Chance - Natasha Romanoff

By ChanKrea

33.2K 1.4K 150

"We met by chance; it was the greatest chance I have ever received in my life." Irmina König, a German that... More

Part one
II : New Beginnings
III : Friend & Acquaintance
IV : Family
V : Familiarity
VI : Somewhat Trouble
VII : Morning Ruined
VIII : Gone Wrong
VIIII : Safety Net
X : Bullseye
XI : Together
XII : Mayday
XIII : Dirty
XIV : Lieutenant General König
XV : Comfort
XVI : Drinks
XVII : Not So Secret
XVIII : Her Princess
XVIIII : Soon you'll get better
XX : Perfect
XXI : Eyes don't lie
XXI : Angels Like You
XXII : missin something
XXIII : Iron Man
XXIV : The Beach
XXV: Like Real People Do
XXVI : traitor
part two
XXVII : The Avengers [part one]
XXVIII : The Avengers [final part]
XXVIIII : constellations
XXX : Monster
XXXI : The Great Gig in the Sky
XXXII : Cynically Sweet
XXXIII : im yours
XXXIV : Home
XXXV : Snap Out Of It

I : Strange Encounters

2.9K 89 21
By ChanKrea

Tuesday, 13th December 2005

Natasha Romanoff sulked at the bar as she watched her asset, one she was supposed to protect. He is high on the several kill list. She watched everyone as she sipped on her gin and tonic. Her senses heightened as a woman in a suit sat beside her.

"Bourbon. Old fashioned." The angelic sound left her lips as she placed a bag that looked like the ones for blueprints in front of her legs. Natasha couldn't see her face as her brunette hair covered her face. "Bad day?"

Natasha turned her head to look at the woman beside her, and she was met with brown eyes as her slender hands covered the rest of her face.

"Would be better if you showed me the rest of your face," Natasha replied as she turned to watch her asset, his arms around women, laughing loudly, not caring about the attention he brought himself.

"No can do, Angel. That would lose my charm," The woman remarked as she took a sip of her drink, still covering her face. Natasha smirked as her body turned, her eyes still on her asset, trying to place this woman under some category.



"Ah, still obvious." Natasha's brows furrowed as she noticed her scumbag of a target seemed to be quiet.


"So what brings a German around New York?"

"Work. Same for you?" Natasha nodded, turning her attention back to her target. She stood up immediately when she heard the girls scream. His body. On the floor. The woman beside stood up as well, but this time round, she had put a mask on. "Ziel ist tot. Seems like we had the same person." [Target is dead.]

Natasha whipped her head to face the mysterious woman. She recognised that mask from somewhere. "He's dead," Natasha said as she pressed her ear, ready to fight the mysterious woman making her leave. "Wer bist du?" [Who are you?]

"That's my mystery charm, Darling."

S.H.I.E.L.D agents poured into the club, people running in all directions. Finally, the masked German used the chaos, walking out of the club. Natasha wanted to run after her, but she was stopped by her partner, Clint. She tried to explain to chase after the woman in the suit, but after a second, she lost sight and angrily threw a glass on the wall.

Finally, the chaos subsided, and Natasha and her partner, several agents, occupied the empty bar. Natasha noticed a wig on the ground; she picked it up and found a note.

"Das nächste Mal, Engel." [Next time, Angel.]

Natasha was pissed off that her asset had died because she was trained to be perfect, but she couldn't help but smirk at the note.

"What the hell happen, Nat?" Clint asked.

"I don't know. There was nothing out of the blue. But there's this woman—"

"—This woman right here," Maria said as she showed them the tablet. They watched the feminine figure approach her target's waiter and handed him a drink before flirting with Natasha. "Seems like you flirted with the assassin."

"She's not a Brunnette," said Natasha as she pointed at the wig, "She does not have brown eyes either; I can see that she wore contacts."

"Anything else except that she's hot?"

"She's German and a magnificent flirt."

"Damn. That's a huge compliment when it's from you. Good flirt and good looks." Maria expressed as she handed the tablet to an agent.

"Hold on, are we not going to talk about how our boy there died?"


Friday, 17th February 2006

Irmina sat on the edge of the Eiffel Tower's first floor, about 190 feet off the ground, enjoying the nightlife of Paris. It was different from the last time she was here but still beautiful. People are still rude to foreigners and proud of their city.

And the last time she was here was 1940.

"Ist schön wie immer." [As beautiful as always.] 

"King. Target in sights." [in German]

"Got it," Irmina said as she turned to look at the sniper and waved at them with a cocked head. The one behind the scope? The one and only Natasha Romanoff smirked and definitely was impressed with the German assassin.

Irmina jumped down and blended into the group despite wearing her assassin suit and katanas hung by her side. She noticed several people heading towards her target, but they were to protect him while she was there to eliminate him. "Monsieur." She called out, tapping on his shoulder, her target turned, and in a split second, his heart had a knife. "Target's eliminated."

The man was shocked and fell to the ground. There was just enough time for her to give him a painless death. No one noticed, it was raining, and no one couldn't care as they walked past the dying man, the agents frantically tried to get to him, but they were too late. He was dead the moment Irmina set her eyes on him. Irmina started to run when she noticed several agents headed toward her.

"Rendevouz point?" Irmina asked, more like ordered.

"20 Blocks straight." The voice in her ear said as she climbed onto the roof. Irmina kept running until she noticed a motorcycle that was following her below.

The rider was the redhead from the bar.

"We need to meet outside of work," Irmina exclaimed with a smile as she jumped from rooftop to rooftop. The next thing she knew was an arrow through her leg, resulting in her falling from four stories. She landed hard on the street, and the woman from the bar was there.

"Bad day?" Irmina wheezed.

Natasha smirked as she watched the masked woman take the arrow from her leg and stand up. For the first time, she saw that blue eye. Her mask had covered all of her faces except for one eye. Her hood soon covered it. "Would be better if you showed me the rest of your face."

"No can do, Angel. That would lose my charm," Irmina chuckled as she unsheathed one of her katanas. The katana was one of the most beautiful weapons Natasha had ever seen.

"King!" A man shouted as he stood a few metres behind Irmina, gun pointing at Natasha. Irmina turned to look at him, and the urge to kill him could be seen in her eyes.

"You hurt the Black Widow, and I will kill you." The threat surprised both Natasha and Irmina's comrade. However, Natasha was also stunned by one other thing.

The nickname 'King'.

In the intelligence world, he is well-known for his 'achievements'.

Well, she.

"King, we have to go." Irmina exhaled a deep breath as she clenched her jaws. She could hear another person coming their way. Probably the one that shot her. Irmina ran at lightning speed towards Natasha. She swung her katana at the gun, forcing Natasha to use close combat with her. Within seconds, she managed to pin Natasha to the ground, pressing her Vagus nerve. Natasha struggled to escape as she lost consciousness.

She was surprised that she had lost. That's not the only thing. She was surprised that King was able to move properly despite being shot in the leg. And she knows Clint can destabilise his targets.   

"Das nächste Mal, Engel."


Monday, 5th June 2006

Irmina packed her katanas into one bag, making them look like a tube of blueprints. She was headed to Japan not for a mission but as an escape. On the other hand, Natasha was packing her stuff and getting ready for an assignment in Japan.

These two are bound to cross paths once again.

"Николай,"  [Nikolai] Irmina said as she stood behind, giving him a mini heart attack.

"Christ! You can't do that to me!" Nikolai shouted {in Russian} with a hand on his heart while Irmina chuckled. Nikolai pulled her into a hug, knowing that she hated it. But it had been years for him and a few months for Irmina. She was still young as he got older. Irmina rolled her eyes as she let him hug her, eyeing the rust bucket in front of her. "Don't worry; we'll fly in my private jet."

"Are you rich now?"  Irmina said, impressed with what her friend had achieved.

"Of course, years of work brought me good fortune." Nikolai chuckled.

"You have to be careful—"

"Yes, yes, I know. Don't start nagging. You're going to sound like a grandmother." Nikolai joked as Irmina rolled her eyes, following him to his jet. "I have business with the Yakuza, so yeah."

"Are you meeting them on the runway?" Nikolai shook his head, getting into his jet. "That's fine."

"Okay. You want to be my co-pilot, or should I fly alone?" Nikolai asked as he checked the controls, handing Irmina a headset. Irmina smiled and took the headset, and sat in the co-pilot seat.

Once they reached, Nikolai gave Irmina a few pokes to wake her up. Finally, Irmina's eyes slowly opened as she hid her yawn. Irmina took her katanas and bag and scanned the area for a quick escape.

"Be safe, my friend." Nikolai hugged the Assassin one last time; he didn't know when he would see her again. He had waited four years to see her again.

Irmina smiled and returned the hug for a change. She had a feeling something terrible was going to happen to her. "You be safe too, friend."

"Okay, Grandma." They went their separate ways, Nikolai turned around to see his friend again, but she was long gone. "Same old Mina."

Irmina walked through the crowd, her hood up. It was noon and rush hour, so it was easier to be unnoticed. Irmina smiled as she checked her pockets; that sly bastard never let her leave with no cash in her pockets, even when he had little to no money.

"Danke, Nikolaus," Irmina whispered as she headed to the train station. Nikolai gave her enough money to last months and probably more in her bag, knowing how kind he was to her.

Once on the train, she checked her katanas' condition and bag. She was right, and there was more cash, a cheque and a new bank account, and a sandwich packed by her generous friend. Irmina laughed as she read a letter that Nikolai wrote to her and enjoyed her sandwich.

The Assassin decided to walk to where she wanted to visit and stay for her vacation. She smiled as she watched students walking with their friends and adults, looking tired of their lives. Irmina was glad that they didn't have to suffer her fate.

As she continued her way, she caught a glimpse of the familiar. Red.

It seems like Natasha didn't notice her presence. Irmina smirked as they walked past one another. Natasha stopped in her tracks, feeling something similar; she turned to look, but nothing caught her eye.

After a long walk, Irmina reached her location. She stood in front of the gates of a traditional mansion. One that belonged to her master. The gates opened, letting her walk in. Irmina scanned the area, alert to everything. Finally, she caught an arrow that was aimed right between her eyes. The German looked up to her friend and his daughter and son aimed at her.

Irmina bowed. "Bushida-kun." Her friend was now 70 years old, but he was still very healthy to fight her. So Bushida made his way to his old friend, one that caused him so much joy and yet so much pain.

"King-san." Bushida greeted as he reached out his hand for hers. King smiled and pulled him into a hug. "My father, our master, died right after you disappeared thirteen years ago."

"Cancer?" Irmina clenched her jaws and gripped her bags tighter as she received a nod from her friend.

"He left something for you," Akio said as he watched with sad eyes as Irmina turned into a state of mourning. Irmina's head whipped up and looked at him with wide eyes. "He loved you like you're his daughter. He left something for each of us. I swear to you; he loves you more than he did with me." Irmina chuckled and rolled her eyes, lightly whacking him.

"No work?" Irmina addressed his children and received a nod. "And who shot at me?"

"Me." Bushida's daughter answered as she loosened her now, smiling proudly while her twin brother rolled her eyes. Irmina chuckled, impressed with her aim. "It's good to see you, King-Sama."

"Christ, how old are you now?"

"23." Her brother answered for them as he took their bows, handling them with the best care. The twins were the youngest of the Bushida family.

"Dinner awaits us. Just enough for all." Bushida chimed in as he pulled Irmina's arm. Akari took her katanas while Akira took her bag.

"Akari, be careful. Those are my katanas." Irmina warned as she reluctantly let her katanas out of her sight. Akari nodded as she wore the bag and left with her brother to get out of their attire.

"You've been taking care of them, have you?"

"Of course I am. Every day since I've been out of the ice."

"How long is that?"

"About seven months."

"King-san!" A woman's voice called out for her as they entered the dining area. Irmina smiled and greeted the woman, Bushida's love, pulling her into a hug. Irmina was suddenly flushed with sadness, reminded that she was still young while her friends were growing older.

"Kiyoko-Kun. Looking as young as ever."

"Of course I am; Akio is ten years older than me."  King laughed as Akio rolled his eyes and sat on the floor at the head of the table. Akio pointed a spot on his right for Irmina, and Kiyoko urged her to.

"Shouldn't I be at the head of the table? I'm older." Akio glared at her while she smirked and shrugged, taking a seat where Akio wanted her to sit. They were wrapped in another conversation as Kiyoko took a seat opposite Irmina, and the twins joined them. Now they're waiting for the two oldest while their maids serve their food. Akio offered her some sake, but Irmina pouted. "You know that doesn't do anything for me."

"Just drink with us. Like old times." Irmina sighed as she accepted the sake while Akio smiled widely.

"King-Sama!" Bushida's oldest son exclaimed as he recognised the blonde sitting in their dining room. His older sister cursed under her breath, scolding him for stopping so abruptly. "Onēsan!" He said, pointing at Irmina.

"King-Sama!" Aki gasped as she ran to hug Irmina. Both of the oldest siblings toppled over Irmina, making her kick the table. Irmina laughed as she held the two tightly. Next, she knew the twins were on top of them.

The house staff smiled as they brought in more food. The parents were smiling, slightly jealous; this was the most affection they had ever shown.

Akio helped the twins off King, even though he knew she didn't need or want his help. Irmina stood up in one sweep motion with them in her arms. The twins complained that their older siblings were getting more affection than they did. Akio tugged on Irmina's trousers, signalling for her to sit.

"So tell me about everything I've missed." Irmina requested, digging into her yakisoba.

Monday, 12th June 2006

When Irmina entered the bar, she immediately saw her favourite S.H.E.I.L.D agent. She was wearing a brown leather jacket over her skin-tight uniform. The bartender recognised her, giving a tilt of his head, and received a nod from Irmina. He knew that Irmina came here, always ordering a beer or twenty.

In the Bushida household, there's every alcohol but beer. That's Akio's way of telling her to get some fresh air.

The bartender set the beer beside Natasha, which got her attention.

"Bad day?" Irmina voiced as she took a seat.

Natasha smirked and glanced at Irmina, who had her hood covering her face. "Would be better if you showed me the rest of your face."

"No can do, Angel. That would lose my charm," Irmina rebutted with a smile. "You're not going to shoot me, are you?"

"You're not going to cut my head off, are you?"

"Then we're friends."

"Are we?"

"Yes, we are."

"I guess we are."

"Maybe you will see my face this time, Black Widow."

"Maybe I will, King."

The two enjoyed each other's company, as their alliance with the different organisations was ignored for the night. There were a lot of questions in Natasha's head.

King felt too familiar to her.

The Assassin beside her has been active for the past 67 years, but she still looks young. She knew that King and the Winter Soldier were comrades. They were sent on missions together.

That's what she was taught when she was in the Red Room.

This woman right here is Hyrda. Formerly a Nazi. Forced.

"You have a lot of questions, don't you?"

"Am I that obvious?"

"I am very good at reading people. We are."

"But I can't read you for some reason." Irmina shrugged at her comment. Natasha was getting hit on by several men, and Irmina could see that she was getting annoyed. The bartender sensed the tension, wanting to do something, but Irmina just stopped him. She wanted to watch what would happen next.

One of the guys decided to touch Natasha, and his head was smashed against the bar. His friend backed off when Irmina had her katana at his throat. The other two decided to fight Natasha to get some revenge, and they couldn't get a punch in.

They were getting destroyed.

"Do you always have them with you?" Natasha asked as she knocked one guy out. Irmina nodded, and the last guy finally got a punch in. Into a wound she sustained. Irmina figured that she could handle a punch, but she was wrong. Natasha winched and lost her footing, blood seeping through the white shirt over her suit.

"If I had known you were injured, I would have helped." Irmina sighed as she stood, placing her katana back into its sheath and apologising to the bartender, giving him a lot of cash to pay for the drinks and damages she would cause to his bar. The bartender bowed and urged her to help him kick them as he called Akari for Irmina.

"Yeah, I can't show anyone I'm injured, right?" Natasha wheezed as she blocked attacks. Then, finally, Irmina walked over to her, grabbed her attacker's arm, and flung him to a wall. Irmina helped her up and let her sit while she dealt with more guys.

"Take care of my katanas." Natasha nodded as she placed the katanas on her lap. The bartender handed her some alcohol and bandages. Natasha was confused but accepted it as he gave her another drink.

For the bartender, it's normal.

"There's always fights when King-sama is here," The bartender chuckled as he cleaned his equipment. 

Seven guys against one deadly soldier. Seems unfair.

Irmina quickly knocked the guys out one by one. She's going to leave this fight with nothing but a satisfying achievement. In comparison, her assailants leave the battle with broken bones, probably permanent nerve damage and embarrassment.

They didn't know who they chose a battle with, but everyone else in the bar did.

"King-sama!" Akari shouted as she smashed Irmina's head with a glass. She had to save the poor guy from losing consciousness to her punches. Irmina looked in her direction, but she wasn't angry but terrified.

Her old friend, one she had suffered with at the hands of Hydra, was standing at the bar's entrance. 

"You're early. Too early," Irmina declared as she pulled Akari behind her. Akari took her katanas from Natasha and handed them to her. Akari checked Natasha's wound with no need to be asked. The Winter Soldier didn't say anything as he took out his knife. The bartender let smoke into the bar, completely blinding the Winter Soldier.

"Bushida-san! King-sama!" The bartender shouted as he led the three to a back door. Once they were out, they thanked the bartender as he disappeared; he came from a long line of ninjas.

Akari managed to keep up with the assassins as she watched Irmina panic. She knew that Irmina was supposed to have more time for her escape, but now they wanted her back. She had only been back for a week. The Winter Soldier was standing in front of them, knife in hand.

"Akari, take her. No hospitals. Black Widow, follow your tracker in three years."

"How did you—" Natasha questioned but cut off, falling to her knees. Her injuries were worst than expected. Irmina unsheathed her katanas. "I can help you."

"No, he's here for me. I can't escape if I try because I don't want to kill him."

"King-sama—come back to us."

"I always do. Take care of my katana. See you in three years, Black Widow." Irmina gave them a small smile as Akari stabbed Natasha with a syringe to knock her out before she could argue. It's what the Bushidas used when Irmina got too dangerous. "Das nächste Mal, Engel."


a/n - what a long first chapter

hope you enjoyed :))

anyways, have a great day/night!


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