A Different Way

Thiccie67 tarafından

63.4K 2.1K 957

Everything was going perfect for Izuku he met his idol, gained a quirk to fulfilled his dream and was even tr... Daha Fazla

Ch.1 One Path Closes Another Opens
Ch.2 Hell
Ch.3 Stronger
Ch.5 Diving Deeper
Ch.6 Close Call
Ch.7 Completion
Ch.8 Secret Thrower
Ch.9 Stains of Society
Ch.10 To the very End
Ch.11 Recovery
Ch.12 Hasty Return
Ch.13 Strings of Destiny Tangle
Ch.14 Aftermath
Ch.15 Trial and Verdict
Ch.16 Readjusting
Ch.17 In the Darkest Skies Shine the Brightest Stars
Ch.18 Something New
Ch.19 Bond
Ch.20 Leashed
Ch.21 Kyoto
Ch.22 Freed Wings
Ch.23 Burden
Ch.24 Liberation
Ch.25 Stop
CH.26 Rescue
Ch.27 I got no strings attached
Ch.28 Visitation
Ch.29 Culture
Ch.30 Info
Ch.31 Hood
Ch.32 War
Ch.33 Consequences
Ch.34 Executioner
Ch.35 True Hero?
Ch.36 I'm fine
Ch.37 Stay Away
Ch.38 The World's Hero
The Cuts

Ch.4 Almost

3.1K 105 53
Thiccie67 tarafından

Disclaimer I do not own My Hero Academia

I only own the Plot and Original Characters


*Narrator POV*

*3 weeks since last chapter*

*1 week until the USJ incident*

It has been 3 weeks since Izuku had gone on his first patrol. After each of his patrols Izuku would go to bed with a smile as he loved what he was doing. He also felt himself getting stronger with each fight he got into or just scenarios he came across. A small reputation was built for him since he wore the same outfit each time but for now it was just a rumor he existed.

You see Izuku never stayed long after each crime he stopped, at most maybe two minutes before he would leave. Save someone, make sure they are ok with a caring voice, treat the wounds if any and make sure they call the police. Than Izuku is gone just like that. Several of the people he has saved have tried to get a name off him but he would never answer and usually flip the question on them. To Izuku a hero name shouldn't matter, he doesn't need recognition he just wants to help people.

Izuku grew to be loved in the 'hood' areas of towns since he spent 90% of his patrols in those areas. Since he knew heroes were almost nonexistent in them. To them he was very real and his impact in those areas were too. He was eventually given the name 'Good Samaritan'. Izuku didn't mind the name but still didn't really care for it either.

Izuku however loved helping the people so he let the name slide. The one thing he didn't like was his atrocious sleep schedule. He started patrol right after his training so around 8Pm and wouldn't end it until 1Am even though school was at 7am. It was just hard for him to stop once he started which is why he came home so late. He remembered the first school day after his patrol he was basically a zombie and Uraraka was worried sick because of it. Luckily, he got semi used to it but knew he wouldn't be able to last like this forever. He tried to convince Torino to let him patrol earlier but that was shot down right away, saying he wasn't ready to fight heroes just yet. Izuku reluctantly agreed and sticked to his schedule.

Izuku's max now was around 27% with it growing everyday. Today was Saturday and Izuku was finally cleared to return back to patrolling after a week long sidelining. You see last week during patrol Izuku received a massive injury to the abdomen. He fought a C Rank Villain for the first time where they had a quirk that allowed them to manipulate wind. Izuku got hit with a wind slash that made a large gash on his abdomen making him lose a lot of blood. If it weren't a late night visit to Recovery Girl he probably would have died.

It only took Izuku a couple of days to heal up but due to the scare All Might forbade Izuku from going on patrol until his costume came in from Mr. Shield. Izuku agreed reluctantly but continued his training and doubled it to make up for the lost time from if he was patrolling. The order for his costume was doubled in speed and in strength of material after All Might told David what happened. He worked harder on it with stride.

Today Izuku would pick up his new costume as it had finally came in obviously at Torino's house as he didn't want his mom to find it on accident. So, Izuku was getting dressed in my of his infamous word t-shirts this one saying 'Button-up'. Izuku walked out his door saying he was going to train early today with him half right due to it only being around 10am. She yelled okay from somewhere in their small apartment.

Izuku stepped out locking the door but barely walked three feet away from it before he bumped into someone immediately knocking them to the ground. He barely moved a inch though but he stopped immediately to help them up. He looked down acknowledging it was a woman making him feel even worse. She had long blonde curly hair with purple eyes and a very curvy body. The old Izuku would have frozen on the spot here but thanks to his new lifestyle and Uraraka's lack of personal space, Izuku was way more confident in general and with women. So, he offered his hand without a second thought.

Izuku: Sorry about that, I wasn't paying attention. Need a hand?

The woman looked up with an annoyed look until she finally got a good look at who she ran into. A massive blush crossed her face as she looked up meeting eyes with an Adonis who was wearing a gentle smile. You see Izuku still hasn't realized his strength isn't the only thing that has grown. Izuku was easily 5'11 with a strong jawline and a very chiseled body with no signs of anymore baby fat, his muscles were compact but still looked like they could shatter diamonds.

???: U-uum Thank you.

The woman accepted the hand up as Izuku smiled brighter making the woman think of a warm sun as she looked at him with awe.

Izuku: I've never seen you before, did you just move into here? Ms?

Yu: Oh ummm. It's Yu Takeyama, yes I moved in couple days ago. That's my apartment.

Izuku turned with her finger and saw that they were neighbors causing him to chuckle.

(A/N: Yu is 19 in this story to make it less awkward. Basically her backstory is that she just graduated and is barely starting her hero career.)

Izuku: Oh would you look at that we are neighbors. Well nice to meet ya neighbor the names Izuku Midoriya.

Yu: (Giggle) Nice to meet you Midoriya-san. So, where you heading?

Izuku: Oh, I'm heading to my trainer he has an gift for me. Plus he's helping me get into the hero course at my school.

Yu: Oh where do you go?

Izuku: UA High School. I didn't pass the hero exam but that won't stop me!

Yu couldn't help but believe Izuku as she saw the flames of determination in his eyes causing her to smile and admire the boy.

Yu: Well, I'll be rooting for you Midoriya-san.

Izuku: Oh right how rude of me what do you do for a living Takeyama-san?

Yu: Oh um well um. Oh, I'm an receptionist for a small hero agency.

Izuku: Oh that's cool at least your still helping people in your own way but I bet you have your dreams to follow as well.

Izuku looked at his watch and saw he was late and he knew Torino was going to kick his ass.

Izuku: Ah shit. Well I got to go Takeyama-san. If you need anything just come on over we'll be happy to help a neighbor. See ya.

Izuku ran off as Yu waved him off, she put a hand to her chest as she tried to calm her heart down from the constant beating. She let out a sigh as she turned to her apartment door heading inside so she could get ready for patrol.



Izuku sat on Torino's couch with a briefcase in front of him with a nervous look in front of his face. Torino got irked and said to open it already, he wasn't happy Izuku was late.

Izuku opened his briefcase and couldn't help but smile at his costume. The theme was simple make it seem it was handmade even though it was far from it. It was a simple grey dress shirt with a dark blue vest, three straps, a grey hood attached to the vest, two leather gloves long fitted loose black jeans with red sneakers. What was special was the material itself and little accessories it had. (Basically the cover art.)

The dress shirt was small caliber bulletproof, stabproof, fire resistant, water resistant, acid resistant, shock resistant and even lightweight. The vest was made of the same material but was high end Kevlar being able to at least take a High Caliber Rifle Shot. The next pieces the shoulder straps were purely aesthetic since Izuku thought it would help the idea of it being homemade. Next were the two blue leather gloves which looked simple but had some cool features. They had the same resistance as the rest of the clothing but were padded with thick leather at the knuckles to get more hitting power, it originally was supposed to be steel but they didn't want Izuku accidently killing someone. The secondary feature was with some special contacts that were added to his kit a Hud would appear on his forearm showing him police scanners, general map and even ongoing crimes, plus he could add little markers on it if he's investigating something.

The next addition were his jeans but they didn't have anything unique about them just the pouches he had on his belt for snacks, first aid and anything else he wanted. However, on his tailbone was one long huntsman knife that hanged on his lower back. It was for emergencies and emergencies only, Torino told him if there was ever a moment where it came down to Izuku's life or the villain's, he wanted him to choose his own each time. Izuku didn't like it as he stared at the knife but he reluctantly agreed as he sheathed it again.

The next piece were the new red sneakers with Izuku learning besides having the same resistant they also had a unique trait where they would never wear down and would always adapt to his feet size. Plus they included iron soles which built up energy from Izuku's kicks and would release when he wanted to with a simple flex of his ankle. The final part of the costume was a grey hood that was attached to the vest acting as a cover for his very obvious hair color. The neat part about it though was that it won't ever come off unless Izuku wants it too and it scrambles his face from all forms of cameras and technology. The final accessory was a respirator that would allow him to breathe smoke, any poisonous gas and breathe underwater.

Izuku couldn't help but smile as he looked at his costume with Torino chuckling as Izuku looked like a kid that got a Game console.

Torino: Try it on.

Izuku smiled and rushed to the bathroom to change making the old man chuckle. Izuku came back out flexing with his costume and it just felt right to him. Torino smiled as an memory came of a younger Toshinori doing the same thing when he tried on his first costume and even older memory coming of a beautiful black haired woman trying on hers. So, Torino made up his mind.

Torino: By 10.

Izuku: Huh?

Torino: You have until 10pm.

Izuku's eyes widened before a smirk crossed his face as he pulled his hood up running straight for the back window. Izuku laughed as he bounced up the walls and landing on the roof. Izuku powered up to 10% as he started bouncing from roof to roof, he looked to a clock on a building seeing it was 11am. He had plenty of time. Not even three seconds later his contacts signaled him a high speed chase was happening with a small green trail lighting up towards it.

(Like this)

Izuku smirked as he powered up to 15 and started following it. He was running across rooftops when he saw the chase. Two police cars following a sports car that was erratically driving. His contacts zoomed in on the driver to make sure it wasn't someone in distress but no it was just a young man smiling evilly making Izuku growl. Izuku bounced down before landing ontop of the car making it swerve. Izuku punched through the driver's window and yanking on the wheel making it flip. In a flash of speed Izuku was under car catching it before it crashed with ease. He set it down upside down and knocked out the speeder and dipped before the police could ask for his hero license confirming he was an vigilante.

Izuku's debut was more impactful then he realized as he didn't notice the news helicopter that caught all of that. The video quickly circulated on internet of a new vigilante some on the internet pointed out his quirk looked similar to the 'Good Samaritan' while most just said it was a coincidence. Then two more videos came out of Izuku stopping some store robberies with minimal effort and him asking if everyone was ok before leaving. The rumors grew more then more videos were uploaded of Izuku helping a cat out of a tree, saving a dog from the middle of the road and catching a kid from getting hit by a car. The thing that made the connection was Izuku's catchphrase he didn't know he had.

Izuku: I'm just a guy who couldn't sit by and watch.

That's where it was confirmed that these two were the same person or the new one was inspired by the first. However, right now Izuku could careless about that as he had four people on his back while the building he was in was on fire and pretty close to collapsing. He used his contacts once ore to look for anymore survivors but the building was empty so Izuku started running before kicking a wall open allowing him to jump out to safety. After making sure everyone was good and the firefighters had it he was gone again and once more another video of him on the internet.

It was 4 pm now and Izuku was taking his lunch break before he would go back out. Today was amazing in his opinion he never felt more alive since now he could interact more with the people in the city and the ones he saves. As he ate he thought of what he did/stopped  today. One High Speed Chase, saved a cat, saved a dog, saved a kid, 3 store robberies, 2 muggings, saved people from the apartment fire, and finally stopped five drug deals. Also he heard rumors of a thing called 'Trigger' he'll look more into it later.

As he took another bite he felt a presence behind him causing him to subtly put his respirator on and destroyed his food. A pink mist started to slowly creep up on him and whip crackled causing Izuku to dive to the side barely avoiding it. He was on a rooftop of an apartment near downtown Kyoto. Izuku inspected his attacker and instantly recognized her.

Izuku: 'Midnight. Shit.'

Midnight: So you're the new vigilante that's been causing trouble. Well sorry babe I'm going to have to arrest you for vigilantism. So, go to sleep for Mommy~

Midnight started tearing a little more of her costume making Izuku nervous for a different reason.

Izuku: Sorry. I'm not tired pretty lady so why don't we put this on hold for another day. Also please stop tearing your clothes.

Midnight noted that her quirk was working and she barely saw under his hood a respirator making her sigh in annoyance as they would have to fight. Midnight cracked her whip again as she aimed it at Izuku's leg aiming to wrap it around them but Izuku easily backflipped over it making Midnight click her tongue. Midnight sent the whip again but Izuku caught it and yanked it towards him aiming to knock her off her feet so he could escape easily.

What he forgot to factor in was his own strength since he was 5% or the equal to a bodybuilder. So instead of just knocking her on her feet he yanked her off her feet rocketing her straight to him. Izuku panicked and froze as Midnight collided with him knocking them to the ground. Izuku tried to catch her but made it worse...well to be honest his whole situation wasn't looking good for him.

Face full of breast and two hands full of ass as Midnight laid on top him, Izuku.exe completely shut down as he tried to comprehend what was going on. Midnight was in a similar situation as tried to process what was happening. (Actually still a virgin.) Once the two processed what was happening and came back to earth, they immediately separated with Midnight holding her body protectively and Izuku shaking uncontrollably.

Izuku dropped to the ground in a bow.



Izuku: 'Well shit.' can we go back to fighting please?

Midnight: GLADLY!

Izuku was about stand up but noticed a large shadow starting to form over him so he trusted his instincts and bounced dodged away as a giant hand crashed where he was. Izuku cursed his luck as he saw Mt.Lady standing at the side of the building.

Mt.Lady: Damn almost had him.

Midnight: Yeah! You oversized bimbo he's mine go find someone else to bother.

Mt.Lady: Oh it's the old crone trying to hog all the glory. Why don't you stay out of the way before you hurt your hip.

The two continued to argue as Izuku just watched from where he was. Izuku seeing his opportunity made a run for it since he saw the special the two had together and knew those arguments can drag on for awhile. Izuku decided to call it a day since he knew the heroes would be on high alert for him. Izuku snuck in through his apartment balcony since he knew his mom was at work. He needed to think of a better way to sneak in but for today it was alright. Izuku hid his costume in a hidden floorboard in his room and laid on his bed with a smile as he stared at the ceiling. He truly loved this.

*End of Chapter*

Next Chapter: Ch.5 Diving Deeper

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