy."

"Speaking of healthy, one of the tenants from the third floor, Lena made a green bean casserole. Now I've never heard of that before and to be honest it looked really gross and smelled, I didn't eat it. I put some on a plate and told her I'd try it on my lunch break and I threw it away."

"You didn't throw it away in front of her did you?"

"No, I went to the back and threw it away. Whatever kind of cheese she put in their was making me gag, I don't even know if anyone tried it or not. But she's a sweet woman and she meant well, but that casserole was just not it."

"How are things with you and Veronica?" He asked as she sighed

"It's alright, we're not best friends or anything like that but we do speak to each other and she is helpful. If I reach or bend to get something she'll get it for me. She also got me a bouquet of white roses and chocolates and I'm not gonna lie, I ate the whole thing in about ten minutes." She giggled

"That's good it's nice to hear you two are at least being cordial."

"Did you say something to her?"

"No I did not."

"Then why out of all the flowers why'd she get me white roses which are my favorite, you only know that."

"I told you that I would talk to Tom and I did just that. I'm sure he told her about the flowers you like, but I haven't said a word to Veronica regarding you."

"What did you say to him, he honestly looked like he was being held hostage or something. I wanted to ask him to blink two times if he was in any danger." She said as Javi chuckled

"Tom is the type to worry easily, but he works well under stressful situations and I actually enjoy his company sometimes." He said as his phone went off and he looked at it

"You have to leave?"

"No it's Liz, she sent me her new drawing she did."

"Giving her that iPad was probably the worst thing you could've ever done." She said as he sighed

"Yeah I know, but I just feel bad sometimes that I have to leave her alone with the nanny all day. At least she can call me or send me pictures of her stuff. She FaceTimed me last week crying, I asked her what was wrong and she said that Greta was being mean and made her eat her broccoli."

"I told you the day we brought her home from the hospital and you sat up and held her all night, you were creating a monster and what did you say? Oh no babe she'll be fine, she won't give us any trouble. Well you were half right, she gives me no trouble but she knows that if she runs to daddy, you'll give in and get whatever she's whining about."

"I don't give her everything."

"Daddy, I want a new princess tiara, and you bought her one with real diamonds in it. Daddy, I want a new playhouse, you had a two story playhouse built in the backyard. Daddy, I want a goldfish, and you buy an aquarium fish tank, and that's just within the past month, need I go on?"

"Okay so maybe I do give in easily to her and yes I'll admit it's not good for her in the long run to have everything handed to her, but I just can't help it at times. I didn't have anything as a kid and I want her to be happy and not miserable like I was."

"There's nothing wrong with giving her nice things but in moderation. Just because she asked for it doesn't mean she has to get it, or at least at that moment. Plus we're having another child and she's not gonna be an only child anymore, so she's gonna have to learn that it's not gonna be solely about her anymore. Your attention will be shared and she can't always have it her way."

"You're right, I'm gonna have to let her know that she can't always get what she wants."

"And actually stick to your word and not give in an hour later."

"I will, I promise it's gonna be hard but I can do it."

"Don't worry dear it won't kill you to say no." She said giving him a kiss as he sighed

"I don't know, I think I'd rather get shot again than say no."

"Imagine that, a ruthless cartel leader afraid of his two year old daughter. I have truly seen it all."

"I'm actually more afraid of you than anything. The word no for you doesn't exist and I pray I never have to tell you no, so Liz gets it from her mother." He said as she looked at him

"Really now? You're afraid of me?"

"Yes, paying you alone is already five times over what I originally wanted to spend on staff. But I'm not complaining about it because you wanted it this way and I'm happy to oblige, and so I don't have to sleep on the couch for the next five years." He said as she held his face in her hand and kissed him

"I would've eventually let you back in, who else is going to rub my feet when I don't feel like it, especially now I can't bend like I'd want to."

"I'll be happy to rub your feet."

"Great, because I have been running around all day and it just seems like I won't stop."

Later that night it was dinner time as abuela came over to eat with them as she normally does at least once a week
"Abuela, did you see my pictures on the refrigerator?" Liz asked

"I sure did sweetheart, they are so beautiful. You are one little artist. Will you make one for your future brother or sister?"

"Yes ma'am, mommy even let me pick out their room and I have their picture up."

"Oh how sweet." Abuela said giving Liz a kiss on the head
"Have you two came up with any names?"

"Javi pretty much has all the girls names."

"And what about the boys?"

Javi shook his head, "We haven't gotten that far yet."

"Why is that?"

"He doesn't want any boys." Aaliyah said

"Not true, I would love to have boys but Aaliyah wanted to name one of them after me which is what I don't want."

"Why not? You have a beautiful name."

"Do we really need another Javier in the family? I believe we can be a bit more creative than that."

"When will the creativity start to kick in? It's three months now but the baby will be here before you know it."

"Once we know the gender we'll have a name for it."

"I'm just so happy for the both of you, you have a beautiful family already and more to come, I can't wait. And speaking of wait, I didn't know you were having the contractor over at the house this early, I was expecting them for another two weeks." She said as Javi momentarily stopped eating

"What contractor?"

"You remember I told you about my stove and dishwasher went out and you said you'd get it replaced and have the kitchen remodeled. I wasn't going to start moving my stuff out until next week but they came the other day. Anyway, I paid them to take the stove out."

"I had already paid them."

"Oh, I didn't know well that's okay, they were very nice gentleman and they deserved the extra."

After dinner was over, abuela was getting ready to go as Javi helped her put her sweater on. "Thank you hijo, as always I had a wonderful time with you, Aaliyah and little miss Elizabeth."

"We always enjoy your company abuela." Javi said as he kissed her forehead

"You have a good night, we will see you again soon." Aaliyah said as she gave her a hug

"You too dear and stay off of these feet as much as you can."

"Bye abuela, I'll miss you."

"Oh darling I'll miss you too. Don't you worry I'll be over to see you again."

"Have a good night and if you need anything call me." Javi said as one of his bodyguards took her home.

As soon as she left, Javi looks at his watch and hurriedly walked off to his office. "Sweetie go upstairs and get your pajamas I'll be up in a second."

"Yes ma'am." She said as Liz went upstairs while Aaliyah went down the back hallway to Javi's office. He was sitting on the side of his desk, talking on the phone with an angry look on his face

"Quiero saber quién diablos estaba allí."
(I want to know who the fuck was over there.)

"Sabes qué, ni siquiera te preocupes por eso. Me enteraré yo mismo." He said as he hung up the phone
(You know what, don't even worry about it. I'll find out myself.)

"Babe, everything okay?" She asked as he got up from the desk and gave her a kiss

"Everything's fine mi amor, I'll be back in a few."

"Where are you going?"

"I have a very important house call to make, don't worry I won't be long." He said walking past her and soon out of the house to the garage

"Did abuela say that they came back to finish?" Mateo asked as Javi went and picked him up

"No, all she said was that they moved out the stove and she paid them."

"Did she say how much?"

"No but knowing her it was probably double than what I originally paid." Javi said as Mateo checked the magazine in his gun and loaded it up

"Would you like for me to shoot?"

"Yeah, no doubt the others are in the back." Javi said as they pulled up to the building and walked inside

"Javier, I'm really sorry about the miscommunication that happened, I promise it won't happen again." While Jim was talking, Javi completely ignored him and walked to the back and a spray of gunshots rung out

He came back up front as Jim shakily tried to stand up but Mateo pushed him back down. "I asked you for one simple thing, and that's remodel my grandma's kitchen. I didn't ask you to come early, or ask for money."

"She wanted to pay us and she heavily insisted."

"You should've told her that I had already paid and don't take the money. Now, I've come to get the money back."

"I uh, unfortunately I can't give it back to you."

"And why not?"

"It's already in the company account and I can't go in and get it until Todd approves." He said as Javi rubbed his face and deeply sighed

"Jim, I'm going to burn every single one of your family member's house down until I've done enough damage to equal what she gave you and then I will find Todd and personally castrate him and make him eat his own balls."

"Listen Javier, you don't have to do this."

"Oh yes I do because apparently you're not understanding how serious I am right now."

"I do, really. You don't have to go to that extreme." He said as Javi sat down in front of him

"For fifteen years I've watched people like you take advantage of my grandma, use and abuse her and yet she has such a good heart that she never stopped helping others. I've seen her cry her eyes out, beg people like you for help and what did they do? Completely rip her off or disregarded her. My heart would ache to see my grandma being constantly taken advantage of and I take it personally when anyone does my sweet abuela any wrong, so now you must pay."

"I'm very sorry about this whole thing. I promise we'll have everything straightened out for you, just please forgive me I deeply apologize."

"It's too late, she's already dead." Javi said while staring Jim in the eyes

"Who?" He asked as Jim's phone started ringing as he sadly looked at the screen

"Answer it." Jim answered the phone as it was his mother on the phone crying, and telling him about his house being burned down and his wife was dead

Suddenly he heard gunshots in the background and his mom screaming and then complete silence. "Mom? Hello?" Jim said as no one answered and the phone went dead

"I'll give Todd your best regards." Javi said standing up to leave and Mateo shot Jim on the side of the head, instantly killing him


I think we can all agree, there will be no messing around with abuela😬

Do you agree with Aaliyah that Javi is creating a monster within Elizabeth.

How will she begin to react once the new baby arrives and also what do you think they're having?🤔

I appreciate you all for coming back and reading this chapter and I hope you've enjoyed.

Let me know what you think and I'll catch you all on the next update and as always be breezy,

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