"You're cute~" [Verosika Mayd...

Od Cheems019

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Ah, Hell. Aint it a place. There are Imps, Succubi, overlords and, you, a condeemed sinner. You have been dea... Více

Read me?
Chapter 1: New job, new beginning
Chapter 2: How have you not heard of Verosika Mayday!?
Chapter 3: Fired, again
Chapter 4: Concert Preparation
Chapter 6: A day out with Verosika Mayday
Chapter 7: A drink filled night
Chapter 8: A hard decision
Chapter 9: Tell everyone
Chapter 10: Meeting the Goetias
Chapter 11: Date night...In the human world
Chapter 12: Sick day
Chapter 13: The Goetia birthday
Chapter 14: Love n' Lust (18+)
Chapter 15: A day in the human world
New episoooode
Lets. Fucking. Go.
Chapter 15.5: Halloween in Hell
More Hazbin news!
Chapter 16: Moving in
Chapter 17: The beach
Chapter 17.5: Christmas...In Hell?
My return. (And discord server)
Chapter 18: Guys night
Chapter 19: Double date
Chapter 20: Lustful Acts. (18+)
Chapter 21: The Hazbin Hotel
Chapter 22: Anniversary
Chapter 23: The Forever Flame of Love (Final)

Chapter 5: The concert

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Od Cheems019

So, Verosika is starting to show her true colours towards you. She was only acting all nice so she could gain your trust and now she's, to put it simply, bullying you. You dont know why she's bullying you now but if you end up asking her, she would probably call you a slur. You have been afraid to go into work because of Verosika, but luckily you havent had to deal with her for the last week because she gave you a week off to get prepared for her concert.

You wake up at 10 AM, like usual. You wake up in a good mood because you think you still dont have to go into work. You check your phone to see that its actually the day of the concert and you have to go to work in half an hour. This has quickly put you in a bad mood.

Y/n: FUCK!

You angrily jump out of bed and punch a wall


You look down at your knuckles and notice that they're bleeding.

Y/n: For fuck sake... I should wrap up my knuckles...

You open your closet and put on some casual clothes. You walk out of your room and you walk into the kitchen. You open a drawer and pull out some bandages and you wrap your knuckles with them.

Y/n: There, better...(sigh) I should probably get to work...

You leave your apartment and start making your way to work. On your walk to work, you keep hoping that maybe, just maybe, Verosika wont bully you.

You eventually make it to the parking lot and you see Verosika and her posse standing around a big transportation van with boxes of musical insturments around it.

Verosika: Finally, Y/n's here! I thought you fuckin' died bitch! Now, get over here and pack these boxes, fucktard!

Y/n: (sigh) Okay Verosika...

You walk over to the van and you start packing boxes into the back of the van. This is a hard job for you because the musical stuff is heavy and you're a pretty scrawny guy.

Y/n: Fuck, are these boxes filled with musical stuff or fucking bricks!?

Vortex: Do you need some help, dude?

Y/n: N-no, im fine Tex.

Ace: Are you sure little guy? You look like you're really struggling.

Y/n: Im fucking fine! This is my fucking job! You Worry about yours and i'll worry about mine!

Vortex: Sweet Lucifer! Chill out man!

Ace: Yeah, chill the fuck out dude!

Y/n: (sigh) Im sorry guys...Im just a little stressed right now...

Vortex: If you dont mind me asking, why are you stressed?

Y/n: Well, its just Verosika...

Vortex: Verosika? What about her?

Y/n: Well...She's started bullying me for no reason! And she was only acting nice to me originaly so that the pain of her bullying me would sting more!

Vortex: Oh really...I think i have a reason why she's being like that towards you...

Y/n: Really? Tell me!

Vortex: Maybe now isnt a good time. Just finish packing the boxes so we can go.

Y/n: Alright Tex.

You finish up packing the boxes. Vortex gets in the driver's seat of the van and Verosika sits beside him, while the rest of the posse get in the back of the van. The only seat available is the seat beside Verosika so you get in the van and sit beside her.

Verosika: Ugh, do i really have to sit beside this loser?

Y/n: Listen Verosika, it was the only seat available...I-im sorry, if saying that helps at all.

Verosika: Ugh, whatever. Just dont annoy me bitch.

Y/n: I want planning on it...

Vortex starts up the van and starts driving.

Y/n: Tex, how long is it gonna be until we get to the beach?

Vortex: An hour, roughly.

Y/n: Ah, okay. So Verosika, how long are you planning on performing for?

Verosika: You're already annoying me.

Y/n: Oh, sorry...

Verosika: But i'll answer your question anyway. Im going to perform for 3 hours.

Y/n: Oh okay. Nice.

After half an hour of driving, Verosika slowly rests her head on your shoulder as she scrolls on her phone. You start to blush heavily.

Verosika: Dont think this as anything. Your shoulder is just really comfy.

Y/n: O-okay, j-just rest there as l-long as you w-want.

Verosika: Shut up Y/n.

Y/n: S-sorry...

You all eventually make to the stage on the beach. Vortex stops driving and gets out of the van while the rest of the posse get out of the van too. Verosika is still resting on your shoulder and is almost falling asleep.

Y/n: Um, Verosika, W-wake up. We're h-here.

Verosika: Mmmf...Ugh...I wasnt even sleeping, so dont tell me to wake up bitch.

Y/n: S-sorry.

You get out of the van and Verosika follows behind you.

Verosika: Okay Y/n. Go and unpack the boxes while me and the sluts go over and get ready on the stage.

Y/n: Got it.

Verosika and her posse walk over to the stage while you walk over to the back of the van and start unpacking the boxes.

Y/n: Fuck, did these things get heavier!?

You finish up unpacking the boxes and taking them over to the stage.

Y/n: Phew...There, heres all of your guy's insturments.

Verosika: Thanks, bitch.

Kiki: Hey Verosika, is the profanity towards Y/n really needed?

Verosika: Very much so. Okay Y/n, go down to the front of the stage to do your security work with Tex. We're gonna start performing in five minutes

Y/n: Okay Verosika.

You walk down to bottom of the stage to meet Vortex.

Vortex: Sup Y/n.

Y/n: Whats up Tex. So, how do we do this?

Vortex: Its honestly a pretty easy job. If any demons come anywhere near the stage, you punch the shit out of them, got it?

Y/n: Got it.

You look out infront of you and you see a massive audience of demons.

Y/n: Damn, it looks like Verosika wasnt lying. There really is about 800,000 demons here today.

Vortex: Yeah its crazy. I think its the biggest audience ive seen in a while.

Verosika and her posse walk on stage and the audience starts to go wild.

Verosika: Hello demons of hell! I hope you're ready for a long day of listening to my songs!

Audience: (excited noises or something, man idk)

Verosika: And if you havent noticed, i have the sluts who work on my music performing here today!

Audience: (extra excited noises)

Verosika: Okay, here's the first song of the day!

Verosika and her posse begin playing one of Verosika's songs.

Y/n: I dont listen to much of Verosika's music but i should more often, its not that bad.

Vortex: Yeah, its alright i guess.

Y/n: Hey Tex, can i ask you a question?

Vortex: Of course, ask me anything.

Y/n: How did you start working for Verosika?

Vortex: Hm...This story goes way back.

Y/n: How far back?

Vortex: twelve years ago. Verosika was just a amature popstar. She only played at bars and was still living with her parents. One day she decided to go bigger than bars and thought to start with getting a bodyguard. She put an advertisment online, i found it and the rest is history.

Y/n: Damn, what a story. I still think mine's better.

Vortex: Heh, yeah. Nothing gets better than saving Verosika from getting arrested.

Y/n: Mhm.

You gaze above you and you see Verosika performing. You cant get your eyes off her.

Vortex: You like her, dont you?

Y/n: This is usually when i would get really flustered and embarrassed but i have to be open about it with someone. Yes, i do like Verosika. Hell, i love her.

Vortex: Huh, im surprised you were so open about that.

Y/n: Yeah but im starting to like her less because, like ive said, she's randomly started bullying me. Which is making it harder for me to like her.

Vortex: I think now is a good time to explain why she's acting like that.

Y/n: Finally, please do.

Vortex: After knowing Verosika for tweleve years, i found out that Verosika likes to bully and make fun of people she likes as friends or possibly more than friends. If you know what i mean.

Y/n: Huh, i know what you mean. So its possible she actually wants to be friends with me?

Vortex: Yeah. Or, like i said, possibly more than friends.

Y/n: Heh, i highly doubt that.

Vortex: You never know dude.

Three hours go by and Verosika finishes up the concert. Verosika and her posse go back stage and you and Vortex follow behind them.

Y/n: Huh, im surprised that not a single demon tried to go near the stage.

Vortex: Im as surprised as you. I usually have to knock out at least three demons every concert.

Verosika: Okay Y/n. Go pack all these boxes into the back of the van, bitch.

Y/n: (sigh) Okay Verosika...

Verosika and the rest of her posse go over to the van.

Vortex: Y/n, please let me help you this time man.

Y/n: Okay fine. Im actually really tired so the help will be nice i guess.

Vortex: Okay dude.

You and Vortex pack all of the boxes in the back of the van. It didnt take as long this time thanks to the help of Vortex.

Y/n: And thats the last of 'em.

Vortex: Nice. I'll go wait in the driver's seat.

Y/n: Okay Tex.

Vortex sits in the driver's seat of the van. You quickly follow behind and sit beside Verosika in the van.

Y/n: I-im sorry for sitting beside you again V-verosika...

Verosika: Whatever. Atleast your shoulder is comfy...

Vortex starts the van and starts driving.

Verosika: Okay bitch, im really tired after that concert so im gonna sleep on your shoulder. If you move i will fucking murder you.

Y/n: O-okay.

Verosika rests her head on your shoulder and she immediatly falls asleep. She starts softly snoring and slightly drools on your shoulder.

Y/n: Huh, it dosent take long for her to fall asleep.

Vortex: Yeah i guess it doesnt.

You look down at Verosika peacefully sleeping on your shoulder. You notice some hair covering Verosika's face so you gently wipe it out of her face. She softly moans at your touch and she hugs on to your arm.

Vortex: I think someone likes you, Y/n.

Y/n: hmph, I doubt it. She's doing this unconscious anyway

Vortex: Its still really possible Y/n. Hey i noticed this earlier but i havent brought it up but why are your knuckles wrapped in a bandage?

Y/n: Oh, i got a little angry earlier and i punched a wall.

Vortex: Damn, how angry did you get that you needed to wrap your hand in a bandage?

Y/n: Pretty angry.

An hour goes by and Vortex pulls up to the outside of your apartment.

Y/n: Hm? Arent we going to Verosika's studio.

Vortex: Yeah well theres no point in going to the studio just for you to walk all the way back to your apartment.

Y/n: Damn, thanks Tex!

Vortex: No problem man.

You look down at Verosika still sleeping on your shoulder.

Y/n: Goodnight Verosika.

As you move to get out of the van, Verosika wakes up.

Verosika: (sleepily) hm? Y/n, why did you move?

Y/n: S-sorry Verosika...I-i didnt mean to wake you, i just wanted to get back to my apartment.

Verosika: (sleepily) mmm...Whatever...oh and take the day off tomorrow Y/n...

Y/n: Oh, uh, thanks Verosika!

You get out of the van and it quickly drives off. As you walk into the aprtment complex, you keep thinking if Verosika might actually want to be friends with you. Vortex did tell you that she might like you and he has known her for twelve years after all. But is it possible she likes you as something more?

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