Say you won't let go [BOOK 1]

By GAY_H03

13.7K 349 359

Catra and Adora meet for the first time as roommates, but they start to catch feelings. Somethings get in the... More

Adora's intro
Catra's intro
The Party
The Beach (slight nsfw)
Just Friends? (nsfw)
You win..
I missed you..
Visit #3
Im not the only one.
The Escape
The Kiss
I never hated you
The Festival
Glimmer's Problem
Its a lie

Im sorry

228 4 26
By GAY_H03

I heard a noise coming from my phone. I checked it and saw a missed call from Glimmer. Then I got a text asking if we could talk.

"I think you should call her back." Catra said.

"Yeah but what would I even say?"

"Maybe start by apologizing?" Catra suggested.

"Yeah I guess your right."

I grabbed my phone and called Glimmer. Catra walked out of my room as Glimmer picked up.

"Hey thanks for calling me back."

"Yeah I'm sorry."

"No don't worry about it it's fine."

"No I mean about earlier, I was acting weird."

"Oh yeah I wanted to talk about it, I don't want things to be weird. If it meant nothing we could try to move on."

"Yeah but i don't really know how I feel yet."

"So.. you don't think it was a mistake.?"

"I don't know, I can't understand why but I just don't know."

"I understand. I don't want to get in the way of you and Catra. I know she likes you a lot."

"Yeah but she's not ready yet. At least I don't think."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah I kinda tried to kiss her the other day."

"She didn't kiss you back?"


"Maybe it's because she wants to take things slow so nothing happens to quick. Y'know so your both sure of what you want."

"But I was sure."

"Are you not anymore?"

"I mean yeah but.. I'm just confused."

"I get it."

"Do you think maybe we could try and hang out again. Like without it being awkward?"

"Yes of course!"

"Great! Wanna come to my dorm? I don't really few like going out anymore."

"Yeah sure."

"Ok bye!"


I hung up the phone with a smile on my face. I was a little excited. I got up from my bed and left the room to go talk to Catra.

"So.. how did it go??" Catra asked.

"It was good she wasn't mad or anything. I invited her to hang out here."

"Oh that's fun!" She said.

"Yeah I need to make up for what happened earlier."

I heard a knock on the door and rushed to go open it. Glimmer walked in and greeted Catra.


"Hi sparkles." Catra looked over from the couch.

Glimmer followed me to my room and shut the door behind her.

"Do you wanna play a board game or something?" I asked.

"Sure." Glimmer said.

I picked out a random board game from under my bed and started setting it up.

"Candy land?" Glimmer asked.

"You know this game?" I asked.

"Of course who doesn't." She laughed.

"Oh I just bought random board games a while ago."

"It's okay I'll teach you how to play." She laughed and sat next to me.

As she was explaining the game I couldn't help but notice that she was talking really fast. I couldn't really hear what ever she was saying. All i could do was look at her and try to read her lips but all I understood were random words that didn't really make sense. She suddenly stopped and looked at me.

"Did you even hear what I just said?"

"Um no not really?" I looked at the board game.

"Ok I'll just help you as we go." She said.

"Thanks that sounds easier."

After a few turns I started to understand the game more.

"Ohh I get it now." I smiled.

"I'll still help you though." She glanced at me and smiled.

"Ok." I laughed.

When it was my turn I reach for a card and move my character to another space. Before I let go, Glimmer grabbed my hand and moved it to the right spot.

"What? How did I get it wrong?" I asked.

"Because your supposed to move two more not just one." She laughed.

"I don't get it." I said.

"Ok," She grabbed my hand. "You have to move two more blue squares because your card has two blue squares." She moved my hand to the other spot.

"Oh," I looked at her "Glimmer, why am I so bad at this game?" I laughed.

"You're not bad you just need more practice!"

"Yeah but this game is so simple I don't get it."

"It's okay maybe we could play another game?"

"Like what? I don't wanna play another bored game."

"Ok.." She smiled. "So what if we play..." Put of nowhere she just starts tickling me as if we were 7 again.

"Glimmer what are you doing?!" I laughed.

"What do you mean I'm not doing anything!" She laughed.

I rolled over but she kept going. She pushed me down so I was laying face up and kept ticking me.

"Glimmer!" I laughed.

"What's wrong Adora??" She laughed.

She finally stopped so I could breath. She was close to my face so I didn't really move. Her smile started to fade but she didn't look sad. She was just staring. I didn't know what to do.

I heard them laughing which was a good sign that they made up but it suddenly stopped. I turned the tv off and jumped off the couch. I walked to Adora's room door and paused before opening it.

"Hey are you guys-" There was a very long pause before I could process what I saw.

I quickly walked to the bathroom and slammed the door behind me. I couldn't even tell what I really saw. I started tearing up as I looked into the mirror. I heard a knock on the bathroom door before it opened slowly. I closed my eyes.

"Catra.." I heard Adora's voice say.

I didn't answer. I couldn't I'd start crying for real.

I felt her grab my arm softly to make me face her. I kept my eyes closed. I didn't want to see her face. I was tense I felt.. bad, kind of sick.

"Catra.. look at me." She held my face.

I opened my eyes slowly. I could barely see because of all the tears. She wiped my tears and started trying to explain herself.

"No. Don't try to explain yourself." I said.

"Why won't you hear me out?"

"Because you kissed her!" I yelled.

"Why are you even mad it's not like you would care." She backed up.

"What makes you think I wouldn't care?"

"Because you didn't kiss me back on the Ferris wheel!"

"Because I just got out of a relationship!"

"Yeah but you haven't even done anything or even say anything to me about it!"

"Don't you think maybe there's a reason for that?!"

"What's the reason then?" She asked.

"Because I really really like you Adora and I also don't want to mess it up again!" My face was filled with tears and I felt so stupid.

"I'm sorry.."

"Yeah.. I'm sorry too." I walked out of the bathroom.

I walked to the kitchen and poured myself a glass of water. It took me a minute to catch my breath from all the crying.

I walked to my room and just sat on my bed. After a couple minutes I lay down and just stared at the ceiling.

This can't happen again..

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